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Lyn (Fire Emblem) Discussion Thread


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2001
The original magic system is inferior to the GBA's magic system in every way, Light and Dark magic really don't belong any where because the magic triangle is filled with 3 types of anima magic.
What does that have to do with inferior? I don't see a problem with the fact that dark and light magic are supperior to the anima types. If you don't like that fact (as it might be saying that human based (light and dark) magic is supperior to nature based (anima) magic, state that as your opinion. Also, you don't need to have a triangle system for everything... or so I think. Perhaps it would be interesting if light and dark magic had a particular weakness against something (for example being less effective against knights that anima... just as an example... that would be interesting).

But that's not the debate in this topic. It would be interesting to discuss Lyn's moveset again (I'm feeling stupid for not having checked out the listed one at the beginning of the topic :embarrass ), so it is unique...
Hopefully what I propose hasn't come yet then. It seems Ayra isn't as well known anymore (which isn't that tragic, she still aways remain the coolest swordmaster), but she has very many interesting critical animations which could be used for a moveset for Lyn :) . I'm sure we haven't forgotten about he bow... and for some reason, even though I'm sure people will be displeased with the idea: weren't there some type of bottle item you could through as an attack in FE7? Anyway, there's enough to be thought about without going adrift into random FE discussion :p ;) .


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Well, you have the triangle based on Fire > Thunder > Wind, just like the weapons. I don't see the suckage there. Light magic is out of the circle.

In the GBA games you have those three types as one (wind being strongest and fire the weakest), the same with the weapons (sword, lances and axes). Do you want a thin sword user, a broad sword user, a long sword user, a thin lancer user, a two hand spear user...? Just no. The GBA magic system was a improvement on the existing magic system, adding the shamans for example. But saying that the older system sucked is very extremist.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
"The original magic system is inferior to the GBA's magic system in every way"

No. Thus they changed it backed to the system that people prefered. The only reason FE6-8 had the same magic system ws because 7/8 used the same **** engine that FE6 used, very lazy.

Xianfeng, FE2 is not the wrst FE game, that is a favorite among many people, whered you hear that anyway? In japan, I'll say FE6 is definately hated more than any other.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
FE6 was good, Roy just showed no personality what so ever, neither did Eliwood.

manashima said:
No. Thus they changed it backed to the system that people IN JAPAN prefered. The only reason FE6-8 had the same magic system ws because 7/8 used the same **** engine that FE6 used, very lazy.
Well here people complained about PoR's magic system.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I'm close to finishing up PoR and just recently started playing though FE6 and FE7. Stangely enough, I find the GBA titles somewhat more engaging than PoR...

Also, I still fail to see how Roy is devoid of personality xian - in the end, it's really just a matter of opinon... :ohwell:

At any rate, getting back on topic, I must admit that Lyn has quite a charming personality... :) Lyn FTW!

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
At any rate, getting back on topic, I must admit that Lyn has quite a charming personality... :) Lyn FTW!
Going by personality of a video game charcter that is just odd. I support her, but personality has little to do with it she is a video game character for Pete's sake she has no personality she was programmed that way.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
Going by personality of a video game charcter that is just odd. I support her, but personality has little to do with it she is a video game character for Pete's sake she has no personality she was programmed that way.
Yeah I agree with that. She has a personality but she was programmed that way.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Going by personality of a video game charcter that is just odd. I support her, but personality has little to do with it she is a video game character for Pete's sake she has no personality she was programmed that way.
Well it seems to REALLY matter to xianfeng... Myself being a major advocate for retro characters - who have almost no (if any) established "personality" - really couldn't care less abaout the matter... :)


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
I'm pretty sure that there were a few suggested movesets posted somewhere in this thread...

At any rate, I'll leave the movesets to someone with more in depth knowledge of the game (as I have only just recently started playing through FE7...)


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2006
I havent played the game or I would make one. I like the character because dweller has told me about her and I like the fire emblem games. I am going to buy it eventually.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Well it seems to REALLY matter to xianfeng... Myself being a major advocate for retro characters - who have almost no (if any) established "personality" - really couldn't care less abaout the matter... :)
Actually I don't usually give a **** but Roy and Eliwood were just so bland and boring in their stats, usually when a character has sucky stats they have a great personality to make up for it like Matthew but them they had nothing going for them, huge dissapointments. Being a Nintendo fan (after a Rare fan) I really should just stop caring about Character Personalitys / interesting storylines, they have.

I havent played the game or I would make one. I like the character because dweller has told me about her and I like the fire emblem games. I am going to buy it eventually.
Download the Roms first.


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2006
Lyn would be amazing. She's by far my favorite FE char. Her only flaw is, as it's been said, we've already got swordies. I wouldn't mind loosing Roy if it came to that, though.

Hector would inevitably too slow and worthless. In SSB, dodging is FAR more important than natural defence.

