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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
FT said:
Also Gorf, you were very keen at the end of yesterDay on calling the wifoms; how is it possible you missed the different layers of wifom that happened in the thuggin-Circus exchange post-hammer yesterDay too?
I didn't man! Did you no see that post I made to circus man?! I clearly said he's been doing nothing substantial all game and whatever I said man.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
gorf man can i like get your opinion on dabuz man that would be gnarly dude :colorful:

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Rake it's like you're sitting here telling me you did something scummy but it's not a big deal.

And to make it perfectly clear, your vote toDay is textbook Rake scum. It's just like you did in (I forget which game) where you drop a vote at the beginning of the Day without any sort of explanation, case, or follow up, and just leave it there to see what happens.

Your shouting for a quicklynch is not something i'm familiar with you ever doing. But I find it hard to believe that it's something you would do as town, particularly with your claim that you were doing so 'for reactions' despite not thinking it through ('I didn't know what I was expecting'). It seems much easier to believe that you're just scum and you wanted that QL.

You say it's scummy, I say it is what it is, I may have done something scummy but I'm tellin ya that doesn't equate me to being scum , especially because my reasonin on it while bad is legit.

It's something I rarely do but I chose to here, tbqh I expected at lot more of a concerned defense of kantrip to arise and yet it just never happened and that was really interesting at the time and still is, no on stepped up and i think it's because at least some scum was ditting on that wagon and around it, FT is still a concern for me and dabuz is sitting around too, you need to get your head off of things you think I would do: I'll do what I do, it's not homeostasis with how i approach a game as town, just like Puzzle Bobble, I've taken a different approach. I didn't know what i was expecting, but I was expecting something, anything, outside of a hammer .Why did no one stall sokr more ? Why were so many of the people involved , just "okay" with the lynch ? These things are what I'm trying to sort.

I'm not gonna argue meta, but I'm much more careful as scum (and indy by the way AM), I hate having my head out there and even in FE&A, I made sure to not do anything that'd put me in a situation i didn't want. I'm a lot less likely to go around making people look at me as I like to operate behind the scenes.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Stream of thought posts:

Pre-game (Page 1/2 so far) tells me Gorf is not scum with Dabuz. Either could still be scum, but not both.
Gorf isn't much of a concern as those two and I'm actually enjoying his gimmick and posts.
I find this hilarious looking at the current situation.

Dabuz 101 tells me Rake =/= Dabuz.

Up to Page 4 I'm going to say Dabuz is Town. I'm going to continue to read, but RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE, Dabuz is in there asking questions and attempting to garner reads. I daresay he's the one who took pre-game seriously FIRST.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
[[ It was Day 3 of Ryu's Toonami Mafia (#1866, p.47) ]]
Ahhhhh. that game haha.

"Why would i lie I'm a nice guy" that was s good. I knew I shoulda killed orbo too at night bit I wifom'd it too much. NA decisionstoo hard man, too hard by far.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
remember that time me and marshy were trying to hardbody rake when he was scum in walmart and everyone fought us on it and i ended getting side-lined with zen's crap i feel like im in that same position with dabuz/rake right now
Apr 17, 2011
What even is this though. Why nabe at that point ?
Use your brain. Why do you think I wanted Nabe at that point. Why do people want Nabe now? Because he has had no real impact. Why do you ask?

lol why are you now dismissing meta when you're one of the players that use it the most in DGames (at least that's my perception from past games); anyways, I haven't checked what you've said of dabuz; once I get there I'll try to throw an oppinion.
This strawman.

The point was not to dismiss meta but to point out that there is no sign of anything but meta in Rake's recent posts.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You should try hoppin on my vibe man, you'll get it :)

but i dont man i just just don't level with me man what's going on in the mind of gorf right now man let's get philosophical and pass me the blunt


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dabuz 214/218 are really good posts. Unless I find something to change my mind, I'm not lynching Dabuz toDay.
Apr 17, 2011
This is rather vague. How exactly has he "put himself out there" outside of hammering on D1? I haven't gotten that impression at all.

