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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@Kantrip: I can't log out or on my phone for some reason due to Smashboards problems, this won't get fixed til the cloudberry stuff for smashboards lowers.
That's fine. Can you just get your posts quoted on your hydra account when possible? Thanks.
Apr 17, 2011
Why this vote?
Our last post explains why we're not voting on one of the two major wagons. Nabe's post explains why we're not voting him right now. Soup's our next pick. He's really weird this game. Look at his post #785, for example.

Not sure how to feel about you anymore. You're openly appealing to me yet showing somewhat of an effort to change yourself in order to be read easier. I can't tell if you're doing this to get on my good side or because you have a genuine sense to try and improve. The fact regardless is that it doesn't change that your #725 really didn't tell me anything and it still felt like you rushed and you didn't have a clear intention about that post. You state something about Raz about being contradictory in his posts but you don't go out of way and tell us why this is. You aren't being open and speaking your mind, you're stating opinions, and opinions only go so far because they need elaboration. If you're determined to somehow impress me then elaborate more on your #725 with actual reasoning instead of just a garbled mess. Then I would be impressed.

Post 343 doesn't tell me anything. It's wrong. Okay. Why is it wrong? What makes it wrong? Why is thuggin' scummy because of this? You clearly have a reason to suspect him but you won't tell us. This makes it look like you're trying to be townie by showing intent to scumhunt without actually scumhunting. You bring content but in sparse numbers and only to either A) vote someone or B) answer someone. This is why I suspect you dabuns. You're playing a part instead of being yourself. It's true I've misread you times before but I've never seen that stop you from what you're doing, and in this game, I don't really know what you're doing. You won't tell me. You won't tell anyone. I don't need to hear another excuse from you. If you're actually a townie you should have no problem answering me sufficiently.
"Not sure how to feel about you anymore."
I can't tell if you're doing this to get on my good side or because you have a genuine sense to try and improve.

"And in this game, I don't really know what you're doing."
By my recollection, his posts are filled with this sort of language. This post does include some decent questions aimed at dabuz. I do like that he's trying to find information; however, what I don't like is that I feel he never talks in any sort of absolutes. I don't get a good sense of his scumlist. I don't really know exactly how bad he wants things. It's all philosophical--it's how I described him before and I stand by it.

What I want out of him, just like you asked, is that I want a scumpost just like ours. I want to know where his head's at. He's been very amorphous in terms of his actions and seems very fluid without ever sitting down to something. He seems very unwilling to get his hands dirty, which is not something I expect from soup.

Also let the record state that I feel like we could've voted Dabunz instead but I don't feel like we're going to gain anything there. He'll react to pressure the same regardless of alignment, which is usually to crumble. If I vote dabunz, it won't be in a game state like this. It'll be with definite intent to lynch.

Friday Townie

Red Ryu|Rajam
Nov 12, 2013
It is. Rake plays like that constantly.
Yeah but he played the same in the very recent FE-Adv and he was scum. Something has been bugging me about that slot lately, idk yet what it is but on first glance I'd say is his extremely off reads (they're like the complete opposite of mines) so I'm retracting my initial town read on him and I'm moving him to null until I figure out what's Rake up to

Regarding Scary, I've only played once with him and it was in a BBR Mafia Game (Castlevania); he played happy-lol-relaxed-idkwhattodo-newbie style and he was scum. Raziek was in that game too so I'd like to ask him what does he make of Scary this game and if something from the BBR game could translate here

Raziek wanna talk about Scary?

Actually dabuz (and my hydra mate Ryu) were in that game too so any input would be appreciated.
Apr 17, 2011
I'm wavering between Marshy's legitimate attempts to actively push Friday Townie and how I've been reading him since. As far as elaboration goes for Frito, I felt that FT early pre-game play was haphazard and all over the place with more or less any direction. Something that really tipped me off is when they asked me to hold hands, and I'm not sure what caused them to ask me and it came off as just out of left-field and weird. I can't tell you that I like anything from FT right now because I've mostly skimmed their arguments and I think it wouldn't do me any good. Are you asking me this because you agree with my read back then on them? I'm not like Joey who is fully against what's going on, but I don't think he's a good vote regardless. Nabe is someone who needs to come out of woodwork and start producing more content, and even if that means pushing him to L-2/L-1, then that's what is needed to be done.

