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KSSU: Revenge of Meta Knight Mafia - Game Over! Has Dreamland been conquered!?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I have a problem with Tandora's last statement. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!!! I'm trying to find out and you're simply pushing me back to Kuz which I don't care about because I'm not voting either of you short of a deadline hammer needed and I sure as ****ing hell wouldn't count on me to be here at LyLo.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
I have a problem with Tandora's last statement. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING!!! I'm trying to find out and you're simply pushing me back to Kuz which I don't care about because I'm not voting either of you short of a deadline hammer needed and I sure as ****ing hell wouldn't count on me to be here at LyLo.
I know what's happening. I just don't want to pick a lynch in what I consider TvT. And I don't like someone pushing my vote into a X or Y situation when I've stated multiple times I want Z or W.

I ****ing hate when someone tries to act as if I'm not contributing when I am. It's not like I'm not making statements, it's people are too damn stubborn on their own view points to give mine a shake.

Unvote Vote Tandora

Thought my vote was already there. Thank you for that much, J.
Well, bully for you. At least you're putting your money where your huge mouth is instead of comfortably coasting in lurker land.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I get extreme frustrated town vibes from Tanny's 364. *shouldn't really be posting cuz so dead from other things but meh*


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Sorry for not posting my absence. I wasn't really expecting to do anything for my birthday, but my friends dragged me out and I got obliterated friday night, and then last night again.


Anyway. Am I lost here? What did JTB ask me? I gave my response that I voted for tandy so she would start talking, since she only had one post a long *** time ago. It's been awhile since my vote on her was down. Give me a minute to read things. Oh and if I totally missed your question ask me again :D


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Had to take a break from the thread last night to do homework.

In the first sentence you say Zen's posts made you realized you were basing your town read off meta. In the second you are saying you just faked your town read on me as a trick to achieve god knows what. Which is it? Do either of those paths really match up with your reasoning for calling me town?
Meta? I did say I thought I was getting flustered town-kuzi but that wasn't meta since I can't really apply meta to you since you switch it up a lot and confuzzle me lol. Also the Asdioh-trick as I'll call it wasn't me calling you town but the pushing I was doing. So the answer is neither. =D
You're completely sidestepping everything I say and focusing on how I phrased the sentence. I said your view on my alignment changed during my V/LA due to the opinions of power players (Zen, in this case) which you denied. Yet you say Zen's post was the kicker in making you shift your "null leaning town read."

Saying it does look like town-kuz is meta regardless of how you think my meta changes, so that point is moot.

Again, though, none of the reasoning you supposedly discarded upon seeing Zen's post (having to do with what town kuz would do) matches up with the reasoning for finding me town, here

By the by, Kuzi's the only one to present a case on me and has been the only one to continuely pressure me while brining up points. Hence why the only person on my wagon that has the respect to call me scum for a good reason. ^_^

Glyph/JTB can die. HL can die if they don't come back. Kuzi can live till LYLO with Beat and maybe Tiger. Gheb/Tanny I need to look at more.
Also, explain to me what you're talking about with the Asdioh thing because I am completely lost.

J said:
@Bold: Quit putting words in my mouth. I never said anything of the sort.
Kuzi, let's come to realization here. You are gonna push me till I am dead, and I am gonna be doing the same to you. You are the second most active now besides myself pushing your stuff. I am pushing my stuff being the most active. We both can move people's votes. Thus making it an ultimatum where people are gonna have to choose sides between the two of us to get lynched. We aren't gonna be letting go any time soon (well I'm not idk about you) so the lynch will boil down to me or yourself.
Speak for yourself and stop making the situation into an ultimatum. You are putting pressure on others to take a definitive stance on JvKuz like you were trying to do earlier on GlyphvKuz. Just because you are my strongest scumpick right now doesn't mean there are no circumstances in which my read could change. It bothers me that you have had excessive trouble latching onto a target this entire phase yet now seem 100% dead-set on my lynch. When Tandora so much as brought up the prospect of a different lynch you told her

J said:
Tanny, we are not lynching Tiger. We are lynching one of myself or Kuzi apparantly since Kuzi wants to make it that type of ultimatum.

So, who will you be voting? Your bestie or your husband? Quite the dilemna isn't it.
Which is basically nudging her to vote your way despite previously saying she had a TvT read.

@Tiger: I asked you this before, but what are your current thoughts on J, Tandora and Glyph. I know you said previously you didn't want J dead toDay. Would you reconsider that?

@JTB: Same question to you. If I told you that you would looked amazing in a dress, would you vote J for me?

