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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
It's entirely related. Your premise is that I knew this flip was coming. Therefore, it stands to reason that you would have to assume it was my doing. My counterpoint is that Occam's Razor states that Raz does not make sense for an NK from my perspective. It further supports the idea that I am not the scum here and if we should all be ignoring that post, then why did you make it in the first place? I say it's an attempt to deter people from further examination and this type of response completely backs that train of thought.
You are not the entire scum team. Just because it makes you look bad doesn't mean the rest of your team can't benefit from it. There have got to be at least 3 or 4 scummies in this game. Wouldn't be the first time you've taken one for the team.

Rest assured that the words that I was specifically saying regarding Raz were intended to be a point against you. It has nothing to do with why I'm voting you. That's the point.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
one more quick hit for aggro

95% certainty of me/jerkus being the same scumteam. what of there AT LEAST being 1 scum between us? youd put the game on it? feel free to think deeply about this one. 24 hours if you need it

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
dude no

i actually agree with aggros assertion of "if you have scum put it into between me/aggro/thuggin" cuz of his mention of possible lylo tomorrow. look dude if we lynch rake today and he flips town (unlikely but roll with me here) townll likely have to choose between aggro/jerkus tomorrow and NO ONE ****ing wants that pain in the *** battle to determine the games outcome (i wont be lynched in either case cuz im too much of a baller). also chill cuz town benefits to keep spinning the wheels of this back and forth

Sorry mang but when you smell scum you point it out.

Oh and don't worry people I have my opinion of the aggressive thug circle jerk going on here. I just choose to not share it and let it develop. There's where I stand.

Btw this is my "don't forget Rake is the play of the Day" post this page. Never forget.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
that moment you realize ryker's whole case is a glorified omgus

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
that and I'm inclined to think ryker meant exactly wah he said meaning Circus be jawwing at the steak when he's still tied to the chain
Apr 17, 2011
Also, just to put this stupid point to rest, here's the post we were going to make yesterDay:

"aight fine. lemme cut into the meat here.

This is the turning point. This is the post that switches my read on you (AM) from "man, lots of vague things bug me about this play" to "well, THAT'S a red flag."

I mention that your VT claim is rushed and weird and mostly just shouldn't be saving you from the noose because it's a clear grab for town points (you admit this, we agree, cool). However, in the above post, that's not how you justify it. You justify it as being a contingency. That you will ALWAYS claim when you think it's appropriate (I've been arguing that it was not), for the good of the town as a whole, and you specifically mention that if something or someone SOMEHOW hides your role title upon your flip (Janitor, or analogue of same), this way you've claimed so that town has more information.

This is a RIDICULOUS defense.
I claimed in an obvious grab for town points. When does anyone, as any alignment, claim as anything but an obvious grab for town points. The answer is when they're already dead (see: Sokr). You grab 'em when you feel the good it does outweighs the rest. I claimed for the reasons stated because getting the information out there, in the event of my lynch should it be forthcoming, is beneficial to town in case there is something to obstruct that flow of information. We already had a quicklynch and a scare based on another. Everyone was ready for the day to end and you never know what crazy ol' Gorf'll do. I claimed for both of the reasons that you claim in an obvious grab for town points and in an attempt to divert the wagon before it could start. In general, you claim so that town has the information. The entire point of the sentence was to respond to your question of "why would someone claim with" with the obvious answer of "so the information is out there" followed by a question as to how ridiculous you were being. You then twisted it like a screw. I didn't mention that it was an obvious grab for town points because I do value my hide. I said I'd hammer myself but y'know what? I would have, but even that was an attempt to save my hide. What you were trying to do is lynch a townie regardless of your motivation. You admit, right here, that what you were doing was fishing for a reason to lynch me. Because I'm not stupid, you didn't get it; however, you wouldn't be deterred and made that incredible reach proving that what you're doing is trying to get a lynch, not discern my alignment.