This also doesn't address my inquiry regarding his pushes being weak/unsubstantiated. Do you have a counterexample on that, or are you conceding that point?
They are weak and unsubstantiated. As are much of the game's. Most of my pushes have been weak and unsubstantiated.

He HAS made pushes though. He does have a paper trail. He is actively doing things even if it isn't strong. That's much more than most players in the game right now. With the current precedent he has set, I am confident he cannot run the game to LyLo as scum without getting a lot of help.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
gorf man can i like get your opinion on dabuz man that would be gnarly dude :colorful:
I can't honestly put my finger on em. His play is dumb of scum in that sense that I can buy him just being dumb. I'm willing to lynch him because I just don't know if I'll be able to get a solid read on em, and I if a lynch is coming I'm for the wagon.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Dabuz 214/218 are really good posts. Unless I find something to change my mind, I'm not lynching Dabuz toDay.

raziek not you too i can't believe this do i need to make a case or something because im willing to go to that length
Apr 17, 2011
*throws hands in air*
la de freakin da.

FT concerning y/n ?
Dabuns too ?
FT == Dabunz ?

Where do you stand on Soup ? (I like him still, I'm feeling less conflicted than D1)
Thuggin direction hold any salt( i think thuggin is worth keeping around off my d1 feels but i could be talked about it as long as it wasn't ryu doing the talking )

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Marshy, if there's an ounce of town in you, do not start with me.

Anyway, Crashboards did that thing it does and now I have plans. Town bros are Raz, Joey and my Sex Bob-Omb crew, fa show. Nabe can die, Rake can die. Haven't really read up enough I guess to understand where the Frito hate is coming from. I like AM, but that slot EXISTS to be town-leaning scum. Both heads are good at orchestrating while coming off sincere and noble. Keep eyes peeled.

i wish thuggin would just die, but I'm not certain he's scum.
It is lovely to get a post from you. Can I get a full reads list though? Gorf, dabunz, &etc? Are they just null to you?

Do me a favor and tell me what you like about him as someone who is just about ready to give up on him. I haven't bothered to read his responses as none of them interest me and I see that he is still not doing things of his own initiative, rather just waiting on something to be done for him.
If you're not reading his posts how can you expect to get a read on him? please.

It's no wonder you always scum read him if you expect him to play a certain way that he never does as any alignment.

This response came 4 minutes after soup's questions. Makes me feel better about Rake, because this short time difference along with the postures expressed show me a player open to put his natural reads. Timestamps are key here.

Kary, Nabe, AM, what do you make of this?
this is a terrible way to get a read on someone. Rake made a quick response? Completely ****ing null. It's not as if there was any groundbreaking stances in his response.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
If you're not reading his posts how can you expect to get a read on him? please.

It's no wonder you always scum read him if you expect him to play a certain way that he never does as any alignment.
I've been reading him, but I just don't see what I gain with reading those responses at all. Just tell me what you like about him instead. I'll look at his responses If I absolutely need to.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
BTW Rake, what's your current read on Gorf and why?
Swap on me null on first fell, like I've been saying I wasn't expecting anything really, but after Gorff hammered it was like : even though that was fast, there was like: 0 resistance to sokr by basically anyone. It was like this weird apathetic twilight zone of the townies involved either just couldn't care less, or just didn't want to think too much about it. i'm guilty of not thinking too much about it too , but still, with slots like Kary and FT around and even soup, there was just too much passiveness for me not to be thinking scum was sliding around on that wagon.

I still want to say he's leaning null town but I'm not totally caught up, his intent feels legit behind his vote as I can see where he's coming from with it, but at the same time it doesn't feel like theres' a consideration to the rakeTown side and that his scum read is more based in opportunism than legitimacy, he didn't talk about me much so maybe if he laid out why he liked the approach D1 or w/e I' feel better but he's leaning around the same area as you where I'm not comfortable calling you better than null with a little bit of a scum by poe / my own worries feel. Although between the two of you I think i'm starting to like your slot a bit more as I catch up but it remains to be seen if that'll hold water.

