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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I actually really don't like Rajam's reaction to his "lynch", but I guess that's for a different time, huh?

I still need to read through all of the AM vs Circus(and some Gord) stuff. I'll comment on that as soon as I finish my therapy project lol.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I actually really don't like Rajam's reaction to his "lynch", but I guess that's for a different time, huh?

I still need to read through all of the AM vs Circus(and some Gord) stuff. I'll comment on that as soon as I finish my therapy project lol.

Actually, wait, yea, I got so caught up with what was just going on between AM and Circus I forgot that that was a thing!

Vote: FT

This is still toDay's best avenue, no questions asked.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Hm. Was about to post a biggun, but I'll save it for later. Would rather not leave it like a lump on the table when Ryker's not here to respond to it. Better to give people some time to digest what's already been said, I guess.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
please do not hammer frito right now

please let us have the last full day of discussion

i know it burns your flesh—physically burns it—to wait for a conversation to finish before killing someone but please

for my sanity


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Kay. I probably won't be able to get on 'til late tomorrow, but assuming no crashboards, I'll be here.

Friday Townie

Red Ryu|Rajam
Nov 12, 2013
vote: friday townie
I got confused on who you're voting, but it still doesn't change anything. You've sat on this vote all goddamn day. Are you ready to do something with it?
Checked. Ctrl+F'd "The Forum Bimbo" through pages 17 (start of D2) up to this quote in page 25, and this assertion is true. Things to add though:

1°- Rake only addressed stuff that was directed at him. That his, he didn't addressed other issues in which his name wasn't mentioned.
2°- He didn't address anything from D1. Just stuff directed at him that is from D2.
3°- Just dedicated to defend himself; nothing else.
4°- In #914 Rake promises a catchup post
5°- In #960 he shows legit johns imo.
6°- After that john, in page 25 he addresses posts #667, #698, #710, #732, #970, #738; all those before the quote put here that corresponds to post #978.

Points 1° and 2°: I did a similar analysis on Inferno in Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia, when he was my 1st strong scum pick, and I made a chart showing that he was mostly responding at stuff just directed at him, without making "side" observations. Inferno flipped town. That puts me on the fence regarding this observation because is the same thing.

Point 3°: Nullish

Points 5° and 6°: After the john of finals in school, Rake started a sequence of analysis from #667, which is at the beginning of D2. Rake went back to D2's start to check stuff. Problem is, as scum he may have felt pressured for his own promise of catching up, but obviously there are also townie reasons to go back and check.



idk... null... not seeing scum. That. That one is. "Nullish and not particularly seeing scum". Points 1° and 2° are to show that I've seen town in the past doing the same crap Rake is doing here. A player that just focus on defending himself is null per se, and sum to all this the effect of #960 in which Rake had reasons to do not get involved further in. 6° is just null under the self-imposed public promise of catching-up.

When I saw this post of soup quoted above, I went back to check if the assertion was in fact true, and although it is, I don't see it as a deffinitive tell.

Actually... Indy is a chance though. I know I just said "Rake is not scum", but I usually mean that in the sense of just mafia. Honestly I forgot potential indies, but as AM said at some point earlier, Rake fits it perfectly, in the sense of awful reads, lack of will to defend players, tunneling, and dumb play overall. Specially dumb play. No way he can explain how me, Gorf and Nabe make sense as scum teammates.


... Conclusion?

I guess I can join a Rake wagon if there's no other option, but don't expect from me nothing more than an indy flip at best. I keep on my stance that I highly doubt Rake is mafia.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Lol shut up Rake that part matches up.

If you think this piece of input was important can you clarify? I can't really tell what you're saying here, if it's not just ignore me.
You two were far too in sync to not be talking with each other.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

Friday Townie [5] - Nabe, we thuggin, Rake, dabuz, Gorf
Rake [2] - Kary, Raziek
Nabe [2] - Scary, Friday Townie
Aggressive Mediation [1] - Circus
dabuz [1] - soup
Circus [1] - Aggressive Mediation

Scary [0]
Raziek [0]
Kary [0]
we thuggin [0]
Gorf [0]
soup [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Masquerain

With 13 players alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline has been set for 11:59pm CST on Dec 7th.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So aggro and frito were paying attention and decided to announce something that would benefit scum way more than town. Does that sound about right?

The only anti town role that could have outside communication would be conjoined indys or scum. I'm more than confident you're talking out of your ass cuz you were gung ho on thuggin at the beginning of toDay and since you thought he was scum that'd make me scum. And yet... ZILCH. I'm just too hard to read? How about you read that quick hammer as extremely scummy cuz of how in tune I was to my scum partner, your main scumspect at the time. Your play SCREAMS save-my-own-ass and you really need to gtfo.

Hey town maybe frito and aggro are scum partners, they both decided to clam up about the "same conclusion" that they made at the same time and both exposed their thoughts on it very closely in time.

