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Lyn (Fire Emblem) Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
I know I shouldn't do this but I think everyone needs a geography lesson.

the arean circled in black is japan it is clearly marked "This is Japan!" notice how small it is? Sakurais taking far more then japan into consideration. I know a few people might be unaware at how small japan is. sooo here ya go


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
Props Aiser, that pic is awesome! Boy it is true. There was one advantage for the Fire Emblem characters in Melee. Marth really had no impact whatsoever, however Roy made a big splash, although pro-marth anti-roy people will oppose.

The reason for this is because, before I finshed FE7, actually before I began, I knew generally who Eliwwod was. In fact, I thought it was Roy, for a second. So I somewhat had a connection to the person starring in the enlgish FE. I was going to buy it anyway, but I felt better knowing that I had some connection before even playing the game with the main character. And I'm sure others felt the same way too.

So Japnese only characters can have their good aspects, but generally not. People really only talk about Marth in Smash sense. Seriously, how many people, when on the topic of Marth actually talk about FE version of Marth???? Not many, exactly.

This is another reason why Miyaka [from what we think her name is] should be in it. Promotional which obviously works, female, and mage.

These all work for Lyn as well. She's unique and a representative for America. We're not asking for thousands of US-loved characters [implying japan does not like them], we just want someone. Quality over Quantity guys, and since we in America love Lyn so much, it is the perfect way of representing us. And I think probably Australia and Europe, but I can't talk for them.....Xianfang can do a better job for Australia. I've always wanted to know what it would be like living Down Under......^^


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Xianfeng the gamefaqs members say hi

**** Fire Emblem fans owned you, and guess what....they're AMERICAN! And they ALL wanted Sigurd over Lyn.

Hence why Sigurd got 71% in the gamefaqs poll, and Lyn got 33%....and this was AMERICA! Ike got 69% btw.

people excepted Sigurd being a shoe in, why wont you?

(btw 71%>33% ok, just making sure you know after tha comments you made on gamefaqs....wow)

The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
I wouldn't say that one poll guarentees that all Fire Emblem fans want Sigurd over yn and others. Also, just out of curiousity, how exactly do you know it was all American? Was it a mail out survey or just one posted up on their site?


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Manashima Gamefaqs does not proove anything, all they have is fanboys and japanophiles. If by Fire Emblem fans owned me you mean that 69 year old dude that called me an idiot then yeah fully. I only go on gamefaqs to rate their stupid lists and read all my brawlers.
Xianfang can do a better job for Australia. I've always wanted to know what it would be like living Down Under......^^
Hot, lots of road kill, lots of animals and lots of plants. Australia likes Lyn generally.

Manashima you assume that I'm not a fire emblem fan because I used logical reasons as to why Sigurd would not get in over Lyn, I assume your a flaming n00b because you repeat the same statement over and over and completly ignore every relevant point that we bring up. Here at Smashboards we are more intelligent than those at Gamefaqs, we are not japanophiles and we may be fanboys but not scary ones (unless you insult rare then I go crazy on your *****) In short gamefaqs = n00bs who's opinion doesn't matter smashboards = not n00bs


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
You have to keep in mind though, xianfeng, that FE7 (Lyn's game), despite being the first international entry in the series, didn't do so well in Japan and I strongly believe that it's Japan that ultimately holds the cards as to who gets to represent Fire Emblem. While it is now an international series, it has yet to gain a significant following outside the land of the rising sun, where it is an iconic series. Also FE4, the game from which Sigurd hailsfrom, holds a particularly dear place in the hearts of Japanese Strategy-RPG gamers. Of course there is the question regarding including more female characters, but again I feel that both FE1/3's Sheeda and FE4's Ayra, being significant female characters from the most iconic games in the series, MAY have a slightly better chance at making the roster over Lyn. Now before anyone takes this the wrong way, I in fact SUPPORT Lyn in Brawl over any of the aforementioned characters, but I also do not rule out the Japan factor - which in the case of FE likely holds the greatest clout.

Lord_Deathborne's Weekly Words o' Wisdom:
"Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you..."

