My own random thoughts from incessant Lucas v Lucario matches, in no particular order.
Lucas' recovery always surprises me. Always. He can be OFF THE SCREEN and get back with his UpB. It's scary.
Lucas is hard to gimp. Very hard. The UpB can be a killer, even just the bolt (without eruption). 9/10 times, whenever I try to gimp Lucas, I die for it. Lucas' Bair is deadly. Avoid at all costs.
Actually, you know what? Let's try some organization in this post. Keep in mind that I don't know Lucas' moveset down pat off the top of my head, so I might have details wrong for his moves. I'm probably not tellng you anything new about his moves anyway, but this is just what I've observed as a Lucario fighting against them.
Observations, broken down by move:
Dash: Lucas' dash-attack has deceptive range and surprising knockback. Can be a killer at high percentages, which are all too common in a Lucario match. Lucario's dash has low range and even lower knockback. If you shield a Lucario dash, you can punish him with glee.
AAA: Lucas' AAA is a generally decent get-out-of-my-face attack, but mostly useless for much else. Lucario's AA, however, can lead into nasty mixups. The most common is AA-ForcePalm, but it can also go to AA-grab, AA-utilt, AA-Ftilt, plain AAA, or any number of other things. However, Lucas has fairly low weight and can generally spotdodge after the first two AA's. Keep your wits about you and your timing good, and you can spotdodge the AA<blank> shenanigans with few problems.
Ftilt: Lucas' Ftilt (I think it's the little stubby roundhouse kick, right?) is somewhat situational. If Lucario's at low percentages, you can probably chain one or two together, breaking up his rhythm enough to throw in something else. Lucario's Ftilt outranges yours. It hits TWICE, so watch out when you're shielding! It can also be aimed up or down for a surprise hitbox. It comes out fairly quickly and has pretty decent knockback. Expect to see this fairly often.
Dtilt: Lucas' downtilt is a tripping machine, and breaks up Lucario's momentum like nobody's business. Often a good "surprise, biatch!" thing to throw out, but don't rely on it too much unless you're fighting a ground-based Lucario. Lucario's Dtilt, unlike most of the rest of the entire roster, does not trip. However, to make up for it, it's got surprising vertical knockback and can be uesd to shield-snipe your feet. One of Lucario's less-used moves, but still something to keep an eye out for. Don't expect to see it too often, though. A SH is generally sufficient to deal with a Dtilt-spamming Lucario.
Utilt: Lucas' uptilt, like Lucario's, hits all around him. Decent knockback, a good vertical attack if a Lucario's coming down on top of you...but if a Lucario's coming down on you, you can expect to eat a bluefire Dair to the face. More on that in the Usmash section. Lucario's Utilt hits BEHIND him before it hits in front of him, so if you roll behind him, you can bet he's going to try to Utilt you. Utilt also has a surprising amount of hitbox above him, and can usually be chained into 2 hits. 3-hit Utilts are rare unless you're both at low percents.
Fsmash: The bread-and-butter for both of them. Lucas' Fsmash has surprising range and fairly good knockback, especially if improperly DI'd by Lucario. Due to its startup lag, it's good to use when baiting a spotdodge, as the blue jackal will dodge, then eat a branch to the face. WHOCK. Lucario's Fsmash, on the other hand, is scary. With one of the largest Fsmash hitboxes in the game, good speed, a slight lean-back at the start, and a tipper effect at the edge of it (with no sourspot, either) and you have a move that Lucario's going to be throwing at you almost constantly. Or not, depending on playstyle. Fsmash's hitbox should never be underestimated. If you're anywhere in front of Lucario when he launches it, you'll probably get hit. It's that good. Lucas can't roll around it, but he can spotdodge it fairly well. Watch for the little leanback that signals an upcoming Fsmash.
Dsmash: Looks like Lucas is channeling a little Mewtwo here: Pointing at the ground and blasting it with his MIND BULLETS!(lolTenaciousD), Lucas' Dsmash is powerful and deadly. Its lack of range is a problem, but hits through platforms and even behind him slightly! For me, it's one of those moves that makes me wince in pain, right up there with Usmash or a Ike Fsmash. I'm sure you guys can sing Dsmash's praises much more than I can, so I'll let that stand. One thing to note, though, is that if it's countered, you're kind of helpless due to the extended animation. Lucario's Dsmash, on the other hand, has much more range, hits on both sides, and can be a nasty killer when used fresh. It's good for punishing rollers, but its startup lag is so great that I've seen few Lucario's use it all that frequently. Watch out when you're on the edge: Lucario's Dsmash can hit slightly below him as well. If you get hit with Dsmash, you'll be hurting. However, your Fsmash outranges it easily. Just whack Lucario upside the head a few times, that'll teach him.
Usmash: Lucas' Usmash is one of the best in the game, with the largest hitbox, terribying knockback, and staggering damage. If kept fresh, it's a game-ender for sure, and a great scare tactic. Personally, when I see it coming, I freak out and GTFO before the world explodes from the power of it. In terms of gameplay, what that translates to is that it's good to use when Lucario's coming down on you and you're expecting a Dair. Wind up an Usmash and watch him fly. Without SUPERB timing, it can't be airdodged, so there's a wall of pain right there. Good times. Lucario's Usmash, on the other hand, isn't quite as powerful, but has equally wonky hitboxes. It stays out surprisingly long, and even after the blue flames end, it's still out there until he starts turning around. It deals more damage the closer to Lucario's hand it is, but many Lucarios will throw it out in an attempt to snag you with the lingering hitbox. Beware, it even hits on the side of him! Most of the time though, a simple airdodge will deal with it.
