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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Wait am I the ONLY one who thinks this portrait crap is flavor talk for indy abductor and NOT janned NK?
Well, that's also possible.

But that wouldn't explain why scum once again failed to make a kill, nor why no one was abducted N1.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I mean, the fact is that we don't have anything to base it off of means that I'm totally speculating but hey if we're gonna drop speculation bombs I thought I might join.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Well, that's also possible.

But that wouldn't explain why scum once again failed to make a kill, nor why no one was abducted N1.

We lost our doc to a D1 lynch. We have no explanation for there having been no NK's at all. I'm just putting it out there to kinda make a point that there's really not much we can speculate with the lack of NK action and whatnot.

Either way, from this point on I'm going to try and stress the point that RAKE REALLY NEEDS TO FUCKING DIE AT THE END OF TODAY every page so that we don't forget and just let the guy live.

Vote: Rake


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Do you? Get at my question then. Otherwise, you're a doorstop.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
We lost our doc to a D1 lynch. We have no explanation for there having been no NK's at all. I'm just putting it out there to kinda make a point that there's really not much we can speculate with the lack of NK action and whatnot.
Sure. But what you're proposing brings up even more question marks. Goes against Occam's Razor and all that.

Not hating on the participation though, totally fine. I'm mostly just using Jan as a catch-all for "whatever makes the flip not happen."

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I mean that was just the first thing that ran though my head seeing how the last game I really remember playing on this site was Half Life FLC which featured an abductor, and haven't seen a jan in a whiiiiiiiiiile. But you right, let's not get too crazy over it.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Totally going against what I just said about not going too crazy about speculation, but look at the wording for the kill/abduct/loss of player slot that happened last Night, and then compare it to the flavour of a lynch.

Sokr, Sir Weston, the Chilly Climber, Town Cold Jailer has been lynched!
Somebody being lynched is them being lynched. Nothing notable about flavour. Now obviously there's been no standard NK so there's nothing that what happened last Night can be compared to, but it's just some food for thought. I'll definitely keep this in the back of my head in case there's any spark of knowledge to come.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
@Rake: Who's scum and why?

Place holder vote on marshy right now, may swing back to him eventually, def need to read his thing with ryu again.

Read gorf over night, his play is goofball and with little back up but it reads townie imo. Leaning him away from teh scum pile.

Don't like that ryker's kicking around but I'll let that be null for now.

nabe still of concern, really wish i woulda tried to go for him yesterday at days end considering the momentum was liable to be there considerin the earlier onus on him. Still don't know where his town read on me is originating from , nor what he's doing this game.

I can't remember if nabe scum coasts this hard but even of his posted content i've been less than impressed. Probably gonna push this more unless marshy bears some fruit. Need to see scary have more input as i dont like him sitting around in my reads for so long when his play has been minimal, which even to his meta is disconcerting but not an issue yet.

Imma say that nabe's the interest with splashes of marshy.

Still think you v ryker is tvt but since it's still going it'll remain to be seen if i keep feeling that way

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
also feeling conflicted on joey even though i wanna keep calling him obvtown. his "well rajam just did something null that i didnt like" really struck me as hella outta place

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
dabuz too null for me to decide one way or another. might pick up soups line and follow him around a bit.

anyway imma be gone like most of the next three days till after 10 pm my time so if there's anything else pressing ya might wanna ask me while im here

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
^That is rich.

"Ayy guys I'mma coast hardcore for the next three days I hope I'm nobody's scum pick by the time I come back!"
Apr 17, 2011
We say that Thuggin and Circus are scum. Both Thuggin and Circus are voting us.

This day phase goes nowhere but one of these two and us. There is no Rake. There is no Gorf. There is no Nabe. Just us.

vote: thuggin

Right now we believe that both players are on the same scumteam, but thuggin's the one we want first. Just on a practical standpoint, thuggin is much more dangerous when alive and is much more likely to get out of it than Circus. I believe we stated earlier that in order to read Marshy, you have to analyze his readslist and see if he's right or wrong. It is extremely difficult to read marshy based on motivations rather than results given his playstyle. You can see that referenced by ourselves, Soup, Circus, and even Ruy and Rake just in this game alone. Examining his reads, you have the obvious ones: he was wrong on Sokr, he was wrong on Frito, and now he's pushing us. I will tell you right now he's also wrong on us and should we get lynched, when we flip town, you better bury his ass tomorrow because it is likely LyLo by then.

