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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Yea of course you can't disagree with anything he's saying man cuz he's not saying anything content wise! Literally everything he's said has been toward the mechanics of mafia (which is pretty scummy at this point in the game) or ridiculously weak man.
What differentiates it being scum and it being null? Do you have any idea of Circus' meta, since IIRC someone brought up townCircus meta and I forget if it was you.

Do me a favor and tell me what you like about him as someone who is just about ready to give up on him. I haven't bothered to read his responses as none of them interest me and I see that he is still not doing things of his own initiative, rather just waiting on something to be done for him.
When I first read this post I was ready to throw a computer or something. Then I took a break before deciding to continue this thread.
See my previous post as to how I feel about your walls. It's simply not enough for me. Where's your vote even at right now?
FYI, i'm typing this off memory since crashboards, meaning can't bring up quotes from other pages. I'm trying to figure out where to start here.

First thing, this, you, are quite literally the type of player that makes me dread typing out walls. I don't mind making walls too much if I feel like people will read them...problem is people don't so it's actually read them (I learned this veeeeery early into mafia) so it's better to not even make the wall and try to summarize EVERYTHING because otherwise people won't read the walls. Like flat out this type of response is at fault for why you scum read me every game, it's either I go for quick little explanation posts that you will read and hopefully see where i'm coming from, going, and what i'm looking at, or I type a wall which makes my thoughts come out infinitely more solid but no one reads them, looks where i'm looking at, and then it was a waste and LESS useful to town than the quick version because at least the quick version is read.

Next thing, I don't even know where to begin with you now. I can't decide if you're being super stubborn Soup who gets a read and sticks to it or you're scum and are really being this bad. Like, either you're implying you DID READ the walls (as stated by the second underlined thing) or your completely ignoring my rebuttal (first underlined quote) which addresses the things which well, you wanted addressed. Quite literally I did the exact thing that you said you wanted to see, went super deep into my thought process and tried to explain EVERYTHING. You go with the super vague "it's simply not enough here." If you didn't read it, then you can't even make that opinion so don't start with it. Somehow you still have me as your scum read when you're not even reading a complete and thorough analysis...or you did read it and are completely ignoring it. Pick one or the other. I'm actually furious to have to be dealing with this, hell, if it was anyone else i'd be thinking dumb scum but you're such a stubborn player that I can't even tell what's going on in your head. I'm not even 100% sure if you did read the wall and are ignoring it or completely skipped over it.

Third, where the hell is the initiative thing coming from now? I may need to look at your previous posts when crashboards isn't crashing every minunte, but IIRC that wasn't even a part of your reasoning to scum read me UNTIL NOW.

Thanks for reminding me about the vote BTW, while I still thinky Marshy is scum (that should be obvious if you READ my walls), Nabe is a slot which has been bothering me (once against should be obvious from the ****ING WALLS). Like, IDK what to even do with that slot when it's like he isn't playing the game. For some reason Nabe is just going around liking posts with his name in it so he has to be reading to some extent...idk why he isn't posting stuff though. That post he said would be up in 48 hours needs to be like super amazing or something.

Vote: Nabe

If this is my FT vote is was I felt like he wasn't playing to read people and was instead scummily putting his blinders on, especially to marshy and even to me. I know it's half rajam but the Ryu side didn't show any intent to get a real reads, his feels largely felt fake to me and even skimming now I don't understand how he has me at null town at all seeing as I haven't been doing anything toDay yet. Slot is scummy and should prolly go short of what I missed being damn amazing
Are there any posts you have to support the underlined specifically?

I can agree with the intent part since well, I said this when talking to Scary, but his only true scum hunting content has been Marshy. Although some of his more recent posts I feel have had more analysis on the playerlist than before. (Quoting just to show you an example of recent analysis.)