That's what you do when you suspect scummates are too in tune with each other, just for future reference.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
And I thought Daniz was posting conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theory my ass. I don't think you guys are scummates, at least not based on that logic. I said that to prove a point. Your actions at the beginning of the Day are NOT "marshy and gorf have outside communications." If they were, you'd have said it to back up your scum read on marshy and to solidify a read on me. YOU WOULD HAVE HAD A SOLID REASON TO SUSPECT ME BEING SCUM. Unless of course there's some outlandish role out there that has two roles of differing alignments having outside communication at the beginning of Day 1 (hint: there's not). That's just something that a townie would do in that situation.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
man. i reread through that argument like 5 times just to understand and really make a decision

is there any particular reason it comes off as tvt raz? last i remember aggro was in yur "slight townlean but cautious" pile with jerkus in yur " who da **** knows" pile

soup you earlier mentioned ruyscum wouldnt benefit from going against a townthuggin. youre asserting rykerscum wouldnt benefit from " throwing himself into the lions den" but is there any correlation to the mentality you took wit me vs frito and townryker vs scumcircus?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Conspiracy theory my ***. I don't think you guys are scummates, at least not based on that logic. I said that to prove a point. Your actions at the beginning of the Day are NOT "marshy and gorf have outside communications." If they were, you'd have said it to back up your scum read on marshy and to solidify a read on me. YOU WOULD HAVE HAD A SOLID REASON TO SUSPECT ME BEING SCUM. Unless of course there's some outlandish role out there that has two roles of differing alignments having outside communication at the beginning of Day 1 (hint: there's not). That's just something that a townie would do in that situation.
Man and I thought Al Gore had conspiracy theories.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
If I may speak to the Ryker head alone for a moment, you of all people should be familiar with activity issues not being indicative of alignment.
Ryker is actually great at being inactive scum, so this reads to me as "I am your scum-aligned traitor".

I was so sure the vote was for hard reaction on AM :S

What's your read on Kary?

I am terrified of being wrong because if Rake is lynched and flips scum today, I am probably toast.
Why is that the case?

As far as not sharing earlier, I don't want you two lynched right now. Had I said it earlier, there is a distinct chance it could have caused the boiling WT wagon to catch enough steam. I then kept my mouth shut in case Nabe cleared one of you, outright. Once you say it, you can't take it back. I do not regret saying it when I did. I laid my cards on the table.
I've been talking up my Gorf/Thug townread, and I've been posting the two as a pair all Day, so I'm not sure where or why I fit in as negative motivation -- I wouldn't have bothered clearing the pair as a PR.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
This must be why Gheb and Xonar rarely play anymore. If you live in Europe, you will acquire 6 pages while you sleep.

Town reads stand mainly the same; I like Circus a little more, Scary town which was only a lean before.

Unless of course there's some outlandish role out there that has two roles of differing alignments having outside communication at the beginning of Day 1 (hint: there's not).
Happens all the time in my games, but.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
man. i reread through that argument like 5 times just to understand and really make a decision

is there any particular reason it comes off as tvt raz? last i remember aggro was in yur "slight townlean but cautious" pile with jerkus in yur " who da **** knows" pile

soup you earlier mentioned ruyscum wouldnt benefit from going against a townthuggin. youre asserting rykerscum wouldnt benefit from " throwing himself into the lions den" but is there any correlation to the mentality you took wit me vs frito and townryker vs scumcircus?

Different players for different reasons. Jerkus and Ryker are more credible and more level-headed while Ruy tends to be more scatterbrained and less focus driven. Scum ruy plays more careful and concerned about his own death rather than jumping at something that could get him in trouble. You pushing on a read is inherently null because you're the complete opposite and I either find myself agreeing with you or not agreeing with you; I mostly depend on what your pushes flip to sustain a read. Both Jerkus and Ryker seemed to snowball their reasoning to vote each other and the fact remains is that one took a decisive action while the other didn't. Ryker thinks Jerkus is just fabricating a reason to vote him while Jerkus thinks ryker is a fabricating a reason to claim. It's really just a can of worms that I didn't want to deal with right now, but you've shown intent to vote both of them. Are you gauging the idea of both being scum or just one? If I had to make a guess I would go with Jerkus for being more likely as I think he's blowing Ryker's actions out of proportion.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
maybe in a bit ruy. for now theres still **** to be squeezed out of this back and forth. in the meantime do you have any thoughts on aggro v jerkus?
Aggro a claim was uneeded so he is pulling a gambit me thinks. See what he does with it, good way to get a strong read.

Circus is tunneling it, I don't like that.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Thoughts time.

Kind of digging We Thuggin's push on AM. At first I wasn't so sure if he was serious about AM scum or just wanted to push off a suspicion.

well that was a lot less confrontational than i expected

vote frito
Then Thuggin followed up with this. WT looked like he thought about AM's reaction and told himself to stop, like he didn't expect such a reaction and isn't sure what to make of it. I feel like a scummier play would have been to just continue pushing AM at this point, maybe not with intent to lynch, but intent to push.

AM's reaction i'm just shaking my head when looking at. Few things about it, IDK why AM decided to claim VT when he had a total of 2 votes on him from a 15 minute wagon, seems like a gross overreaction. I just don't see what good that does. Calling out a potential Gorf/WT private communication yet being on board FT wagon is pretty filthy because If he believes Gorf/ WT are most likely neighbors/ masons, it puts a huge target on them...it really doesn't make sense. The fact of the matter is AM justifies this by saying IF WT or Gorf flips scum and AM is not around, it's good to have posted. However since he's leaning towards town on both of them, it doesn't add up to put them in a worse spot.