Past that, he has held an FoS on Dabunz without really pushing at it (no, one weak vote in the middle of the phase when prompted by Soup does not count as actually pushing at it). He also slapped one on Circus at the start of D2 and while he never voted him, his handling of that slot is a lot different than his stated reasons suggest. He's constantly stated that Circus is null at best for most of the day and yet his actions do not support this claim. Go back and read some of them. He continually holds Circus at null despite their interactions and both of them continually seem to just want to get into the other's head despite openly claiming that the other is scum. His read on Circus only changed when Circus finally got in the game to bring accusations against us. These accusations Circus disregards in favor of stressing that the reason people should lynch us is nothing that he had said before except for the mess involving our stance on claims and supposed knowledge of flip obstruction. That is a barrel of WIFOM that we will dismantle but let it be known that rather than changing his read on Circus back to one of caution, marshy agrees with it in his post.

link back to post #1513 (marshy agreeing with it is directly below it)

Despite the fact that it is justification for the push that comes after the push has started, while Circus refused to address his earlier reasons, despite being called for multiple times.

Circus on the other hand is a creep. He does not play for the duration of the actual phase on D1 (makes a john D2 about why he wasn't there). He shows up in twilight phase and has a kneejerk reaction to marshy after the fact. This reaction is meant to insinuate that marshy might be scum but refuses to outright push it. I think the worst he said is that while he linked Hearts Mafia as an example of marshy being scum, he ultimately caps it off as him not wanting marshy leading town. Circus then is barely a presence for a majority of D2 until he comes in near the end to call us out as scum. When he arrives, he piggybacks off of reasons made by a hesitant Frito who thought he was on his deathbed and was worried we were coasting D2 and letting town handle itself. The initial reason he votes us is something along the lines of "Yolo vote: AM". Thuggin, who has held him at arm's length, then agrees with him, tossing a loaded question in our direction before eventually voting us. This is where we claimed. That was a catalyst for a lot of the current issues on the table regarding our slot. Circus then proceeds to insinuate that a VT should never claim. I responded with my general stance on mafia theory--no matter what, you claim to get the information out there in case something goes wrong and there is some sort of obstruction of information. Circus then dives off the deep end and in a leap of logic insinuates that since we said that, we must know that a jan or something like it exists. We immediately light upon this because it makes no sense to come to that conclusion. It's scummy to make such an insinuation and we went back to it many times to try to get him to explain it and defend himself on the manner. We were ignored; instead, he claims vehemence is proof that he is correct. In his attempt to try to force contradictions out of us, he ignores multiple places where we try and get him to expand on his initial reasons for voting us. We are ignored. The last the post he makes in this day phase is the one I linked above, post #1513, outside of where he votes Frito. This is what he admits he found most pressing to make sure everyone took with them.

Now we're in D3 and, conveniently, there's no flip! Raz disappeared, no image in the portrait frame. Someone is getting framed here. Jerkus, knowing that the scumteam had a janitor (or something similar), would explain the faulty logic on his jump toward us. With that flip, it's very clear that something is going on. To lynch someone related to it would be an incredible mistake.

If you're asking why we're voting thuggin despite saying someone outside of the AM v Circus debate is a bad idea, just look at him. He's cosigned both Circus' push last night (including direct agreement with his final post in the phase) and now today. He is fully on board with Circus and while I'm 95% sure that they are both scum, do not misconstrue this I will see them both dead, there is a possibility that marshy could be playing on a townCircus' misguided assumptions to lynch both of us.

Next post will outline Circus' posts today.

Soup, Kary, Scary, Dabunz, Joey, Gorf, and Rake: I want you to read and thoroughly examine what I have just said. If you disagree with me, I want you to very clearly state why you disagree with me. If that is not dissuaded by the end of this phase, then you will lynch me, but you will swear, and you will do it while I am still alive that when we flip town, those two will be the next two lynches. I would go so far as to say quicklynch them when we flip town (and only if we are lynched and flip town) for fear that scum is banking on this play to win.
Apr 17, 2011
Regardless of who you agree with, pay attention to the vote count. Do not let anyone reach L-1 until we are finished. No "accidental hammers" and no quicklynches will be forgiven today.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
>says they're scared of lylo coming up
>too arrogant to think they'll get lynched (tell me you're not)
>would rather go for two players who are less apparent as scum than Rake

