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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!

Apr 17, 2011
You said it yourself: Marshys a ***** to read and an even bigger ***** to lynch. People WANT me dead. Why not use that appeal to your advantage as town? It makes my scum flip that much better for what would be a future scumthug case. Or, push the fact that were communicating. I can't imagine you feeling the need to hide that all the way up till now if you thought we were scum, and if you thought we were town then you'd have zero reason to say it period.
When, if ever, have I, as town, backed down from lynching someone if I thought they were the one that needed to die. People being willing to lynch you is MORE of a reason to lynch Marshy because I know people will lynch you if I die afterward. I don't have the luxury of knowing I'll have another phase to nail Marshy and he can squirm out of it, unlike you.

As far as not sharing earlier, I don't want you two lynched right now. Had I said it earlier, there is a distinct chance it could have caused the boiling WT wagon to catch enough steam. I then kept my mouth shut in case Nabe cleared one of you, outright. Once you say it, you can't take it back. I do not regret saying it when I did. I laid my cards on the table.

My problem is that I don't follow the idea of you NOT saying anything about it before if you were under the impression that we were scum. And I hate to break it to you, but OMGUSing circus is going to do nothing. He's spot on that that VT claim is haphazard. He's been spot on about your slot for the past few hours actually.
I didn't and still don't know that you are scum. Uncovering that connection is what lead me to believe that you might not be. I still am not pushing you, so don't say that I think you're scum. I think you could be.

As far as this Circus thing goes. He's reaching terribly. He's not saying the same things about the claims and if you think he is, you should reread. I claim, in every game, whenever I think it will help. f that means clamming up, I don't say anything. If that means claiming I'm Day Vig and bullying videogames.jpg, that's what I do. Where are you going with that?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Name one time. ONE TIME, where I died without claiming while I was there.
You were not about to die. You got two votes on you. That's not "getting all the information out there before it's too late;" that's a preemptive grab for town points. I have NEVER seen you claim at two votes, without anyone even asking you for it. Even if I were to buy your premise that you always claim, no matter what, just in case Janitors Or Something, I'd be willing to bet you've never been compelled to do so at L-5 before. Especially not as VT. That claim is not important.

Rest of post is a ramble I don't care to parse.

Unrelated, Circus I fully expect you to drop this AM push like a stone tomorrow (Day 3) in exactly the same way nothing came of your late to the party push on we thuggin yesterDay.

I mean, it's nice your posting something though.
You should really read what I actually said in Twilight/my more recent post explaining it. It was never meant to be some big indictment of thuggin. It was me thought-vomiting before the Day officially ended. This is not the same thing.

Thanks for the thumb in the eye though, that's why I'm all squinty.

Friday Townie

Red Ryu|Rajam
Nov 12, 2013
I'm totally with you Raziek. I haven't liked Gorf ever since Pre-game play dissipated and ever since it seems like he really doesn't have any direction at all, and when he does have some sort of direction, he changes his mind so haphazardly that it's hard to understand where he was coming from in the first place. See: how he's handled today. What bothers me more is that he seems be gloating in his own play and those posts where he points out his own inconsistencies (Gorf so scummy for changing him vote again!! haha right on man!!! smoke weed!!!) really are boggling my goddamn mind. I don't know what he gains by openly pointing them out and like I said before, it looks like an appeal. I see no town intent to make those posts and I really can't see his town intent at all.

Specially at last half
Apr 17, 2011
You were not about to die. You got two votes on you. That's not "getting all the information out there before it's too late;" that's a preemptive grab for town points. I have NEVER seen you claim at two votes, without anyone even asking you for it. Even if I were to buy your premise that you always claim, no matter what, just in case Janitors Or Something, I'd be willing to bet you've never been compelled to do so at L-5 before. Especially not as VT. That claim is not important.
I never said I was. I said I headed it off pre-emptively because there was a legitimate danger that I could die. Again, I claim when it is most beneficial. I have claimed in post 1. I have claimed aggressivley in order to stop wagons. I have claimed in order to start wagons. I am openly admitting and have never denied that it was an open grab for town points. I legitimately laid all my cards on the table. I put everything I held back out there because it wasn't doing me any good there. Where is your point?