The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
Well put Lord Deathborn. Even with Sakuri saying that he wants to put in charaters from everywhere and not just Japan, their is still the chance that some characters wil be Japan only. And truthfully as much I would like Lyn in it, I realize and accept there's a good chance it won't happen. Personally I think the one that has the best chance may be Ike with him being the star of the lastest game plus the fact that the new Wii one looks to be somewhat a sequel to it.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Putting in osmeone from a japan only FE game would be one of the stupidest things they could do, Marth was in purely to introduce FE to the west, Sigurd and co are no longer needed because we now have the series, it's like adding Jumpman to introduce us to the Mario series.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
"Manashima, it's just one stinkin' poll. Does it have to mean everything?"

It shows what some western fans think are going to be in brawl.

"If by Fire Emblem fans owned me you mean that 69 year old dude that called me an idiot then yeah fully"

You atcually believe hes 69 yet your supposed to be the "intelligent" person? Why dont you graduate high school before you make these ridiculous claims. I expect this from a 13 year old though, so i'll cut you some slack. But when you older, god help you if you continue to think this way(which isnt likely)

"Putting in osmeone from a japan only FE game would be one of the stupidest things they could do, Marth was in purely to introduce FE to the west"

NO! Didnt the unintelligent people at gamefaqs already tell you Marth/Roys deal? Marth and Roy were going to be Dummied out of Smash bros in america, but they didnt have enough time, they werent "introducing" FE to the west... **** get your facts straight....shouldnt let this teen get to me, but teenagers really piss me off.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Ike, or any significant PoR character for that matter, has a very good chance of making it in as the game did very well BOTH in Japan and Internationally - Hey, it did well enough to merit a direct sequel now didn't it? Though I still don't get why they chose Sothe of all characters to be the main protagonist (or co-protagonist or whatever) - that kid sucked HARD in PoR... :chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
I agree with Deathbourne, Ike's definately in

next will be Sigurd if any.

cant say dam*?

guess not

heres one from the ultra intelligent 13 year old xianfeng

"seems like only at gamefaqs people want sigurd"

The unintelligent responce

"Either you're joking or you never saw Sakurai's poll."


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Marth was introduced because he was the first lord, not because they wanted to introduce FE to the west.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
"Marth was introduced because he was the first lord, not because they wanted to introduce FE to the west."

Nothing works on Xianfeng, he wont change his views.....


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Putting in osmeone from a japan only FE game would be one of the stupidest things they could do, Marth was in purely to introduce FE to the west, Sigurd and co are no longer needed because we now have the series, it's like adding Jumpman to introduce us to the Mario series.
Not so stupid considering FE4 is the 2nd best selling title in the series as far as domestic figures are concerned. In fact, it's nearly DOUBLE the Japanese AND US (sorry couldn't find data on PAL regions) sales figures for PoR COMBINED. And keep in mind, including Fire Emblem in SSBB will mainly be intended to cater toward the Japanese audience, not so much the International one.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
They might have wanted to take out Marth and Roy, but the impact still stands that many people over in the non-japan countries know of Fire Emblem. As a direct result, it may have pursuaded some to get the english ones when they came out. I began playing Roy's game recently, would I have even dreamed of it or even known about it? Probably not. Same goes for the two GBA games and the GC one.

Stop counting Ike as the western character, he does not count! Ike is loved in Japan as well as everywhere else, so putting him in would just be putting a dash in both Japan and Non-Japan list of region-specific characters. If the three characters were Sigurd, Ike, and Lyn, that satisfies Japan [Sigurd], Non-Japan [Lyn], and both [Ike].

Also, why does age matter? That is a fool's argument. I can understand if the person was 10, but seriously......

Oh, and nothing works on you either. So stop saying Xianfang is stubborn.

Finally, even if Lyn is not the most popular to us humble english speakers, we still would choose her over Sigurd! Except for you die hard fanboys, but you're just minority, I don't care how big, still doesn't change that fact.

PS: Xianfang, why does everyone in Roy's game look like their 8 years old? Wil with green hair, the thief, the green haired mage boy, Roy himself, and probably some more to come.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
They might have wanted to take out Marth and Roy, but the impact still stands that many people over in the non-japan countries know of Fire Emblem. As a direct result, it may have pursuaded some to get the english ones when they came out. I began playing Roy's game recently, would I have even dreamed of it or even known about it? Probably not. Same goes for the two GBA games and the GC one.

Stop counting Ike as the western character, he does not count! Ike is loved in Japan as well as everywhere else, so putting him in would just be putting a dash in both Japan and Non-Japan list of region-specific characters. If the three characters were Sigurd, Ike, and Lyn, that satisfies Japan [Sigurd], Non-Japan [Lyn], and both [Ike].

