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Lost (The show on ABC)


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
What was the thing with the hippie van Hurley found?! Pointless filler if you ask me(anyone who quotes me will probably say this is a pointless post). Anyway, I'm glad Sawyer is back, he's my favorite character. And what's the tattoo about?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I know the episode didn't really go anywhere, but I liked it just the same. It's Lost, darn it.

The only thing I can comment on is the return of those two tag alongs from the first episode of the third season. Lame! Get outta' here.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
One thing I really liked about the latest episode is how they've finally made the fact Dharma and the "hostiles" two very different entities.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Yea, but it kinda made no sense. They made the Others seem all apart of Dharma, especially with Juliet's episode, now that can't be the case since all of Dharma is dead.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
Well... hmmm. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. They say that the "Hostiles" aka Ben/Others were there before Dharma. But, wasn't it Dharma who built all those houses and facilities? Where the crap did the hostiles live beforehand, and how did they kill all of the Dharma people in the houses/hatches/facilities? Doesn't make any sense. But whatever.

I hope there are some Dharma holdouts somewhere on the island and in the final battle they help the Losties out :D

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Well, we will know all within two seasons. Allegedly due to declining ratings (and poor episodes in my opinion), the producers have set an ending that will come at the end of Season 5. I like the show, but it needs an ending to really work.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
I laughed at how that guy died from the sonic thing, I was expecting something like that lol

I am amazed that girl is Jacks sis, man its all startign to come together lol an next week looks amazing, the ending for this episode was just insane, I have no idea what could be going on.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I thought it was obvious that Claire was Jack's sibling. I theorized that back when, in the Anna-Lucia flashback, Christian was banging on that door screaming to be allowed to see his daughter. I'm rather disappointed in that plot line.

Locke has turned from a character I could do without to one of my favorite characters.

I am very interested in what caused him to loose his legs. It better be amazing, as they have really been playing it up. If it turns out it's something like "Car wreck!", I'll be pissed.

Also, last episode, when Michail was saying what he knew of people, he said something like "And the John Locke I knew was par-". Par=paralyzed, before he was interrupted. Not very important, but I thought it was interesting. Expecially since none of the castaways know he was paralyzed yet, except for Rose.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
Yeah, I kinda saw that Jack/Claire sibling thing coming. I was kinda surprised about the ending. But whenever I saw it, I remembered that I had a dream that showed that ending, I didn't understand it at first but now I finally realized it. Strange isn't it?


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Lost is frustrating. My issue with it isn't that plot points aren't being revealed--after all, Lost is meant to be a character study more than anything else. My issue with Lost is that its inconsistent, and that the character exposition is usually very weak.

For example, this week's episode. Lost works best when there is a point/counterpoint or some kind of analogous occurance between the flashbacks and what's happening on the island (see 3.1 where Jack's flashback of refusing to let go of his failing marriage is juxtaposed with his eventual acceptance on the island and emotional breakdown).

This week's episode could have been great if Claire's goth flashback was juxtaposed against the theme of perpetuating the "sins of the father" (or mother in this case) in that Claire was ready to give away her child, who would have neither a real father nor mother. In following that theme, Lindelof could have focused on the Claire/Charlie family dynamic--which offers Claire a chance to avoid making the same mistake her mom made in raising her daughter alone. Maybe the Charlie/Claire family dynamic could have threatened to fall apart for good, threatening the future of the child, with an eventual resolution.

Instead, we get Claire who makes up a hare-brained idea. And please, if you're going to tie a note to a SEA-FARING bird, you should at least make sure that it's waterproof so the **** thing won't dissolve and the ink won't run. Silly girl.

And yeah, Lost is pretty much falling apart. The only decent episodes this season have been 3.1 (Jack's wife flashback) and Desmond's episode (with Penny), both of which were more amazing than any TV episode I've seen in my life. Everything else this season? Meh.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I use to think that around season two. But then I just stopped obsessing over knowing what is happening, and just started to watch it like another television show. I enjoyed it much more afterwards. I think I am one of the only persons to like the Car episode.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
That's the "Him" the mentioned at the end of Season 2 and we were supposed to assume it was Ben. It's more than likely Hanso by MANY speculation sites. Hanso funded the Dharma Initiative. If he is indeed the one who motivated the others, I can see a VERY interesting plotline with that. Since this is evidently the middle season, it really makes sense for them to tread water. They do it in all the other seasons where episodes like this past week impact the over all story in small ways. Luckily it wasn't as bad as season 2 in their standstill episodes.

I read in an interview that the Charlie character COULD die or COULDN'T die and no one is quite sure yet. I think his death would add a great story for both him and Claire with his death as a good turning point for her (like the baby should have been).

One huge thing I expect for the Season Finale is either Penny coming to the rescue since she found them, Dharma coming to the rescue because I am sure that Locke pressing that code did a lot more than just blow up the facility, or the man known as "Him" will be revealed. If any of these are accomplished by Season 3's ending, I will be quite content and it will set them up great for their finale 2 seasons. If, however, the rumors prove false and they extend it and go against some massive revelation from the outside world, then it will be another disappointment.