C'mon man your ego told you you weren't going to live through the Night. Either you were wrong and scum WILL keep you three around to live through another Day or you're scum. It's cute to keep the seriousness of the push up and whatnot but let's be real, we're lynching Rake at the end of the Day right? Cuz that'd be stupid if we let em go AGAIN.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
shush gorf. let aggro continue what hes doing

man do i regret lynching sokr

do you find me independently scummier than jerkus aggro? i dont want this going down like it did me and frito who i feel prioritized me largely cuz of "its marshy and hell likely wiggle out of the noose so i gotta go hard even if hes not who i believe is scummiest" similar to yourself (that first part anyway)
Apr 17, 2011
Aight, this is driving us up the wall, so we're going to address it.

Raz was a pretty sensible choice. No one really found him suspicious. In fact, if you had asked me who scum would be targeting during the Night, I would have banked on someone like him taking the shot. His odds of living were pretty slim.

Vote: Aggressive Mediation

...Is the fact that Ryker totally foreshadowed the no reveal not enough for you? That kind of trumps everything I said in the post I never made.

I try not to make a habit of playing Outguess The Mod. Especially considering the portrait idea is so tied to Luigi's Mansion flavor, I wouldn't be surprised if the Janitor was a passive ability for one of the scum. As long as they live, the NKs flip blank. Totally believable to me.

If you're going to attempt to defend yourself here, you're going to need something better than "what you're saying makes too much sense."

If you're going to attempt to defend yourself here, you're going to need something better than "what you're saying makes too much sense."
Translation: Don't play the WIFOM with me.


very wifom

such hypocrite

much scum

wow circus

Basically, your entire premise is based in the idea that we are lying about our stated reason for claiming VT role in every game, not just this one, as a general mafia rule. It was a Freudian slip because we knew that this would happen today. That is the very definition of WIFOM. It is what your case hinges on by your own admission and if you do not want to play the WIFOM game, then sir, you have stepped into the wrong place.

That needed to be said but it takes up a lot of space, so let's break down each of these individual posts now.
Apr 17, 2011
Raz was a pretty sensible choice. No one really found him suspicious. In fact, if you had asked me who scum would be targeting during the Night, I would have banked on someone like him taking the shot. His odds of living were pretty slim.

Vote: Aggressive Mediation
Your first post of the day phase, you go right back to your AM read. No further reason stated, but we've already touched on that. Why we're here right now is to address what you actually did in this post.

The first thing you did was head off any discussion on why Raz was targeted, trying to stifle discussion in that direction. He was pretty well-liked but it doesn't at all match up with your push on scumAM. Raz is a player who wasn't putting any pressure on us. He was, in fact, supporting us in most of what we did D2. He wasn't a member of the thuggin/circus collaboration that was knocking on our door. It thuggin or gorf with their claimed communication. It wasn't even Nabe and his thinly-veiled PR. It was, indeed, a hidden body. AM as a slot cannot survive coming out of a confrontation with Circus and Thuggin. The only reason we would have as scum to kill Raz is to allow us to make this post and in doing so secure a lynch on you or Thuggin and in doing so, ensure our demise.

I put forth that the Raz NK and the lack of flip were put there to frame our slot while removing a vote that would be sympathetic towards us. Yes, there are possibilities, but it is far more likely that that kill was made to get us lynched than to help us get a lynch, considering the other options available.

...Is the fact that Ryker totally foreshadowed the no reveal not enough for you? That kind of trumps everything I said in the post I never made.
Once more, I put forth that the opposite is true, that you're insinuation is an incredible leap in logic and based on the idea of a Freudian slip, which is a roll of the dice regardless of how you look at it. The fact that you pointed out that we may have knowledge of an obstructing role is incredibly convenient considering the lack of flip today. I say that you only jumped at the end of last day phase in order to frame us right now. You're coming into the thread already putting pressure on us based solely on this insinuation. You refer to your post that never was to imply that there are further reasons to vote us without posting them. In fact, when Soup asks for reasons to vote your wagon, rather than giving him supplementary reasons that could be defended and have been requested since you started all of this, you once more head him off and try to move back to your one point.

I try not to make a habit of playing Outguess The Mod. Especially considering the portrait idea is so tied to Luigi's Mansion flavor, I wouldn't be surprised if the Janitor was a passive ability for one of the scum. As long as they live, the NKs flip blank. Totally believable to me.

