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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
People talkin like they're entitled to call people bad n shii when they've done nothing to help town makes me lol. At least if I'm wrong I tried.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

Nabe [5] - we thuggin, Gorf, Masquerain, Kary, soup
Rake [1] - Aggressive Mediation
Kary [1] - Nabe

dabuz [0]
Aggressive Mediation [0]
we thuggin [0]
Gorf [0]
soup [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Rake, dabuz

A lynch has been reached! Flip in ~10 minutes


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The ghosts were frantic at this point, whirling around trying to find anything to work with in solving the series of portrait-related crimes.

"I bet it was that guy, look at how fast he can fly! We wouldn't even see him do it!"


"No it was her! See those shifty eyes?"


"I think it was that thing. Looks disgusting."

"Yeah, it was probably that thi-"


Everyone stopped what they were doing.


"She... she..."

The ghost speaking was pointing. The others turned their gaze to see what was being pointed at.

"Why, that ghost has feet!" Everyone was staring at this point. The ghost began to shake. One of the other ghosts crept up behind her.

"Wait a minute, she's wearing a sheet over her head!" The ghost yanked it off.

"Ayayayaya!" Cried the creature under the sheet. Suddenly a bright light flashed out, blinding many of the other ghosts. A few who could still see rushed towards the source of the light, grabbed the imposter, and threw him out of the mansion.

Nabe, Luigi, Mafia Roleblocker has been lynched!

It is now Night 4. Please send in your actions by 11:59pm CST on the 18th.

No more posting.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The ghosts were excited the next morning. Could it be? Could they finally wake to find the mansion undisturbed, and everyone safe? With Luigi gone from the mansion, the ghosts were sure the threat was eliminated. Only when they met in the foyer once again did they realize how wrong they were....

Gorf, ?????, was turned into a portrait!

But the portrait is blank!

we thuggin, ?????, was turned into a portrait!

But the portrait is blank!

Raziek's portrait was revealed!

Raziek was Slim Bankshot, the Lonely Poolshark, Vanilla Townie.

Day 5 Begins!


Rake [0]
Aggressive Mediation [0]
dabuz [0]
Kary [0]
soup [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Rake, AM, dabuz, Kary, soup, Masquerain

With 6 players alive it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline has been set for 11:59pm CST on December 26th (granting an extra day to account for business during Christmas).
Apr 17, 2011

Nice and slow though. Everyone posts before a hammer falls.

In fact, while you're here tonight, Soup, tell me where you're looking after this Rake lynch. Assume scum flip because I sure as hell am.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You think Kary would hard-bus his partner all the way through this whole game? I want to see what Joey says but other than that it just defaults back to Dabuns.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Hmm. I was wondering if two different factions, after I noticed Nabe's flip was in purple. Could be nothing, though.

Lovers might explain why both Gorf and thuggin are dead.

Indy might explain Joey's results, too. Not sure. Joey do you have anything else toDay?

I think it's pretty much lynch-by-numbers to get Rake here. It will be nice to do that after this long.

After that I would expect to go AM, but I might be persuaded to go elsewhere. I really ought to re-read everyone just to make sure, there's been some pretty low activity here and there.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Joey's recent claim about not being able to track thuggin' might allude to thuggin' being a commuter-esque role. I don't see his claim being fabricated here either.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I don't want to rush here. We'll see what dabunz has to say for himself.

I would still rather lynch Rake first I think, although I guess that we're in MyLo, 4v2, so we need to be sure.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup what do you make of both thuggin and Gorf being dead?

There's been nothing that alludes to a possible second NK from an indy. I'll take my chances with something along the lines Aggro said.

Why would we lynch Dabunz first, Soup?
Do you trust Joey's results and see his previous VT claim? He either claims a visiting role or he has to prove that joey is fake, which I don't feel is the case right now.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
What did Dabuz claim again?

I got a result that he visited Kary during the night.

Ok, jig is up. I'm actually town Doc. Now before anyone asks, i'll explain why I claimed VT and why I did it so early.

-Presumably we were in Lylo, or at least potentially so. I figured that there would be a possibility of mass claims so what I wanted to do was claim VT in the chance there were mass claims, so if a scum player was one of the last claims, he could claim Doc and then I could CC him, essentially netting us a scum in lylo, or a scum period.

-Secondly, even if that didn't happen, I realize that in potential lylo, my doc could save the game or at least prevent a loss. I wanted to claim VT so that I could hopefully be off the table for a scum NK. I presumed scum would be looking for who prevented the NK on Night 1 and having 1 less person to look at would make it easier to block their target.

Now for my list of actions: N1 I protected Masq because he the player who I had a relatively strong town read along with most of the players. Night 1 there was no NK, which pretty much confirms Masq isn't scum BTW.

N2 and N3 I docced We Thuggin. Reason being near the end of the day on Day 2 the slot started looking like, not bad. I liked his push on AM, and overall I couldn't find much in D2 I disliked in the slot, especially compared to Day 1. The big thing to me though was both Gorf and We Thuggin's...transparency in somehow being connected. Especially when AM called it out as a possibility near the end of Day 2, Gorf made posts like the one below:

Ayyo ryker, I really didn't want to go down your avenue cuz I didn't want town to think I was flip flopping since I'm scum and it's scummy to do that, but your last posts aren't adding up man.

Thuggin is a part of your contingency plan.

Me and thuggin have private communication.

I can live.

