My ideal next Zelda game for the wii U would have:
We need more activity!
My ideal next Zelda game for the wii U would have:
SS's motion sword play (and other things), and an extended version of SS's treasure/upgrade system- more types of treasure/bugs and more upgrades for everything. The skyward strike would be kept in some form too. Link should still be able to run faster but I'd get rid of the stamina meter. A new game+ option should be available too.
TP's graphics and design. I loved that style of lighting; the HD Zelda E3 demo looked so cool. TP's range attack aiming, bomb+arrow combo, underwater swordplay/clawshot combat, big interwoven world map system (SS was too level by level for me), and TP's general trend of large rooms/environments. Horseback fights.
A mix of TP and SS spin attack; it should auto charge/be powered up like in TP and be rotatable like SS.
MM's Mask transformations (or some version of) as a key part of the game. Why'd they get rid of those? Not to forget awesome underwater Zora action but this time with items like clawshots too. MM's developed secondary/additional characters who you can develop different relations with. The surreal, mystical, rich world to interact with; like in SS too but more so.
OoT's playable instrument system; even if it's not the Ocarina of Time Link should be able to play around with his instrument. OoT's magic! -spells like Din's Fire, ice arrows (that actually do something like in MM) etc and more; Link should have a magic meter again (upgradable) and a lot more options for using it. Gorons, Zoras and Dekus should be the civilized non-hylians.
ALttP had several fun things that could be brought to the next 3D Zelda. Fire/ice rods (maybe), medallions (like bombos which would take a lot of magic), Cane of whatever made magic blocks. Great Fairies who don't look like Madonna wannabes. Chicken swam attacks!
Zelda 2's guard and heal spells.
The levels should be more like I pictured SS dungeons when they said you'd have to revisit them and they'd not be totally liner like Metroid Prim areas. In SS you revisit the skyview temple once with no new areas. I want to see big rooms (like TP dungeons), lots of stuff you can interact with, crazy puzzles like in MM, some randomness in enemies who appear. You should be able to go back into an earlier dungeon with a later item, say the clawshot, enter a totally unexplored area and find secret exit/entrances at different points on the overworld map. Certain dungeons could connect to each other. All part of a huge interwoven world.
Over world: closest to TP's in design but with stuff you can interact with all over. TP's Lake Hylia was 3/4s a barren mass of water. They need to have plants, bugs, fish and make it fun to explore large areas without it feeling like a chore to cross them. The towns should be less 'post apocalyptic' looking (TP's Kakariko) and more skyloft like.
Their should be a second world too, maybe a SS silent realm 'dark world' but where you can use items and fight the guardians.
Link: Basically TP's Link. Mask transformation cover armors and that category.
Epona's a must.
Gale Boomerang, Bow, Ball and Chain, Double clawshot (TP)
Bug net, bombs, Beetle (SS)
Items mention above. And several others. Most items should be combat viable and not just sword fights.
Actions: The standard actions + TP style secret skills, SS run up cliffs and faster normal running speed. Shield bash, skyward strike or some sword beam.
Bad guys: Ganon (duh), Majora's Mask needs to make a second appearance.
Boost the difficulty. Make boss and other enemies fun to fight even after you know how to beat them.
What does everyone else think? What's your ideal next Zelda game?