If you're going to attempt to defend yourself here, you're going to need something better than "what you're saying makes too much sense."
Yes, believable, in the same way that it's conceivable that 9/11 was actually an insurance scam. No, what we're experiencing right now is a terrorist attack--it's far more believable that you two are moving to frame us into a lynch and if you want to get us lynched, you're going to have to get past all this WIFOM surrounding the incredibly scummy push you've been making and add the supplementary reasons that you continually hint at and imply are there but never fully say. Right now, there's nothing to defend myself from other than the possibility of a scum quickhammer if a couple of townies vote based on what you've said.
Apr 17, 2011
>says they're scared of lylo coming up
>too arrogant to think they'll get lynched (tell me you're not)
>would rather go for two players who are less apparent as scum than Rake

C'mon man your ego told you you weren't going to live through the Night. Either you were wrong and scum WILL keep you three around to live through another Day or you're scum. It's cute to keep the seriousness of the push up and whatnot but let's be real, we're lynching Rake at the end of the Day right? Cuz that'd be stupid if we let em go AGAIN.
Rake is not the pressing concern. Right now, you have set up in front of you a clear lynch choice. We want to hit scum today and I would bet good money on there being scum between these three possibilities I have outlined for today. There is going to be scum there. There's no way this is a misunderstanding--it's way too convenient. When you have clear scum, you take it. You don't waste it on Dumb or Scum Rake. This is probably our last chance to mislynch, so if we're going to get it wrong, it's going to be in this group, so that we get it right tomorrow. Now, rather than trying to put me off and insulting me based on my ego, how about you analyze what I've said and weigh in on it. "Damn, dat doge," while humorous and appreciated, does not count as actual content.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Ryker, the difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing is that what I'm saying about you has a logical flow, where as you're just bringing up questions with no answers.

Me: you bring up no reveal as a potential mechanic at play in this game before there is any hint of its existence in game. You claim this is something you do in every game in which you play, but that's observable horse**** that I refuse to even dignify. We now have a flip that has been ****ed with. This suggests that you did, indeed, slip.

The things that I've said that you're trying to equate to that are nowhere in the same ballpark, as there's nothing to examine. It's just speculation on how the mod thinks. "How many Jans have you seen that can't control their ability?" None, but then I haven't seen many Jans at all, and I'm not saying that this is definitely what's happening. I'm merely observing that you seemed to be worried about a Jan before town as a group knew there was anything like it in the game.

Yes, there's wifom involved. I never said I wanted to avoid it entirely; we can't. Mafia is ABOUT wifom. But the **** you're bringing up is derailing, speculative nothing, where as mine involves me overtly trying to connect the dots I see.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
The things I said about Raz have nothing to do with you. I was not using his death (or whatever) as justification for my scumread on you. Totally separate things.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013

i actually need to reread d2. **** to focus on during this time

why didnt aggromed ride the hatewave against my slot early d2

who between aggro/jerkus had a townier approach to their conflict which had been brewing since early in the dayphase

analyze jerkus posts

quote on bottom of this post for my own reference
Am v circus make AM ante up otherwise lynch Circus.

Take Joey Soup Dabuz Raziek to Lylo.

Don't ignore dead people.
Apr 17, 2011
do you find me independently scummier than jerkus aggro? i dont want this going down like it did me and frito who i feel prioritized me largely cuz of "its marshy and hell likely wiggle out of the noose so i gotta go hard even if hes not who i believe is scummiest" similar to yourself (that first part anyway)
Yes, definitely yes. If your scumflip is linked only to Circus' scumflip, then I would be lynching Circus. You've been wrong three times counting us. You've held Dabunz and Circus at arm's length without accomplishing anything for too long (add in a dash of Nabe there). You've 180'd to agree with Circus on an incredibly weak and opportunistic push. Yes, all of the reasons that I have stated for lynching Circus sans the comment about hypocrisy also apply to you because you cosigned your name on a lease for a stay on the hangman's noose. While you two are certainly connected, I find you scummy independently. I am going to lynch one and then the other, but if I'm wrong, then it's because you set this up to lynch and me and then Circus in order to have a free lynch in LyLo.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Also, just to put this stupid point to rest, here's the post we were going to make yesterDay:

"aight fine. lemme cut into the meat here.

This is the turning point. This is the post that switches my read on you (AM) from "man, lots of vague things bug me about this play" to "well, THAT'S a red flag."

