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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Can you do me a favor and highlight your Rake case?
I would not call it a 'case', but there's this which I have not seen a satisfactory answer to.

Otherwise re-read from about page 14 for our exchange, and bear in mind Rake's most notable contribution to D1 was starting a waggon on you (AM) which he did not intend to follow through.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013

if ****** tryna run a train (no homo) on dabdab im there

why the **** are people voting rake? ****** is crazy these days. lemme evaluate later today but we have enough people whi need to get the **** bodied outta them that ima most likely be hit em wit dat :thumbsdown:


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I didn't know you took my words into that much consideration. Why??
Because every game this happens where someone (almost always you if you're in the game) perceives my meta/ playstyle as scum. The accusations/ leads/ w/e attempts I do to express my reads, important things people have said, help town, ect. always get ignored or perceived as well, scum intent every single game. So you know, you basically give me what appears to be a post game talk/ piece of advice and i'm looking at that and thinking to myself: "He may be right, my play is normally **** anyway, I should try listening to Soup"

Not sure how to feel about you anymore. You're openly appealing to me yet showing somewhat of an effort to change yourself in order to be read easier. I can't tell if you're doing this to get on my good side or because you have a genuine sense to try and improve. The fact regardless is that it doesn't change that your #725 really didn't tell me anything and it still felt like you rushed and you didn't have a clear intention about that post. You state something about Raz about being contradictory in his posts but you don't go out of way and tell us why this is. You aren't being open and speaking your mind, you're stating opinions, and opinions only go so far because they need elaboration. If you're determined to somehow impress me then elaborate more on your #725 with actual reasoning instead of just a garbled mess. Then I would be impressed.
Welp, time to go into a wall explaining every little facet of my mindset when making 752 possible (although I know it's not gonna change your mind anyway because I know when i'm gonna be lynched.)

Nabe's 444 flat out looks terrible, the slot has been very inactive and when he comes in there he asks surface level questions that don't look like they have much thought put into them.

Which is it?
Asking Rake to give an answer to where Rake presented a binary between styles of Marshy and how to read them. I don't see how the question is scum-hunting though since it's kind of implied by Rake that he doesn't have an answer to whether Marshy is scum or not, hence the wording of Rake's statement that Nabe question.

Do you have a read on Friday Townie at the moment?
Any player can ask "Do *blank* have a read on *blank* at the moment?" Doesn't show reading in depth, doesn't show thought, it's such a basic question. Nabe could ask the same question to ANYONE and it wouldn't be different. In other words, a question for the sake of a question.

What's your take on the back-and-forth between that slot and we thuggin'?
Asking Scary for his opinion on between the back and forth on FT and Marshy. Why does Nabe have to ask someone else their take? Why doesn't Nabe have any input of his own? How can this be considered thoughtful at all? I can't see any thought in this. I don't see any direction, once again it looks like a question for the sake of a question. It's the mafia equivalent of asking what someone thinks about the weather. We all know it's a BS question.

Kary said:
Nabe: which one of we thuggin / AggMed is scum?
This is on my mind, but I'll respond to you after I've heard back about the above.
Nabe is not asking either of the two slots Kary mentioned questions. Why is it relevant that Nabe hears back from those two slots before answering? So he gets a chance to parrot what they say? Maybe he's just stalling for time? I don't know why Nabe needs an answer but the relevance is not there based on his posts up to that point and it comes off as a way to avoid making an opinion.

Post 343 doesn't tell me anything. It's wrong. Okay. Why is it wrong? What makes it wrong? Why is thuggin' scummy because of this? You clearly have a reason to suspect him but you won't tell us. This makes it look like you're trying to be townie by showing intent to scumhunt without actually scumhunting. You bring content but in sparse numbers and only to either A) vote someone or B) answer someone. This is why I suspect you dabuns. You're playing a part instead of being yourself. It's true I've misread you times before but I've never seen that stop you from what you're doing, and in this game, I don't really know what you're doing. You won't tell me. You won't tell anyone. I don't need to hear another excuse from you. If you're actually a townie you should have no problem answering me sufficiently.

Welp, looks like gonna have to make a wall to explain one post because i'm gonna have to quote a lot of other posts. FML I hate making walls as much as I hate reading them.