Cuz Gorf is scum obv

Meanwhile my read on the waggoners up to L-2 in Sokr's wagon is that they were attempting to get reaction-reads, Nabe came and left a content-less L-1 vote on Sokr and disappeared, and Gorf just came and hammered and is like nobody remembers that toDay

Also Gorf, you were very keen at the end of yesterDay on calling the wifoms; how is it possible you missed the different layers of wifom that happened in the thuggin-Circus exchange post-hammer yesterDay too?

Scum: thuggin, Nabe

Scum-Lean: Gorf

Null: Scary, Raziek, Circus

Town-Lean: Rake, AM, Kary

Town: soup, dabuz, Joey

(^ Rajam reads)
At this point i was leaning null scum. Shades of dabuz from FE&A. I think i talked about this on D1 where i mentioned not feeling comfortable with his approach due to my experience of his scum play. His thuggin vote didn't make too much sense as I felt like his post was gearing towards joining the train on me. I don't think he ever explained why he felt marshy was scum over just agressive town marshy at least that i saw, the vote seemed haphazard and placed really. Like what you might expect of directionless scum

I feel like this should be explained regarding why I didn't decide to vote you after pushing. Quite simply if you remember (and if I remember correctly : x), I was pressuring you based on what looked like your mindless pressure that wasn't amounting to anything. 2 things were brought up to make me be fine with that action. First is that you stated you did actually have reasons or get stuff from your play like Sokr null or null town (now I really need to check your play since IIRC you were on the Sokr wagon), Scary was a joke from previous game, it wasn't the most satisfying stuff, not by a longshot, but it was -something-. The second thing is that when I was asking around for your meta, people (including yourself) regarded that pushing like the way you did is part of your meta as both town and scum, now considering I wanted to question you because of that push heavy stuff, it made reads I garnered from that fact illegitimate and pursuing you any more over that wouldn't be beneficial BECAUSE I was questioning you on null meta. The Marshy vote explanation should be there...I did have the reasoning.

I use meta as a scent, not a tell. It's true that some of my argument in past (and current) games have meta involved in my reads but it's never the absolute base of the argument. I have much more reasoning to town-read Raziek based on his individual play than just meta, but I also have meta reasoning that contributes to it. Right now, your argument against mine is solely compromised of Meta and holds no barring other than 'Dabuz did this in X therefore Y' tell me: did anything ever come out of Dabuns' analysis and reads? Can you tell me without a doubt that Dabuns has been productive at all? Read more into my argument instead of dismissing because we don't happen to agree. That's why I see here. You've built an image of what Dabuns plays like in your head and it's completely clouding your judgment. That's what makes my read different from yours. Tell me what town intention you can discern from Dabuns' recent posts and responses.

So, how is scum-reading me every game going for you? (Chew)

Swap on me null on first fell, like I've been saying I wasn't expecting anything really, but after Gorff hammered it was like : even though that was fast, there was like: 0 resistance to sokr by basically anyone. It was like this weird apathetic twilight zone of the townies involved either just couldn't care less, or just didn't want to think too much about it. i'm guilty of not thinking too much about it too , but still, with slots like Kary and FT around and even soup, there was just too much passiveness for me not to be thinking scum was sliding around on that wagon.

IIRC your first read of Gorf was town lean based on gut. I don't really see the point you're trying to get at here otherwise unless you're trying to say you think someone in the Kary/ FT/ Soup group is scum based on their reactions, or lack thereof to the QL?

I still want to say he's leaning null town but I'm not totally caught up, his intent feels legit behind his vote as I can see where he's coming from with it, but at the same time it doesn't feel like theres' a consideration to the rakeTown side and that his scum read is more based in opportunism than legitimacy, he didn't talk about me much so maybe if he laid out why he liked the approach D1 or w/e I' feel better but he's leaning around the same area as you where I'm not comfortable calling you better than null with a little bit of a scum by poe / my own worries feel. Although between the two of you I think i'm starting to like your slot a bit more as I catch up but it remains to be seen if that'll hold water.

