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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@Kantrip: I can't log out or on my phone for some reason due to Smashboards problems, this won't get fixed til the cloudberry stuff for smashboards lowers.
Apr 17, 2011
@Joey and Gorf: Love you boys, you're both cool, but you're both not needed right now to continue with these wagons as you're just playing extra wheels. I get it's a huge deal but the extra voices are not really needed there at the moment. You both have been a second voice for Frito/we thuggin respectively and while that's cool, I want to see where your own voices are at. You've been so focused on being an auxiliary helper that you've forgotten about slots like Rake/Circus/Nabe/Kary/Us/Raz. Can you focus a bit less on Frito/we thuggin and instead think a little bit more about the rest of the game, specifically talk to me about these three in the rest of this post.

This is more to Joey than Gorf but we do think that Gorf could separate himself a bit as well.

@Circus: Circus, Circus, Circus! Where did you go, my friend? You were talkin' about some marshy during twilight last phase! I ****in' loved that, dood! Kick back for a second homie and talk to me about it. I've been evaluating my marshy read and I've decided that unless further reread convinces me that Frito is undeniably town and that his case was a manipulative grab, then going to have to dig deeper. So if you still think marshy is the scummers, could you fill me in that real quick? Thanks bro!

Also would you please join the wagon I'm starting?

@Raz: Razzy, baby! You made a good post, a good post, my son. I liked it a lot! I saw some town reads and I saw some examination of Kary/Rake. Not too much, it was there, but it was kinda small. Could you give me some more? Can you talk about some other slots? Can you talk about some people you don't like? Can you give me a bit more beyond Rake, maybe your next two scum reads?

@Nabe: Nabe, my son. What we've got from you isn't enough. I wanna see you put your head out there somewhere. Gimme a read list that includes Frito, we thuggin, AM, Circus, Gorf, Raz, and Rake with some details. I need to know where your head's at before it ends in the hangman's noose.

vote: Nabe
Apr 17, 2011
ebwop: talkin to drew on the phone, will finish reread when he gets back. ddos/site drops/crashboards derailed our attempts last night so we'll be back later and rock this out once and for all
Apr 17, 2011
Hey Soup, you made a comment in pregame about Friday Townie that suggested you weren't particularly fond of the different approach he was taking this game. In both instances it was brought up, you didn't elaborate upon that distaste you mentioned. Could you please do that? What do you like about Friday Townie now?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
aka the game where jerkus and nabe WERE SCUM?

plz be scum frito. this has exceeded the upper echelons of the dumb or scum palace & im already sauced as ****. but i can STILL this **** is ****ibg ******** beyond levels humanly acceptable
Are you trying to be intentionally ignorant here?

I'm clearly saying that you've put another slot out if nowhere with a case while ignoring your other two scum reads. You nailed scum with this before and yet your doing the same thing here.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Hey Soup, you made a comment in pregame about Friday Townie that suggested you weren't particularly fond of the different approach he was taking this game. In both instances it was brought up, you didn't elaborate upon that distaste you mentioned. Could you please do that? What do you like about Friday Townie now?

I'm wavering between Marshy's legitimate attempts to actively push Friday Townie and how I've been reading him since. As far as elaboration goes for Frito, I felt that FT early pre-game play was haphazard and all over the place with more or less any direction. Something that really tipped me off is when they asked me to hold hands, and I'm not sure what caused them to ask me and it came off as just out of left-field and weird. I can't tell you that I like anything from FT right now because I've mostly skimmed their arguments and I think it wouldn't do me any good. Are you asking me this because you agree with my read back then on them? I'm not like Joey who is fully against what's going on, but I don't think he's a good vote regardless. Nabe is someone who needs to come out of woodwork and start producing more content, and even if that means pushing him to L-2/L-1, then that's what is needed to be done.

FT, do you have other picks besides thuggin' at the moment?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
you are either scum or a complete ****ing ****** dude. *****s is gonna look at me like "marshy ya shouldve been more civil bruh" but i dont give a ****. you are either so far out yur mind that sane *****s cant comprehend yu or just scum that idk wtf to tell yu. yure gonna tell me to **** myself or keep pushing yur case clinging onto strict logic learned in 8th grade but real *****s in this world gonna push thru push that **** and agree wit wat im doin like damn bruh in a blink of an eye i realize wuz good and accompany ya side

joey in tryin so hard to rap my knuckes againstya forehead like wake up man. join town. ive had to do this **** to ryker in the past and he wont admit in his lifetime "i shouldve listened to marshy. i shouldve considered his opinion b4 all dis crazy **** happened" but i feel like yure gonna do da same thing he did and shut me out man
**** off, your ****ty attitude with how your AM read was garbage.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I think even if FT is scum, Joey would not hard-defend his partner like this. I think Joey is just doing what he believes is right and what I really like about him is that he seems very genuine in his posts instead of trying to mold an image of a townie with long wall-posts that don't really go anywhere. It's easy to discern what Joey's mindset is this game without needing to dig.