Also, why does age matter? That is a fool's argument. I can understand if the person was 10, but seriously......

Oh, and nothing works on you either. So stop saying Xianfang is stubborn.

Finally, even if Lyn is not the most popular to us humble english speakers, we still would choose her over Sigurd! Except for you die hard fanboys, but you're just minority, I don't care how big, still doesn't change that fact.

PS: Xianfang, why does everyone in Roy's game look like their 8 years old? Wil with green hair, the thief, the green haired mage boy, Roy himself, and probably some more to come.
You obviously didn't understand the argument in the first place... No one (at least I wasn't) was labeling any characters as Western or not, simply that Japan holds the greatest clout as to who will represent the FE series in SSBB. Sure it's gained quite a bit of momentum outside of Japan since it's international debut, but it still has yet to gain a major following - even today it's viewed more as a Japanese series than an international one. And where do you get off calling us fanboys? - I stated earlier that I indeed PREFERRED Lyn, but that there are some very important factors to consider in regards to who ultimately represents FE in SSBB - and too many of you IGNORE the Japan factor, which is HUGE in regard to FE. Oh well, I suppose ignorance is indeed bliss...


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
PS: Xianfang, why does everyone in Roy's game look like their 8 years old? Wil with green hair, the thief, the green haired mage boy, Roy himself, and probably some more to come.
Marcus looks a lot older than 8 in that game so do Eliwood and Hector.

Lyn is unlikely now that I think because Nintendo always always sticks to the motto "screw every one outside of japan" which is why I think they got rid of Rare, because they catered towards the western audience, Retro Studios will proberly be next. This reminds me of why I hated Japanese because Miss Mahony is a ***** and the language is useless and mostly miss mahonys a *****, I used to call the japanese nazi gooks to piss her off and she tried to give me a detention but I said no, good times. So in short French > Japanese.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
"Also, why does age matter? That is a fool's argument. I can understand if the person was 10, but seriously"

13 does matter, unless your 13 yourself....he would see things differently when hes older, say 18-20.

"Oh, and nothing works on you either. So stop saying Xianfang is stubborn."


The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
Age aside, everyone is still entitled to their own opinions so people shouldn't get so worked up if someone doesn't want to agree with them.

Xianfeng, the topic is about Lyn not your opinon on Nintendo and that they supposedly "screw every one outside of japan". Please do not start going on about your displeasure of Rare not being a part of them anymore.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
I know that Japan is a huge factor in it, but since it's gone international it's not the only one! Deathborne, you're making it seem like the japanese factor is SO INCREDIBLY BIG, that it completely abolishes all other factors. This is the same as saying Japan is the only factor. If you just look more, you'll notice that it has a bigger following than the people on these boards saying 'we want lyn.'

All we're saying is that if Sakurai wants to cater to the west, one of the top choices [after ike probably] would be Lyn and Hector.

I said fanboys in a general sense, not towards you specifically.

Melee FE was all about Japanese only because it was still Japanese only! Which is why the west will get some representation, now that it is growing bigger and larger. I own all three englsih FE's, and I'm sure those who enjoy one, will get the others. I didn't enjoy PoR that much, but it was still OK.

Xianfang, I meant the people who are supposed to be teenagers like the green-haired mage and the spiky haired thief. I did not mean Marcus and Hector. I am ashamed you didn't get that the first time. :embarrass


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
It is a very considerable factor and they are most certainly going to consider the Interational factor as well, but considering the GBA entries are considered minor entries in the series (Roy was a last minute addition for advertising purposes), especially next to FE3 and FE4, and seeing how Marth and Roy were VERY well received REGARDLESS of the fact that they were from a series alien to us at the time, so to them it may not matter all too much. Again, this does NOT rule out Lyn, but she's not a shoe-in like everyone seems to be convinced either... Also Sakurai's catering toward the West is most likey to consist of franchises that have a significant presence in the West, i.e. Metroid, Kid Icarus (all-time cult classic over here), Punch-Out!!, and hopefully Star Tropics (Western exclusive cult classic).