I don't understand where you're really going here. You're saying Gorf is leaning null town despite not being caught up, but then you go to explain why you don't think this is the case and how you're getting a scum lean on him. That really doesn't add up man.

How do you feel about him ?
Leaning scum. First off, I think I've said this before but i'll say it again, that hammer was bad...really REALLY bad. Past that, he's a weird slot. He has lots of posts which are useless and if you read my wall, you saw I pointed out something where I didn't like how Gorf said he didn't want the AM lynch yet he was pushing super hard and acted like he did. There are moments that are bad like that in his play. Then he has posts like this:

I guess, like, this just didn't phase anyone, but like, this ALONE is pretty damning on your part Rake my man! The fact that you took all the way until now to say this would make you quite the little ******* as town, but town wouldn't just say that. You left nothing to make us even consider that that was what you were thinking, man. I can pull up the posts that you made that led me to think the aggro wagon was going somewhere that wasn't a lynch. You were looking for somebody to hammer! Now, did I want Sokr dead? Absolutely man! Was I wrong about his alignment? Absolutely man! If you were to say something like that, I'd still probably be a fool, but now I gotta agree with Ryker that, even though it's unlikely (note: unlikely) that you're aligned with FT, you're scum man! No two ways about it brother!

A post like this which makes me think the slot is indeed reading and thinking and trying to look down avenues for town...but then there isn't follow up, it's kind of left hanging there, kind of like what I would do in FE:A except Gorf uses a lot more words. IIRC, There's also the opinion that (I can't bring up quotes due to crashboards) I don't believe Gorf and Marshy could be on the same scum team since it felt like in the early game, Gorf was defending Marshy really hard, like so hard that if one of them flips scum there is a good paper trail to the other, too good of a paper trail for decent players to leave as scum. I scum read Marshy though (as explained in my walls) so it's like I can't be confident on my Gorf read. I personally wouldn't like to see him go before Marshy at this rate.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
HOW ARE THERE PAGES OF CONTENT? I haven't been able to see a live version of this thread in two days.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Damn, Dabuns laid the smackdown on me. If crashboards doesn't crash again I might be able to actually respond to that.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
As if you can swing a waggon by saying that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.
you know me too well karebear <3

dont worry. i know where my votes going if yall keep cockblocking me. i just need to hash things out with aggro first which i will later today assuming the sites back up

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
marshy do i read dabuns' post or do i just stubbornly keep my vote on him i don't want to read it at all

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
maybe i will tomorrow but just responding to it and trying to properly sum up what i don't like about him is a daunting task while still trying to balance what he said


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
dude then why focus your posts on me the way you did near the end of d1? youve gone from scum marshy -> i dont want town listening to you mostly -> **** it let night actions take of him. i understand the latter two observations were in response to me and frito asking you directly about me but i dunno. i cant help but think the focus on me is just kinda pointless and a lot of time you dedicate to in this game to talking about me and little else. i certainly dont want a repeat of *** effect. your direction in your recent post regarding your reads is fair enough but reading your posts you come off as shooting pretty off the hip and im having difficulty determining if this is lurkus capitalizing off of towns waves or if this to the point catchup mode jerkus in the previously mentioned game.
If it seems like I'm shooting from the hip, it's because I am. There's some important context missing here: by the time I had read Kantrip's PM telling me D1 had officially begun, it had actually already ended. I started reading the recent posts in the thread, realized a lynch had already occurred, saw someone had directed the Doc and made a "don't do that" post right then and there, reflexively. From there, I started working my way back through the thread, trying to get caught up a little bit and get some content flowing before Kanty brought the Night phase (you can laugh, but it's not like I've never been killed N1 before, and I genuinely wanted to make sure I put some footprints in this game in case I died before D2 started). One of the things that stuck out to me, that I felt needed to be commented on, was that you were apparently running your #hbc play at maximum velocity, which can be dangerous if left unchecked. It gives scum and town alike a free pass to play like **** (see: Gorf). So I basically just decided I needed to start urging people to not let you steer the ship. Sokr's body wasn't even cold yet and you were lining up the next lynch.