When was the last time anybody on Dgames played with a Janitor?
Off the top of my head, reveal obstruction includes: Lost Mafia, where Ryker was the Jan. OS All-Stars, where Ryker and Circus were on the scumteam with reveal obstruction. Elements and Attributes had neighbors whose ability obscured their alignments as a trade-off. Gigabots Mafia, that Alex hosted, where mafia traitor Ryker was janned by his own team that had an abductor in Gova/Xonar as well. Full Life Consequences had an abductor in Kantrip. Majora's Mask hosted by X1 also had an abductor. Pulp Fiction had a one-shot janitor where the Nabe/X1 Hydra janned the Ryker/Ran lovers. This list is long and varied throughout DGames' timeline and I'm certain that other players in this game can add to it and all of Nabe's holiday privates have had obscured flips until certain conditions were met. If you ask anyone in this game sans Scary and maybe Dabuz, I'm pretty sure they can add to this list. The fact that you're saying role obstruction is something DGames is very selectively exposed to is straight up a lie and I'm not going to tolerate using that to justify your leap in logic anymore.

How often has a flip been concealed in a game that does not explicitly state that reveals will be limited in some way or that it is an experimental game, or whatever? Practically never. Not only that, but in the event that such a role exists and did Jan you, it wouldn't ****ing matter because you're claiming VT. No one cares if that role gets hidden. It doesn't deny town much crucial information. Sure, it's an annoying question mark, but it's not like concealing an informative role, nullifying all its crumbs.
You are so incredibly wrong about everything you're trying to assert here. It's downright common in DGames for flip obstruction to occur and it matters to everyone in LyLo with a manipulatable townie, a scumbag is able to convince someone that that VT was a cop and was onto the other guy or even that that VT was a role that makes the other townie's role not fit into the set-up. The whole reason Jan exists as a role is because of what scum can do with that mis-information--Alex knows, he based an entire mafia team off of it (Gigabots Mafia). Do you sincerely expect me to believe that you think a jan on a VT is harmless when it could be avoided?

Now THAT is a ridiculous defense.

This does two things. First, it makes your initially given reason for claiming ring insincere (turns out it was, as you have since amended it). Second, it DOES SUGGEST that you believe this game in particular has a potential for reveals being ****ed with, otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up, as it's not a common enough occurrence for it to just be on your mind all the time, in every game, any time you consider claiming.
On the first point, sure. Now hang me for wanting to live. Do you know who I am? I have claimed governor in order to threaten people off of a scum lynch because I thought he was town. We instead turned around and lynched the governor. In MMX Mafia, there was an entire fiasco where Ryker said literally the other option is me and while I think he's town, I'll vote him because I know I'm town. Town always wants to live, so if you want to use the fact that I wouldn't hand you my head on a silver platter as a reason to lynch me, be my guest. See how far you get.

As to your second point, I debunked your fact that it's not a common enough occurrence. This means I do have reason to believe that such a role could exist in this game. The tables have turned here. The one who has no backing is you, because I don't believe that you sincerely think that the potential for flip obstruction is so astronomically low that mentioning the possibility of its existence is enough to irrevocably link my slot to the scumteam.

wrt the second thing: If you DO have this extra information, it suggests that either you are the role that Jans, or know that there is a role that Jans, and at least proves that you are not VT.

In case it is not abundantly clear yet, I am a role who happens to know that there is potential for roles to be hidden in this game."

