Shy Guy!
Smash Journeyman
I was wondering does anybody have a reason for thier second charcter? Or is it just another character you wanted to play?
I main ____ therefore I should play ____ incase I get counterpicked. A list like this with blanks filled in would be sweet lol ^_^
I myself play falco and a couple others but all my others don't compare to my falco. So I was trying to figure out who I should start seriously practicing incase I know my falco will not do well in the situation Im about to be in
Can someone give me some info on this
I main ____ therefore I should play ____ incase I get counterpicked. A list like this with blanks filled in would be sweet lol ^_^
I myself play falco and a couple others but all my others don't compare to my falco. So I was trying to figure out who I should start seriously practicing incase I know my falco will not do well in the situation Im about to be in
Can someone give me some info on this