For reference:

we thuggin said:
f1. this 100% wrong. my point is that aggromed was playing a certain way until AFTER the wagon at which point he stopped giving a **** about pregame. go back and read it yourself. READ THE ****ING GAME OR DO US ALL A FAVOR AND ENTRENCH YOURSELF IN THE "I'M NOT PLAYING UNTIL D1 CAMP
Read 72 - 141 and wherever AM's posts are after your wagon starts, that's wrong.

Vote: we thuggin
The claim here that I disagreed with was simple. Thuggin believes that aggromed had a certain type of play this game where he cared about the game during pregame UNTIL a wagon appeared. The claim goes on to imply that aggromed STOPPED caring about pregame once a wagon started forming on them.
I felt that was wrong based on 72-141 + the posts (well actually, initial post) after Thuggin's wagon started.

(Post 218 for reference, going to be posting thoughts in the quotes that are a part of the collapse)
All of AM's posts.

Aggressive Mediation said:

Y'all are goin' down.​
Opening post, can't see anything serious here.
Aggressive Mediation said:
I subtracted the math because I was focusing on the beauty, you factoring hectopascal.​
Math joke, serious yet? No
Aggressive Mediation said:
It's all about the final product. If the equation is not simplified, you could never submit it. Y'know what I mean?​
More math puns, once again, where is the seriousness or caring? I don't see it.
Aggressive Mediation said:
vote: Friday Townie
Look at the posts before this and after it by AM, tell me if you see how he was acting like he cared here, because I don't think he was
Aggressive Mediation said:
Where's your beauty?


I'll add it to the heap!​
Care yet? No, I don't see it
Aggressive Mediation said:
Nothing about this man's style adds up and yet it's so beautiful...[/green]
Referencing Gorf's posting style and color IIRC...yeah, seeing a pattern yet?
Aggressive Mediation said:
ebwop: i am the worst at this
EBWOP to the last post, nothing important.
Aggressive Mediation said:
vote: Sokr

1+1=lots of fun, let's factor this babbling binomial.​
Math puns, vote with no explanation, didn't take this as him caring.
Aggressive Mediation said:
why is soup>sokr?​
This is the main post Thuggin's case was about at first. I don't see how in context, that it's super caring. Then AM goes on later to explain (someone else can find the exact quote if they want) something along the lines that AM was just curious for the sake of being curious and that's it
Aggressive Mediation said:
Next thing you know I'll be switching my avatar to Kamina and shouting about manly spirit for the entire game.​
I LOLed at this post
Aggressive Mediation said:
udawors rake

wait **** i need to be mathy​
LOLed here
Aggressive Mediation said:
ftl do you have everything set to a macro or are you seriously browsing this game with two tabs open just so you can like yourself

i mean it's good to have self-confidence and all but you should probably let go of the mirror that's glued to your hand or somethin', you ain't that pretty


LOLed more, IIRC this was referencing Rajam liking his own posts.
Aggressive Mediation said:
soup you just need to take a moment and toast the walrus son you're all high-strung and stressed out and it's killin' the vibe, man
Telling Soup to stop being super crazy hyped up like he was early on.
Aggressive Mediation said:
apparently weed is the magic that turns thoughts into wisdom​
If anyone can take this seriously then I don't even.
Aggressive Mediation said:
yeh man just keep it real
Same as what I just said above.

Aggressive Mediation said:
man y'all whack as **** and you ain't got ****​
This is the post by AM following the wagon being on him, I don't see how his gameplay style changed, and I especially don't see how AM was acting like he cared during the pregame based on all of his posts.​
Now go back to Thuggin's claim. I went through all of AM's posts here and just proved how COMPLETELY off base Thuggin's claim was. Now I know not every time someone is wrong, it means they are scum, but IIRC I also went into a little how Thuggin kept pushing AM when he was flat out wrong and told that multiple times. To me it looked like Thuggin was pushing for the sake of pushing and not truly scumhunting with his stubbornness. The fact that this case was so twisted is something I expect scum to do, twist peoples words or actions against them to make them look bad even when the player knows they are wrong.

I'm not seeing what you're seeing.

Oh btw Soup, you LIKED this post when it was just a compilation of all of AM's posts.