Basically I think it's healthy to always keep an eye on you in games, because otherwise you would skate through as scum (I linked to Hearts Mafia for a reason). That's mainly where my posts from before came from.

where are you even at in this game? i see somewhat of an interest in learning more about frito and an earlier comment stating you werent caught up enough to delve deeper. are you with the rest of the town that my earlier interaction with frito was confusing (this is the word that comes to me first when i think of the fallout of that interaction. the tides changed from my direction to reevaluating a slot previously generally accepted as town and its just like town was like wtf do we do about this) or are you just behind? if its the latter why is it that frito interests you? youve paid a lot of attention to the bigger wagons/cases (youve commented on rake/nabe/frito) but what about dabdab?
This is the thing. I didn't read confirmation phase at all while it was happening because a) I didn't think it was going to last as long as it did and b) I wasn't really interested in digging into the game if not everyone had even seen their roles yet. Then D1 happened in a blur and D2 has been me vs. Crashboards vs. stomach flu. So no, I'm really just not that caught up. Now that I at least know where some of the Frito discussion stems from, I have a starting point.

Frito specifically interests me because it's a wagon that has passengers and nothing in my own observation indicates why. I get why people don't like Nabe. I get why people don't like Rake. I even get why people don't like dabuz, but it's moot because nobody ever seems to like dabuz.


we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
iight yo

scary/karebear/gorf/joey/raz town in that order. none of these people should be lynched anytime soon and anyone who disagrees is wrong and should stop thinking what they want to think and instead just stop even considering that any of these slots might be scum. we have enough fish to fry and any focus on these clear nonplays is time wasted for all of us and is just dumb as ****

soups a townlean as well. he had me confused d1 but i take comfort in him being the only person besides me to not blinded by dabdabs atrocities and his plays improved as well. not quite as "damn this dude is town" level as the above five but hes my bro for now feel me

that leaves...well wuddya have it. jerkus/nabe/rake/frito/dabdab. jerkus/nabe i can wait to deduce. im not done terrorizing jerkus yet and i feel like i can find something of value between him and nabe if im given more time. aggro can go either way but hes not a play and he can be of some use. frito and dabdab remain terrible and refuse to not make me want to vomit nearly every post they make but whatever. deadlines nearing and ive got time to take them out later and get people to stop townreading them for ******** reasons later

gorf/aggro/soup...listen guys. a lot of this towns reads are EXTRAORDINARILY BAD. im not saying this to be a ****. im saying this cuz i have more faith in you guys outliving me and sheparding the innocent away from terrible reads. we ACTUALLY HAVE PEOPLE WHO THINK GORF/SCARY MIGHT BE NOT BE TOWN. we ACTUALLY HAVE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DEFENDED RAKE/FRITO/DABDAB/JERKUS AT VARIOUS POINTS. all of this has really happened in this game by people who claim to be sane. when i inevitably die...please dont let my aforementioned townreads who have no idea what the **** to think or where the **** to go or how the **** to properly manage direction in a thread to overrun the town and lose us the ****ing gorfdamn game. that is all i ask

vote rake


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
This is the first time I've managed to get online in 2 days. I'm not sure if this has affected everyone the same, but the site has definitely been inconsistent at best. Due to the problems with the site, I will be extending the deadline by 48 hours.