FT, do you have other picks besides thuggin' at the moment?
First, let me answer your question. That was not directed at you for anything more than a strange flip of stance that we had noticed. Our read on Frito consists mostly of his argument with we thuggin in the twilight phase of D1. At the time, we were examining to find out whether or not we felt Rajam's posts were aimless, which could be fairly interesting to explore as marshy is right, Rajam is usually fairly pointed. However, as something Rajam noted about the time of that post, he's usually two day phases behind. Your post sounded eerily similar to we thuggin's Rajam section of his case.

Second, to add onto our current Soup angle, if we recall, this isn't the first post where he's said something along the lines of "Yeh, I'm cool with the direction this wagon's going but I don't really like it." I don't want to just send that out right now but this isn't the first instance he's done it. We'll look for it on reread and either quote it if we find it or recant if we cannot, as both of us seem to remember it right now without specific number or example. Either way, it wasn't something we expected of town soup, who we've seen go balls deep with Zen on wagons that start with less than what marshy has provided this game.

For the record, I think my favorite Soup post may have been the one after we voted him where he said he was smirking. It makes me think he may actually get involved with something.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
What I want out of him, just like you asked, is that I want a scumpost just like ours. I want to know where his head's at. He's been very amorphous in terms of his actions and seems very fluid without ever sitting down to something. He seems very unwilling to get his hands dirty, which is not something I expect from soup.
I'm not sure how you get this out of my posts because I feel I've been getting dirtier than I've ever been in a long time. I feel you're nitpicking my vocabulary which is weird because I dunno, this is how I speak??? I don't see what I'm doing differently at all and right now you're just misreading me like you were misreading my play in FE:A. I wasn't impulsive and I didn't have that outburst until I was pushed to that point. You said you were expecting a different kind of Soup. What's the soup that you were expecting??? I really don't know what else to tell you and I don't feel like arguing with you, however I'll bite.

I like Raz. I like him enough to not worry about him currently. I like him for kinda the same reasons you do but more importantly I'm getting FE:A vibes from him. The kind of Raz that doesn't have an ill-intent, because from my memory Raz loves being scum and he loves being a manipulative *******. I would know because he's manipulated me before. I don't get that sense here.

I like Joey. I've stated as to why multiple times so I'm not going any further than he's not a priority.

I like you. Sort of. I want to like you. I want to like both of your heads but I don't want to make an enemy out of you and end up having trivial arguments with you. I think that the **** you got earlier pre-game wasn't justified and then beyond that I haven't had reason to suspect you. That's essentially what it boils down to and the fact you're playing a good surface game.

I like Scary. While I previously read his as being awkward and trying to fit in, he's gotten in his own groove and that one response he made to me earlier on D1 was really genuine and I became a believer instantly after this. He's also voting Nabe so that really helps too.

I'm okay with Kary. I like what he's doing and I think his push on Rake holds merit. He's being more aggressive than I remember but I've agreed with the majority of his votes and really that's all that matters. Not a concern.

I'm okay with thuggin. Marshy will do what he wants to do and frankly I'm not going to stop him. I feel no need to go out of my way and I feel that FT/Marshy deal will just play itself out. He's a tough lynch even if I wanted him and I can't say I do. I alluded to his Walmart play earlier.

I'm not as certain as I was on FT, but I don't want to vote him. I really don't feel like elaborating further on this slot besides what I've already said because I can't say I've looked any further beyond that. There are slots that interest me and slots that don't, and usually the ones that I do you will get more out of. FT doesn't interest me in the slightest.

I'm not certain about Rake at all. Hell, I haven't been certain to begin with. I like to try and gauge others' opinions because I know I'm not always right, and when people were telling me earlier in pre-game that I was wrong about Rake, I took a step back on my original thought process and looked at it differently, and I found a reason to town-read him. Right now? Not so much. See what I think about Kary as to why. Rake's vote on FT reeks of confidence that I don't see why he would have considering IIRC he wasn't okay with thuggin' come day one? It's all incredibly shady and I don't like how he's throwing his reads out left and right. It's odd that I'm going back to this before but that's all I really have to say for now. What do you think about my analysis compared to yours? I don't see in a mechanical way you too so I can't say I agree. I don't even have an indy pick and I don't really care.