Ephriam would be a better bet, but he's not interesting enough.

I agree with the "personality" comments, I'd much rather "be playing" Lyn than Ephriam.

Has anyone posted a moveset yet? If not, I'll start with a few:
Over-B: I expect it would be a typical horizontal dash like Foxalco's. To vary it up, she could either A: stop when she hits them, or B: Push them along (maybe with multiple slashes?). It'd be cool for her to stop when she reaches them, as a lead-in to combos.

Up-B: Jump & flip, a-la Sol Kati (kirby's hammer with vert recover)

FSmash: Double hit, like young link


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
B > I would think would be her Bow to make her more unique and Roy really should be removed, he has little potential for a new moveset any way.
If by "unique" you mean "just like Link"...
And please find something else to ***** about besides Roy already? It's REALLY getting annoying...
(I mean, there's worse thing now isn't there? - Like half the SSBB roster being Mario or Pokemon characters...)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2006
I dont agree the should at least put a character with his rival like(mario#bowser)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 13, 2006
Under your bed....
I think Lyn would be awesome in SSBB!

I have just started playing FE7 recently and I love her!

Though...I like FE6 betta. ROY'S MY BOY!!! (Don't be hating on ROY! :mad:)

Any ways, She's strong and uses a more of fencing style of swordplay which makes her unique.

PLUS, she's a female and she's NOT blonde! YAY FOR DIVERSITY!


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
Would Lyn be as fast as Shiek? Also the picture has convinced me to let her join Brawls. Well it would be good if they didn't go to one side that much like how most of the characters are from Mario and Pokemon in Melee. But then again they are the major hitters in Nintendo.

I just hope she can smack Peach I am tried of the down Smash combos. Because I saw many players or have happened to me where they or me are winning then a down dress changes everything around I hate the royal dress. Not to insult all the Peach players it's just kind of annoying.

and also Lyn for Brawls
http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a266/Sonic_The_Hedgedawg/FE Sprites/LynForSuperSmashBros.gif


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
If by "unique" you mean "just like Link"...
And please find something else to ***** about besides Roy already? It's REALLY getting annoying...
(I mean, there's worse thing now isn't there? - Like half the SSBB roster being Mario or Pokemon characters...)
Roy has no personality and he is just like he was in SSBM in FE6 a Marth Clone, he was only in for advertisment and he is worse than Marth, he should be removed.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Uhm how would she be just like link?

Lyn wouldn't work as a slow projectile spammer, Lyn would work as a moderatly quick sword user with a bow. <_< Her and Link would be nothing alike. Thats like saying Marth and Link are the same. <_<


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York
In the FE game, does she use a slash and hack style? Or does she go for more fencing/stabbing style?

If she uses a rapier instead of a usual sword, then the A/B movesets would be pretty original. It would be mostly linear except for a few moves. My only concern is that I don't want the moveset to be too linear, or else she would suck.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Roy has no personality and he is just like he was in SSBM in FE6 a Marth Clone, he was only in for advertisment and he is worse than Marth, he should be removed.
Roy has no personality? Strange, a little while ago I saw a post of you like "Im playing FE6 now, Roy is awesome.". And he does have a personality. I couldn't say what sort of "person" Marth would be, but Roy... I can. But that's because I just never played FE1 or 3. :p

Roy COULD have his own moves. Shame on you for saying that he couldn't! In FE6 he has a projoctile fire blast move. And because the Sword of Seals he carries is rather heavy, they could make Roy a 2 handed sword wielder.

But I agree, he should just be removed...

In the FE game, does she use a slash and hack style? Or does she go for more fencing/stabbing style?

If she uses a rapier instead of a usual sword, then the A/B movesets would be pretty original. It would be mostly linear except for a few moves. My only concern is that I don't want the moveset to be too linear, or else she would suck.
Well, I wouldn't call it either both of them.
Lyn has very quick slashes... It looks more like some Asian sword fighting style.
She doesn't use hack attacks, she mainly slashes.

Did I also mentioned she has a bow?

Im not 100% behind Lyn. Mainly because, well... I don't like her in FE7. No offence. She has good personality, and I always trained her (duh). But she's pretty weak in FE7, Im not saying she's useless, but I like characters with high strenght more.

I'd also rather have Ike or Sothe... That's just my oppinion though.
PoR has more in common with the older FE's then the GBA games do.
Ike also is pretty high on Sakurai's list. Well not excectly pretty high, he's really high in there! Even though he's cliché, I liked his personality. He also is the first lord who really isn't a royality.

I say, Lyn has a small chance to make it. It's not really really small, but... Where are already 3 FE games further then FE7. However it's the most known outside Japan, the japanese didn't very much liked it. They also didn't like Lyn so much.

