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KSSU: Revenge of Meta Knight Mafia - Game Over! Has Dreamland been conquered!?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
You aren't Gheb, you can't get away with being vague when questioned.

Is it still Tanny? How would you feel about a Gheb lynch if one would be pushed? Out of Tiger/JTB who would be the better lynch?
How about read back a page or two and take a look. I've been very clear about my stances.

Tanny is beginning to look better than what I thought previously, I agreed with your point 364.

Gheb is being incredibly dumb wrt my wagon but I have yet to ascertain whether its scummy intent or not. However, the phrasing of that question made me curious. What is your read on Gheb?

I don't want either of Tiger or JTB dead, as I've stated.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
No you haven't Kuzi, that's why I'm asking. Quit acting so stubborn and just comply for once.

Gheb is a town read of mine.

Kuzi you didn't answer what I asked, who is a better lynch then? It's not Tanny apparantly anymore so WHO is it?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Also you completely ignored the Tiger/JTB question which is asking who would be a better lynch, not if you would lynch them.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Yes I have.

I would be fine with switching to Glyph or Tandora if I don't get enough J wagon support.
And now increasingly less Tandora. By PoE, who does that leave?

Also you completely ignored the Tiger/JTB question which is asking who would be a better lynch, not if you would lynch them.
Dumb, question is really dumb.

if i had to choose, probs Tiger bcuz I'd get more off that flip.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kuzi quit complaining about inactives and do something helpful.

I am asking you possibly the most simplest question in a mafia game: Explain why you find your scum read scummy in a concise way. Sum up your points.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kuzi quit complaining about inactives and do something helpful.

I am asking you possibly the most simplest question in a mafia game: Explain why you find your scum read scummy in a concise way. Sum up your points.
^Someone else please ask Kuzi this question so maybe he might actually answer it because I doubt he'll give a direct answer to me.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I'm not ignoring you, J, but that will take time and I'm taking a bit of a breather right because I'm honestly getting sick of the same arguments over and over again.

Taking a break.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well next time just say something because you just kept saying no over and over again. D=

Meanie head. =p

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Till then let's move on.

Zen, tell me who you are looking at as Kuzi's scum-buddy on a kuzi-scum flip? Who looks grimy if he were to flip town.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
I need to be careful about his town- and scum-meta here.
You should simply not use it all. The way I play has nothing to do with my alignment, but merely how I feel like playing in a certain game.
If you "policy lynch" Glyph that's one thing that I don't necessarily agree with. But making it the center of discussion leads to nothing because it's probably just a matter of agreeing or not agreeing. Not much can be gained out of discussing that so let's just hope that Glyph comes back and actually plays this game. I guess I can be persuaded to lynch him if needed be but then again a wagon that consisted of Kuz, Tandora and Zen isn't appealing in the slightest.

This is just wrong. "Making it the center of discussion" is just another way of saying 'pressuring'. Pressuring someone doesn't normally lead to nothing. The point was to get him to participate. We have just seen an example earlier in the game that pressure is a good way to get someone to participate when HL was inactive and only had one post. Once the votes piled on, he came in and started paticipating. Glyph is by no means someone that should just be left alone because he doesn't feel like playing the game. Also, as I said, there was a second reason for me voting him other than pressure as well- to see how his wagon would build. You claim that you have a dumb town read on Glyph over scum because of this wagon. So no, "making it the center of discussion" doesn't "just lead to nothing".
J does the same thing you are accusing me of. Tandora makes a questionable comment and I ask her about it. J calls that move "looking for something in that post to call out as scummy" instead of scumhunting. They are two sides to the same coin and when J assumed and stated the former as a way to attack me I called him out on it. How does that not seem real to you?
Would you say that J doing this is a scum tell? If so, how?