Now, going to bring up this quote as well.

Anyway, for we thuggin, summary since I don't feel like going through post by post unless I have to.

-Initial pushes on AM were laughable with the content being pushed on. Later responses cemented that what he is pushing on is bad.

-343 is my attempt to point out where he's wrong, not sure if his memory is really bad or he really twisted the events, but either way he's so wrong on this that it's suspicious.

-Can't see how this wagon that we thuggin is trying to force is town when the justification for the wagon is far-fetched and incorrect.

Something about this is bugging me, it's like we thuggin is so sure Scary is town but IIRC he doesn't have solid reason to think so.
Yep, I had reasons earlier on to vote We Thuggin, any more questions? I'm prepared to write like 50000 walls now. Watch, you're next going to ask me to write a wall where I have to quote everything on We Thuggin up to that point and go post by post explaining the significance of each quote.
I will continue going through everything in my 752 now but posting this already so each wall can be digested a bit easier.
Apr 17, 2011
Gorf, I see you viewing. Alex and I are making a team based around a concept I saw while building a team. Y'know how Bulky DDos is a thing? We're building something with Salamence that has very similar stats and a better attacking type than Gyarados. Message me on Skype if you want in on this ish.

Back to scheduled mafia, this is just the best way to catch Gorf.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Okay. I'm caught up for the most part.

Currently Town-reading Kary, Soup and somewhat Frito.

Most importantly, I really want to look into Kary's Rake angle. Rake's play around the quicklynch was whack as ****, and he's not playing his Town meta. Rake usually keeps his thought process specifically on the table so that people can WATCH as he runs around like a headless chicken trying to find Town-reads.

That was distinctly absent in his play yesterday, and I want to see this angle explored.

Rake, talk to me about your play yesterday. Why in the world were you in "SOMEBODY HAMMAH" mode?
getting to this eventually, remind me im app trouble shooting.
Never be the best in your class guys, everyone goes to you for help i swear to god

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I forgot to elaborate on this. You're clearly stepping outside your town meta here. When, as town have you ever been #HBC just lynch someone D1? Never.

But it's not just that you're outside your meta. It's that when I called you on it (#517), you tried to downplay it:

Come on. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. What sort of reactions were you really expecting?

Because what you've got is me going for your throat.

Don't get me started on that textbook Rake scum vote from the top of toDay.
textbook rake scum doesnt do this


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
(Gorf) #486 looks like a terrible vote to me
Vote: Sokr


Looked terrible to me because this vote came without reasoning, justification, anything. Considering the wagon was already there, I perceive it as wagon hopping (which for some reason he was allowed to get away with)

#487 Scary had his own legitimate reason to scum-read Sokr (476) and comes off as genuine
Really concerned with the post that you also thought awfully about. I really want to know what the intent was with that post. I reiterate the idea of his town read with me, in comparison with everyone else that has been playing I've posted relatively little content. It's even made me reread my own posts just for the sake of checking.

Call this a wild idea but I feel like him dragging me as his town read creates a possible out for him since it allows attention to head towards me based on his explanations.

Tack that onto his general play thus far and being disconnected from the game as well as his interactions with you soup, I dislike it and throw down a scum lean label for now.
So I just had my cereal.....

Lemme go get the heavy duty wheels for this wagon.

Vote: Sokr

Requesting a vote count just for knowing

Like I said to Soup, i'm trying to get my thought process more in the open, hence why I brought this up. Scary had a nice set of logic to vote Sokr. No one else brought it up what Scary brought up IIRC. It makes sense if you look back at Sokr's play up to that point. The reason I brought this up was because when I first looked at the wagon, I didn't like Scary's vote, and still don't like so much how the wagon formed, a wagon Scary joined near the time the lynch occured. HOWEVER among my second read of the wagon, I saw Scary explaining his read on Sokr and well, it seemed legit, it seemed genuine, it was something that made me feel better about Scary voting Sokr because the pro-town thought process seemed to be there.

#510 was Nabe's terrible vote

Vote: Sokr
I didn't like this for the same exact reason I didn't like Gorf's vote, so look at my explanation regarding Gorf to understand not liking Nabe's vote.

