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Louisville KY s2d tournament a few times a monthly. 08/29/09

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Tournament Results!

1. Tactical(Lucario)
2. Hilt(Olimar)
3. Paladin(Meta Knight)
4. Calic(Pikachu)
5. Mr. 9(Falco)
5. Player1(Zelda)
7. Ungod(Olimar/Wario)
7. Vy(Mario)
9. JDB
9. Joey
9. Pie
9. Cr4sh
13. EZmac
13. Brad
13. Excel
13. Protein
13. L7

Good tournament guys. Kinda small but owell. I need to get things straightened out for next weekend. I'm not entirely sure who all's going to be joining us. So far we have me, cr4sh, oreo, calic, and tactical. I'm not sure if hoboz is going or not. but we still have an open spot. Any takers? Oh, and i call cobain since oreo called shotgun i think


Smash Rookie
Aug 17, 2008
Are these tournaments still going on at s2d?? I know I haven't shown up in a while , Because I thought for the the past couple months all the regulars were going to Tourneys outside Louisville on saturdays

But I guess I was wrong, jeez, i'm so out of the loop, Looks like ill start showing up again.

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
Are these tournaments still going on at s2d?? I know I haven't shown up in a while , Because I thought for the the past couple months all the regulars were going to Tourneys outside Louisville on saturdays

But I guess I was wrong, jeez, i'm so out of the loop, Looks like ill start showing up again.
Well next weekend, a lot of Louisville players are traveling to Morehead for tournies.
I think S2D is taking a couple of weeks off from tourneys until like the last week of Feb or something...but I'm not a good source.

Is anyone checking out the Crimson King/Sliq duel?
(well mostly McFox)

good reads.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2008
Melee results:

1. Vy (marth, 1 shiek)
2. EZmac (marth)
3. Mr. 9 (Peach, other characters that he lost with)[Sup, Stichface, Sup bomb-omb, way to lucksack]
4. calic (Captain Phoenix)
5. Protein (Fox,Falco, some other people I shouldn't have used in serious matches)[take a stock in 5 seconds, Throw>**** combos]
7. Joey (Puff, Pichu, Doctor)
7. Paladin (MANnon-cannon) [gdorfs]


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2008
louisville, kentucky
if no one has said it yet, no s2d until the 21st of feb =o and i overherd the owner talking about another thing on the 28th :o !may! have no smash then either Dx

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
have you heard how sonic is 'steak tier'? that's a meme.
ever heard of 'tires don exits'? that's a meme.
'no johns' is even a meme.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Morehead, KY
With al lthe TN talk keep in mind TN is considered the Atlantic South.

virgina tournaments are also very nice thats on the atlantic north! we are bordered by 2 other regions in kentucky, I'll post any tournmants i find in this thread.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
I just got back from vegas from a smash tournament. SK92's falco is the real deal. Everyone from utah money matched him after the tournament. Ken Nenth snake was the only one to beat him. X's sonic was close to winning as in, all 3 games were both 120+% but SK pulled it out. Corrupt Fate's Pit was close the first game, but the 2nd game was a two stock. I know during friendlies Lada and X both won a game off of him, but X didn't play a whole set just a game. Lada teched a spike on Yoshi's island with ROB, lada almost one that set in friendlies.

I played him in falco ditto's. The first game started off okay and then he won. The 2nd game was just ****, 3 stocked and I got maybe 50% on him. His mind games to grab a falco are too good

Also our people from utah that placed where X sonic in 3rd and Ken neths snake in 4th. sk92 took first and Leo some wario guy took 2nd. Leo realzied he could just bite anything X could do in the 4th match and owned that sonic.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
any other big names there? how was the turnout?
oh, and when will you be back for summer break? since you'll probably be traveling with us for the midwest circuit

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
LOL, wangston's posts are so confusing to read.

Anyways, SK92 was obviously there. And I've heard that the wario player there (Leo) is just as good, if not better than Fiction (Who recently won the Winter Gaming fest with over 260 people and a lot of big names.) Also, Tudor was there. He is a really good samus player, and I think he's pretty well known.