I don't like Dabuns. I think I've made that clear enough.

I don't like Nabe. I'm not sure why him saying that he needs a Day suddenly got you to change your mind and vote me instead. He's had a full Mafia Day to get his ass into gear but I know that's not Nabe regardless of alignment but It doesn't deny his terrible vote on Sokr when it's all said and done and I really want to know more because it literally came out nowhere.

I can't tell you anything about Jerkus honestly. He made a couple of posts against thuggin' and that's it. I wanna see where he goes with that.

I don't like Gorf but there is no way I'm even going to try and push that. I'm not a fool and I know even if I threw out a wall against him, It's likely he wouldn't get lynched. I think he's playing behind his gimmick too much and in general I just feel some of his posts deem unnecessary and there's literally no reason to post about them.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
First, let me answer your question. That was not directed at you for anything more than a strange flip of stance that we had noticed. Our read on Frito consists mostly of his argument with we thuggin in the twilight phase of D1. At the time, we were examining to find out whether or not we felt Rajam's posts were aimless, which could be fairly interesting to explore as marshy is right, Rajam is usually fairly pointed. However, as something Rajam noted about the time of that post, he's usually two day phases behind. Your post sounded eerily similar to we thuggin's Rajam section of his case.

Second, to add onto our current Soup angle, if we recall, this isn't the first post where he's said something along the lines of "Yeh, I'm cool with the direction this wagon's going but I don't really like it." I don't want to just send that out right now but this isn't the first instance he's done it. We'll look for it on reread and either quote it if we find it or recant if we cannot, as both of us seem to remember it right now without specific number or example. Either way, it wasn't something we expected of town soup, who we've seen go balls deep with Zen on wagons that start with less than what marshy has provided this game.

For the record, I think my favorite Soup post may have been the one after we voted him where he said he was smirking. It makes me think he may actually get involved with something.

I go balls deep on things I'm certain on. You're right. However, I'm not an idiot. I know when I can't get something I want and I won't go out of my way to even try. Do I want dabuns? Yes. Is there a reason to grab him by the neck and tunnel him to hell and back? No. I want to give Dabuns a chance. I want to give him a chance to prove me wrong. I do this with everyone. I always give enough to let someone prove me wrong, and the real deciding factor on if I'm going to go hard on someone is how you respond to me and if I'm buying what you're selling. If you doubt my ability to go hard on someone like Dabuns because of this, then don't.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Would lynch: Dabuns/(possibly) Nabe
Who???: Circus
Suspect: Nabe/Gorf/Rake
Don't care: Frito/Kary/Thuggin
Like: AggroMed/Scary/Raz/Joey
Apr 17, 2011
What do you think about my analysis compared to yours?.
It's different. This is the read our two heads are most split on. The most prevalent view represented in our previous post is the Ryker half, and for the most part, I'll stand by it. We're trying not to find an indy right now. It's simply that some of his actions just don't line up with scum intent. Prove me wrong, but I can't think of a time that Rake's stuck his neck out on something stupid like that hammer call, as either alignment. This is a bit of a meta read but he seems to care about his hide too much as scum to let that be the first time that he would do something that, on paper, looks so incredibly stupid. It's hard to read intent in such a small time period but a lot of things that I could point to and say "felt off" about Rake don't look nearly as bad when you look at its proximity to RVS. The day ended in less than 24 hours. On top of that, his early game push was, unless I'm completely misreading his intention, aimed to draw one of what is probably the two most powerful players out of a state of early inactivity. Why would he poke the bear? Unless he has a real math fetish.