Gorf #520 hammer was worse. Don't like his approach to AM wagon when he was on it, pushed it, then acted like he didn't want the lynch,
it's really emphasizing how much he doesn't want to commit to his AM read. FOS Gorf
Vote: Sokr

How scummy am I for doing this man?

I don't' really need to explain why I don't like this when I explained above why I didn't like Gorf's initial vote. For anyone who forgot, Gorf unvoted before this just for the sole purpose that he could hammer. The part where I brought up Gorf's approach to the AM wagon is unrelated to this but it just crossed my mind as I was jotting this down. Soup, you're going to ask me to find the exact quotes for this, aren't you? Areeeeen't you?

Disagree with almost the entirety of Rake's 521, need explanations
I think this speaks for itself, btw Rake, would still love these if you didn't see this before.

(Friday Townie) Liking his beam of logic after the quicklynch, town lean.
The "beam of logic" I was referring to was basically all that stuff where FT was talking about how stupid it was to quicklynch, especially 24 hours into the game. (Let me guess Soup, i'm going to need to find quotes to further satisfy you, aren't I?) Shoot me for this, but I find myself feeling comfortable with slots that I agree with, and I agreed with the stuff FT was saying about how bad the quick lynch was.

Circus 588 is ridiculously bad considering no involvement in the game yet then just comes in to do what looks like posting for the sake of it.
Doc, don't listen to anyone directing you to target one specific person. Keep the wifom flowin'.

Least I'll have the Night phase to read the pre-game now. Scum, don't **** me outta here toNight lest you look like a *****.

In all honesty, this is the only fraction of "content" I can remember you providing this game. Circus kind of stated the obvious here. Circus was doing something which by the book is pro-townie, making sure PRs don't get ****ed. Besides that, he stated he's gonna be able to read PREGAME, i'm legit pissed at this (Well i'm rage typing all this but w/e.) Now, by itself it's not scummy, if someone like AM, FT, Rake, Soup, or any somewhat active slot posted this it would be completely irrelevant. But this is like, the epitome of Circus' contributions this game, that's a huuuuuuuuuuge problem overall and like I said, it looks like a post for the sake of having a post because it's the only note worthy thign out of the slot this game.

All of AM's posts after the lynch were basically just telling people not to be stupid and throwing some reads out, found myself nodding along to what he said, very open and explains his thought process. Didn't see scumhunting (not that he had much time to do so) which leaves me at reading the posts as null-leaning town
Soup, want quote by quote with this or is the explanation that I wanted to express myself town lean reading him because the idea is to be more open about what's going on in my head enough for you?

Raz's 649 looks so bad, he's confirmed to have been reading this game but hasn't been posting? Gah, so much worthlessness.
649 and 650 appear contradictory.
OH HEY THERE'S A LYNCH. I haven't read since page 12. I'm in the middle of writing an essay.

I pointed that out because that wagon was ****ing *** and everyone could see it. I have no idea what's gone on since then.

I need to write this essay, but if for some reason the thread is still open when I finish, I'll try to catch up as fast as possible and get something in before Night phase.
Underlined part is what I find relevant because reading up to page 12 is enough to be contributing, he at least implied he's been keeping up to well, page 12. What bothers me then is that he really hasn't been posting, in fact I can't remember if he had done anything up to this point in the game (or if he has done anything yet) >_>

Skipped over Kantrip's flip by accident. Super sorry.
The contradictory part is actually something I forgot to get rid of and didn't notice during my post. Basically the contradiction I noticed in my first read was the bolded parts where Raziek claimed to have seen the lynch then he basically said: "oops, didn't see flip.", I first read that as lynch = flip, or that both words mean the same thing. However when I did my second read of everything during the quicklynch period, I realized that the mod terms "lynch" and "flip" were different, the flip was collapsed, and the posts for lynch and flip were different, so Raziek's 649 was referring to #645, where as Raziek's 650 was referring to #647. Like I said, something I forgot to get rid of from my notes so I have to clarify here.

498 Kary basically doesn't get anything out of Sokr lynch, implying it's not worth pushing(?)
514 Kary confirms wagon is at L-1, wondering if there was a specific reason not to unvote if my analysis of 498 is correct.
Kary, what was going on in your head when Sokr's wagon was at L-1?
In my experience, If I look at something a flipped scummer said ('X is town'), and try and work out if that's a distance or what, I get it wrong.