Now, again, WHERE do you come off insinuating that I know things about the set-up when it was never even close to implied and why is it not reaching to justify your vote? You have no ammunition. You keep returning to a VT claim which came AFTER your vote where you attempted to ride WT's coattails (as I was accused of doing). Where is your case to support my lynch?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
My stance is, always has been, and always will be, that you get every shred of information out IN CASE something like that happens.
I claim, in every game, whenever I think it will help. f that means clamming up, I don't say anything. If that means claiming I'm Day Vig and bullying videogames.jpg, that's what I do. Where are you going with that?
I mean....
Apr 17, 2011
I mean....

I clam up and then I don't get lynched, then I didn't need to claim. If that's what I feel needs to happen, I do that, but if i get lynched, regardless of what I did before, I get my role out before I die unless I am quick lynched while not there.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I'm twisting your words? Or your flailing?

So you're argument is that, at L-5, after Marshy and I had been voting you for like 20 minutes or whatever, you claimed your very important VT role JUST IN CASE IT GOT JAN'D LATER OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW MAYBE AND THAT WOULD BE CATASTROPHIC, in the name of good ol'-fashioned townie transparency.

Sometimes you clam up because you don't feel you have to say anything in order to avoid lynch, but what just happened was TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT, so you did.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You should really read what I actually said in Twilight/my more recent post explaining it. It was never meant to be some big indictment of thuggin. It was me thought-vomiting before the Day officially ended. This is not the same thing.

Thanks for the thumb in the eye though, that's why I'm all squinty.
...I thought you liked it when our bodies touched....

And I'm not saying they're exactly the same. I'm predicting what I expect to happen; you may yet prove me wrong.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ayyo ryker, I really didn't want to go down your avenue cuz I didn't want town to think I was flip flopping since I'm scum and it's scummy to do that, but your last posts aren't adding up man.

Thuggin is a part of your contingency plan.

Me and thuggin have private communication.

I can live.

These three can't coexist man. You say were likely neighbors/masons (the latter of which would mean you'd think were DEFINITELY town, the former meaning were either Indy or town). If you're town what the fuck is the point of saying this? You're outing suspicion of a REALLY vulnerable town PR as town... You lost me man. If it's Indy communication then your direction is faulty at best, seeing how you as town would LOVE to eliminate double scum. But you're not. You have thuggin, nabe and rake. Rake, your slot admits, is too easy. Nabe, I'M telling you, is too easy. Thuggin has plenty of appeal already, so that's easy... Your logic makes no sense.



Vote: Aggro
Called thus with the private convo part.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
> 4.4 gpa
> graduating top of class
> can't put two and two together on missing a letter

the future is so bright


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Don't worry Rake, I was thinking the same thing.

Also, I figured it wasn't hammer, but I wasn't 100% sure @ Gord.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Lol shut up Rake that part matches up.

Ruy said:
Called thus with the private convo part.

If you think this piece of input was important can you clarify? I can't really tell what you're saying here, if it's not just ignore me.
Apr 17, 2011
I'm twisting your words? Or your flailing?

So you're argument is that, at L-5, after Marshy and I had been voting you for like 20 minutes or whatever, you claimed your very important VT role JUST IN CASE IT GOT JAN'D LATER OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW MAYBE AND THAT WOULD BE CATASTROPHIC, in the name of good ol'-fashioned townie transparency.

Sometimes you clam up because you don't feel you have to say anything in order to avoid lynch, but what just happened was TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT, so you did.

Twisting. It's obvious I'm saying I handle my claim differently depending on the situation. You then point to a hypothetical and say that I'm scum for not playing the same in this situation.

