I feel very very very strange, because a lot of people I know (especially gamers), are bat-**** loco for anime, some more choosy than others... and in all honesty, I... I just don't get it. *chuckles* At the risk of making a lot of people very very upset, I'm feeling an intense need to talk about anime for a moment.
My first problem is the art style, and this is a purely me thing. I know a lot of people who look at various artforms (and yes, despite not liking anime I call it an art form) objectively and form their opinions of the style, and they're fond of the anime art style. Personally, I find it looks... rediculous. *laughs* Of all my reasons for not liking anime, this is the one that no one will ever revoke.
Addendum: I find there is a line between Japanese CGI (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children tickles my fanboi bone, amongst others) and anime. The visual issue that I have with anime does not carry over to CGI like FF7:AC. CGI is an artform as much as the anime style is, and it's one I take a lot more seriously. This is not to say I don't like cartoons; sit me in front of the TV for a Roadrunner marathon, and I'll be glued to the bloody spot. I LOVE cartoons. I enjoy CGI. I just can't enjoy the anime style.
My second problem is that, on the whole... I can't follow it. I can't sit back and watch anime, in any length, and understand a thing that's going on. I find the storylines, if they can be called that, to be completely insane. I'd quote the obvious examples, but they are, of course, obvious. I'm sure there are some real anime story gems out there, but I've never found them. Until I can find some, my story issues will remain.
Thirdly, the characters are just... can I even describe how they are? The only word that comes to mind, for me, is 'annoying.' So very, very very annoying. If there's one aspect of anime that makes me want nothing to do with it at ALL, it's the characters. At times they're flatter than a sheet of paper, and others they have the depth of a quantum singularity, out of nowhere. Character development, when it happens, happens in such jarring scope that I simply lose track of the rest of the story while I try to figure out what just happened.
Finally, there's the issue that I have that hardcore lovers of anime always want to string me up by the goolies for. The speech. In english, it sounds like crap. In Japanese, I have to read, and can't understand a word of it if I don't. Sure, you can hear the subtle nuances of the intended language, all the depth of emotion and meaning in how they speak. Yeah? No. Noooo, I don't know the language, so I can't decipher those nuances. And cause I can't... what's the point? Just more frustration! *shakes fist and chuckles*
Allow me to give you a little rundown however, of what anime I have seen in my life at different stages, and what I thought about them. I'm sure I will surprise some, and I know there will be laughs. Unintentional, but laughs nonetheless. To begin!
Samurai Pizza Cats. Hell, if it weren't for the art style, I'd wanna call it a cartoon instead of anime. Watched it every bloody morning before school, and I was glued. Seriously, if you've not seen that, FIND IT. Best thing to watch for a kid. Brilliant fun, and I still don't know why. I'll see bits and pieces of it NOW, and still be laughing for no reason, simply because it comes across as awesome. One of very few examples of anime I liked... go figure it's a very children's show.
Sailor Moon. My sister loved this (she's a couple years younger than me), and without fail, she'd wanna watch it on TV every morning. I don't mind admitting I watched it a little as well, but I watched it for one reason. You know, Ms. Moon and her Sailor scouts or whatever all had those ditzy little powers. Moon had that tiara... thing, Mars had that big fireball thing, Jupiter had... well, an antenna, and Mercury had a blast of bubbles. But Venus... Venus had a big ****ing laser. And any show where you shoot a big ****ing laser from your hand is a show worth watching, if only for the laser. Yeah, I don't get the story. Yeah, I don't like the style. Yeah, the show is rediculous. But it has a BIG ****ING LASER! That redeems it just barely enough.
Pokemon. I was young and stupid and loved it. Moving on.
Dragon Ball Z. Not touching it with a ten foot ninja pole. Worst offender of all my reasons for not liking anime, and if anyone TRIES to get me to sit down and watch it, their testicles/ovaries will become my personal property.
Zoids. ... win. Giant robots beating the **** out of giant robots is always good. I like some destruction without reason sometimes and, while the show had a story, I was too busy being distracted by the giant robots beating the **** out of each other. Thus, I can watch and enjoy that.
Neon Genesis. ... what? Seriously... what the hell is that? The person who showed it to me showed me a couple episodes, then a movie of some form, and I understood none of it, even starting from the bloody beginning. Only part I liked was the chick in the red Zero Suit-looking thing in her giant mech-thing getting impaled a dozen times by spears in the movie. Just so I could watch her die and be done with it. *Shakes his head*
Helsing... if I've got the name right. Points for style, I'll give it that, but at the same time, I admit I've not seen enough of it to really give it a proper going over. What I saw didn't make much sense to me (anything I'm going to enjoy has to either make sense or get me off or be cool enough that neither two are required) and, maybe if I saw some more eps, I could understand it. Getting me interested would be difficult however, and you're best to start with either somthing that makes sense, gets me off, is cool enough to offset not making sense, or any combination of the above.
If there's more I've seen, I don't remember them or can't remember the names. *chuckles* Obviously not worth the effort to remember, I suppose. I'd like to point out here that I mean not to troll, nor be offensive to fans of anime in any form. I simply want to try and understand, after explaining my views to everyone, why those that are so fond of it are so? I just simply don't get it, and I would like to understand.
Oh! And for the record, while I've still got a frustrating cough, I'm feeling a lot better now. I've spent lots of time in bed, playing games, making Spore creatures and writing porn (writing a novel gets boring sometimes), so... it's all helped the healing process. Thanks for the well-wishes, I'm almost right again!