If I look at what they actually did, (e.g. joining a waggon, or a push) I can make some connections.

But Sokr hasn't done anything. So no leads for me based on that.

Kary, I would actually still like an answer to this question. I feel like what I said in the quotes explains what i'm thinking here unless anyone needs me to clarify in other, more direct words.

Last part of wall still coming.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Looking at Rake due to his interaction with Kary, I'm really bothered by how he tried to play off the lynch.

Dunno after that a whole lot, I would like more from Raz and Circus since they gave less I can read from.
what interaction this is bull u scum brah ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I want we thuggin to answer what happened to their AM read

and I want Rake to show his cowardly face again.

In the meantime I'm going to re-read, probably with focus on the half dozen slots who've barely posted at all.
been busy what is up and where

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gorf, I see you viewing. Alex and I are making a team based around a concept I saw while building a team. Y'know how Bulky DDos is a thing? We're building something with Salamence that has very similar stats and a better attacking type than Gyarados. Message me on Skype if you want in on this ish.

Back to scheduled mafia, this is just the best way to catch Gorf.
Brother, I'm not at my computer right now but I'm TOTALLY interested in what you're thinking about with that bulky DDos man :)

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I forgot to elaborate on this. You're clearly stepping outside your town meta here. When, as town have you ever been #HBC just lynch someone D1? Never.

But it's not just that you're outside your meta. It's that when I called you on it (#517), you tried to downplay it:

Come on. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. What sort of reactions were you really expecting?

Because what you've got is me going for your throat.

Don't get me started on that textbook Rake scum vote from the top of toDay.

Why is me being out of meta bad ?
A: it's not i just did it.

Dunno quite what i was expecting, someone to defend sokr mainly, no one really stepped in which was notable. or some sot of "no stop don't"


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Thuggin's 422 is w/e, but then his 479 vote on Sokr looks out of place when Sokr wasn't mentioned in his 422
dabdab are you serious

innocent: scary/gorf/karebear/rake/joey*

aggro still scum

dabunz looking disgusting

* = says dumb stuff but i think hes really trying here
vote sokr

and to answer your question regarding my confidence regarding scarys innocence my answer is yes

Looks like another push on the Sokr wagon without explanation, I did find it particularly strange that not far back We Thuggin didn't even have Sokr as part of his read list in 422. Really really fishy to go from no read -> part of the wagon, looks completely like wagon hopping. Looks fake, looks scummy. Actually, maybe he's just voting Sokr for the sake of pressure...oh wait-

489 and 490 endorsing ****ty quickhammer is completely ****ty play.
yo grf you mind unvoting for a second? frito WILL come im here and be like





i want you to be a quickhammah if you down so we can forgo that nonsense

request votecount

-Nope, Thuggin is pushing for a quickhammer. Screw that noise that's so scummy and opportunistic I can't even comprehend it.

Don't like We Thuggin trying to direct PRs
I don't like Thuggin's slot, so it should be pretty obvious why I don't like him trying to direct PRs.

671 isn't a good case but it's not scummy, the one thing I agree with is that IIRC FT doesn't look like they are scum hunting much, since in my reading I've had trouble finding posts of theirs which I found insightful or anything particularly useful for finding scum outside of pushing We Thuggin.
Must I delve into the 671 case line by line Soup, must I? *Grumble grumble* Walls *Grumble Grumble* Outside of that I well, agreed with the specific part of case about FT not looking like they are scum hunting because well, I don't remember any of their posts looking at the other slots sticking out to me or well, being insightful, helpful, ect. Outside of some posts pushing We Thuggin

700 is ignoring the question of where his read on Scary is coming from by being super vague.
I've touched upon We Thuggin avoiding justifying his Scary read enough times. Still going to note that I think it's
scummy for him not necessarily to have an unexplained town read off the bat, but for him not explaining the town read when asked this far into the game. In fact wasn't one of Scary's points against Sokr being that Sokr had scary as a town read without like, strong reasoning?

Still think We Thuggin is scum
Vote: We Thuggin

Soup, satisfactory explanation or do I have even more I must explain regarding 752 or my read on We Thuggin?