See? It's all the **** I've already been saying, just cleaned up to explain why, specifically, I went full force against you at the end of D2, along with the reveal that I am a role that already knew borked flips were a possibility. That is why your post shook me. I was expecting to see some no reveals because my role implies that they're coming. You, as a VT, should have no such expectations.
I don't buy it. I believe that you are a role who knew the possibility existed because I believe you are mafia. With an admission like that, you're probably indy. Why in the world would you not have claimed this yesterday when you were going hard? You apparently feel that it supports your case and could've reignited the wagon that I averted, avoiding the Frito M/L that, rather than pursue further (in fact, you dropped "long post" when I said was going to bed) and never went back to it other than to throw dirt in my face after you hammered Frito. If you feel so strongly that your role is condemning, why would you not claim that then and there rather than leaving your assumed scumbag AM to use his assumed Jan to bork your flip? Your actions do not line up with your reasoning.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Hey underrated players how's about we revolt against the aggressively thuggin circle jerk and just off Rake at the end of the Day? We have the power in numbers and you ALL think he's scum. Yes. Let's not forget that every single god forsaken player has a scum read on this guy and unless we are ALL wrong he's flipping scum. Let's not forget that. Idgaf how dry it gets there are four other people actively posting right now, three of which are concerned about each other and the last of which is ****in Rake. I DON'T WANT THIS TO JUST DIE I MEAN COME ON. Soup I'm totally going in witchu let's take this guy to pound town.
Apr 17, 2011
one more quick hit for aggro

95% certainty of me/jerkus being the same scumteam. what of there AT LEAST being 1 scum between us? youd put the game on it? feel free to think deeply about this one. 24 hours if you need it
Willing to bet it all. There's no way that town has been led in this many wrong directions without one of us flipping scum. The case on us as I've already stated is flimsy and terrible, it has the support of two players, both of whom I think are solid at mafia. You're not both this bad. I don't think either of you is this bad.
Apr 17, 2011
Oh and don't worry people I have my opinion of the aggressive thug circle jerk going on here. I just choose to not share it and let it develop. There's where I stand.
Nah dawg. Get the easy-chair out of here and put the bong away. It ain't happenin'. You get to share where you stand on this because I'm not going to let anyone sideline out of leaving a paper trail on this one. There's not a man in the game worried about appealing to you with their reads. We've already shown that neither of us is gonna backpedal under pressure so it's show and tell time, hombre. I don't mind you toastin' the walrus, ain't nothin' wrong with bein' chill, but you gotta impart the wisdom now.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Btw @ all of those who are not in the aggressively thuggin circle jerk, just to weigh in on the matter between those three before we revolt and whatnot, what do you guys make of the pacing of Aggro's content flow yesterDay? It was mad slow all the way up until Circus weighed in on em. In fact, I dare anybody who's not a part of the aggressively thuggin circle jerk to point me to some genuine content that Aggro has made at all D1 and D2 that didn't constitute barking at those who opposed em (cuz that's not content).

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Nah dawg. Get the easy-chair out of here and put the bong away. It ain't happenin'. You get to share where you stand on this because I'm not going to let anyone sideline out of leaving a paper trail on this one. There's not a man in the game worried about appealing to you with their reads. We've already shown that neither of us is gonna backpedal under pressure so it's show and tell time, hombre. I don't mind you toastin' the walrus, ain't nothin' wrong with bein' chill, but you gotta impart the wisdom now.

Oh I mean I thought my opinion was pretty clear yesterDay that I thought you guys were scum out of you and Circus but I don't give enough of a shiz to respond to you like a lap dog. It was established yesterDay that I'm marshy's lap dog remember?

Woof Woof! Ruff ruff RUFF!
Apr 17, 2011
that moment you realize ryker's whole case is a glorified omgus
Literally the first thing that ran through my head when he voted you yesterDay.
You boys are NOT going there. I have done this 1000 times. Almost every time someone votes me when I'm town, it's one of two things: either scum trying to get me lynched or someone who has reacted to my play that is understandable and justified. Look at the beginning of the game--multiple people voted our slot, in response, I examined the people who voted and came to the conclusion that it made sense. It was an early RVS wagon and when people asked my thoughts on the ones who voted me, I said "I'm not mad because it wasn't a bad vote." What we have in this case is a horrific vote. It makes absolutely no sense and Circus voted for us before he found the one he's harping on and even now refuses to elaborate on the original vote. Tell me, Circus, with how very little you have decided to play this game, how else am I supposed to judge you other than your primary contribution: the push on this slot?