Anyone think we will never again hear of the 4-toed statue? I was so intrigued by it.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
One huge thing I expect for the Season Finale is either Penny coming to the rescue since she found them, Dharma coming to the rescue because I am sure that Locke pressing that code did a lot more than just blow up the facility, or the man known as "Him" will be revealed. If any of these are accomplished by Season 3's ending, I will be quite content and it will set them up great for their finale 2 seasons. If, however, the rumors prove false and they extend it and go against some massive revelation from the outside world, then it will be another disappointment.

Anyone think we will never again hear of the 4-toed statue? I was so intrigued by it.
I hope we see it again soon, although I am inclined to say it means a great something: the writer's (including Paul Dini) really enjoy thinking these things through so it must be there for a good reason.

Who was Penny? I haven't seen all of season 2, so hopefully it was then or my mind is going soft.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
The following is potiential spoilers. I won't even say in relation to whom or what, but don't click if you don't want to be spoiled:

Life & Style magazine is reporting that Dominic Monaghan has been told he won't be back for next season. Source: Kristin on E!Online [Note: Evangeline Lily claims that Dominic doesn't know if Charlie will die or not. There have been no confirmation from cast and crew that Charlie will indeed die.]

Producers have chosen to keep secret when Charlie's next flashback will air, which probably has something to do with Desmond's premonition in the Feb. 14 episode that Charlie is destined to die. (Characters' deaths traditionally have occurred at the conclusion of their flashback shows.) "I have to be careful to not tell you too much," says [Dominic] Monaghan, hinting only that "the Charlie stories are going to be coming toward a bottleneck. The Hurley, Sayid, Claire and Locke stories are all pushing together into a Charlie journey." And if Charlie does in fact die? "That's fine," he says with a shrug. "This job is going to end for everyone. I've achieved everything that I wanted to do. It's been a fantastic opportunity for me, and it's done exactly what I wanted it to do: distance me from playing a hobbit (in The Lord of the Rings) and have people in America know I can act." Source: USA Today

Also, Juliet and Desmond are getting another episode each as well as Nikki and Paulo (spelling is probably wrong). Interesting, really. How many total episodes are there this season? The site I visit only has info up to episode 18.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
They are going to have a flashback episode soon (one after next?) where we see what they have been doing on the island this whole time. It's supposibly going to make us really, really like them. The actors who played Boone and Shannon (Maggie Grace and Ian something) are back for it, as is the guy who played Dr. Artz (Dynamite guy from the first season).

Also, I will be ****ing pissed if Charlie dies. Not because of any real love for his character, but because I hate the "You can't escape fate!" idea. It's an overdone and cliche idea, besides the fact that it is incredibly stupid to have it. I was slightly upset when Desmond started to see the future, but it was already been proven that what he sees will not always happen (he constantly sees Charlie dying, but he's still alive).

Besides that, I am strongly against the concept of destiny and fate. It means rapists where meant to be rapists, and that geniuses where meant to be geniuses. That there was no conscientious difference between the two, just one was born with a better path then the other. It means people are not responsible for their actions, but they get punished anyways. It is a terrible concept, and I will be incredibly angry if Lost puts that in.

I really hope Charlie doesn't die. If someone else "knowingly" dies in his place, I would be happy. Because that would mean people did have a choice.

I still think Sayid should die. I like the guy, but I do not see any possible place for his flashbacks or his character to grow into. The same goes with Charlie, but he has the Claire dynamic.

Just out of the blue, I have the feeling that Jack will not survive the series. I have a very strong feeling about that. Not much to say, just wondering if anyone else felt the same way.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Nikki and Paulo get one episode together.

If Sayid died, I'd stop watching the show. He's by far my favorite character. However, he is pretty much safe as they usually kill characters off with their flashback episode or someone else's that ties in closely (both are done).


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
What do you like so much about Sayid? I'm not questioning it, I just don't see anything very interesting in him anymore.

Edit: Also, I remember hearing rumors back in the First season (christ that was a long time ago) that there was going to be a Vincent flashback episode. Personally, I think that episode could be amazing, if the dog actually did interesting things when it went missing. 'Though, if it's been three seasons without one, I doubt they'll actually do it. It'd be interesting, though.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Sayid's the only person that actually does stuff on the show. He knows how to extract info, he knows how to track/hunt, he has reasonable fighting skills, he's smart enough to avoid traps, and he's actually intelligent. As opposed to Hurley, who has fun with cars. Or Charlie, who just whines. Or Jack/Sawyer/Kate, who had a chance to talk with the flight attendant/Karl, but opted to not ask any questions about the huge freaky island and/or the mysterious Others.

And I find it hilarious that Paulo is essentially known as nothing else but "Take a S*** Guy" from his brief foray into the commodes of one of the Dharma Stations. . .which was deliberately perpetuated by Lindelof in the Hurley/Car episode when Paulo offered Sawyer his magazines back in conjunction with toilet paper. Ha.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Hey, I liked the car episode. It made me feel happy.

Sayid never interested me too much for the very reasons maelstrom put up. He's just some muscleman only useful for violence. I think I would like him better if he showed some more interesting traits. I liked the end of the episode two weeks ago, featuring Sayid.