@Tandora: Current stance on Glyph as a lynch candidate.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Oh hey Zen, thought you were V/LA.

Now that you're here, can you give me your current read on Tandora and Glyph?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Zen, comment on Kuzi's recent activity posts.

I could go for an extension maybe considering Gheb/JTB/Tiger/HL are non-presences. Glyph isn't doing much then there's J/Kuzi/Zen/Tanny and even if we all agreed to lynch someone we all don't have the votes.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Still V/LA. I haven't had any time at all to read this thread, I pretty much pass out once I get back to my hotel.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
*claims as in claiming why the believe you are scum.

Remember you promised me them over a pizza dinner then stood me up. ;_;


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
@mod, request deadline extension

Noticed that the deadline is tomorrow, but I don't want to replace out in order to provide more content for the game.

(I get back home very late tomorrow night, so I should be posting tuesday morning)


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Was going to make a girl J joke but it would fit too well in this context.

Uhg I was about to walk out to door for tennis practice. I'll try to get something done before I leave, though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Nah you can do it later, just do this before you leave.

@Mod: Request Deadline Extension

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Man, this game is so full of scummy people -.-
You all act like I haven't done anything all game so far as well :c

The problem is that there's so much SIFOM within kuz' and Glyph's cases on J that I actually think they clear him more than they incriminate him. Glyph makes me rage with how he tunnels J, then makes the ******** "lynch me then lynch him when I flip town"-suggestion and then even claims for no reason. Do you even understand how this game works, man? We have only 9 players in this game. We can't just play this game in a trial and error fashion when two mislynches can potentially put us into lylo. Do you have any legitimate reason to think J is so suspicious compared to everybody else to go as far as to make said suggestion? Do you actually believe the stuff you've been saying about him? Either you're the most blatant scumbag ever or you're missing like everything.

I still don't trust Tandora but I guess she can live for toDay mainly because her vote doesn't seem that off for me, same for JTB whom I'm willing to give another Day and see how things look after a flip.


Personality or not, please keep the emotional parts out of your posts even if they are minimal. There's a difference between being an emotional person and having the desire to let all the world know about it. Posting stuff like "*face-freaking-palm*" is so contrived and adds nothing to post except the kind of WIFOM that makes you always look suspicious. It's not even a feasible problem to leave it out ... just look at the post and tell yourself to cut the crap. It can't be that hard to do once somebody explicitly points it out, thanks.


Still kind of have my issues trusting you based on your player slot. Now you've also voted Glyph because "nobody should play that way". Care to explain if you think he's actually scum and why? It looks more like the kind of opportunity that a scumbag would immediately jump at with little consequences because nobody can really hold it against him considering how ******** Glyph's been playing.

All in all my opinion hasn't changed drastically other than Tandora not being scum atm. Kuz / Zen are my preferred plays toDay, Tiger makes a solid fall-back lynch.

Not seeing how an extension is needed tbh

Vote kuz



Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
@mod: request deadline extension

Sorry for the period of absence again :p

@Tiger: I asked you this before, but what are your current thoughts on J, Tandora and Glyph. I know you said previously you didn't want J dead toDay. Would you reconsider that?
On J: I said that awhile ago kuz, and I would be persuaded with enough evidence... however... WAIT THERES MORE

On Tandora
: I only voted her to get a response from her one post self, and so far I've been ok with what she has done. Shes providing evidence for her accusations.. or at least trying to, though I find what she has to say against me incorrect and overly defensive. She can live for now.

On Glyph: I'm actually really not liking him. I did a quick search on everything he has said so far... and it hasn't been anything past "I don't like this action" or a defense for himself. It almost feels as if hes riding the safe zone out through the game... I'm not sure how much this statement should impact me though
Tandora I'm active in almost all my games, I get the feeling you're thinking of 'broken laptop' era Glyph who was in like 4 games and had to replace out of all of them when his laptop screen broke.

There have been a few other games in which I wasn't overly active, but the level I'm at right now is not an uncommon one.
But I don't think I can let him fly with just that.



Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Ok, so no one is not voting, and were literally spread over a wide range on who to vote for, we need a consensus... I suggest we fakevote for people in a block format in order to gain information if no one dissaproves...

Just fakevote 3 players, your first choice will get 3 votes, your second choice will get two votes, and your last choice will get one vote. It's a way to try and "break the tie breaker" on the different votes so we can find the most "lynchable player" atm.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I don't understand anything you just said.

I would be fine with switching to Glyph or Tandora if I don't get enough J wagon support.