I don't like Gorf but there is no way I'm even going to try and push that. I'm not a fool and I know even if I threw out a wall against him, It's likely he wouldn't get lynched. I think he's playing behind his gimmick too much and in general I just feel some of his posts deem unnecessary and there's literally no reason to post about them.
I can respect that.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Dabuns is my main target right now if you want blunt honesty but I want to let Nabe know I'm not having his ****. I think Dabuns is the best lynch simply because he offers the most connections from my perspective. I know for certain that Dabuns wouldn't go out of his way to bus thuggin' and I'm getting the vibe of thuggin'/Dabuns not being aligned simply how marshy is acting towards him. I really am banking on his flip for a lot of things besides that, along with his weird weird on FT and just his lack of perspective in everything else. I'm hoping he responds to me like I want because I feel he's intentionally holding things back as it is.
Apr 17, 2011
So, Soup, you've seen my readslist (which you are more than welcome to comment on) and you know that I find the marshy/frito dispute a bad place for my vote right now. Know that I think voting dabunz is pointless and you know that I am willing to give Nabe 48 hours. What, pray tell, should I be doing with my vote right now?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So, Soup, you've seen my readslist (which you are more than welcome to comment on) and you know that I find the marshy/frito dispute a bad place for my vote right now. Know that I think voting dabunz is pointless and you know that I am willing to give Nabe 48 hours. What, pray tell, should I be doing with my vote right now?

Would you vote Dabuns with me? That's the direction I'm going to head once all is said and done.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I literally don't care if you think it's pointless and that's where I want my vote. There is no other place where I think your vote should be because your reads aren't mine, however, if you think it's pointless you don't like him, and I think that's enough to consider what I'm saying also.
Apr 17, 2011
Would you vote Dabuns with me? That's the direction I'm going to head once all is said and done.
Not right now, although I'll let you know on a little secret I wasn't gonna post publicly. Tonight we've started creating a reference chart for dabunz: who he suspects, who he votes, what he's questioning, where he's looking. We want to grab every bit of information about dabuz so that we can track him.

I will, however, grant you this, because it gives you everything we would want out of a dabuz wagon (read: everyone else's thoughts) without committing to a dabuz wagon that might end up in a lynch I don't want yet. I will vote him when I want to lynch him.




Class is in session. Tell me which of the following equations is true:


D=Dabuz for the babbling binomials.

If you can't solve for the variable, please give me your best educated guess and tell me why.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Just a thought that came to mind:

When Nabe was giving us the idea of a "dead to rights" player, could that possibly be heading in the direction of a PR claim or is nabe simply able to accurate nail someone based on whatsoever given!
Apr 17, 2011
Just a thought that came to mind:

When Nabe was giving us the idea of a "dead to rights" player, could that possibly be heading in the direction of a PR claim or is nabe simply able to accurate nail someone based on whatsoever given!
Lord, you think you should say that out loud? I think it's the latter. Examining it further sounds like a bad plan though.
Apr 17, 2011
Back to Soup, I like your readlist, as it's similar to mine. If I can attempt to get inside your head as to hazard a guess to your state of mind at the moment. I feel like I can be fairly accurate given that a lot of my grievances about a feel player make me a feel somewhat hypocritical in mentioning. So anyway, I would guess that you don't have very many solid scumreads. You have quite a few people that you feel, "No, I don't really want to lynch this guy," but not too many you want to hound. Your dabuz read is your most likely to flip scum, and that is why you go with it, severity notwithstanding. As for the rest of the cast, you don't really have much to pursue, because there's not really much they have provided. D1 was extremely short and upon examining that fact you realize why you don't have that much. Since you don't want to tangle yourself within Frito vs WT, there's not a whole lot to comment on. That's why you're frustrated why we let Nabe off the hook. You thought you found a valid avenue to discuss. Is that about right?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Back to Soup, I like your readlist, as it's similar to mine. If I can attempt to get inside your head as to hazard a guess to your state of mind at the moment. I feel like I can be fairly accurate given that a lot of my grievances about a feel player make me a feel somewhat hypocritical in mentioning. So anyway, I would guess that you don't have very many solid scumreads. You have quite a few people that you feel, "No, I don't really want to lynch this guy," but not too many you want to hound. Your dabuz read is your most likely to flip scum, and that is why you go with it, severity notwithstanding. As for the rest of the cast, you don't really have much to pursue, because there's not really much they have provided. D1 was extremely short and upon examining that fact you realize why you don't have that much. Since you don't want to tangle yourself within Frito vs WT, there's not a whole lot to comment on. That's why you're frustrated why we let Nabe off the hook. You thought you found a valid avenue to discuss. Is that about right?

