@Tom Does the rule allowing quoting of role PMs apply strictly to that, or could we also post quotes of other communication we've had with you? The letter of the rule implies the former, but the latter may not have been considered, and so not explicitly permitted only for that reason.
I'm getting the impression from Ronike that he hasn't shaken the idea of "not-scum" =/= town.
So, unvote Ronike.
Be careful of what you say.
On that note, what should we do about rule 13rule 14?
I think we should NOT utilize it as it is written.
If we let someone use it to try to clear him or herself, then it may save one person.
But, that information could then be used by the infected to craft more genuine false PM quotes.
Using that information to reveal an infected is far more valuable than any single life.
If someone prematurely reveals a PM, we could agree to automatically lynch that person.
Yes, it's definitely not a scum, but we need some reason to stop a survivor from revealing,
since their only concern (by win condition, at least) should only be to live.
I'm uncomfortable with this approach, for many reasons, and would be more than willing to entertain suggestions for the best method of determent.
This would definitely be the way I would want to go if we were a town (of course, we wouldn't be able to reveal role PMs then), but as it is, I'm not sure. Anyone have any opinions on this?
Addendum: Since it's been brought up a couple of times, I'll address my song. It's called "Re: Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton. Once, I played in a D20 Apocalypse game that was essentially Mad Max meets 28 Days Later and Diablo. When my character, Tommy "MacFisticles" Sulier, needed to get gas for his Harley and M1 Abrams Tank (converted to use biodiesel), our group would go to a city that had been overrun, and set up a giant still. Three guesses for what we used as the fuel base. The GM would play this song the ENTIRE time, often for 3-4 hours. I still think of it every time someone mentions zombies.
I used a bear-trap-axe in that game. It was awesome.