Tiger, you still havn't really told me what you currently think about J. You said you could be persuaded to vote him but you've not actually given me your current read on him. Do that please.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Lol kuz, forgive me for being mildly delirious but I mean... we should try and hold a "tie breaker" since everyone hasn't agreed on who to vote for. Like name your first, second and third choices... give everyones first choice 3 tick marks on them, second choice 2, first one.... then tally up the tickmarks... and the number one choice is the "most hated player" atm. It'll at least divulge to us some info. Anyway...

Like I said earlier, I agreed with J with J so far but I haven't been too much of a fan of his play... he has this sort of an "I Dare you to lynch me" attitude. I want to see him live because I want to see what happens and how he reacts to whatever does happen tomorrow.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Are you suggesting this because you are worried that we are too split over lynch wagons before the deadline?

I don't think you have to worry about that, we were granted a deadline extension and people should become more active after memorial day.

Wrt J: Alrightish. All I really learned from that is you don't like his play and don't necessarily want him lynched toDay. Do you have any other scumpicks besides Glyph atm?


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.

I'm liking Tiger's player more.

I'm mostly null on Glyph, but his single minded tunneling of J based solely on meta leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Completely forgot about responding to this...

Zen said:
With regards to my Kuz vote:

I felt that Kuz' push on J was pretty fake, like he was simply trying to push for J on whatever he could find, not that he was actually looking for scum. He has gotten very defensive and has over reacted a lot to to J's posts. His #40 was an example of this. I also dislike how safe he feels calling people town. The game had barely gotten anywhere and in Kuz' #70 he claims Tiger and Tandora to be town out of no where. He does this later on with Beat as well. I don't feel that he is actually looking for scum, but alread knows who is scum and who is town.
Could you bring up specific quotes where you thought my push was fake and where I was just grasping at whatever I could find? You say I overreacted to alot of J's posts, yet you only give on example. I'll give you that 40 was indeed a bit defensive, but I didn't like J just accepting Gheb's statement when neither had explained to me why I was incorrect.

As for me calling players town, I liked things they had posted and had no problem voicing that I thought they were town. I like pseudo-clearing players until I find evidence suggesting otherwise upon where I re-evaluate my reads. I explained my reasoning for why I found Tiger and Tandora town at that point and I also explained in my catchup post why my read on Tandora and Glyph shifted.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Man, this game is so full of scummy people -.-
You all act like I haven't done anything all game so far as well :c

The problem is that there's so much SIFOM within kuz' and Glyph's cases on J that I actually think they clear him more than they incriminate him. Glyph makes me rage with how he tunnels J, then makes the ******** "lynch me then lynch him when I flip town"-suggestion and then even claims for no reason. Do you even understand how this game works, man? We have only 9 players in this game. We can't just play this game in a trial and error fashion when two mislynches can potentially put us into lylo. Do you have any legitimate reason to think J is so suspicious compared to everybody else to go as far as to make said suggestion? Do you actually believe the stuff you've been saying about him? Either you're the most blatant scumbag ever or you're missing like everything.

I still don't trust Tandora but I guess she can live for toDay mainly because her vote doesn't seem that off for me, same for JTB whom I'm willing to give another Day and see how things look after a flip.


Personality or not, please keep the emotional parts out of your posts even if they are minimal. There's a difference between being an emotional person and having the desire to let all the world know about it. Posting stuff like "*face-freaking-palm*" is so contrived and adds nothing to post except the kind of WIFOM that makes you always look suspicious. It's not even a feasible problem to leave it out ... just look at the post and tell yourself to cut the crap. It can't be that hard to do once somebody explicitly points it out, thanks.


Still kind of have my issues trusting you based on your player slot. Now you've also voted Glyph because "nobody should play that way". Care to explain if you think he's actually scum and why? It looks more like the kind of opportunity that a scumbag would immediately jump at with little consequences because nobody can really hold it against him considering how ******** Glyph's been playing.

All in all my opinion hasn't changed drastically other than Tandora not being scum atm. Kuz / Zen are my preferred plays toDay, Tiger makes a solid fall-back lynch.

Not seeing how an extension is needed tbh

Vote kuz

>Sees large catchup post, maybe he'll finally explain why he thinks I'm scum.
>Talks in depth about why he doesn't like Glyph and Zen and calls them out for scummy things they've done.
>Votes for me instead without explaining why except with the reasoning "still think he's scum."

Cute stuff.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm skeptical about Glyph-lynch. I'm not confident in it to join it but he can totes go just for being useless/not smart as I said before.

We could actually lynch him now with Kuzi/My votes but I don't wanna. We got the extension let's use it eh?
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