(Rake) Would like a little explanation on his vote in 657
vote: friday townie
Rake, go go go?
Apr 17, 2011
ebwop: for the record, i'm trying not to bog down the thread by responding to a bunch of ancient **** but you made the comment that we should reevaluate how we play the game when, if we get mvp in this game, we will have gotten mvp in three games in a row, one in each alignment, whereas your signature speaks for itself. do not start with me.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ebwop: for the record, i'm trying not to bog down the thread by responding to a bunch of ancient **** but you made the comment that we should reevaluate how we play the game when, if we get mvp in this game, we will have gotten mvp in three games in a row, one in each alignment, whereas your signature speaks for itself. do not start with me.
What about recent Dabuz posts?
Apr 17, 2011
I was going to wait until I heard from Raz and ended up with an OK from Soup on this group, but I don't think he'll have a problem and I find myself skeptical that Raz will show up because it's past midnight there and he's not online on Skype.

I wanted to point out where we need to go and for that I wanted your input, Joey (I only mention you because you're online now, unlike the other two. I wanted to catch you before you went to bed).

I am playing with my hand face up here, but I don't really have a problem with it. I don't have a good enough read on FriTo vs. WT. I admit this. This is something we need to cover, but I don't REALLY want to jump on it yet. One part that I am more interested in other things and two parts that I dread dredging through it. Past that, I am working on my Dabuz reference card. Soup wants to look there and I encourage doing that without a wagon for aforementioned reasons. I need to read Kary better because my current read is surface level. I also need to gain a more defined read on Rake. Nabe I am thinking of shortening the time I've given if we start actually making progress that isn't hinged on WT vs FriTo. I gave him 48 hours before this emerged. Its formation was unexpected when I gave Nabe that time because it came out of what I thought was going to be Soup pressure. That leaves Scary, Circus, and Gorf who I don't have anything I feel needs to be specifically addressed. I mostly want to create content and watch what they do with it. My biggest problem with those slots is the lack of information I have about them which will alleviate itself with more opportunities for input or escalate into scum reads in their own right. Yes, I just said I need to look closer at almost all the cast.

What I want to know about you is whether the read list you posted is still current. I wanted to know where your head is right now. After that, I wanted to know what you need to look at.
Apr 17, 2011
What about recent Dabuz posts?
What about em? They're walls that I (Ryker) have legitimately not read yet. I didn't want to wade through them after spending two hours on the phone and a few more after that on Skype talking about Mafia. I'm working on a larger view of Dabuz and I'll catch them then.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What about em? They're walls that I (Ryker) have legitimately not read yet. I didn't want to wade through them after spending two hours on the phone and a few more after that on Skype talking about Mafia. I'm working on a larger view of Dabuz and I'll catch them then.
I'm deferring to Rajam's read but he still is thinks Dabuz is a town lean because his intent seems at the very least interested in hunting.

I'm starting to agree with him reading the Dabuz walls, but still hesitant because this bit me in the ass in FE mafia. He might have stepped up his scum game but I don't see immediate problems with him not consider him a main issue compared to at least 5 other slots. I know you hate reading him, but the dude doesn't have a scummy angle.

I considered Soup's early post because it made me think, what if he is getting smarter as scum? Rajam hasn't fully caught up but from where he is ATM he still thinks Dabuz is a town lean.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
dabuz I did not seriously think that anyone would hammer Sokr at that point. It occured to me that I could unvote but I felt that if I made it clear it was L-1, no-one was likely to hammer anyways. Obviously I did not count on Gorf and his complete disrespect for anything approaching good play. I like to think that giving people the opportunity to hammer someone is usually a good way to gather information but on this occasion I'm pretty much regretting the decision because I didn't want to lynch Sokr then, I just wanted a waggon to form and him to respond to it.

Rake it's like you're sitting here telling me you did something scummy but it's not a big deal.

And to make it perfectly clear, your vote toDay is textbook Rake scum. It's just like you did in (I forget which game) where you drop a vote at the beginning of the Day without any sort of explanation, case, or follow up, and just leave it there to see what happens.

Your shouting for a quicklynch is not something i'm familiar with you ever doing. But I find it hard to believe that it's something you would do as town, particularly with your claim that you were doing so 'for reactions' despite not thinking it through ('I didn't know what I was expecting'). It seems much easier to believe that you're just scum and you wanted that QL.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
AM wanna talk about Circus & Nabe?