I mention that your VT claim is rushed and weird and mostly just shouldn't be saving you from the noose because it's a clear grab for town points (you admit this, we agree, cool). However, in the above post, that's not how you justify it. You justify it as being a contingency. That you will ALWAYS claim when you think it's appropriate (I've been arguing that it was not), for the good of the town as a whole, and you specifically mention that if something or someone SOMEHOW hides your role title upon your flip (Janitor, or analogue of same), this way you've claimed so that town has more information.

This is a RIDICULOUS defense.

When was the last time anybody on Dgames played with a Janitor? How often has a flip been concealed in a game that does not explicitly state that reveals will be limited in some way or that it is an experimental game, or whatever? Practically never. Not only that, but in the event that such a role exists and did Jan you, it wouldn't ****ing matter because you're claiming VT. No one cares if that role gets hidden. It doesn't deny town much crucial information. Sure, it's an annoying question mark, but it's not like concealing an informative role, nullifying all its crumbs.

This does two things. First, it makes your initially given reason for claiming ring insincere (turns out it was, as you have since amended it). Second, it DOES SUGGEST that you believe this game in particular has a potential for reveals being ****ed with, otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up, as it's not a common enough occurrence for it to just be on your mind all the time, in every game, any time you consider claiming.

wrt the second thing: If you DO have this extra information, it suggests that either you are the role that Jans, or know that there is a role that Jans, and at least proves that you are not VT.

In case it is not abundantly clear yet, I am a role who happens to know that there is potential for roles to be hidden in this game."

See? It's all the **** I've already been saying, just cleaned up to explain why, specifically, I went full force against you at the end of D2, along with the reveal that I am a role that already knew borked flips were a possibility. That is why your post shook me. I was expecting to see some no reveals because my role implies that they're coming. You, as a VT, should have no such expectations.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
quickhit for jerkus

remember how you were asking me to justify my sokr read yesterday. i just wanna know what you expected to get out of that cuz as i sat there trying to recall the thought of 'there is literally no way for me to answer this that doesnt make me look terrible' crossed my mind. whats your current opinion of my slot btw?
Apr 17, 2011
Ryker, the difference between what you're doing and what I'm doing is that what I'm saying about you has a logical flow, where as you're just bringing up questions with no answers.
First off, both of us are here. It's not just Ryker--Laundry finds your ass scummy as well. Secondly, oh boy, oh boy. You're lying through your teeth. The entire problem we have with your push is based on how illogical it is. Laundry can't stop hearing KevinM saying "Oh, how convenient" in the back of his head. Mafia is a game of "he said, she said," so we're gonna ask everyone:

TOWN: Talk to me about Circus' push on us.

1) Is his push WIFOM?
2) Does Circus' insinuations about how a VT should treat their role and not claim ever and subsequent jump to our having knowledge of the game's role a logical thought process?

There you go, Circus. You asked exactly what I wanted you to ask. You wanna know how to find an answer in the game of WIFOM? You play Occam's Razor. You ask everybody what they think and the simplest solution is that you've reached too far trying to find something to hang me for when it doesn't exist.

Yes, there's wifom involved. I never said I wanted to avoid it entirely; we can't. Mafia is ABOUT wifom. But the **** you're bringing up is derailing, speculative nothing, where as mine involves me overtly trying to connect the dots I see.
No, my dear Circus. What I'm pointing out is how you have proceeded to frame it until now as if we were the ones diving into the sea of WIFOM; we weren't, you just dragged us in when you leapt in first. Why don't you stop trying to influence people from the sides like your post directed at Soup and instead spend your time doing exactly what I'm doing. I'm all in. It's your turn to call or fold. Either backpedal like there's no tomorrow or stop playing guessing games and instead aggressively get town involved with this. There is legitimately no way out for my slot if you or marshy get lynched today and flip town. I'll be eaten alive, so if you are so sold on your flimsy and illogical premise, then openly state that it is reason enough to lynch me and that you will accept nothing else. Then we can see what everybody else in the building has to say.


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
We want to hit scum today
You said you thought Rake was scum yesterDay. You(r slot) said his lynch is useless cuz connections can't be drawn. SO THE FUCK WHAT? We've had two mislynches, the reason I'm so gung ho about lynching him IS BECAUSE HE'S SO OBVIOUSLY SCUM AND I'D REALLY LIKE TO SEE A SCUM FLIP TO MAKE ME FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE LOOKING AT DIFFERENT AVENUES.