However, to be fair I might as well also provide some factors in Lyn's FAVOR (and what's wrong with playing devil's advocate every once in a while?). Upon my own research, I found that the GBA titles DID in fact do well in the domestic Japanese market, contrary to the hearsay that's been floating around that they didn't do so well back in the home market. The sales firgures are as follows (Note these are the sales figures for JAPAN):

Fire Emblem VI: Sealed Sword -- 393,000
Fire Emblem VIII: The Sacred Stones -- 298,000
Fire Emblem VII: Sword of Raging Fire -- 293,500

Compared to:

Fire Emblem III: Mystery of the Emblem -- 697,750
Fire Emblem IV: The Ancestral Crusade -- 578,000
Fire Emblem V: Thracia 776 -- 257,500
Fire Emblem IX: Path of Radiance -- 155,750 (Ouch... not as well as we assumed...)

Source: http://www.vgcharts.org/welcome.php

Unfortunately, the data's not as reliable as far as NA data for Fire Emblem sales is concerned, though FEVIII:TSS sold just under 400,000 and FEIX:poR sold over 200,000 -- FEVII didn't even show up for some reason, put I'd put it somewhere in between TSS and PoR. Didn't have the data for the PAL regions. At any rate, there's the data - I report, you decide! :chuckle: (Sorry, couldn't help but to poke some fun at FOX News...)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Fire Emblem IX: Path of Radiance -- 155,750

GC sold bad in....well anywhere. Considering theres 10 GBA to GC in peoples houses , FE9 sold real good in comparison to the GBA titles.

Fire Emblem V: Thracia 776 SNES Nintendo- 257,500

Im sure you know why FE5 sold poor, it was releaed in the snes in year 1999 through magazine, then 2000 through retail, bad marketing...

Xianfeng, you said something that got moderated at gamefaqs. what did you say?

Fire Emblem III: Mystery of the Emblem -- 697,750
Fire Emblem IV: The Ancestral Crusade -- 578,000

the numbers were 893,500 752,750 respectively, why'd it change? On dengeki it doesntnjust change like that, they did the same thing with FF7 sales...


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
OK, see? The GBA games didn't do horrendous. FE9 didn't do badly because of the sytem...alone. That was defninitely a factor, but i'm sure more than 156,000 people in japan own a GC, so there had to be something else.

Where are those polls again? Someone want to repost them? A game doing well or not doing well doesn't mean that lord is popular or not.

Good work on the statistics though!


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
FE9 didn't do badly because of the sytem...alone. That was defninitely a factor, but i'm sure more than 156,000 people in japan own a GC, so there had to be something else.
There isn't anything else.

Baten Kaitos 2 25,250

The latest GC games are selling really bad, that's why they sticked with DS and are pushing Zelda TP as a Wii title, while releasing the GC for pleasing some fans. The main version is the Wii one.

Fire Emblem PoR was released in Japan in April 2005, and GC was already dead there. That was a bad planning for Nintendo Japan, because since Resident Evil 4 in 2004, they didn't release any huge title enough to keep the GC alive. GC's situation in Japan is pretty bad.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
GC's situation everywhere is bad, Nintendo made some terrible choices, they would have done better if it as online and they allowed games such as Grand theft Auto on there.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Nintendo needs to do something thats for sure. Lyn would make a great addition but I would like to see her join Marth and Roy not go instead of Roy, which may happen.

The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
Nintendo messed up with the Gamecube in too many ways to count. That is why I am hoping for things to go better with the Wii for them. Their innovation approach did well for the DS and it might just work again.

It possible Lyn might join Roy and Marth but I still think Roy might be getting the boot due to the fact he was a clone and at the time he was in partily due to the fact that his game was soon going to be released and it served as good advertising.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Zombie Roy really should be removed he was just like Eliwood in FE6 he sucked a lot.
I have made a chart of the world indicating who they prefer Lyn or Sigurd, the green is Lyn and the Blue is Sigurd.
As you can see Japan is the only blue country, the rest of the world is green, this is because no one outside of japan really knows who sigurd is.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Darn, that streches the screen soooo much. Why are people talking about non-Lyn related topics? Go make your own, TOPIC STEALERS!!!!!


Smash Rookie
Oct 3, 2006
I think Lyn should be a character in SSBB...As long as shes not a clone of Roy or Marth.:bigthumbu


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Sigurd is only known is japan and everywhere else only knows of Lyn therefore they must like here more and Fozzy she has a bow she wouldn't be a clone.
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