Nair: I honestly don't remember what Lucas' Nair does at the moment (this is being typed in the middle of class). I'm 90% sure, though, that you guys know all about it, so I won't review it here. Lucario's Nair, like yours, can autocancel when landed. Often, this chains into an AA<blank>. Additionally, it stays out a VERY long time, so has a surprising amount of hitbox trail with it. It hits the hardest if you're hit with the startup as oppose to the lingering htibox, but it's most often used as part of a Fair combo. More on that in the Fair section.
Fair: I don't remember much about Lucas' Fair, either. It's been a couple months since I've last Brawled, let alone against a Lucas. Lucario's Fair is going to be the move you see most often, hands down. Fair combos like nobody's business. Indeed, fulljump-Fair-Fair-2ndjump-Fair-Dair is one of Lucario's best killing combos. Fair has a surprising hitbox, extending in front of, slightly below, and slightly above him. It comes out fast, ends fast, and its lack of knockback spells trouble for an airborne Lucas. However, fret not! It has very, very short range, which can be dealt with in the normal manner for short-range moves. Lucario has to be practically on top of you to hit you with it. Stay back, bait out some Fairs, then whack him with a Fsmash or PK fire to give him a surprise.
Bair: I’m sure I don’t need to tell you all how great Lucas’ Bair is. One of the nastiest spikes in the game, it’s very hard to recover from (in my experience) and, in conjunction with Lucas’ high aerial maneuverability, gives Lucas a nasty “surprise!” ability in the air. I’ve died countless times when I’ve gone out to Dair a Lucas, only to have him jump around me and Bair me to my doom. Nasty business. Lucario’s Bair is equally nasty, though for different reasons. With one of the longest lingering hitboxes of his moveset (are we seeing a trend here?), Bair can be used by a tricksy Lucario to set up a Wall of Pain second to none. In addition, if he hits you with the puff of flame, it’s got surprising knockback that more often than not sends you offstage. One of my personal favorite tactics is to FastFall a Bair and just create a vertical slash of hitboxey goodness. A RAR’ing Lucario is a nasty thing indeed, as Azen has demonstrated. Keep your eye out for this one. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to see coming. If he jumps his back towards you, you know what to do.
Dair: Oh boy. This is a doozy on both sides. Lucas’ Dair, like his Bair, is another spike, but only on the last hit. It pops him up a bit, so it’s a good SH’d edgeguard. Unfortunately, it takes a while for that final hit to come out. Usually pretty easy to avoid for a Lucario on his toes (paws?). Lucario’s Dair, on the other hand, is arguably one of the best in the game due to its momentum-canceling properties. Unless he’s just been lauched away, Lucario’s dair COMPLETELY stops his aerial momentum. In addition, it hits twice, has a VERY large hitbox, and packs a whallop. Dair is easily Lucario’s best move, and its versatility makes it a bit unpredictable depending upon the playstyle of the Lucario you’re fighting. Many will try to use it as a stalling tactic in midair to bait a whiffed Utilt out of you. Others will SH Dair on the ground, and due to its momentum-canceling, Lucario never moves anywhere, but there’s suddenly a nasty hitbox hidden under the stage (I call it the Riverdance). Some Lucarios use it offstage as a killer. Others run off the edge and use it as a ledgespike. Watch out! A smart Lucario can Dair your PK Thunder’s bolt, gimping you and letting you fall to your death. Overall, Dair is a fantastic move from Lucario, and something you’ll be seeing very, very often. To deal with it, just stay above him. Whack him with aerials, PK Fires, and anything else you can, just don’t get underneath him. If you’re on the ground and you shield the Dair, most Lucarios will try to Dair you again in case you try to counterattack. Be careful, but be alert. Once you’ve shielded two Dairs, Lucario is usually in range of a grab, so whip that out and pummel away.
Uair: I don’t remember Lucas’ Uair either, but I think it’s a headbutt like Ness’ is. Good htibox, comes out fast, hits hard, overall a great move. Can be a decent counter to Dair if you space it right. Lucario’s Uair, like everything else about him, is deceptive in its hitboxes. He pivots in the air and kicks above him with a blue puff of flame. But beware: not just the flame, but his ENTIRE BODY is a hitbox, even the tip of his tail. The puff, like most of Lucario’s moves, is the deadliest part, and is a good vertical KO, which is bad news for Lucas as a lightweight. Sometimes a Lucario wil throw it out at the end of a Fair combo to catch you off guard, but most Lucarios jump up from the ground and try to juggle you. Like Bair, it’s easy to see coming when he jumps up at you. Airdodge beats it easily. Also, other than the flame and his body, it has no other hitbox, so it’s one of his more vulnerable aerials. Punish as you see fit.
[FONT="]I’ll rant about the B-moves later, but class is over and I have a midterm to study for. *poof*[/FONT]