Dabuns, why are you sudden to just toss aside what thuggin' is talking about and just vote him over FT? Hell, why are you openly making posts #752 that don't go anywhere and look like you rushed to post content? I really don't get how out of that mess, you concluded that thuggin' was the right lynch. I don't recall you ever discussing dislike of thuggin' earlier (and if you did it was really vague) so for you to just side with frito really concerns me.

Everyone tell me their read on Dabuns right now please.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm wavering between Marshy's legitimate attempts to actively push Friday Townie and how I've been reading him since. As far as elaboration goes for Frito, I felt that FT early pre-game play was haphazard and all over the place with more or less any direction. Something that really tipped me off is when they asked me to hold hands, and I'm not sure what caused them to ask me and it came off as just out of left-field and weird. I can't tell you that I like anything from FT right now because I've mostly skimmed their arguments and I think it wouldn't do me any good. Are you asking me this because you agree with my read back then on them? I'm not like Joey who is fully against what's going on, but I don't think he's a good vote regardless. Nabe is someone who needs to come out of woodwork and start producing more content, and even if that means pushing him to L-2/L-1, then that's what is needed to be done.

FT, do you have other picks besides thuggin' at the moment?
Looking at Rake due to his interaction with Kary, I'm really bothered by how he tried to play off the lynch.

Dunno after that a whole lot, I would like more from Raz and Circus since they gave less I can read from.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I think even if FT is scum, Joey would not hard-defend his partner like this. I think Joey is just doing what he believes is right and what I really like about him is that he seems very genuine in his posts instead of trying to mold an image of a townie with long wall-posts that don't really go anywhere. It's easy to discern what Joey's mindset is this game without needing to dig.

Dabuns, why are you sudden to just toss aside what thuggin' is talking about and just vote him over FT? Hell, why are you openly making posts #752 that don't go anywhere and look like you rushed to post content? I really don't get how out of that mess, you concluded that thuggin' was the right lynch. I don't recall you ever discussing dislike of thuggin' earlier (and if you did it was really vague) so for you to just side with frito really concerns me.

Everyone tell me their read on Dabuns right now please.
I think Rajam had him as a town lean since I asked him to help me with that one since I botched my read on Dabuz bad in FE.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Dabuns, why are you sudden to just toss aside what thuggin' is talking about and just vote him over FT? Hell, why are you openly making posts #752 that don't go anywhere and look like you rushed to post content? I really don't get how out of that mess, you concluded that thuggin' was the right lynch. I don't recall you ever discussing dislike of thuggin' earlier (and if you did it was really vague) so for you to just side with frito really concerns me.
I had my vote on We Thuggin's slot yesterday and expressed my dislike then.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Also, #752 was my catchup post with the intent of you know, something you told me to do, be more open with what my my thought processes are while reading.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I had my vote on We Thuggin's slot yesterday and expressed my dislike then.

Repost it for me? It still doesn't stop me from wondering why you rushed that post you made. Why do you feel the need to try and cover everything? I think I recall a conversation with you earlier where you stated this:

I didn't really go into this game with a plan outside ask questions about things that stand out to me negatively, see where it goes, interpret if it's a good, bad, or null. For conclusion sake, I don't really see the point of bringing some stuff up if the conclusion really doesn't lead anywhere. Like I could tell you I concluded my concern of Rake's pressure is gone after talking to him a bit more but it still leads me to null, does that help town? Probably not, I try to only bring up things I feel are relevant. I sometimes have thoughts or suspicions on players but it's half baked until I get to read and analyze more and it's really not gonna help to town to blurt out those half baked thoughts, in a lot of ways I approach this game the complete opposite of Rake.
I already called you out on this before. It doesn't make sense to make your #752 at all.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also, #752 was my catchup post with the intent of you know, something you told me to do, be more open with what my my thought processes are while reading.

I didn't know you took my words into that much consideration. Why??


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Read 72 - 141 and wherever AM's posts are after your wagon starts, that's wrong.

Vote: we thuggin
Post 343

I didn't know you took my words into that much consideration. Why??