I'm surprised you're that easy into reading as to how I feel, but that's essentially correct. My vote on Nabe really at this point is just place-holder however and I've already spilled who my main target is. I didn't want to do that and I wanted to give Dabuns a chance to prove me wrong like I mentioned, before pulling out all the stops.
Apr 17, 2011
I'm surprised you're that easy into reading as to how I feel, but that's essentially correct. My vote on Nabe really at this point is just place-holder however and I've already spilled who my main target is. I didn't want to do that and I wanted to give Dabuns a chance to prove me wrong like I mentioned, before pulling out all the stops.
It's easy because that's how I feel at the moment. It's very similar to how I felt after running out of picks in both Tactics and Final Fantasy 8 Mafia (Ryker) and how I felt in Wal-Mart (Laundry). At that point in those games though, the game had developed enough to the point where I could PoE the other players, though FF8 was unsuccessful. I have a proposal for you my friend. Someone else in this game has asked to hold your hand. It is a valuable hand to hold. I want to ask if you wanna form a voting block with me. I would like to ask two more players to join it right for now, but first I want to hear your response. Note that I feel being part of htis voting block entails is moving together to draw information out of the suspects we need it from and to move the flow of this game out of the trenches and towards something profitable, namely investigating dabunz, Rake/Kary, Nabe, and WT/FT. If we could convince Circus to get his head out of his ass too, that'd be great but that'll come one way or another.

So, what do you say?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
It's easy because that's how I feel at the moment. It's very similar to how I felt after running out of picks in both Tactics and Final Fantasy 8 Mafia (Ryker) and how I felt in Wal-Mart (Laundry). At that point in those games though, the game had developed enough to the point where I could PoE the other players, though FF8 was unsuccessful. I have a proposal for you my friend. Someone else in this game has asked to hold your hand. It is a valuable hand to hold. I want to ask if you wanna form a voting block with me. I would like to ask two more players to join it right for now, but first I want to hear your response. Note that I feel being part of htis voting block entails is moving together to draw information out of the suspects we need it from and to move the flow of this game out of the trenches and towards something profitable, namely investigating dabunz, Rake/Kary, Nabe, and WT/FT. If we could convince Circus to get his head out of his *** too, that'd be great but that'll come one way or another.

So, what do you say?

you literally could have just posted aladdin holding out his hand.jpg to get the gist of your post but

you have a deal.
Apr 17, 2011

Now, the other two people that I'm looking at are Joey and Raz, pending something different for each of them. I want Joey on the condition that he's willing to reexamine his Frito read pending a discussion with this group, because I'm not sure where my FT read is at the moment either. I just feel that he is somewhat fanatical in his we thuggin read.

Joey, consider this an invitation to accept that turn. I like your readlist from before.

Raz, on the other hand, I would extend an invitation to on the condition that he knows he is the most expendable person of these four only because he is the person who has posted the least content. I would only accept him into this group pending on him posting a readlist akin to yours and mine.

With this voting block in place, it ensures that no we thuggin or Frito lynch goes through without this voting block in place and that more Kary/Rake discussion at least takes place.

Friday Townie

Red Ryu|Rajam
Nov 12, 2013
Which is it?

Do you have a read on Friday Townie at the moment?
What's your take on the back-and-forth between that slot and we thuggin'?

This is on my mind, but I'll respond to you after I've heard back about the above.

Is there some reason it has to be dichotomized?
No. I'd just rather it's not left unsaid.
Nabe, thank you for showing us these examples of how scum post fluff and with no town intention at all

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I want we thuggin to answer what happened to their AM read

and I want Rake to show his cowardly face again.

In the meantime I'm going to re-read, probably with focus on the half dozen slots who've barely posted at all.
Apr 17, 2011
I want we thuggin to answer what happened to their AM read

and I want Rake to show his cowardly face again.

In the meantime I'm going to re-read, probably with focus on the half dozen slots who've barely posted at all.
Can you do me a favor and highlight your Rake case?
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