I have 10+ hours of recordings from that tournament I 'll be putting up over this coming week. If you want to see them when they get put up you guys should subscribe to my youtube channel. It's ken4neth :)

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
south north west or east or north east or north west or north south or south east or south west? which direction basically?

how about we all drive to genisis =p
way too far lol

so whens the winter circuit going to start?
it's actually the spring circuit. The first event is going to start in march. I'm currently looking for a venue for one of the event to be held in Kentucky. If someone has something in mind that you think can be used for two days straight, let me know


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
The tournament was supposed to be a big regional tournament with so cal plus all the vegas smashers so it was supposed to be around 60+ people but so cal changed their plans last minute to go to another tournament and alot of the vegas smasher couldn't make it. Normally vegas gets around 50 smashers but this week they only had around 20, kind of lame considering it was a 5.5 hour drive. But still it was worth it to play sk92.

I'll be back around April 23rd or something like that.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Guys, whether or not kentucky has a circuit event or not, that doesn't mean you can't hold a tournament! Most of the circuit events will be held in places that we know will get a big turnout and be easy to get to. If you guys hold a tournament and get a good showing, it'll definitely be considered now and in the future. Since the first two events (March and April) are already booked, that gives you plenty of time to find a venue, host a tournament, and test it out yourself.

Save up money and get ready to travel! The first circuit event is the same place as the championships (they won't all be this far away guys, I'm making sure of it). Getting points at circuit events is HUGE, so try to go to 'em all. And participate in doubles!!!! I can't stress that enough, doubles is 222good. If you stick with the same partner, you'll get more points and better seeding... so try to find a good partner and stick with 'em. :)

Also, car pooling from Cincinnati won't be unheard of. If you guys have empty seats in your cars or if it turns out we have 6 people wanting to go and therefore only one full car, car pooling is a possibility. Keep that in mind!

King of Hoboz

Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Thanks OS for the link, if I can set up rides with Hilt and you all at least.

Anyway, are we going to have a practice on Friday? I would like that;especially since I've been on Exile Island for sometime.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
yeah, we'll definitely be traveling to most (if not all) of the circuit events. And I was just thinking about getting a venue and hosting a tournament, since KY doesnt have many tournaments, and those they do are $5 and usually only gets locals.

edit: hoboz, a group may get together friday at S2D. They do sometimes. Not sure if i'll be able to, but i may try. It'd be better if we had a house to hold smashfests at before the days we travel. S2D is kinda a long drive for some of us (calic, myself, pally) and driving there and back in one day, and then back again the next day is no fun. If there was a house we could meet at, perhaps close to the mall, that would be better. Not to mention the lag on the S2D tvs throws me off the day before the tournament....

King of Hoboz

Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Hmm as far as inviting people, they nevet cared over, long as it didn't top 4 to 5. If ya'll want to I`ll see to an arrangement. Funny you ask, cause it may be the best way for my parents to trust you.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
that's what i was thinking too. What if it was just like me and calic? wait... calic has off-colored-hair... may not be the best impression >.> but yeah, just let me know. We could set up something for this friday even, if possible.

King of Hoboz

Smash Journeyman
Jul 20, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Calic's fine, could invite more infact.
Just a few things.
1. Don't smell like smoke. Instant demotion there.
2. Stay quiet pass midnight, best impression is to look tamed.
3. Home-made Pizza is the default dinner, request what you want, but no Chinese/ Asian, parents don't like or cook that, reccomend Eastern European style for obvious ethnicity reasons (yes we'll cook and serve dinner.)

Course my mom wants to talk tomorrow about it, so... :\ wait

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
it'd probably just be me and calic, not many people will be traveling to morehead. And everyone will probably just meet us the next day.

1. I dont smoke >.>
2. I'll prolly be asleep at midnight lol. Gotta wake up early for the tournament
3. pizza's cool :D but i dont eat much, so you dont have to worry about me
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