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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm down for this voting block, largely because I don't want to see thuggin' holding the reins of the wagons. I don't trust him. Problem is, I also don't know if he's scum or just anti-Town because I have a hard time reading Marshy.

Town-reading AM, but wary of the fact that Ryker likes to pull these kind of "orchestrated" plays as both alignments. I'm agreeing with him, so I think he's Town right now.

Need to read Dabuz's posts in greater detail, as I have no significant opinion thus far.

Gorf is doing a lot of.... not a lot, actually. And that greatly confuses me, given how much he has posted.

Vote is staying on Rake for right now as I still think he's scum, but I'll re-evaluate when I have more time on my hands.

Was at a Smashfest all day yesterday, and now have to leave to give a presentation for one of my courses. If I have more time today for this thread, it won't be until late tonight.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh, and it occurs to me that Nabe and Circus remain largely enigmas to me, which is worth mentioning. I plan to ping-pong some questions back & forth with my Town-reads regarding them later.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

Friday Townie [3] - Rake, Gorf, we thuggin
Nabe [2] - soup, Scary
Rake [2] - Kary, Nabe
we thuggin [1] - dabuz

Circus [0]
Aggressive Mediation [0]
Scary [0]
Raziek [0]
dabuz [0]
Kary [0]
Gorf [0]
soup [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Circus, Aggressive Mediation, Raziek, Friday Townie, Masquerain

With 13 players alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline has been set for 11:59pm CST on Dec 5th.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Hey, guys, getting over a stomach bug. Will read a bit, not promising a post.

Friday Townie

Red Ryu|Rajam
Nov 12, 2013
Vote: Sokr

- Inactive
- Posts fluff
- No town intention
- Disappears for the rest of the Day after leaving a guy in L-1 (people, check)

I think we have a winner here


AM, you clearly have a talent gathering and directing people at your will; you have just done so with a group of players to serve your own agenda, thing we couldn't do to pursue thuggin. Luckily for us we have a town read on you, but I have been witness at how your direction (regardless of alignment) has ended in disaster for town several times in the past. I want to propose a deal at you: Nabe. Let's off this guy. I know you have considered him. My goal is to distract you from other players you've considered which I have a town read or I'm not interested enough in lynching, and find a point of agreement so we can sum more hands and reach majority, but focused actually in a decent target. What'd ya think? Nabe y/n?

Friday Townie

Red Ryu|Rajam
Nov 12, 2013
ok I talked to Ryu and we're moving onto Nabe, because despite my 2nd thoughts on Rake I'm not sold on that slot and I think there is bigger fish to fry, and Navy is a point we both agree



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I think that Joey's town. Reading Joey's kind of a crap shoot because he's currently latched onto you, which is something that I can see scum Joey doing, but it's also something that town Joey would definitely do. Both of us think he's town.
Something about your explanation bothers me. You stated that Joey as town or scum could latch onto FT, which ultimately should lead you to a null, correct? Reading this part at least, i'm not seeing how you pin Joey as town.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@Scary: There's one 12 posts up from your post, but here have another.


Friday Townie [3] - Rake, Gorf, we thuggin
Nabe [3] - soup, Scary, Friday Townie
Rake [2] - Kary, Nabe
we thuggin [1] - dabuz

Circus [0]
Aggressive Mediation [0]
Scary [0]
Raziek [0]
dabuz [0]
Kary [0]
Gorf [0]
soup [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Circus, Aggressive Mediation, Raziek, Masquerain

With 13 players alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline has been set for 11:59pm CST on Dec 5th.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Hey Scary, what's your read list looking like ATM? Asking because you've been very quiet this game.
No prob man, been busy nursing a ruptured Achilles and watching football lol.

Liking soup and Kary.

Going into the day I was really confused with what the outcome of Frito/thuggin was gonna be. Honestly I have set them aside since they had their own thing going. Maybe a little more town lean to Frito since he's also contributed to scum hunting outside of the dynamic with thuggin.