I claimed my VERY UNIMPORTANT VT ROLE because it profited me to head off that wagon there rather than die to an unpredictable day's end lynch. Literally everyone was ready for the day to end with that stale information. I was serious when I said if they got it to L-1 I would vote myself even if that was calculated as well. I played all of my cards in a last ditch attempt to offer something new because I was called out for not doing anything on my own.

You're NEVER going to make that paranoia about knowing things about the set-up stick. It's mudslinging, plain and simple.

Now, if you're equal to the challenge, how about you answer the accusation you conveniently avoided.

Now, again, WHERE do you come off insinuating that I know things about the set-up when it was never even close to implied and why is it not reaching to justify your vote? You have no ammunition. You keep returning to a VT claim which came AFTER your vote where you attempted to ride WT's coattails (as I was accused of doing). Where is your case to support my lynch?
Or you can ignore me some more. Then I'll just stop talking to you and start getting people to vote you. I'm sure avoiding me would be plenty of reason for most people.

Play the whole game with me. You don't get to sit on the bench when I have the ball.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm gonna have to grit my teeth and stop ******** and look at what's going on between AggroMed and Jerkus right now, though my problem is that I didn't come into this phase focused on them and I didn't expect that to change any time soon. My read on Jerkus is pretty shallow if even viable at all, because I have mostly skimmed his posts. AggroMed isn't in the same light as I've had the chance to have a slight interaction and I came out with liking him in the process, more importantly, his recent play of literally throwing himself into the lions den is something I have to consider. Ryker isn't stupid but I also know he isn't the most invested players in games. Jerkus, I seriously haven't looked much into your arguments about AggroMed but why do you think Ryker would do what he did as scum?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I claimed my VERY UNIMPORTANT VT ROLE because it profited me to head off that wagon there rather than die to an unpredictable day's end lynch. Literally everyone was ready for the day to end with that stale information. I was serious when I said if they got it to L-1 I would vote myself even if that was calculated as well. I played all of my cards in a last ditch attempt to offer something new because I was called out for not doing anything on my own
So you were fine dying for the sake of town getting a flip because you were souring on your own play, or you claimed in order to bring about exactly the result we saw—head off the wagon, preventing your lynch? Did you claim with intent to prevent your lynch or not?

You're NEVER going to make that paranoia about knowing things about the set-up stick. It's mudslinging, plain and simple.
What's funny about this is that, while I do consider this point to be one of the most damning against you for reasons that will become clear later if they aren't already, I haven't actually been pushing this much at all yet. You're the one who keeps bringing it up. Methinks you doth protest too much.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
you vs Circus reads TvT for me atm. I like you slightly more
For once I agree with something Rake has posted.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of poking my head in here to see what was going on when I SHOULD be studying, and I can't afford to devote an hour or more to actually trying to wrap my head around everything that just happened in the past 5 pages.

I write an exam tomorrow, so I'm dipping from the thread.
Apr 17, 2011
That's not the important thing here. He says I'm doing it because I'm scum and it was calculated. It was entirely calculated. I meant every word in that post, but it is a horrific AtE to live. However, that's null. I do what it takes to live, even if that means offering to hammer myself (I would've followed through so I could AtE at a later date, fyi). Either you agree with him or you don't.

I want him to back up his reasons for voting me in the first place. This is all from after the fact. I'm saying he had no ammo in the first place.
Apr 17, 2011
So you were fine dying for the sake of town getting a flip because you were souring on your own play, or you claimed in order to bring about exactly the result we saw—head off the wagon, preventing your lynch? Did you claim with intent to prevent your lynch or not?
Both. I did it because I played like **** and if I was going to die through that post, I wasn't stopping it. At least I didn't have to keep playing it. Yes, it was intended to prevent my lynch.

What's funny about this is that, while I do consider this point to be one of the most damning against you for reasons that will become clear later if they aren't already, I haven't actually been pushing this much at all yet. You're the one who keeps bringing it up. Methinks you doth protest too much.
I respond every time you bring it up and I have every intention of bringing it up because it's such a huge reach.
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