I got the impression that the Paulo guy wasn't pooping, ifyaknowwhatimean. >_> Meh, I didn't get a close look at the magazine cover. It seemed like a magazine Sawyer would keep.

Kate shall die and not Jack or Sawyer.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
The only thing you mentioned of Sayid that only relates to him is the technology thing. Almost anyone else fits the rest.

I'm not saying he's not important, I just don't his actual character. I really liked him in the first season, then though they ruined him in the second one. The two cool conflicts he had, Natalia and that he use to be a torturer, where made to make him dark. He gives up on Natalia for Shannon, despite looking for Nat for 7 **** years. Then, while in the first season he is incredibly upset over torturing Sawyer, he wants to torture Ben and doesn't care about it. I know he lost Shannon, but I've also lost a loved one, and he's acting like an overanxious crybaby. Then, in the beginning of this, when he directly lied to Jin and Sun because he didn't think they would like his plan (that failed miserably and almost killed Sun), I just threw him aside.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Your complaints pretty much apply to almost every character--not to say that your issues are invalid, but I'm saying that basically every character on the show went through really screwy and completely uncharacteristic trait changes.

Jack changed from a reluctant leader to a generally stupid, very angry man.

Locke changed from a faith-driven man with a sense of mystique to a bumbling idiot who gets fooled, screwed, and otherwise messed up by everyone.

Sun changed from a caring, affectionate, and determined woman to a Peach-like *****.

Charlie was always a whiner, so I guess Lindelof has been consistent in this case.

Anyways, all I'm saying is that if you look close enough, basically every character has, for some inexplicable reason, made really stupid out-of-character decisions, which has changed how they're portrayed. It's one of the reasons why I don't like Lost as much as I should.

BTW, with the Sayid episode where he was captured by the husband of a former torture victim, why did he lie and say he didn't torture the woman? I assumed that he felt guilty for what he did even before he was captured, so why try to mislead the husband and wife (and cat)?


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
Sayid's the only person that actually does stuff on the show. He knows how to extract info, he knows how to track/hunt, he has reasonable fighting skills, he's smart enough to avoid traps, and he's actually intelligent.
I like episode where Sayid learns how torture then uses those skilesl when he "interrogates" Henry "Ben" Gale.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Very cool how Locke was paralyzed, though quite unrealistic. Few survive a fall that high on their back. Not sure the point of having his father come to the island, but whatever.

I was expecting more from the episode and it seems they are packing too much into character centric episodes. The sub-story with Jack and Kate being recaptured bored me too.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I thought the ending was terrible. I called it as soon as he said he wanted to show Locke something. Bad, bad bad.


Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2006
All I have to say is WOW, how did Locke freaking survive that?!!

Locke falling from that 8 story high window, Locke's dad at the end of the episode, Locke blowing more stuff up. Amazing Episode, on par with season 1 episodes. The last 3 eps of Lost have been amazing! I believe that John's Dad could be the real Sawyer. AND WTF MAGIC BOX? lol

next week's preview says someone dies, wonder who?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Yea, it'll probably be one of the others who don't matter at all.

Though in a spoiler, next week we will be revealed an important mythology of the island. Better be that foot.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
I'm surprised at everyone's unenthusiastic reactions. . .I actually thought that the episode was really, really good. Mostly it was the dialogue between Ben and Locke that did it for me, plus the subtle move-countermove plans between the two. Loved how Locke was trying to be a manipulative ***** by tricking Kate/Sayid to blow up the sub, but Ben just out-smarted Locke into doing what he wanted. Nice.

And I'm seriously ROFL'ing at the concept of a Magic Box. . .whatever you wish for just pops out? Although, that would explain the really weird stuff on the island. Like the pirate ship. Or Jack's dad appearing randomly. Or how whatever Ben wishes for (i.e. spinal surgeon) just simply appears.

But yeah. Amazing episode.

"You've been here for ___ days, and I've lived here all my life. What makes you think that you understand the Island better than I do?"
"Because you're in a wheelchair. And I'm not."


Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
80 Days.

Eh, I wasn't too impressed. They skirted on the revelations WAY too much. They hinted at the box and that's it. Just like they hinted at the Sickness then gave up. They really lost a lot of steam for me lately, and this episode didn't help. We need new, important revelation of current characters, not adding more freakin' characters every episode to muddle things.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
What's the normal thickness for a hotel window?
I think one of the "new" survivors will die in the next episode.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Correct, he was suffering from Depression due to his father returning after abandoning him as a child, taking his kidney, and bailing.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Ahahaha! They're dead! Those two tag alongs are dead!

The ending completely freaked me out though. I thought, "Oh no. They're still alive... Hurry and burry them faster!"

The makers of the show shouldn't mess with our emotions like that.

If it wasn't for the two of them dieing, I wouldn't have liked this episode very much. Everything seemed tacked on, and the series as a whole could have run just as well without the two of them. I have no idea why they were even on the show. Unless there's something from seasons one and two that I'm missing, Paula and Nikki were wastes of characters.
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