I'd probably do the cool kids thing and say "Yeah, go ahead, lynch me. I don't really have any reason to keep playing. Ya da ya da."

If you get me to L-1 I (Ryker) am willing to hammer.

I'm VT.

Watch out for Gorf/WT private communication of some sort. The set-up for Gorf's hammer is so incredibly transparent, but with Nabe's play and the fact that he played much better of the Frito/WT split, I am still inclined to say neighbor/masons.

Nabe needs to stop being nebulous.

Raz is the town read I could most easily be wrong on.

Game needs flips and it needs em bad. Sokr flip did jack **** because no one was around before he died.

I'm out at least until Alex shows up. Peace late.
Feel like AM was planning to pressure Nabe more toDay based on this:

Step 2: Eliminate Choices
First things first: Nabe. Your opaque PR plan is not helping. As scum, it allows you to hide. As town, it only allows your words to be twisted. You're gonna have to nut up and give us something more so that you can actually be held accountable to SOMETHING rather than getting away with such nebulous play.

IDK what happened to this because Nabe has barely stepped up his game.

A bit suspicious of AM, not concerned enough though to go for an AM wagon with <48 hours left of today.

Circus vs. AM makes me feel less OK with Circus, a lot of his arguments for AM scum ended up being nitpicking or reaching meta.

and it's not like Ryker's playing to oldschool town meta right now. When has he ever been this laidback? When has he ever not fought for thread dominance? He says he's in the foreground (certainly wouldn't say he's in the background), but also admits he has nothing to say right now. Like ???

plus he's ready to die but he also just claims his role outta nowhere too? You claim because you think it'll help you survive, either through believability of the claim itself or the appearance of being transparent and a team player. "Town needs flips, even mine, except not really mine because I already told you guys so town"

First part of post is reaching meta, second part is just nitpicking how Circus thinks VT claims should, or in this case, shouldn't go down so early.

you're so full of ****. I've personally seen you stalwartly refuse to claim in the past because you didn't feel it was beneficial. You didn't claim VT just now to ensure your oh so important flip was ****ed with by some kind of outside element that almost never shows up in Dgames.
Reaching meta.

You were not about to die. You got two votes on you. That's not "getting all the information out there before it's too late;" that's a preemptive grab for town points. I have NEVER seen you claim at two votes, without anyone even asking you for it. Even if I were to buy your premise that you always claim, no matter what, just in case Janitors Or Something, I'd be willing to bet you've never been compelled to do so at L-5 before. Especially not as VT. That claim is not important.

Rest of post is a ramble I don't care to parse.
Reaching meta

So you were fine dying for the sake of town getting a flip because you were souring on your own play, or you claimed in order to bring about exactly the result we saw—head off the wagon, preventing your lynch? Did you claim with intent to prevent your lynch or not?

What's funny about this is that, while I do consider this point to be one of the most damning against you for reasons that will become clear later if they aren't already, I haven't actually been pushing this much at all yet. You're the one who keeps bringing it up. Methinks you doth protest too much.

First part is nitpicking since AM answered a very similar question earlier in their discussion IIRC.

Second part is nitpicking because right now, it's irrelevant.

ryker town.

I was ignored when I first asked...but why is this?
Still fine with lynching FT toDay.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
EBWOP: First part is nitpicking since AM answered a very similar question earlier in their discussion IIRC.

Second part is nitpicking because right now, it's irrelevant.

Should be in the spoiler tag

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
i would lynch aggromed before i lynched jerkus

ryker youre one of the most selfish players ive ever encountered. but might we discuss this after the games closure

im hoping town actually considers my opinion after i ****in die. i feel like town lacks the ****ing damn cajones to kill off aggro without me/jerkus to lay into him

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
i would lynch aggromed before i lynched jerkus

ryker youre one of the most selfish players ive ever encountered. but might we discuss this after the games closure

im hoping town actually considers my opinion after i ****in die. i feel like town lacks the ****ing damn cajones to kill off aggro without me/jerkus to lay into him
How so on the selfish part?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
okay, so forget that post i saved. It's way too late to matter (won't move a new wagon in time) and I reveal things in there that need not be revealed if it has no hope of getting AM lynched right now.

Just remember that Ryker brought up the idea of hidden flips apropos of nothing in order to defend his claim. That's the important part. I've noticed that a lot of people don't seem to actually be clear on what set me off so much with regards to AM over the last few pages. It was that. Not meta. Not the choice to claim itself. Those factor into what happened, but the red flag is the implication of knowledge that Ryker shouldn't have. He knows that, which is why he kept harping on even when I was talking about other factors.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
^ yep

essentially ryker tried to beat jerkus to the punch on a damning point by flipping the tables on him with a vote screaming "LOOK HOW HARD JERKUS IS REACHING EVERYONE! I KNOW YALL SEE THIS!" the vote was pretty balls in retrospect. how ****** actually think this **** is tvt is beyond me
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