Your last sentence "feeling pretty cozy here" implies that his response was scummy. I don't see how this is an indication of him being scum though. If it is, then you're practically agreeing that you are scummy for it as well. I don't believe you feel that you were being scummy, so for you to say that J is scummy for it is fake to me.
We already went over this in thread but I brought up some points against him in the beginning of 64

and he dismissed them with 5 words. If he's not going to respond to stuff I bring up am I just supposed to let it go? What town motive could he have to summarily dismiss my points other than to be haughty? Don't see how you think these post are fake.
You don't see town motive, but do you see scum motive? This is why I believe these posts are fake. You're calling him scum because of his reponses, but there is nothing about his responses that indicate scum motive. You are simply saying "I don't see the town motive behind this". How would that make him scum? You don't mention at all during your back and forth how any of the things he is saying make him scum. That is what leads me to believe that you can't because they aren't indications of J being scum, thus you are being fake on your read.
You honestly think that my entire argument is based off of scumJ meta? The thing that got me on the wagon wasn't even scumJ meta. The only time I even went there was the first post that glyph brought up, and I didn't even push him for it as it was just meta. J has been playing scummy for a whole arsenal of different reasons, which I've already detailed throughout the thread. Whether it matches up perfectly with his scum meta is irrelevant.
Honestly I don't know what your scum read on J is based off of because you haven't said.
I understand where you're coming from with this one, as I myself have flipped reads before. The thing that I didn't like about this instance, however, is that he went from a "live till lylo" stance to a "he's scum and should die first" stance all during the course of my V/LA where I had not posted once. That didn't look like him re-evaluating his read but more like him banking off the opinions of other players (you) who expressed they had a similar read.
The flip floppyness was just an example that indicated he was actually thinking about his read and your intent. The main point I am trying to get at here is that you do not do this. Your back and forth should have been a means to further develope your read, instead you use it as a case in itself on the already made assumption that J is scum.
I am asking you possibly the most simplest question in a mafia game: Explain why you find your scum read scummy in a concise way. Sum up your points.
Kuz please do this. You were just complaining about J working around your question. You guys are both so hypocritical.


J please stop trying to make everything Kuz says as scummy as he is doing to you. It is clear that he was describing, in his defense, past situations. He wasn't bringing up new points against you.

Gheb , if Kuz were to flip town, would you be more considerate of J being scum?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Till then let's move on.

Zen, tell me who you are looking at as Kuzi's scum-buddy on a kuzi-scum flip? Who looks grimy if he were to flip town.
Regardless of his flip, Tandora is probably my second scum pic. I don't feel she is looking for scum and her impulsive responses are weird, like she isn't really thinking about anything, only saying stuff.

By the way, Tandora what about Tiger's recent play made you feel better about him? I'd like specifics from his posts.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Regardless of his flip, Tandora is probably my second scum pic. I don't feel she is looking for scum and her impulsive responses are weird, like she isn't really thinking about anything, only saying stuff.

By the way, Tandora what about Tiger's recent play made you feel better about him? I'd like specifics from his posts.
I like that he voted for the extension. In fact everyone who did vote for it has bonus points from me. Scum could have easily just coasted to either a no lynch or a scrambled mislynch. Requesting for a vote extension showed a concern I don't think scum would benefit from at this time. Being the hammer for the extension earns extra bonus points.

I like how he voiced much better the same thoughts I had about Glyph.

Finally, his attempt at a fake vote system to help get people's votes more consolidtated in the long run. I think his proposed system is a bit awkward, but he followed up the request for an extension with a proposed plan to get things moving rather than go over the same ground again and again which is ultimately what J and Kuz have dug themselves into.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Responding to prod to say we should lynch J still

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Nota bel to go into too much detail sortresy

To answer easy stuff now @ Zen. I don't trhink J is a play tregardless of kuz' flip. Nothin changes that his case was dumb ..,-
The other stuff ill gibve resopnones to when sober


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
"Making it the center of discussion" is just another way of saying 'pressuring'. Pressuring someone doesn't normally lead to nothing. The point was to get him to participate. We have just seen an example earlier in the game that pressure is a good way to get someone to participate when HL was inactive and only had one post.
Yeah, that totally doesn't affect my case. Last time I checked HL still hardly participates at all. If that's what "pressure" is all about then you should seriously think of more effective methods than that.

Responding to prod to say we should lynch J still
Please do us a favor and replace out if you have no interest in actually winning this game.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
And I guess at this point I'm down to lynch anybody except J, Zen and Tandora. Ridding us of HL's coasting / hydra shenanigans, JTB/Tiger inactivity, kuz' scumminess and Glyph's dumbassery all sounds like fair game to me right now.



