smashhat made me lol.
I think the smashboard thing is a cool idea, and because pratically everything about it is variable, each community can iron out the flaws they see and make it fair and suitable for themselves (if they actually want to use that system).
The biggest flaw i saw in the smashboard (along with everyone else) was the brawl SBR tiers determining movement of person based off of their chosen char. The brawl tier list isn't really like melee's and smash 64's where it was determined 'mostly' by a characters speed and ability to combo. The brawl tier list is mostly based off of tournament results, which is influenced heavily by popularity/ how easy a character is to play, and the educated opinions of the SBR. Brawl is a game heavily influenced by matchups, so the tier list doesn't represent a simple best-> worst character list which is 'moreso' apparent in the other games' tier lists. Also It seems a bit dumb that personal character preference can give a HUGE natural disadvantage/advantage when suddenly dumped onto the board, when it wasn't even specially engineered around the tiers.
OKSO: maybe another way of determining movement could be:
Each team has a total of 10 movement points to allocate. They can split them up however they want, as long as they are whole numbers. so lets say.
Team A has players a, b, c, d.
a can have 3 moves each turn.
b can have 2 moves each turn.
c can have 3 moves each turn.
d can have 2 move each turn.
Team B has players e,f,g,h. (although by this time im sure you understand).
e can have 5 moves each turn.
f can have 3 moves each turn.
g can have 1 move each turn.
h can have 1 move each turn.
Ok well, this could be done a bunch of different ways:
First way is: Both Teams spend all their movement points blind to eachother, and then the match begins, where each players movement is revealed at the same time.
Second way is: Teams take turns at assigning points (showing eachother who has been assigned what). Example:
Coin flip? to determine who assigns points first.
Team A assigns b 3 movement points.
Team B assigns e 5 movement points.
Team A assigns... etc.
Third way: Most complex way (and pretty fundamentally broken unless its tweaked), again, teams take turns at assigning points, but can assign them to their opponents in their turns.
When an opponent assigns one of your (changed point of view to make it easier to explain) players with movement points, it is deducted from YOUR total.
A player cannot exceed his total when assigning points to his own players.
A player cannot exceed his opponents total when assigning points to enemy players.
If your opponent assigns points to your players on his turn, you must assign points to his players on the immediate following turn.
if he assigns points to his own players on his turn, you must assign points to your own players on your immediate following turn.
Turns go by this system: 1:2:2:1:2:2
Trump Rule: Each player must have a minimum of 1 movement point. (all allocation must allow this to be possible when the final counts are done)
And as for how long it'd take to move each player between each conflict/battle thing, there could be a quick 30second timer where all moves had to be made. (which could be worked out by the player/s not playing in the last game, while it was happening)
Conclusively: Using this system won't prevent players 3 and 4 from not being able to battle, it will just give them more opportunities to if their team leader/opponent wants them to. It will possibly add a new fun element to crews so its not just singles, and i guess it might even the playing ground, allowing teams to 2v1 certain players on the other team if they can't beat them 1v1.
Conclusively 2: My attitude to this thing seems to change the more i write. I think it's pretty forgettable, but it could catch on i guess, i wouldn't appose it if a tournament organiser decided to use the smashboard, but i wouldn't go out of my way to try and get it implemented.
Conclusively 3: I vote for the smashhat idea, but only if the hats are prizes, and the winner has to wear them at every smash related event after that.
Conclusively 4: tl;dr.
I was bored and couldn't sleep. >.>