I'm trashin you at HOBO 11 son
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Lucas vs. Samus...
Based on my experiences against said Xyro
Lucas will have to be a little more aggressive than normal.
You WILL get outcamped, out spammed, and plain out ranged if you sit around shooting.
You have to get in close to beat samus.
Rely on the speed of that jab combo to beat the close range attacks.
Also use the f-tilt for range.
Dair/nair work nicely because of samus' height.
Be careful about z-air's range.
It is ALWAYS longer than you think.
PK fire goes about the same distance. Counter with this.
Back off when you have to when you're being pressured by z-air.
Because a hit will just lead to more zair/ugly charge shots.
Careful about up-B out of shield and ledgegames.
Edgeguard with PK thunder at a reasonable distance.
Bair spike is just dangerous with that zair flyin around.
Most fun kill: reflect charge shot w/ stick

Xyro knows