How do you feel about him ?
Apr 17, 2011
I. Have. To. Finish. Reading. Dabunz.

Nabe and Circus, right now it may look like things are heading for Rake by default, but I will make sure you die first if you two don't start playing the game, I swear on me mum.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I have a lot of people telling me that I'm reading Dabuz wrong or that they like them, but nobody has really opposed to me why it is. I have no reason to waiver from this unless someone gives me a credible argument that doesn't just boil down to meta. That's all I'm really asking for at this point.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Awe man! Look at Mr. Post-nothing-content-wise-all-game walking around with his dong out man! You can tell he means business :)! You see what he did what that first line there everybody, he totally just judged my judgement with something that is, like, universally accepted as just stupid instead of trying to offer any means of content AGAIN man! You're doing a fine job at painting all your poop gold man :).

I don't like that Frito's scummy. I feel like, since he's scummy, he deserves to die man. Just, like, for example, try to make sense out of anything the Rajam slot says. His head is everywhere and his pushes lead literally nowhere. It kills my vibe man :(
So am i == FT ?

What are your other feels ?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

Town: Soup, Joey, Frito
Town lean: AM, dabuz
Slight town lean: Scary, Raz
Null: Circus, Gorf
Scum lean: Nabe, we thuggin
Scum: Rake

May elaborate on this in a bit, HMU if you want something specific.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm totally with you Raziek. I haven't liked Gorf ever since Pre-game play dissipated and ever since it seems like he really doesn't have any direction at all, and when he does have some sort of direction, he changes his mind so haphazardly that it's hard to understand where he was coming from in the first place. See: how he's handled today. What bothers me more is that he seems be gloating in his own play and those posts where he points out his own inconsistencies (Gorf so scummy for changing him vote again!! haha right on man!!! smoke weed!!!) really are boggling my goddamn mind. I don't know what he gains by openly pointing them out and like I said before, it looks like an appeal. I see no town intent to make those posts and I really can't see his town intent at all.
This may hold water remind me to re-read gorf later

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Rake, I need to know why you're so content with trying to throw meta at us as a reason why your actions aren't suspecting. It's a flimsy argument and not acceptable. Where's your head currently? Do you still want Thuggin'? I haven't seen you do much this whole phase besides respond to Kary iirc.
Still feelin Ft actually, yes. His posts on this page and the last are pretty ok though, maybe I have my head up my own ass but I'm not content with how FT approached marshy still and his reasoning to call me null town almost feels too easy if you feel me

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
DAMN do this website be a piece of ****

aggros latest posts interest me. weird as **** that our wavelengths are similar

i got more **** to say but its gonna have to wait til tomorrow when i can really sit down cuz i need sleep and i want to at least get this post through before this ****in site dies again. that said we only have a few days to deadline and the site maintaining itself whenever the **** it wants isnt helping us make a decision. if we get an extension to use then this dayphase may be a good one to use it

request votecount
Mixed issues, also still stuck on phone and old post got eaten.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Well, my main problem is that you're hiding behind it and not doing anything. I mean, Kary's argument might be some-what meta based but there are also legitimate concerns made that you seem less concerned about and more focused on defending yourself. You're not getting anything done with your current mindset because you're basically telling me in this post that you can never do anything wrong and if anyone suspects they're just reading your meta wrong. Bull****.
I don't mean to be man.

I'm trying to do both and maybe I'm doing it poorly but I'm giving it a go.

Talk to me about FT ? Am i wrong ? Should i be looking harder into Dabuz ? Can AM be trusted / really be town ? I feel solidified in my FT direction but then there's slots like Nabe around where I have to wonder what he's up to in all this mess.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You say it's scummy, I say it is what it is, I may have done something scummy but I'm tellin ya that doesn't equate me to being scum , especially because my reasonin on it while bad is legit.

