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Luigi's Mansion Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Thank god I'm not on that much walrus am I right man :)?
Apr 17, 2011
Well my other head went to sleep on me because Ryze just sucks the energy out of him so lemme respond to stuff since I got off yesterday.
Apr 17, 2011
what do you hope to gain out of that question aggromed? check my old games and youll see that i used to use a more logical playstyle and made cases. others i wagonhop with no explanation. others i straight up hbc. others i obvtown. i change up my approach
well i gathered that much captain obvious but that doesn't answer the question of why
Apr 17, 2011
see last time i went after scary and that was all well and good but this time i figured I'd take a swing at a player who's actions are going to be scrutinized a lot harder. You may argue it's pregame and ****ing around is acceptable, but your certainly already acting like your heads been chopped off. The game hasn't even started and your already calling out half a wagon that isn't even real.

if you know pregame is all **** anyway your concern should be negative and yet here we are
i don't see how saying "rake's playing his gs3 4 self where he's town", "marshy's town but latching onto the wrong thing," and "gorf and scary are clearly joking" is lashing out at half a wagon. sue me for actually trying to look at a very clear and obvious place to start


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
joey...this is the second time youve literally said the complete opposite of what i asserted. i never said aggro started trying after the wagon. im saying that he brushed it off and bounced. youre also assigning motives to his actions and spitting them out like theyre fact

i gotta get ready to start the workday
Vote: We Thuggin

You're voting Aggressive Mediation because of a shift in his play. You stated this pretty clearly.

He didn't shift until after you stated that he shifted his play. He shifted his play because he got tired of the bull**** push on him, and you pretty much confirmed that it was 100% crap.

This type of shift isn't scummy. It's dealing with bull****.

I'm not assigning anything. His play did not change. He went from non-serious pre-game play to non-serious pre-game play until you made a crap call and a ****ty push saying that he shifted in play. :v

He brushed it off because literally no one was posting any reasoning whatsoever. What did you expect him to do? Defend himself when there was literally nothing going on? Come on. You're better than this.

You're also changing your reasoning to fit the wagon. When you first started it, you clearly stated that he suddenly started to think that pre-game meant nothing, when he felt that way the whole time. You said that he wasn't playing pro-town because he wasn't prodding players, when in reality, he was just playing pre-game and doing RVS things. You said he 180'd his approach to the game, when in reality, he never did until after you made a completely baseless and idiotic claim saying that he 180'd his approach to the game.

I'm not voting you for pressure. I'm voting you because you're playing like a total tool and from my perspective, it comes across as trying to off a power player early. The fact that you're changing your reasoning on the spot to continue this crappy and pointless wagon pretty much confirms this imo.


Explain how determining someone's town isn't helpful

PoE is legit son

And @ bolded underlined: Jump once things happen, not on possible hypotheticals. In fact, what does it tell you that one of those slots named in 90, - us -, was finally concluded as town?

I demand a response to this

oh and btw, soup town. Deal with it

I was saying that his mentioning of Rake/Gord came across as completely pointless and as fluff posting. It's not the fact that he called Gord town. It's the way he did it. It was just completely off putting to me and seemed out of place.

I could jump when it happened, but considering the position I was in and the question I wanted answered, I voted. I got a good answer. I agree that Soup is town. I don't mind his 90 after he explained it, and outside of that, his play has been pretty cool.
Apr 17, 2011
Like I dunno why your so uppity at all and it really just make me want to lynch you
because i can say "i was being silly because the game hasn't started yet" until i'm blue in the face and not a damn one of you will admonish that fact. i get mad at stupid. this is stupid in my book.
Apr 17, 2011
I disagree. I think this wagon is just asking for a scummer to latch onto it, and the way it has moved bothers me greatly. I think that most of the main pushers right now (thuggin, friday townie, rake) are townie but I'm suspicious of players like Scary and I might be getting a tad paranoid about Friday Townie again thinking about it more but it's not enough to say other than it gives me somewhat weird vibes, more importantly the fact of his other head (who I'm assuming was ruy???) says he doesn't really bother with pre-game that much IIRC. If you put the accusation that you're being accused of currently to a player like Scary, would you say it would be more damning? I think even as a joke I don't like him just going ahead and voting you like that, regardless of my trust in rake's read on him.
Oh no, I have no doubt that a wagon like this can be a scum magnet, I just don't think the leaders on it are scum. You can say "well Gorf and Scary jumping on it is weird" but I honestly have no indication of which way I could read them jumping on without seeing an extension of their play. Something like that can just as easily be "joke" or "scummy" and I wouldn't be able to read which way it leaned because there's absolutely nothing to push me in either of these directions.

