^ There is a SSB4 thread that says all other threads with that theme will be locked

I can't find the link. But you could make a 'Next Gen Link' thread or something like that.
Potentially good news about SSB4,
"A big discussion point amongst IGN staff, as well as readers, is the
balance of characters. Some, like Meta Knight, seem incredibly overpowered compared to others. Sakurai noted in his discussion with Iwata that in the past he has done all of the balancing personally.
He plans to involve his staff much more for these future installments.
The foundation of the 3DS and Wii U Smash Bros. titles has yet to be established. Sakurai noted he would use Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a starting point and move on from there."
So hopefully with more people and using Brawl as a stepping stone, the balance of characters will be better than previous SSBs games. And Link only has one direction he can move: up.