It's something I rarely do but I chose to here, tbqh I expected at lot more of a concerned defense of kantrip to arise and yet it just never happened and that was really interesting at the time and still is, no on stepped up and i think it's because at least some scum was ditting on that wagon and around it, FT is still a concern for me and dabuz is sitting around too, you need to get your head off of things you think I would do: I'll do what I do, it's not homeostasis with how i approach a game as town, just like Puzzle Bobble, I've taken a different approach. I didn't know what i was expecting, but I was expecting something, anything, outside of a hammer .Why did no one stall sokr more ? Why were so many of the people involved , just "okay" with the lynch ? These things are what I'm trying to sort.

I'm not gonna argue meta, but I'm much more careful as scum (and indy by the way AM), I hate having my head out there and even in FE&A, I made sure to not do anything that'd put me in a situation i didn't want. I'm a lot less likely to go around making people look at me as I like to operate behind the scenes.
So you think that there were some scum on the waggon, but maybe some scum not on the waggon?

Are you ****ING kidding me here?

Both the people you're looking at here, FT and dabuz, were not on the waggon. How does that affect your reads at all- why would they do that?

Gorf hammered Sokr- but that was completely null- how does that work?

Don't sit here and ****ing try and tell me that even though you're playing scummy it's alright because you're not scum. YOU ARE SCUM.

You say you're not going to argue meta, when in your post 5 minutes ago you're arguing meta.

You're saying your vote isn't scummy, completely ignoring the fact that it is you sitting on your vote and doing nothing, that's scummy.

You screamed for Sokr to be hammered ""for reactions"" but you haven't followed that up at all, you don't have anything to show for that.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

Dabuz is actually one of those slots that always seems like he's playing genuine to me >_>. It's like how you said you always scum read him... I kind of always town read him. This is why I'd like to re-read the slot before I go into this more, but I'd like to see what is against him. All I really recall seeing is people saying that his play is mechanical (I don't think I fully understand what this means), but I don't really see a difference in his regular play and the play this game, so I'm personally not understanding how this is anything but a null read. ._.

Also, I tried to catch up multiple times today, but crash boards : D. I'll try again later today.

Mod: Please have an extension for all of this time we've lost through crashboards >_>.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
anyone who townreads this guy*

i just want give an enormous :thumbsdown: to fritos recent readslist. honestly one of the most atrocious reads list ive ever seen posted in a mafia game. ruy holla at me cuz ive officially decided that rajam is just scum or too ******** to be worth talking to at this point


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Yeah I'm not lynching Dabuz. Sorry if you all hop on that wagon Ryker/Soup. Not in on it until someone can go in depth as to why he's scum that doesn't have to do with him not explaining things or with him playing like a robot.

I just re-read him, and it's really obvious that he's trying not to be scum read via meta. I understand that much. He's trying to avoid that like the plague. Is that scummy, though? He has been REALLY open with all of his thoughts this game once asked for explanations, and a lot of those things you're hounding him on (his vote on Thuggin' for example) don't really need to be explained like you so desired. He made it pretty clear that he thought Marshy was simply lying and trying to push crap with his small sentence, and when he went in depth, he only confirmed that. What does scum Dabuz gain from trying to adapt this hard just because of you? It's obvious that he's trying to improve his openness for later games. It's just starting to show now. You kind of asked him to change and be more open, and then you hound on him when he was more open. You also never responded to his huge 3-4 post wall explaining everything and you just expect us to jump on him like he's done everything wrong >_>.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
vote dabdab

oh we in there! townreads this guy needs to reevaluate their life. quickhit from work btw since theres other stuff of interest i aint got time to address atm
As if you can swing a waggon by saying that anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. Please.

I'll give you one of Rake/Nabe. Take your pick, because you're not getting dabuz.
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