That said, I am aware that there is a wagon on marshy at this moment in the game so I'll be looking into that. I don't think he's scum, as I can understand his intentions of wanting information out of slots, but chances are, I'm not thinking deep enough.
Apr 17, 2011
You gotta think situationally, man. The man made an absolute stance: the thought of pregame meaning nothing fueled his post making at the beginning. The fact is that that's not the truth, man. So how can you sit here and just believe his intentions are, and have been, true. Plus, all he's done since his "enlightenment of the situation" is say the wagon is stupid and have one half of the hydra, like, totally AtE the fact that it's "unfair to just start the game before the game starts," which coming from him, doesn't seem genuine at all man.

Plus, if he really DIDN'T realize we were talking serious, like, he does now! And you tell me what he's been doing that benefits or helps town.
You singled out one post--just one--in a stream of stuff that sounded remotely serious or had some actual thought into it and are stretching it as far as you think it'll go.

It's ripping at its seams, Gorf, put it down.
Apr 17, 2011
Soup, I don't know if you think I actually want this Aggro Mod thing to carry through, but you need to step back and consider that what I'm doing has an ulterior motive outside lynching him, of you think that I'm legit trying to lynch him before the game starts, your silly, sure, the pressure is serious but so far I've been closer to silent on my opinion on this for a reason. I hate spelling this out to you because your a good player but for the sake of my sanity I'm doing so.
Remember how I said "reminds me of GS3 4 rake" and "i don't know why he's targeting me"? Your actions are really overt. I have no qualms with you for that exact reason but saying crap like this really does out your intentions for the rest of the game, especially when you're targeting someone like me over a player like Scary. C'mon now.
Apr 17, 2011
its not about it changing beforehand. its about after the fact


pregame starts ---> aggromed joins in active discussion throws vote around etc ---> wagon on aggromed builds ---> dumb/scum people defend him for no reason ---> aggromed comes back "pfft pregames ******** i cant believe yall doing this see yall d1!" like ge wasnt just partaking in pregame ---> everyone else: "wow aggromed thats legit :). leave him alone guys!"

lol thats literally what happened in this game
your perception of reality is really warped to see what you want to see

why are you so damn intent on lynching us? don't pull the whole "i don't explain ****" thing.
Apr 17, 2011
Probably Scary or Sokr.
Okay, so talk to me about this. You suggested that Scary's jump onto my wagon was a little bit odd from your point of view. What gives you any indication that it's odd? Scary is new and Scary tends to be sheepy as a result, so seeing him blindly jump on a wagon that didn't even appear serious at the time (because even I didn't think it was) doesn't read much.

I don't even remember Sokr's presence in pre-game.

So why are you defaulting to them? Do you think everyone involved in my wagon (outside of Scary) was town?
Apr 17, 2011
If it's meta I guess it's less concerning but so far your "force a bunch of reactions" pushes don't seem to be leading into much. Got a slightly leaning null with your Sokr push, said Soup is concerning but haven't pressed on that, I don't see anything you got from Scary, and now AM was just for the sake of pushing but it doesn't look like you got much out of that. It just seems like you're mindlessly pressuring people until you get something you can stick to and I see how it can benefit both a town player and a scum player. Would anyone else testify that this is how you play as town?
It is. Rake plays like that constantly.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
me and scary used to hav beef in a past life

...No, I want a serious answer.

Does We Thuggin' scum = Scary scum? You're kind of alluding to that yet you're not going any further on it. I read your reasoning on AM and It's not anything I can really sink my teeth into, but I'll accept it.