If you want to hit scum toDay, there's one absolute way to ensure that you do. And you know exactly what that is. Cmon bro.
Apr 17, 2011
The things I said about Raz have nothing to do with you. I was not using his death (or whatever) as justification for my scumread on you. Totally separate things.
It's entirely related. Your premise is that I knew this flip was coming. Therefore, it stands to reason that you would have to assume it was my doing. My counterpoint is that Occam's Razor states that Raz does not make sense for an NK from my perspective. It further supports the idea that I am not the scum here and if we should all be ignoring that post, then why did you make it in the first place? I say it's an attempt to deter people from further examination and this type of response completely backs that train of thought.
Apr 17, 2011
You said you thought Rake was scum yesterDay. You(r slot) said his lynch is useless cuz connections can't be drawn. SO THE FUCK WHAT? We've had two mislynches, the reason I'm so gung ho about lynching him IS BECAUSE HE'S SO OBVIOUSLY SCUM AND I'D REALLY LIKE TO SEE A SCUM FLIP TO MAKE ME FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE LOOKING AT DIFFERENT AVENUES.

If you want to hit scum toDay, there's one absolute way to ensure that you do. And you know exactly what that is. Cmon bro.
First, you're a fool if you think this isn't the best way to find scum. Second, you've once again dodged the main thing I want from you. Weigh in on what's going on. Be relevant and not a sideliner taking potshots from the fence. Yes, we thought Rake was possibly scum. Multiple times, however, we said that it was too easy, he's too hated, there's no reason for him to be that simple to lynch. Rake could still be scum; however, it's not nearly as solid a case as the one I've got here. Get involved.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
quickhit for jerkus

remember how you were asking me to justify my sokr read yesterday. i just wanna know what you expected to get out of that cuz as i sat there trying to recall the thought of 'there is literally no way for me to answer this that doesnt make me look terrible' crossed my mind. whats your current opinion of my slot btw?
I think if AM's not scum then you are.

I wanted to know why the Sokr lynched happened because I saw you chasing some legit lynches earlier (AM was one). Then your vote somehow landed on Sokr, who I think made like 2 posts the whole game, and he was dead within 24 hours of the Day starting. And it wouldn't have happened without your help. This was after you had already been saying some legit **** against AM and gunning for him pretty hardcore. How you went from Marshy The Steamroller to somehow throwing away your vote on the Sokr wagon is still a legitimate mystery to me.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Rake is not the pressing concern. Right now, you have set up in front of you a clear lynch choice. We want to hit scum today and I would bet good money on there being scum between these three possibilities I have outlined for today. There is going to be scum there. There's no way this is a misunderstanding--it's way too convenient. When you have clear scum, you take it. You don't waste it on Dumb or Scum Rake. This is probably our last chance to mislynch, so if we're going to get it wrong, it's going to be in this group, so that we get it right tomorrow. Now, rather than trying to put me off and insulting me based on my ego, how about you analyze what I've said and weigh in on it. "Damn, dat doge," while humorous and appreciated, does not count as actual content.
This is a complete contradiction to you(r slot's) scum read on him yesterDay. It WON'T be wrong if we lynch Rake, and trust me, this topic is too hot to just ignore after we lynch Rake. Rake is doing exactly what you DON'T want to happen to this, and that's letting it slide.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
You said you thought Rake was scum yesterDay. You(r slot) said his lynch is useless cuz connections can't be drawn. SO THE FUCK WHAT? We've had two mislynches, the reason I'm so gung ho about lynching him IS BECAUSE HE'S SO OBVIOUSLY SCUM AND I'D REALLY LIKE TO SEE A SCUM FLIP TO MAKE ME FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE LOOKING AT DIFFERENT AVENUES.

If you want to hit scum toDay, there's one absolute way to ensure that you do. And you know exactly what that is. Cmon bro.
dude no

i actually agree with aggros assertion of "if you have scum put it into between me/aggro/thuggin" cuz of his mention of possible lylo tomorrow. look dude if we lynch rake today and he flips town (unlikely but roll with me here) townll likely have to choose between aggro/jerkus tomorrow and NO ONE ****ing wants that pain in the ass battle to determine the games outcome (i wont be lynched in either case cuz im too much of a baller). also chill cuz town benefits to keep spinning the wheels of this back and forth
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