These three can't coexist man. You say were likely neighbors/masons (the latter of which would mean you'd think were DEFINITELY town, the former meaning were either Indy or town). If you're town what the fuck is the point of saying this? You're outing suspicion of a REALLY vulnerable town PR as town... You lost me man. If it's Indy communication then your direction is faulty at best, seeing how you as town would LOVE to eliminate double scum. But you're not. You have thuggin, nabe and rake. Rake, your slot admits, is too easy. Nabe, I'M telling you, is too easy. Thuggin has plenty of appeal already, so that's easy... Your logic makes no sense.



Vote: Aggro
The reaction was strong from Gorf, very strong. I think Gorf and Marshy are good enough players that as scum they wouldn't make it look pretty likely that they are somehow connected. I decided at that point it would be a good idea to doc them because they didn't' seem likely scum to me. The reason I protected Marshy over Gorf is that IMO Marshy is a stronger player and more worth being docced. (Sorry Gorf) I continued to Doc We Thuggin N3 because my opinion on them didn't change, and if they were on the right trail, I felt scum would try to off We Thuggin. I also didn't think Scum would try to target Masq. again. None of the other slots seemed as good to doc as We Thuggin (or Gorf)

Night 4 I protected Kary because the past two nights, We Thuggin was not targeted and instead slots that were kind of quiet were targeted (Raziek, Scary, Masq. N1), so I decided that Kary might be a target if this pattern continues. And Kary, in all honesty, you've been a relatively quiet slot considering you haven't been chiming in much on what is going on outside of "lynch Rake." So yeah, decided to Doc Kary N4. Sucks I had to out the fact that i'm a doc but it can't be helped.
Apr 17, 2011
I buy it. I buy Joey. I want Rake. After that, I want Soup. Soup has sat the fence ever since midway through Day 2. I am more than willing to see him burn for it.

Apr 17, 2011
Also note that his vote this day phase where he joined the wagon without progressing anything is somewhat grimy.

I'll read through the past two days and dig when I have Alex tomorrow. If my opinion will change, it will do so then. Do NOT end the day without me.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't buy it. A doctor is a viable alternative but the VT claim was so straight-forward and rushed that it still doesn't make sense for Dabuz to go ahead and do that unless he was just trying to cement townie points. I'll gladly fight you tomorrow Ryker.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Sup, i painted raz btw, so i dont know what yall are mad about. Gorf and marshy look to be lovers / siblisng , and i find that pretty damn funny

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I could go into a theory post about why I think you're full of **** but I believe that you have an angry mob ready to hang you from the gallows at any time. Give me more insight on how you feel about Dabuns' claim.
Apr 17, 2011
I don't buy it. A doctor is a viable alternative but the VT claim was so straight-forward and rushed that it still doesn't make sense for Dabuz to go ahead and do that unless he was just trying to cement townie points. I'll gladly fight you tomorrow Ryker.
I am more than looking forward to it. I also like that you have implied that it will come down to you and I, my friend. I am more than willing to watch a man impale himself on my sword rather than go down quietly.

What do you get from confronting Rake? Leave the dead man to his musings. Let's go.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
There's nothing to jest about this phase because we're already going to lynch Rake. That much is clear, and I'd rather you talk to me about Dabuns instead of having a yelling match like you did with thuggin' this whole game. We'll butt heads soon enough, but for now, turn the other cheek.
Apr 17, 2011
How about, I won't lynch Dabuz without a conflicting claim from Kary? What in the world do you hope to gain from talking to me about Dabuz when I've already stated that I buy the claim? The timing of his VT claim makes more sense rather than less.

Also, nice job dodging my question about what you hope to draw from talking to Rake.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
A stance. Kary can still be scum but I don't buy Dabuz' claim right now, so I want to know what Rake will give me. He looks bad shutting up about him, and getting him to squeal will make my decision easier. You should be aware of all this already.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I could go into a theory post about why I think you're full of **** but I believe that you have an angry mob ready to hang you from the gallows at any time. Give me more insight on how you feel about Dabuns' claim.
strangely im ok with it. I feel like his vt thing is legit and hs choices seem to make sense which i wouldnt expect from a scum safe claiming doc.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
A stance. Kary can still be scum but I don't buy Dabuz' claim right now, so I want to know what Rake will give me. He looks bad shutting up about him, and getting him to squeal will make my decision easier. You should be aware of all this already.
Shutting up about who now ?

Also, why don't you like Dabuz's claim ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I don't buy it. A doctor is a viable alternative but the VT claim was so straight-forward and rushed that it still doesn't make sense for Dabuz to go ahead and do that unless he was just trying to cement townie points. I'll gladly fight you tomorrow Ryker.
ohhh. Ehhh this is really weak tbh. you can do better than this soup, i dont like how you are approaching this :/

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
i dunno man, im trying to see things your way here, i will state some problems i have with dabuz claim and maybe we can talk this out:

Jailer Sokr.

This is my main issue, with jailer sokr, that makes dabuz's claim look really bad. it's just the question of why dabuz was seen at kary, but then Gorg and thuggien wind up dead.

the next thing is what i talked about d2 on dabuz, where i really didnt like him or his play, and i believe you talked about dabuz quite a bit too soup, and you hit on some things i remember feeling earlier. It was strange because i was conflicted to see your side after passing off my own suspicion,
perhaps I passed my own feels off too early.

Anyway, honestly i feel like after reading sokr's claim again, i wanna find out what kary is, because something moved the kill away from him, and that bothers me too.
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