Dabuns, I know I've asked you this before in a game (I think it was Walmart?) but tell me your mindset going into this game. Tell me what you're looking for and why you're being so damn vague about everything. Every post I read from you just leaves me wanting more because you don't go the further step of coming to a conclusion of everything. I won't accept answers like 'there's not enough to go off of' because that's complete bull****.

I'm not sure yet, right now there could be a connection to be made but i'm really just wanting to know where and why we thuggin's head is at regarding the slot period.

I didn't really go into this game with a plan outside ask questions about things that stand out to me negatively, see where it goes, interpret if it's a good, bad, or null. For conclusion sake, I don't really see the point of bringing some stuff up if the conclusion really doesn't lead anywhere. Like I could tell you I concluded my concern of Rake's pressure is gone after talking to him a bit more but it still leads me to null, does that help town? Probably not, I try to only bring up things I feel are relevant. I sometimes have thoughts or suspicions on players but it's half baked until I get to read and analyze more and it's really not gonna help to town to blurt out those half baked thoughts, in a lot of ways I approach this game the complete opposite of Rake.
Apr 17, 2011
Also being overt ruins nothing, and if you believe it does you need to re-evaluate how you play mafia.

Even in spelling out my intent I can garner a good net gain, while losing nothing if the natural conclusion of the methods I was using hasn't been fully met. In your wagon's case it was close, but I had to accelerate it due to soups interference, just like with scary in gs34 it loses me nothing to spell it out after the fact
I knew from the get go what you were doing and why you were doing it, marshy was the one who provoked any sort of reaction out of me.
Apr 17, 2011
Am needs more on the table, thuggin stuff is generic want other content.

Gonna talk with Rajam about Dabuz.

Soup is town.

Like to hear from Raz, Sokr, Nabe and Circus.
Lemme finish my read.

Keep in mind this is one half of the situation but I'll at least give you an idea of where I'm at right now.
Apr 17, 2011
Oh, we started? Good. Hopefully I'll be contributing more to this game now that the mini game I was in finished. I skimmed the past couple pages but I'll get caught up either today or tomorrow (headache johns).

@Soup, the reason most of my play is excuses is because you were jumping on a joke I made. Gonna go ahead and blame you for that, not me.

IIRC Scary is town to me but I'll have to reread.

Gorf, are you going to be talking like that all game?

That's all I've got for now. Gonna go pop an advil and try to power through this.
oh dear lord this is scummy


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
You're either trying to lynch him or get a response out of him. You're not putting a lot of legwork into doing either, from what I noticed, so your vote is just sitting there.

This quote was directed at Soup

Right, I'm here and I'm much more intense than i probably should be.

Reads right now:

Town: Soup, Friday
Town lean: Rake, Gorf, Scary

Scum lean: Sokr, AggroMed

All other reads not particularly settled.

Vote: Sokr

Your play is 90% excuses so far, man. Step it up for me please.

I'm not seeing how you have Soup town read when you berated him in the above quote.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
because i can say "i was being silly because the game hasn't started yet" until i'm blue in the face and not a damn one of you will admonish that fact. i get mad at stupid. this is stupid in my book.
you'll have to excuse me for not taking : lol guys i was dumb.

as suffiecient

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Remember how I said "reminds me of GS3 4 rake" and "i don't know why he's targeting me"? Your actions are really overt. I have no qualms with you for that exact reason but saying crap like this really does out your intentions for the rest of the game, especially when you're targeting someone like me over a player like Scary. C'mon now.
true but the end of the interaction was drawing anyway.

PlusI couldn't do it to scary im sure he's not bad enough to fall into it again

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Btw to the clown that asked if I'd be, like, talking like this all day, I have a question: Will you ever see, like, a left handed batter approach the left side of the base man?

I didn't think so. Don't worry man, if you're wise enough to look beyond the surface, like, you'll see the depth man :)
Apr 17, 2011
Aight, I've caught up for the most part.

I like Frito though I'm concerned how his read of me and his read on marshy seem to be independent when interaction suggests that they shouldn't be. He seems like typical Town Ruy outside of this but this is a point of interest for me. Can you resolve it, Ruy?