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
the latter. that ****s hilarious

SHADDAP GORF. youve exceeded your ****in quota for this page. town should weigh in on the aggressively thuggin circle jerk THEN talk about your **** (and even then ima probably shoot it down) so pump the brakes to not distract town. i dont trust everyone to chew and walk
Apr 17, 2011
I'm getting real sick and goddamn tired of people trying to divert this game away from issues that would actually lead to uncovering things in this game. Circus, you have been given ample time to address the fact that you are justifying your case solely on an event that happened after you started to push. The vote itself looked hella opportunistic (kind of like you jumping on me about mentioning role obstruction). It looks to me as if it was designed to ride off of Frito making a comment to keep an eye on us and designed to see if anything would stick. You have ignored me at every turn when I try and get you to expand on it, so can you do me a favor real quick and admit that you were trying to find a way to hang me from the moment you first placed a vote here?

Gorf, all you will accomplish with that Rake wagon, if you somehow manage to get it, will be to delay this confrontation for a day phase. I highly doubt that flip will have any bearing whatsoever on the matter at hand and given that this confrontation was on the horizon last night phase, I highly doubt we'll see any PRs shed light on it. All you're going to do is allow mafia an NK to try and set up the outcome they want. Legitimately, Rake can be lynched at any point in this game. It's so incredibly easy and he is far more likely to flip town than for this trio to not include at least one scum and one town. If we're going to make a mistake, it will be right here and we will do it right now.
Apr 17, 2011
Marshy, can I have an updated readlist, one that's well thought-out and provides reasons (enough to justify)? I also want your thoughts on me and Circus. This isn't going anywhere but circles without more people weighing in, yourself included. I also would love to see your thoughts on a mass claim, starting with Circus, into Nabe. I like the way you are playing right now, however I am aware that the case that you and Circus have made did not stick and that we showed up before it could take hold. I want to like you considering things but I'm far too wary of you playing me because you don't think that you and Circus have the muscle to push this one through. You guys might be letting him take the fall. I want more than "hmmm i need to think about some things". I want specifics of what in this game has made you think you need to reconsider and your thought processes with them. If you remain an enigma then I will have the rest of this game swear me an oath that you will burn if Circus flips scum.

vote: Circus
Apr 17, 2011
Somebody said that we killed our protective on D1. I find it highly unlikely we had a No Kill N1 and Sokr never claimed to be a protective. He claimed his role name was a jailor but he never claimed what happened when he targeted someone on the first night. He only said that the second night he targeted them, they died. He was a vig, albeit a delayed one.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
the latter. that ****s hilarious

SHADDAP GORF. youve exceeded your ****in quota for this page. town should weigh in on the aggressively thuggin circle jerk THEN talk about your **** (and even then ima probably shoot it down) so pump the brakes to not distract town. i dont trust everyone to chew and walk

Hmm. Three strongly voiced players talking about one thing vs a stoner talking about another thing. I wonder what direction town's conversation is gonna go. And if you're saying "well why talk about it," it's cuz it's still the most logical play. Simply.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
my god the ****ing sea of words. ryker spinning **** like I "chose" to be in the backgroud on D1 and D2. trying to make me justify why he should be townreading me smh

Ryker, I don't give a **** what you think of me. This was never about me or my image. If it were, I never would have fired any shots your way to begin with. There are way easier ways to get through a game of mafia. I knew what I was getting in to.

Rather than smothering this game in posts, how 'bout we get some observer input on this ****? Because pretty much all of your posts to me this phase have been a fine example of mafia masturbation. Breaking down simple posts and needling individual sentences for content does not create discussion; it just clutters the thread. I'm not even reading most of what you're posting.