Also I still town-read dabuz; his playstyle reminds me a lot of my own playstyle. In FE-Adv I quickly pegged him as scum based on his activity level (aka borderline inactive, abusing activity deadlines), and his questions more directed towards causing a townie impression rather than scumhunting: No follow-up, no checking backwards, no effort, no stances. Here's I'm seeing the opposite though; I don't see him making 1 post and quick-leaving until the next activity-deadline, and his posts are attempting to determining alignments rather than making questions with no follow-up just to put an appareance of townie. Take his #214 for example, first line: He's analyzing a reaction of a player to a wagon

Regarding AM, i'm having a different read on him than Red Ryu; I'm taking a town-lean on that slot. Consider again dabuz's #214, first line. I absolutely agree with the analysis. Now, let's sum #233 to the equation. Despite the lack of votes' validity, a wagon was forming against AM based mainly on his lack of doing anything. In #214 dabuz shows how at first AM didn't give a damn, but in #233 we can see AM starting to grow upset at the wagon on him for the same thing. Looks like sorta a townie OMGUS imo, as AM sees he's being pressured over nothing.
This us why he got an early tuen read and from what new content he has seen he's still thinking this hold true as a town read.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
My reads are current based on the information I was given. They're not complete in the slightest. A lot of people haven't posted much (Circus, Kary, Nabe, Raziek), and there are a few players that I'm struggling to read (Gord, Rake), so my list can change easily for those slots. I'm right there with you in this regard.

I also need to reconsider thuggin and FT, so I can definitely agree with waiting on this.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So Ryker, I got from your posts that, like, you don't wanna have a sesh with me man? I brought my good bong man we were gonna have some killer bonding time man :)!
Apr 17, 2011
So Ryker, I got from your posts that, like, you don't wanna have a sesh with me man? I brought my good bong man we were gonna have some killer bonding time man :)!
Probably better for both of us if I don't go role fishing. I don't REALLY need to know if the possibility I thought of is true or not. No, I don't have enough information to be certain I'm right, but I also don't entirely need to know. I'd rather remain unsure enough I can't act on it than to make it publicly known if I'm right.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
ebwop: i swear to gog if this day phase ends before 48 hours or nabe speaks up, whoever hammers is lynched

do you agree with that marshy/gorf
fa sho

idk what to make of rake btw. i was gonna type out some more but im pretty sure ill get a better handle on that slot with the way this dayphase looks to be shaping

feel like towns tiptoeing around a scumbag right now. need nabe/rake posts and jerkus to continue playing like scum for me to say anymore. some peopleve asked me **** but i dont care to answer them atm

wed prolly win this game if jerkus/dabdab/frito/rake/nabe all just died

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Why is me being out of meta bad ?
A: it's not i just did it.

Dunno quite what i was expecting, someone to defend sokr mainly, no one really stepped in which was notable. or some sot of "no stop don't"

I guess, like, this just didn't phase anyone, but like, this ALONE is pretty damning on your part Rake my man! The fact that you took all the way until now to say this would make you quite the little ******* as town, but town wouldn't just say that. You left nothing to make us even consider that that was what you were thinking, man. I can pull up the posts that you made that led me to think the aggro wagon was going somewhere that wasn't a lynch. You were looking for somebody to hammer! Now, did I want Sokr dead? Absolutely man! Was I wrong about his alignment? Absolutely man! If you were to say something like that, I'd still probably be a fool, but now I gotta agree with Ryker that, even though it's unlikely (note: unlikely) that you're aligned with FT, you're scum man! No two ways about it brother!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Let me say a cumulative sorry to those like Kary who have been on the rake scum vibe for a while, I kinda just went with my early read on em and let that ride, but now you totally got the support of walrus on your side man!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Probably better for both of us if I don't go role fishing. I don't REALLY need to know if the possibility I thought of is true or not. No, I don't have enough information to be certain I'm right, but I also don't entirely need to know. I'd rather remain unsure enough I can't act on it than to make it publicly known if I'm right.
Alright man, just hit me up if you ever need some walrus man :)
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