Rake is Rake, hard to see where his intentions lie though I think he's town at the moment. He's playing Rambo like he did in GS3 4 where he was town but I think this playstyle affords him a lot of free passes. For the moment, I think he's town and am willing to let him work in attempts to see where his motivations lie. I think him targeting me was ambitious.

Soup's early pre-game play on reread was definitely something that sent up a few flags for me as he struggled to really kind of get a handle on the game but it was pre-game and no one was buying his ****. That said, he's settled down and reads a lot like the townie soup I know: prone to mistake but eager to read and to help.

Gorf's stretching his one point against me so damn hard it's not even funny. He, like marshy, is really reaching for a point against me and yet he doesn't chase it at all, opting to go after...Kary. It's off. Whoever said that they think that Gorf's going the extra mile because they don't see why he'd put his neck like this is someone I disagree with right now.

Don't like Sokr. His last post just didn't sit well with me and I hope anything he posts after his re-read will help me further this feeling because it's hard to explain.

People seem to think marshy is scum and I want to discuss at length with my other head on this about why that is. I'm concerned about why he's pushing so hard at me with a very clear, twisted perception of my actions. It's odd and not something I suspected from that slot. I don't expect marshy to say a lot but I do expect his reasoning to be accurate. It's very off the mark here, but I don't want rashly act against this slot because I don't remember much of marshy before my hiatuses while my other head does. I can probably reiterate this about a lot of my reads as I'm dealing with outdated information but I think this is what I've done with.

Vote'll come once I talk with my other head.
Apr 17, 2011
interesting. but you actually like marshy for it iirc.

I do. Particularly that post where he said that the game should be played for information. I obviously disagreed with his methods but I did sympathize with that point. What has me concerned is as I outlined above: he's very clearly twisting **** to fit his definition of me as scum. I don't remember marshy being like this--he may say little but what he says is generally accurate. This is off the mark and multiple players have said as much yet he keeps saying I'm scum.

Where I'm concerned is that I have no idea what marshy'll flip. I think either alignment is likely because marshy can be incredibly anti-town and still be ****ing town regardless of that fact. Usually it's deliberate but there is no indicator for his play. This is why I want to talk to my other head--he knows this slot better than I do and so I want to pick his mind and see what he thinks about it. He very clearly understood the wagon as a pressure wagon when that wasn't the case but I assume he probably skimmed its formation.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
AggroMedicalMariJane said:
Gorf's stretching his one point against me so damn hard it's not even funny. He, like marshy, is really reaching for a point against me and yet he doesn't chase it at all, opting to go after...Kary. It's off. Whoever said that they think that Gorf's going the extra mile because they don't see why he'd put his neck like this is someone I disagree with right now.

Brother brother calm down! Idk if you misread or, like, I wasn't clear, but I'm NOT the guy calling you scum man! I'm just saying that the wagon (was)n't without merit, and that you(r slot) DID know that the beginning was more than just pregame malarkey! I didn't think it was enough to join the wagon then and I don't think it's enough to join the wagon now brother!

And as explained earlier, the Kary thing was a joke man. I don't quite have a definitive read on that slot, the same way that I don't expect anyone to have a (good) definitive read on the slot yet, ya feel me?

Which reminds me I better push the breaks on this Volkswagon van before anyone thinks I'm driving it!

Apr 17, 2011
Brother brother calm down! Idk if you misread or, like, I wasn't clear, but I'm NOT the guy calling you scum man! I'm just saying that the wagon (was)n't without merit, and that you(r slot) DID know that the beginning was more than just pregame malarkey! I didn't think it was enough to join the wagon then and I don't think it's enough to join the wagon now brother!

And as explained earlier, the Kary thing was a joke man. I don't quite have a definitive read on that slot, the same way that I don't expect anyone to have a (good) definitive read on the slot yet, ya feel me?

Which reminds me I better push the breaks on this Volkswagon van before anyone thinks I'm driving it!

Okay this actually does help as I missed this in reading.
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