I have no been trying to "hang" you since I placed a vote on you. I voted you because I didn't like your play. You were a slot that was posting frequently, but never getting your hands dirty. Ryu put it exactly right when he said you reeked of being a slot that was letting town decide the lynch. Considering the heads that compose your hydra, that's insanely fishy.

My vote on you was initially a response to me not liking your slot, and considering you to be a bigger hurdle in terms of a read, than Frito, Rake or dabuz or whoever ****ing else we were voting for. THEN, when you posted your 1393, I did a spit-take and that's when I really decided you needed the noose. You can ****ing tell because my response to that post involved a pretty significant change in my demeanor toward you. Prior to that, while I didn't like your slot, I was also trying to read Marshy. After that is when actually killing you became pretty much my entire focus.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Somebody said that we killed our protective on D1. I find it highly unlikely we had a No Kill N1 and Sokr never claimed to be a protective. He claimed his role name was a jailor but he never claimed what happened when he targeted someone on the first night. He only said that the second night he targeted them, they died. He was a vig, albeit a delayed one.

Actually he said that the first Night he targeted somebody he froze em and stopped em from performing any Night actions. So like a roleblocker vig I guess lol.
Apr 17, 2011
Rather than smothering this game in posts, how 'bout we get some observer input on this ****? Because pretty much all of your posts to me this phase have been a fine example of mafia masturbation. Breaking down simple posts and needling individual sentences for content does not create discussion; it just clutters the thread. I'm not even reading most of what you're posting.
The last word is yours, this is all I wanted.
Apr 17, 2011
Actually he said that the first Night he targeted somebody he froze em and stopped em from performing any Night actions. So like a roleblocker vig I guess lol.
I was not aware he ever claimed what he did the first night. In fact, I and others tried to ask him if targeting somebody on the first night did anything but he never showed up. Can you point to me where his role operated as a roleblocker?

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
aggro im going to sleep now and thats a tall order in which id need to sit down at a computer. but im down and will oblige tomorrow. hopefully enough time for me to gauge where at least a few others are at

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm sir Weston, town cold jailor. I can freeze someone once a night and if I do so to the same person two nights in a row, they die.

I am upset about it but there's no reason to rage or whatever. It's done.

As for reads, I'm not caught up enough in the game to have any. I'm sorry, that's not useful at all.

I was planning on getting caught up later this week when I had free time, but so much for that.

Oh I guess he didn't explicitly say "stop the person from doing any Night actions" but what the eff else can it mean to freeze somebody the first Night? I won't WIFOM the shiz out of it cuz like the fact is he didn't say exactly what freezing em is but the fact is that there's some sort of thing that happens. I mean the role is that of a cold JAILER. If not docRBing than I'd definitely say RB the first Night.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
crashboards. then all these walls. can't be arsed right now.

We say that Thuggin and Circus are scum. Both Thuggin and Circus are voting us.

This day phase goes nowhere but one of these two and us. There is no Rake. There is no Gorf. There is no Nabe. Just us.
go **** yourself.

You were on the FT waggon because that was so imporant for your reads, and this is what you have to show for yourself. Pathetic.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Like why does Circus even take a run at AM the end of yesterDay if he's scum?

What does Circus have to gain for that except that it makes him seem a bit townier (which doesn't answer why he did it then) and that it puts AM on the table for tomorrow (why is this important instead of say Rake/Nabe ??)

Still haven't read.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I am MUCH more interested in why AM decided to claim in the first place (why they decided to claim at that point), rather than any of this he-said she-said bull**** about some implication that there was going to be a flip hidden. The idea that we're talking about 'foreshadowing' and 'Freudian slips' I find completely ridiculous because I don't think something is a scum-slip when it could just as easily be a coincidence.

And let's not even bring up why Raz was shot. Maybe he was supporting AM. Maybe he knows AM well enough to tell when they're scum. Don't give me that WIFOM waste of time. He was generally agreed to be town and his flip doesn't particularly influence the direction of the game, which is as good a reason as any.
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