The new deadline is 11:59 CST on December 7th.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

Nabe [4] - soup, Scary, Friday Townie, dabuz
Rake [3] - Kary, Nabe, we thuggin
Circus [1] - Gorf
dabuz [1] - soup
Friday Townie [1] - Rake

Aggressive Mediation [0]
Scary [0]
Raziek [0]
Kary [0]
we thuggin [0]
Gorf [0]
soup [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Circus, Aggressive Mediation, Raziek, Masquerain

With 13 players alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline has been set for 11:59pm CST on Dec 7th.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright dabuns, I read some of your wall. Dabuns, my main problem is the fact that I always have you to push you to do these things like write out your thought process or why you think something, when you should be doing it for your own fruition. You can explain and rant and bicker at me for reading your slot like it is but you've really set yourself in this predicament. I don't understand why you're not already top of things and I might be nitpicking you but I've been able to formulate a proper thought process from you in the past as town, but here you're really cluttered and I don't see what's going through your head. And then there is another thing that really bothers me. You're going out of your way to appeal to me to a great extent, to the point where you're writing walls just for me. Why? I mean, the obvious answer is because you want me to understand you, but you don't need to look at me like I'm your babysitter. I want you to do stuff on your own. Throw down a read-list. No clutter. No ****ty defenses. I think even if you're town you're trying way too hard to be a people pleaser and it's got you going out of whack. I know you're probably gonna yell at me and say 'well you just get mad or don't like when I don't play the way you want me to!!!' And that's not really a problem. Look at a slot like Joey who is universally town-read right now. He might be terribly wrong and he might not be the most active poster, but his thought process is easy to understand most of his posts seem believable and genuine, while yours do not.

I have absolutely no idea how people are reading you otherwise, and it's weird because you previously told me in a conversation that you don't like making half-baked posts when that's all you've really been doing this phase. I don't see you actively pushing things but instead just writing out a bunch of **** that doesn't really go anywhere. I see your vote on Nabe finally, but do I need to make that point again where I literally have to drag everything out of you?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't think I'll be able to convince town right now to lynch you which is what steams me the most but you keep up your play the way you're going I will seriously not hesitate to throw down the gauntlet. I already tried throwing it down today but people aren't listening to me and part of me wants to think 'well maybe the others have a point' and the other part of me wants to think 'well maybe they're wrong and nobody has really proved me otherwise'. I can understand how marshy feels sometimes really and nothing frustrates me more than getting shut down when I feel I really have something and I'm forced to compensate on other lynches that I'm not as certain on.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rake has had some really awful posts since his previous return but Nabe certainly isn't squeaky-clean either. I don't think Rake = Nabe but I think one of them holds scum. I'm down to lynch Rake over Nabe just on the basis Dabuz is voting Nabe for no other reason than him being nabe and that's he's inactive.

Vote: Rake

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rake, go go go?
was reading for a second and caught up to this dabuns this is why i don't like you like i sound like a broken record now but you're stating dislike for Rake and then you just kinda ????? where did it go??? it

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
10/10 catch from Gorf in this post, I need to evaluate Rake in depth now.
again dabuns this literally went nowhere it's like you said it for no other than to pretend you have something going on where is that evaluation of rake and why did it never come to light and you just proxied your vote on nabe instead

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
stop everything rake is town

Vote: Friday Townie

Thuggin and Gorf town. Joey town. Soup, Kary townlean. AM not mafia. Null Circus atm.

humor me here. do you have an opinion on jerkus/frito? cmon mister master at reading ruy. mister kryptonite. PLEASE? PLEASE NABE?
Absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel scum #hbc2014 needs to die. I've been melting with the anticipation of getting this post through the crash, but this lynch needs to happen toDay.

please no 522

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I feel like this should be explained regarding why I didn't decide to vote you after pushing. Quite simply if you remember (and if I remember correctly : x), I was pressuring you based on what looked like your mindless pressure that wasn't amounting to anything. 2 things were brought up to make me be fine with that action. First is that you stated you did actually have reasons or get stuff from your play like Sokr null or null town (now I really need to check your play since IIRC you were on the Sokr wagon), Scary was a joke from previous game, it wasn't the most satisfying stuff, not by a longshot, but it was -something-. The second thing is that when I was asking around for your meta, people (including yourself) regarded that pushing like the way you did is part of your meta as both town and scum, now considering I wanted to question you because of that push heavy stuff, it made reads I garnered from that fact illegitimate and pursuing you any more over that wouldn't be beneficial BECAUSE I was questioning you on null meta. The Marshy vote explanation should be there...I did have the reasoning.
not sure what kind of pressure you accomplished by calling out intent to vote him and like..nothing else?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
stop everything rake is town

Vote: Friday Townie

Thuggin and Gorf town. Joey town. Soup, Kary townlean. AM not mafia. Null Circus atm.

Absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel scum #hbc2014 needs to die. I've been melting with the anticipation of getting this post through the crash, but this lynch needs to happen toDay.

please no 522

Apr 17, 2011


Fiery response there.

Question: I think Nabe is the ONLY one who has defended Rake thus far. Do you think it could be a set-up?

Mostly waiting on Alex at the moment. He got Crashboarded much harder than I. Now, in some strange twist of fate, I am the one who is ahead.

Nabe. You realize that one post isn't going to cut it. I want your reads.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste

I appreciate the honesty and conviction, but do you have any real reason to suspect Rake? Kid's town.

You have my reads. Reasoning:

Ryu -- innate knowledge within the fabric of my being
Rake -- guttown, I like his playstyle; the only reason I had interest in him was to straighten out a qualm
Gorf, Thug -- guttown
Joey -- obvtown
Soup -- meta townlean; he hasn't exploded emotionally over minor clashes of opinion, and I haven't seen any negative motivation in his posts
Kary -- meta townlean; working an angle on a case without obvious lurches in momentum that show across his standard scum play
AM -- could be scum, but not with Ryuscum; two players playing two different games at cross-purposes
Circus -- stark null
The rest -- secret

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
On you being voted in general and specifically Kary's post which you've now responded to.

People vote, life moves on , they want my feels and all , I'm glad to give it.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
So you think that there were some scum on the waggon, but maybe some scum not on the waggon?

Are you ****ING kidding me here?

Both the people you're looking at here, FT and dabuz, were not on the waggon. How does that affect your reads at all- why would they do that?

Gorf hammered Sokr- but that was completely null- how does that work?

Don't sit here and ****ing try and tell me that even though you're playing scummy it's alright because you're not scum. YOU ARE SCUM.

You say you're not going to argue meta, when in your post 5 minutes ago you're arguing meta.

You're saying your vote isn't scummy, completely ignoring the fact that it is you sitting on your vote and doing nothing, that's scummy.

You screamed for Sokr to be hammered ""for reactions"" but you haven't followed that up at all, you don't have anything to show for that.


Well yeah I think that , O_O. You asked, I answered.

No, I only kid when I'm well rested or feeling jovial.

I already talked about FT ,but I'll repeat since your apparently just running at me blind: FT gave no real consideration to thuggin, especially from the marshy side, he made no effort to really read him nor establish any connection to him and instead just wailed at the wall so to speak, this is not Ryu nor Rajam townplay. And now especially with how Ryu is townreading me , i believe that is also faked, his consideration on me is literally: well he posted fast so he's cool. I know ryu's lible to do that as town but his approach to me is the same he took as scum in Rajam's final fanatasy game, he comes in and lightly defends me with a town read based on losse reasoning, but doesn't put his neck out.

I said it was nul on first go round, are you really reading me or are you just yelling man ? I think there's too much back and forth of wifom to make a clear call on scum hammer or dumb hammer. So sue me.

I'm not scum mang. All the tiem you scum read me as town and here is no different.

Again like i told soup, you don't want me to argue meta, don't throw it at me, I alreeady gave you the real deal on why I did stuff an your in my face cuz it's out of meta to do it, I can keep repeating the sqame thing till I'm blue in the face but what's the point if your gonna put your hands on your ears and go : lalalala meta lalala.

I have follwed up though, i feel very confident in my ryu direction and it seems nabe holds water too. Skimming briefly i still feel better on soup and i'm still town reading scary, in fact before the last crashboards i had a beautiful reads list that'll be up shortly.