Don't like Circus but only due to inactivity. Easily changeable.

Same with Nabe except Nabe looks a ton more scummy after rereading the cases presented.

Having a little trouble reading you dabuz but I'm confident enough to have a slight town lean with your string of activity and analysis.

Rake I'm not so sure about since I watched him play like this almost to a tee in GS3 or whatever it was called and he came up town. I wanna say he has been scummy certainly but I really am just unsure. He has been a tad more aggressive with his wagons this game compared to the other game.

Others I haven't really figured so they just remain as null for me.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Liking soup and Kary.
Not going to lie, I HATE trying to read Soup. What about him makes you like the slot?

Going into the day I was really confused with what the outcome of Frito/thuggin was gonna be. Honestly I have set them aside since they had their own thing going. Maybe a little more town lean to Frito since he's also contributed to scum hunting outside of the dynamic with thuggin.
You don't think We Thuggin has tried to contribute to scum hunting? I may not like their slot but if they are townie, I can see how their play could be an attempt at scum hunting. (Really bad attempt but W/E) I think in comparison Frito hasn't been as much of an asset to scum-hunting outside of pushing We Thuggin. If you can, try to read their exchange and make some heads or tails out of it. There was a lot of content there.

Same with Nabe except Nabe looks a ton more scummy after rereading the cases presented.
Would you be fine with lynching Nabe?

Rake I'm not so sure about since I watched him play like this almost to a tee in GS3 or whatever it was called and he came up town. I wanna say he has been scummy certainly but I really am just unsure. He has been a tad more aggressive with his wagons this game compared to the other game.
I wasn't a part of GS3 and I didn't read it either, but from being a scum buddy with him in the recent FE:A game I'm not seeing the same type of play.

Others I haven't really figured so they just remain as null for me.

Fair enough, although I think AM is an important enough slot to try and develop a read on.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Vote is actually on Nabe already lol. Contempt with leaving it there.

Will do, I am growing a dislike in trying to read marshy after only playing two games with him, this being the second. I can't decipher of he is anti town or scum but I certainly see what you mean by him possibly being town.

I see Frito doing a bit more toDay hence the lean but I will reread yesterDay just to be sure. There was quite a bit of stuff like you said.

Soup has been business like imo. If he dislikes something, he'll question it and look to gather info. I haven't seen any reason to dislike him.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
dabuz I did not seriously think that anyone would hammer Sokr at that point. It occured to me that I could unvote but I felt that if I made it clear it was L-1, no-one was likely to hammer anyways. Obviously I did not count on Gorf and his complete disrespect for anything approaching good play. I like to think that giving people the opportunity to hammer someone is usually a good way to gather information but on this occasion I'm pretty much regretting the decision because I didn't want to lynch Sokr then, I just wanted a waggon to form and him to respond to it.
Makes sense, I just wanted to see what your mindset was there if you even realized you're vote was on Sokr. Not a play I would agree with but like you said, couldn't expect the hammer to come so suddenly.

I guess, like, this just didn't phase anyone, but like, this ALONE is pretty damning on your part Rake my man! The fact that you took all the way until now to say this would make you quite the little ******* as town, but town wouldn't just say that. You left nothing to make us even consider that that was what you were thinking, man. I can pull up the posts that you made that led me to think the aggro wagon was going somewhere that wasn't a lynch. You were looking for somebody to hammer! Now, did I want Sokr dead? Absolutely man! Was I wrong about his alignment? Absolutely man! If you were to say something like that, I'd still probably be a fool, but now I gotta agree with Ryker that, even though it's unlikely (note: unlikely) that you're aligned with FT, you're scum man! No two ways about it brother!

10/10 catch from Gorf in this post, I need to evaluate Rake in depth now.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
this guy is still scum and needs to be killed before the end of the game. just thought town should be reminded

carry on
Marshy, if there's an ounce of town in you, do not start with me.