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Finally back from my trip. Gonna knock out for the night, wake up, and catch up tomorrow.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I agree with Gheb's picks actually for who should live but substitute my name for his. Zen/Gheb/Tanny I don't wanna see lynched toDay. I also don't wanna see Tiger/JTB lynched though either. HL/Glyph/Kuzi can all die and I wouldn't honestly care.

The one lynch everyone can agree to is Glyph but I think we would just lynch him because he isn't being smart/caring. Kuzi should just die cuz he is the scummiest. HL just for being inactive however Ryker's V/LA, EE's been busy as of late and last I heard Adumb was sick? Meh.

So yet again, still support Glyph/Kuzi for lynches toDay.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm just realizing I'm going against my own philosophy by supporting a Glyph lynch. Considering the facts we have from him, I say he is classic dumb-town. He claimed at L-5/L-4 and a VT claim at that. Has been trolling the entire game and tunneling a single player. Why would scum be this obvious/stupid? Now tbh I could see Glyph doing this sort of thing as mafia but I question that. It's also WIFOM to delve into but honestly I can't see scum doing this type of dumb*** stuff so blatantly and thinking it would actually work.

Glyph's off the table as a lynch for me. Kuzi for now, replace Glyph with HL as a back-up lynch since they are the most inactive. Out of JTB/Tiger, JTB's the better lynch because Tiger seems more town. JTB could be town as well but meh.

Out of Tanny/Zen/Gheb a.k.a. my town reads atm as scum? I'd probably say Zen>Gheb>Tanny in that order as most likely to be scum. Zen because I am having trouble with determining his alignment. Gheb because he's Gheb. Tanny's becoming my strongest town read the more she posts.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
This is getting stupid. Let's just lynch somebody and see what happens. We know who we want dead and I don't think we'll learn anything major without a flip *shrug*



caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@J: No, Glyph would play like this as scum, as you said. You can't take Wiffum tells as town tells.

@Tiger: Do you refuse to vote Kooz even to avoid a no lynch?

@Tandora: Do you refuse to vote Kooz even to avoid a no lynch?

@JTB: When you're caught up, please vote for someone that has a chance of being lynched (preferably Kooz).

HL: Please vote someone that has a chance of being lynched. What is your kooz read? It would be great if you voted for him.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
@JTB: Do you still think Tiger is scum? Stuff in 371 as well, when you get the chance.

@Tandora and Tiger: Thoughts on Gheb.
Gheb is... Ghebish. Hes a bit town in my eyes though I don't have much to go on right now. I usually like his late game play so I'd like to keep him around for awhile unless I see something I don't like in him.

@J: No, Glyph would play like this as scum, as you said. You can't take Wiffum tells as town tells.

@Tiger: Do you refuse to vote Kooz even to avoid a no lynch?

@Tandora: Do you refuse to vote Kooz even to avoid a no lynch?

@JTB: When you're caught up, please vote for someone that has a chance of being lynched (preferably Kooz).

HL: Please vote someone that has a chance of being lynched. What is your kooz read? It would be great if you voted for him.
I would most definitely avoid a no lynch, however I don't think kuz should be on our lynch list. I'm alright with his play so far... We're keeping him for now.

And yes, policy lynches suck but they must happen. When I hosted celeb mafia most of the mafia got through by NOT DOING ANYTHING; only kuz actively played often.

I'm not really digging your kooz hate right now Zenypoo.

Would everyone be ok with a glyph lynch? When I mean ok I don't mean you have to vote for him... just are there any serious objectors to his death?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
The problem with nobody being against Glyph's lynch is that this implies that there are no scumbuddies to defend him. Or to look at it from another angle: there has to be a bus going on if we assume he's scum. How likely is that in a 9 player game? We probably have only two mafiosi meaning that they'd willingly reduce their scum team to half on Day 1 already.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Yeah, I feel ya. In the same hand I'd have to go with lynching somebody I think is town which I refuse to do on principle.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
No, I'm pretty sure he's town. But objectively I can't say it's a bad idea to lynch him.

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