For the newer people here I used to be MES or MES! before changing my name to Rizen and wrote those. Like any player's early guides they were scrubby but I still like some of the information. I started rewriting one but began to wonder is there a point to this? Here's how my new guide's going so far, do you guys think it's worth continuing? If so contributions and suggestions are welcome. This is not a metagame guide, it's a Link stratedgy/improvement guide (excuse the format; I did this on word, some of the imbedded likes didn't transfer.) :
Link: Play to Your Strengths!
A revised guide for wifi and casual offline Smash using Link
by Rizen aka Arizen
Press ‘ctrl f’, type in a section code and click ‘find’ to skip to that section. Easy huh?
001 Contents (You are here)
002 Intro and explanation
003 Acknowledgements
004 Strengths and weaknesses
005 Spacing and Timing
002 Intro
Hey I’m Rizen. Some of you may remember the ‘Inundating’ and ‘No Weak Links-Play Your Strengths’ guides (lol) I made under the name MES or MES! I have wanted to salvage the good points of those and make an accurate guide for some time. Now I have tourney, casual and lots of wifi experience so I can do it right. SSB4 is launching in the future and Brawl is dated, therefore this will be an intermediate guide on expanding your Link’s abilities that focuses mostly on wifi. It assumes you know the basics of Link, wifi and SSBB with tourney rules. There will be a section on how offline play differs from wifi and a bit about offline tourneys. But for the most part this guide focuses on more friendly styles of play.
I will use replays to demonstrate my points; I’m not the best Link and a lot of these are friendly matches. Don’t bother pointing that out. Tourney matches will be more cutthroat, these are purely examples. If other Links want to contribute that would be great.
003 Acknowledgements
The Link players! Keep doing work!
The CO smash scene, it’s been too long
The wifi community, lots of fun
xX Crow Xx for the frame and hitbubble pics and data
And all the people who worked so hard and planned so little to make Brawl the balanced fighting game it is :/.
004 Strengths and weaknesses
Link players need to use Link’s strong traits against the opponent’s weaker aspects. For example, Math has a great offense and punishment game, Link should play a spacing oriented passive spamming and setups game. Link can’t beat Marth in a strait fight, Marth is too fast.]Link can hop around dodging, dropping bombs and throwing projectiles/Zair while looking to create an opening.[/URL] Even in this Link is at a disadvantage but it’s manageable.
Versatile fighter
Long reaching attacks
All standard attacks out prioritize medium to weak range attacks (except ‘piercing’ attacks like space animal lasers etc)
3 projectiles to combine for spamming and setups
Can attack from unusual angles with projectiles and sword attacks
Long lasting hitbubbles on several attacks
Zair, Nair, Fair, and Bair all landing cancel
Heavy with good momentum canceling
Several tools/techniques to aid recoveries
Great gimper/edgehogger vs moderate recoveries
Great airdodge and spotdodge
Several tools to punish dodges
Laggy attacks
Bad air movement
Momentum based recovery is short and easy to gimp
Easy to juggle and chain grab (CG)]Lag + CG offstage + bad recovery = Extremely bad MU[/URL]
Laggy grab
Bad Out of Shield (OoS) game
Easy to run from and timeout
Every stage CP that’s good for Link has other pocket characters that it’s better for
Bad or even MUs except Ganondorf and Ivysaur
Low tier
Link needs to keep moving and throwing out attacks, he must rely on setups, locks and punishing to land]strong hits/start chains[/URL], he can’t outdraw most opponents and has to use his long reach rather than speed. Link can’t be predictable.">Using platforms, SHs/jumps, fast falling and attacking from uncommon angles helps Link; he’s often weaker in head-on fights.
005 Spacing and Timing
Link is all about spacing! He’s also laggy and shields destroy his hard work spamming and close fighting. He does have good reaching attacks and a great mid-range projectile game.
Is this worth continuing? yes/no
(The links will work on the actual guide. Dumb format transfer.)