Ofcoarse, Sakurai said he was planning to add characters who are populair in the States and Europe aswell. But Fire Emblem really isn't a western game... I think he means characters as Ridley, Diddy Kong and Krystal would be more accurate to this...

But then again, this is just my oppinion. And I wouldn't mind Lyn in Brawl at all. :)


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
I guess I should but the game and by going by smash Roy seems like a cool character. But from what I hear he just follows what others or have a general personality. I am not sure what everyone means by no personality maybe if someone could go more indepth that would help. Oh yeah could it have something to do with the fire emblem before that I think it was six that did not come to america. Sorry if that is a mistake and don't prosecute me that much for that statement and well let's not forget that Roy has the Phir3 and defeated Giga Bowser.

There is also the fact that some people don't care about the old Roy and only the one featured in Smash Brothers Melee don't forgot. Some fans will walk blindly after their favorite characters with no background history or anything else provided. (except for the information from the Trophy collection) They would just protest for their favorite character to stay. Like how many friend who played as Link didn't know anything about him. I was like how can you even have a nintendo system and don't know who Link is. So backgrounds of characters doesn't really matter but how they are presented in the game.

One last quesion what is a good place to find information on all the fire emblem characters would you reccomend Wikipedia or some where else. Oh yeah I saw Ike did a similar move to dolpin slash that Marth uses and I was wondering is that a common move and would he have a different attack pattern.

Also to answer some questions yes I am nooby to Fire Emble so don't hate me and the only character I did research for was Marth. My friends wouldn't stop making jokes that he wears a tiera and that he should wear a dress. They hate him because of the cheapness I guess. Also since I am Fire Emblem Nooby don't prosecute me that much.

Also this thread should get 5 stars.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
Your best place to get info on FE is probably right here.
I've been following this thread and a couple other FE threads, and I've learned A LOT about FE. Especially when you start playing FE6 ROM, which I got from here, and someone <coughDeathBornecough> SPOILS the ending for you..........sometimes there is TOO much info.....

The Basement Dweller

Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
I think Lyn would be awesome in SSBB!

I have just started playing FE7 recently and I love her!

Though...I like FE6 betta. ROY'S MY BOY!!! (Don't be hating on ROY! :mad:)

Any ways, She's strong and uses a more of fencing style of swordplay which makes her unique.

PLUS, she's a female and she's NOT blonde! YAY FOR DIVERSITY!
She is not physically strong nor does she fence.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
I would like to say this thread needs more pictures.

I guess she is not as strong as some of the other characters

Can't wait to see who is going to be in smash! (or maybe I fear that my characters won't be there)

Well back to the topic Lyn would have to get some numbers of votes from Us fans if they vote at all correct? So if that is true what number of votes from fans here would help with that and did anyone else hear about fierce diety Link for Brawls now that sounded crazy or maybe just possible as a boss. I wonder if they might make sheik her own character or cut her down some.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
One more thing I wonder what would tournaments or the tier list look like after Brawls maybe something like that.
Top Tier

Top Tier

Sorry I couldn't complete the list if anyone is willing to complete it please do because I have to many characters I would like to put in Brawls.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York
Well, I think a tier list before seeing any of the moves are a bit odd isn't it? ^^;
But seeing how fast characters are relatively high in the tier list (there are exceptions), I do think Zsamus is going to be relatively high (mid is almost definite, high/top tier is my guess). She is guranteed to be faster than Samus (common sense here), and she seem to have some sort of secondary weapon (gun/laser whip) for some range. Obviously just speculation but just throwing it out there.

And I'd personally see more characters in the series that only have one character so far (like F-Zero and Earthbound).


Smash Champion
May 19, 2006
Setting you up the bomb.
Uhm how would she be just like link?

Lyn wouldn't work as a slow projectile spammer, Lyn would work as a moderatly quick sword user with a bow. <_< Her and Link would be nothing alike. Thats like saying Marth and Link are the same. <_<
That was in response to xian's comment of having her use a bow to "make her more unique"... It helps to read a few posts back...
Your best place to get info on FE is probably right here.
I've been following this thread and a couple other FE threads, and I've learned A LOT about FE. Especially when you start playing FE6 ROM, which I got from here, and someone <coughDeathBornecough> SPOILS the ending for you..........sometimes there is TOO much info.....
Dude... the event in question occurs at the end of Chapter 3 - nowhere NEAR the end...


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
That was in response to xian's comment of having her use a bow to "make her more unique"... It helps to read a few posts back...Dude... the event in question occurs at the end of Chapter 3 - nowhere NEAR the end...
I'd rather not wrap my mind around the potential comments like IKE is a better candiate because well I've read that for a week already it getsb oring fast. Nice try though.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2005
Durham, NC
was he talking to me for the nice pics? Oh yeah I think we should all try to vote for Lyn at his website by using a web translator or something for Lyn. I just hope someone here can provide the Link.
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