Okay, talked to Alex. Trying to get this out while I can.
We need to move.
Step 1: Establish Lynch Pool
Rake, Circus, Nabe, Frito, Thuggin.
There. I did it. Fanatical nay-sayers please shut up for the moment. We don't need zealous white-knighting of "they can't be scum." We need actual solid reason not to lynch these people if you are defending them.
Step 2: Eliminate Choices
First things first: Nabe. Your opaque PR plan is not helping. As scum, it allows you to hide. As town, it only allows your words to be twisted. You're gonna have to nut up and give us something more so that you can actually be held accountable to SOMETHING rather than getting away with such nebulous play.
Secondly, Circus, hate to be an ass, but catch-up or die.
There's my contribution for the moment. More if I don't get Crashboarded.
Step 3: Vote
This comes later.