lol nvm. apparently chad is more of a beast than i thought.
ive just experienced wobbling at it's worst, first hand. at fc:d after beating eggs in pools i fought against a player no one had ever heard of. these are 3 stock games so i take the first game from his peach. 2 stock. he's like oh well looks like im going to get pwnd anyway and he picks ice. i think i played capt. because i didnt think it was anything to worry about. having no experience vs ice with capt, he wins; only wobbling me once. im like oh wow that suks, so i pick marth on yoshi; thinking it will be an easy win. i take his first stock with around 25% damage. he respawns and wobbles me dead. i come back and take his second stock and give him a good amount of damage on his last before he takes my second stock. he's probably at 70-90% at this point and i come back, get hit a few times, and wobbled for the loss. even after beating eggs, i didnt advance from pools because of this. there was a 3 way tie for 3rd-5th. still didnt advance. wobbled twice in a 3 stock match. sure, it's my fault for getting grabbed, but how annoying is it to lose to a player who obviously isn't on your skill level because of a true infinite (that isn't even hard to do). maybe i just have a personal grudge or something, but seriously; it can happen. he only took one stock legitimately, and only hit me a few other times.
the best part about this is, i think wobbling was banned at fc:d, i just didnt know about it.
and i know rice wasnt excited about his match with lee at last1
my previous argument says more than this lame story. wobbling bans wont matter at the best level of play, but with your normal above average play crowd, it can really ruin things.