I can't vote myself man, i'm not scum.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Marshy's D1 was attrotious, how you can even say I didn't give him a fair chance his AM case is far out if what I think Marshy would ever do.

His D2 is better though, which is why I unvoted him. I don't hold the same read as D1 ATM because I can more so see Marshy thinking which is usually a tine tell. D1 had none of this.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
The point is Rake that in saying scum might be both on and off the waggon all you're saying is 'there's scum in the playerlist', which of course is a desperately unhelpful thing to say.

Now, on one hand I don't want to be mad at the fact that yesterDay's waggon has apparently zero bearing on your reads whatsoever. That's kind of bad from my POV, but not inexcusable. But this is coming from you who shouted 'hammer him' yesterDay, apparently for 'reactions'; and yet the reaction (or lack thereof) apparently has zero bearing on your read!

If you thought FT was scum because he didn't defend Sokr, then maybe I could see some train of thought! But apparently you think FT is scum largely because, how he argued with marshy in this game was different to how he argued with marshy in another game. And maybe some other meta also. No actual analysis of FT's posts or their play at large.

But now we are repeating ourselves. I look forward to seeing all of your reads. And your flip.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm trying to but you know, the site blocking me from posting actually inhibits that!!

Who knew right

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
The point is Rake that in saying scum might be both on and off the waggon all you're saying is 'there's scum in the playerlist', which of course is a desperately unhelpful thing to say.

Now, on one hand I don't want to be mad at the fact that yesterDay's waggon has apparently zero bearing on your reads whatsoever. That's kind of bad from my POV, but not inexcusable. But this is coming from you who shouted 'hammer him' yesterDay, apparently for 'reactions'; and yet the reaction (or lack thereof) apparently has zero bearing on your read!

If you thought FT was scum because he didn't defend Sokr, then maybe I could see some train of thought! But apparently you think FT is scum largely because, how he argued with marshy in this game was different to how he argued with marshy in another game. And maybe some other meta also. No actual analysis of FT's posts or their play at large.

But now we are repeating ourselves. I look forward to seeing all of your reads. And your flip.
I never said it wasn't a factor though, maybe if I could actually post in response to things I could get **** done

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
From Dabuzs' questions :
He's blue , I'm red

Are there any posts you have to support the underlined specifically?

I can agree with the intent part since well, I said this when talking to Scary, but his only true scum hunting content has been Marshy. Although some of his more recent posts I feel have had more analysis on the playerlist than before. (Quoting just to show you an example of recent analysis.)

There are I think, the skimming part was about me though ,not him , I had skimmed the latest page then caught up, I'll try to quote it after I'm done this.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Same as above: question by question posting go:

I feel like this should be explained regarding why I didn't decide to vote you after pushing. Quite simply if you remember (and if I remember correctly : x), I was pressuring you based on what looked like your mindless pressure that wasn't amounting to anything. 2 things were brought up to make me be fine with that action. First is that you stated you did actually have reasons or get stuff from your play like Sokr null or null town (now I really need to check your play since IIRC you were on the Sokr wagon), Scary was a joke from previous game, it wasn't the most satisfying stuff, not by a longshot, but it was -something-. The second thing is that when I was asking around for your meta, people (including yourself) regarded that pushing like the way you did is part of your meta as both town and scum, now considering I wanted to question you because of that push heavy stuff, it made reads I garnered from that fact illegitimate and pursuing you any more over that wouldn't be beneficial BECAUSE I was questioning you on null meta. The Marshy vote explanation should be there...I did have the reasoning.

Maybe I missed it, i'll read over, I might still have questions on it since I still don't feel the marshy hate. It's hard to explain why I don't , I really just don't. Call me blind dumb or scummy for it, but even now with marshy moving himself over to me, I still wanna say that it's something marshy town would do despite his advocacy of me earlier.
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