It does help town. Never get scared about speaking your mind. I would definitely be able to read you better if you were more open with your thoughts. Are you scared of being wrong or something? I just don't see the reason to play so vaguely only if you weren't certain about something but that doesn't seem to be the case because you seem confident in some things and less in others. You've just told me that you concluded on Rake, why couldn't you just say that earlier? I can't make you change your style or force you to do all these things, but I think it would help. Bolded, I guess I was right about my previous assumption about you, but I shouldn't have to drag these things out of you. This doesn't really change my opinion on you that much to be honest.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Not sure how to feel about you anymore. You're openly appealing to me yet showing somewhat of an effort to change yourself in order to be read easier. I can't tell if you're doing this to get on my good side or because you have a genuine sense to try and improve. The fact regardless is that it doesn't change that your #725 really didn't tell me anything and it still felt like you rushed and you didn't have a clear intention about that post. You state something about Raz about being contradictory in his posts but you don't go out of way and tell us why this is. You aren't being open and speaking your mind, you're stating opinions, and opinions only go so far because they need elaboration. If you're determined to somehow impress me then elaborate more on your #725 with actual reasoning instead of just a garbled mess. Then I would be impressed.

Post 343 doesn't tell me anything. It's wrong. Okay. Why is it wrong? What makes it wrong? Why is thuggin' scummy because of this? You clearly have a reason to suspect him but you won't tell us. This makes it look like you're trying to be townie by showing intent to scumhunt without actually scumhunting. You bring content but in sparse numbers and only to either A) vote someone or B) answer someone. This is why I suspect you dabuns. You're playing a part instead of being yourself. It's true I've misread you times before but I've never seen that stop you from what you're doing, and in this game, I don't really know what you're doing. You won't tell me. You won't tell anyone. I don't need to hear another excuse from you. If you're actually a townie you should have no problem answering me sufficiently.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I liked Circus when he was actually posting. Same with Raziek. I don't really recall Nabe doing anything at all... Like, anything. Pretty straight forward lol.

Like Soup, FT, Raziek (from what I've seen), Dabuz

Null-town Circus, Kary, Scary, AM

Null Gord, Nabe,

Null-scum Rake

Scum Thuggin'

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I need to know where your head's at
Give me a Day. I think Gorf and Thug are flying in the right direction. And another player's alignment, I know dead to rights. And what I'm doing right now is unlikely to be the same as what I'll be doing in ~48 hours, following a post that I'm anticipating will make something clear.

If I'm not looking you in the eyes, it doesn't always mean I'm watching the storm over your shoulder.
Apr 17, 2011
Give me a Day. I think Gorf and Thug are flying in the right direction. And another player's alignment, I know dead to rights. And what I'm doing right now is unlikely to be the same as what I'll be doing in ~48 hours, following a post that I'm anticipating will make something clear.

If I'm not looking you in the eyes, it doesn't always mean I'm watching the storm over your shoulder.

you got ~48 hours

vote: Soup
Apr 17, 2011
ebwop: i swear to gog if this day phase ends before 48 hours or nabe speaks up, whoever hammers is lynched

do you agree with that marshy/gorf

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Give me a Day. I think Gorf and Thug are flying in the right direction. And another player's alignment, I know dead to rights. And what I'm doing right now is unlikely to be the same as what I'll be doing in ~48 hours, following a post that I'm anticipating will make something clear.

If I'm not looking you in the eyes, it doesn't always mean I'm watching the storm over your shoulder.
I know you hint for us to be patient but when you tack on a player alignment "being dead to rights", its teasing the pallet man!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
No. Shhh. Don't get involved with this. I'm interested in hearing what they have to say.
Apr 17, 2011
Nvm ninja's.

AM what are your reads ATM other than the pressure for more from Nabe?
I think that Joey's town. Reading Joey's kind of a crap shoot because he's currently latched onto you, which is something that I can see scum Joey doing, but it's also something that town Joey would definitely do. Both of us think he's town.

There are a lot of people we simply have as "scary" right now and are rereading in order to clear up. These people are Circus, Nabe, Raz, and Soup.

-Circus: You'll notice that one of the non-Soup slots is that they haven't done much. I'd be surprised if they all had double-digit post counts in this game. Circus is the first one and the most iconic thing about Circus' presence (twilight, d1) is that his knee-jerk reaction was the same as mine; however, in retrospect, there is more to consider we thuggin's play than what is pointed out there. I'm not as sold on my we thuggin read as I'll cover in a minute. Circus doesn't have much presence in the game right now. What I want out of him is more elaboration on his marshy read, his entire thought process on it, and to try to sell me on why I should believe me. I would love for him to vote Nabe with me.

-Nabe: Scares the absolute hell out of both of us. While Raz and Circus, if a gun was put to my head, would I say "lean town", Nabe does not. Nabe leans scum to me and to Alex and while it's unfair to type based on my recollection when we haven't finished reading the thread of him, my impression of him is a warmonger sitting in the back. He joins wagons without much elaboration and doesn't bring any of his own ideas to the forefront. As you can tell from my vote, I want him to commit to the game. Despite the fact that this game is only 20 pages long and about 2 days active, there is still more than enough to make some sort of impact that matters more than what he has done. I want to see that.

This somewhat changes based on what he just posted and our response to that. Will wait 48 hours, we can afford to give him that time.