Anyway, Crashboards did that thing it does and now I have plans. Town bros are Raz, Joey and my Sex Bob-Omb crew, fa show. Nabe can die, Rake can die. Haven't really read up enough I guess to understand where the Frito hate is coming from. I like AM, but that slot EXISTS to be town-leaning scum. Both heads are good at orchestrating while coming off sincere and noble. Keep eyes peeled.

i wish thuggin would just die, but I'm not certain he's scum.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

- Inactive
- Posts fluff
- No town intention
- Disappears for the rest of the Day after leaving a guy in L-1 (people, check)

I think we have a winner here


AM, you clearly have a talent gathering and directing people at your will; you have just done so with a group of players to serve your own agenda, thing we couldn't do to pursue thuggin. Luckily for us we have a town read on you, but I have been witness at how your direction (regardless of alignment) has ended in disaster for town several times in the past. I want to propose a deal at you: Nabe. Let's off this guy. I know you have considered him. My goal is to distract you from other players you've considered which I have a town read or I'm not interested enough in lynching, and find a point of agreement so we can sum more hands and reach majority, but focused actually in a decent target. What'd ya think? Nabe y/n?
Hey look at this guy it's like we almost forgot he deserves to be the play man!


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Hey look at this guy it's like we almost forgot he deserves to be the play man!
How do you define "deserves to be the play," guy-who-hammered-sokr-less-than-24-hours-into-D1?

Hit me with some real talk on Frito. Not asking for a case, just tell me what you don't like about the slot.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Marshy, if there's an ounce of town in you, do not start with me.

Anyway, Crashboards did that thing it does and now I have plans. Town bros are Raz, Joey and my Sex Bob-Omb crew, fa show. Nabe can die, Rake can die. Haven't really read up enough I guess to understand where the Frito hate is coming from. I like AM, but that slot EXISTS to be town-leaning scum. Both heads are good at orchestrating while coming off sincere and noble. Keep eyes peeled.

i wish thuggin would just die, but I'm not certain he's scum.
You seem dang sure like I have been til recently where I've wanted others and had some doubts, what is really making you think Marshy is scum? Because your past posts imply meta that scum Marshy is like this.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Marshy's play reads inherently anti-town to me. The issue is that I've butted heads with him in exactly this way before, when we were both town. For that reason, I can't say I'm very eager to pursue him with much voracity right now, as that has wasted a lot of my time in the past, but I hate to just let him say and do whatever he wants because he'll absolutely get away with it if he's scum. Since everyone expects him to just bulldoze as either alignment, he bulldozes.

Mostly he just needs to be taken care of by Night Actions somehow.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
How do you define "deserves to be the play," guy-who-hammered-sokr-less-than-24-hours-into-D1?

Hit me with some real talk on Frito. Not asking for a case, just tell me what you don't like about the slot.

Awe man! Look at Mr. Post-nothing-content-wise-all-game walking around with his dong out man! You can tell he means business :)! You see what he did what that first line there everybody, he totally just judged my judgement with something that is, like, universally accepted as just stupid instead of trying to offer any means of content AGAIN man! You're doing a fine job at painting all your poop gold man :).

I don't like that Frito's scummy. I feel like, since he's scummy, he deserves to die man. Just, like, for example, try to make sense out of anything the Rajam slot says. His head is everywhere and his pushes lead literally nowhere. It kills my vibe man :(

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So your ok with Nabe ATM?

Would you really hold to your word and let yourself if we flipped town? Because I sincerely doubt you would.


Nabe is, like, town by default in my head since he's inactive and all and my desired lynchpool is 5 people wide man. I'll join a wagon set to lynch mode if the wagon gets that far man cuz he's nothing but gray matter to me. Plus Nabe makes me feel good by liking my posts man so I don't mind keeping him around :)

To that last part, of course I would man! Power to the people, power to the players man!
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