-Raz: Raz made a good post, a really good post, like, a super good post. I liked that post. Maybe even literally. However, with that being his only significant contribution thus far, it is also a really safe post. I want him to add more to the game. I've asked for the other side of his readlist and for more elaboration. If he picks up steam and continues to post content that I find agreeable, he can go to LyLo, but if he disappears and continues to only give the town half of his readlist, he probably needs to wind up dead in a ditch.

-Soup: The odd man out of this group. He has posted far more than these other three in the same category. His posts, however, from what I recall aren't that good. This read is probably the most likely to change on reread than any of the rest due to the sheer content difference Soup has from most of the cast. If we find out he's done more than we remembered, we may reverse this read into something definite, but for right now, I'll say "scary". Most of his posts, from what I remember, are mostly non-committal, mostly philosophical, and don't really move us to anything. That said, he's been very good at responding to things when asked. This is certainly a much different Soup than I was expecting, especially when the last Town Soup that I saw was in FE:A mafia whose strong-willed outburst early in the game played a large part in town's downfall.

Dabunz, neither of us particularly like him. I think he's kinda gross. The we thuggin FoS on dabunz was pretty sweet. One of the things I like about we thuggin is that suspicion. That said, I hate reading dabunz. I abhor it. He is a permanent resident of my vig list in almost every game we play. Unfortunately, we've already iced our vig.

If I had to pick an indy in the game right now, it'd be Rake. If I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Rake wasn't indy, I'd call him town. I don't think Rake is as gung-ho about that hammer as mafia. I don't think Rake tries to draw us into the game early as mafia. I don't think Rake makes a comment about not doc protecting him as mafia. However, a lot of his actions are fairly suspect. His hammer vote could be that he was swept along the hype train. As the man who shot EE on D1, I can kinda relate. It's still suspect though. Combine his D1 play with a post that screams "Guys, I'm going to claim BP at some point", and you'll color me skeptical.

Gorf and Scary are tricky to read, mostly null, keep 'em for now. Scary is townier than Gorf. I think that while neither of these reads is all too defined, we gain a lot more pursuing other players. What these two are doing is enough to merit keeping them around at the moment, because if they keep up the content that they're putting out, they'll stick around long enough to **** up as scum or be nailed by PoE or basically confirm themselves as one alignment or another.

Kary kinda fits in with Gorf and Scary, we found Kary through process of elimination which is the only reason he wasn't in that group. I think he's probably more likely to be town than the other two, but I'm much more wary of his capability to pick one to play a deceptive game than Scary, so I'm much more likely to bring Scary to LyLo than Kary, despite having a stronger read on the latter.

Frito and we thuggin are having a fight we don't really have a dog in. It's a really big pain in the ass to the both of us because I feel like every side I could take is going to put a gun to my head for championing a cause I don't fully believe in. Right now, the main reason we're rereading the game is to follow up on marshy's Frito read. I think the best way to read marshy is to look at who he's targeting and seeing if it makes sense. It's much the same way I use to try to read Kevin. Thus far, I haven't found anything conclusive. My comment on Ruy's outburst still stands--I find that grimy--but my knee-jerk action, which was to imply heavily that we thuggin could be scum, has somewhat dissipated. I've seen a possibility that he and Gorf may be on the right track, just like Nabe has said. I thought about asking Gorf about something, but I decided against it. If we thuggin's case shake's out on Friday Townie, I am comfortable with their slot. I do not think that this is SvS unless they're of different alignments, which I find unlikely. It could be TvS either side, but I find it much more likely that it will end up as TvS with town thuggin and scum Frito. Not to say that it couldn't be the reverse, I'll know better on finishing my read.

The reason I really don't want to stick my head out is that there's a definite possibility that it might end up TvT. It would hinge on marshy being wrong about Frito, because I think it's very easy for Ruy, like Joey, to go off the deep end, because marshy embodies everything he hates about mafia.

As far as Frito goes, I'm wary of him. I don't have the information at my disposal to really hop on board the we thuggin #HBC train. With my nabe vote rescinded, I will almost certainly be exploring Frito more heavily if not for the fact that I think my support could lead to a lynch or other dramatically painful outcome if it was given overtly. Frito is ultimately a null read right now.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

we thuggin [3] - Masquerain, Friday Townie, dabuz
Friday Townie [3] - Rake, Gorf, we thuggin
Nabe [2] - soup, Scary
Rake [2] - Kary, Nabe
soup [1] - Aggressive Mediation

Circus [0]
Aggressive Mediation [0]
Scary [0]
Raziek [0]
dabuz [0]
Kary [0]
Gorf [0]
Masquerain [0]

Not Voting: Circus, Raziek

With 13 players alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline has been set for 11:59pm CST on Dec 5th.
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