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KSSU: Helper to Hero Mafia/Newbie 11 - Game Over!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA

While he (The Good Doctor) has been making posts with more content, his answers still haven't made me feel easy.

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
Forgot about Nabe.

Guess he doesn't really make memorable posts. And that's how I feel about him.

Lynching lurkers on Day 2 is bad, because this is really when you should start lynching scum. Lynching inactives then who have no connection to anyone or hardly voice their opinions, will not give us any leads and we'll also have 4 dead people (maybe townies, maybe not).
This is also why I want to encourage everyone to voice all their opinions before the end of the Day.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I don't really have a proper read on Dourin @_@ I think he's town though because he's trying to encourage everyone to share their opinion before day two. Like how I think you're town.

I think The Good Doctor/Ran are the suspicious people right now because Ran isn't focusing on scum hunting as much as he is describing how a towny should act, and TGD because I think his play style is going to hurt town really badly. :/

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
I don't really have a proper read on Dourin @_@ I think he's town though because he's trying to encourage everyone to share their opinion before day two. Like how I think you're town.

I think The Good Doctor/Ran are the suspicious people right now because Ran isn't focusing on scum hunting as much as he is describing how a towny should act, and TGD because I think his play style is going to hurt town really badly. :/
I kind went in on this tipsy, So I made very bad decisions early on.
You shall notice the change in my playstyle shortly. X1 is doing partially the same as Ranmaru though, but he comes off very trustworthy. I just can't tell if it's fully sincere.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
Lots happened while I was asleep! Meow~ Activity makes me happy.

I'm going to put out the (possibly devastatingly wrong) idea that X1 and Nabe are cleared town because they are IC's, meant to help us out. However, I don't know, it could be that one is there to help town and one is there to help scum. However, since they're experienced, I'm not sure it would be a balanced game for town if both or even one of them was a goon. And that's what the mod goes out to do when he runs a game, to make it balanced for both sides. We should keep an eye out for them, but not overly so.

@X1 Concerning Dourin's Post 50: I think that makes him p solidly confirmed town. It shows how dedicated to scumhunting he is and it puts himself out there, to the attention of all the players and the mod, which I don't think a newbie goon would do.

@The Good Doctor: You have been really sketchy with your playing, especially in the beginning. You made Ran L-1 (please, pleeease if I got this wrong, let me know, I am still trying to sort out what the ongoing votecount was) without even thinking about it. That isn't putting the hammer on him, but it's pretty close. It put someone in danger of death that day when we still had a week left to decide on his fate. That makes you suspicious. It could also be that it was just dumb and reckless, or that you weren't sure of what the votecount was and rushed in, but I still don't like it.

@Dourin concerning his lynch inactives idea: in a game where there are a TON of players (I've played admittedly silly, informal games, but with more than 15 people), and during those we lynched an inactive first day, knowing that there was often just two wolves and that the amount of vts would not matter as much until later. However, with just 5 vts, 7 town roles all together, I think taking away a possible vt with an inactive lynch is not worth it. Doesn't benefit town at all.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Vote: ranmaru

I don't agree with your logic behind your posts. I think it's scummy. :c
Why am I scummy? : ]

Vote: Ranmaru
His playstyle is very weird and is making it seem like he's nervous. This isn't a definitive vote yet though, I could be persuaded to change it.
Hmmm, not nervous at all. My playstyle is weird? : [ How is that?

Vote: Ranmaru

He is now at L-2, note that any attempt to end the Day early (i.e before I say its OK) will be taken to mean you are scum. Premature hammers are anti-town as they stop town from being able to gather information
Mhmm. See, thing is, I have been trying to create discussion the whole time, even before the game started.

@Nabe: Ran said himself that the least scummy thing to do in his opinion was to let your thoughts out. He said that if you make it clear you don't hide your intentions and talk a lot about what you are thinking, it makes you seem very pro-town, and that when you're quiet, it comes across as scummy.

It seems odd to me that he gave out the advice "be vocal, you will look like town" to people and now he is being /very/ vocal. It is like he is trying to talk way too much, kind of fluffing up his posts, to follow his own advice and look pro-town, when maybe he's not. All this talk is making him come across as nervous to me and not vanilla.

It's my opinion though, and as I'm not sure he's scum, no more than I am sure that any of you are town. So my vote is to put pressure on him and to confirm my leanings toward him, and I could be convinced to change it or unvote if our attentions turn to someone else, or if it seems like there is going to be a premature hammer.

Edit: I was posting this as Nabe was posting the above post, and I guess it kind of answers his question? I'll think about it though. Wait no. It doesn't at all, his above post is not about Ran. @_@ Got confused.
Ah ok. No, how do I seem nervous? Can you refer to a post that shows a nervous expression? You seem to thinking I'm trying to teach scum how to appear town... You did notice me saying being reserved for too long might be scummy, but you didn't notice me saying that you could ALSO just be indecisive? This, could mostly be a null tell.

"Without voice or opinion, people can't question or note "Hey, he might be right, Let me ask that person questions to verify it"

When did I say it will make you seem town? I said this, and The Good Doctor does exactly that, agree blindly to X1's opinion. Do you think this statement is wrong?

Also, I never said the exact word vocal, but voice. : ]

No, I'm telling town what I believe. I am always vocal, regardless. Even if people will suspect me (and people do) it is for the good of town. Priority for town, is not survival, but hunting scum. (Then survival)

I honestly think that he was just trying to get her talking, to try and get more information from her. People who jump into things asking questions can look a little scummy, but I don't know Dourin's past play. He could just be an aggressive player who wants to get the answers, even as a townie. I would say that this is certainly less scummy looking than the tactic of "name 3 people who you would lynch even though we have not even started yet" that Ran used.

Conclusion: I would say that he is probably trying to get her to talk, to just try to get a feel for everyone. However, due to his behavior, I would keep an eye on him.
I never said "Make a list of 3 people you'd lynch". I said make a scum list. Plus, I wasn't even sure of my list, why would I lynch them?

I just think he's trying to convince the newer players that he's townie and not scum by obviously following his own advice.
No, I am always vocal. I will give my opinion to town, and then town can think amongst themselves about it.

I'm going to be pretty liberal with my scumhunting this game and share it round so everyone gets some. Normally I would only focus on my main 1 or 2 scumpicks however since its often hard to get a solid read on new players I will make sure I get as solid a read as I can on everyone before I start pushing for anyones lynch.

Regardless of what I just said I am going to throw it out there that I believe Dourin to be pretty much confirmed town because of his post #50. I would like everyone to comment on this please, especially those who have posted very little so far
No, I'm sure anyone regardless of alignment could ask an IC to post since both factions could be lost, not just town.

B/c X1 is very deceptive!
Meaning you agreed with him without questioning, correct? Try not to do that, it's dangerous for town.

Do not forget, Scum must manipulate town into getting myslynches. So second guess everything, even me.

I understand that, as long as the doc/cop keep in mind that 2 out of the 9 opinions on who to cop/protect are from scum themselves then it seems fine, but putting those opinions in context with the rest of discussion in the thread is definitely necessary.

Okay keeping this in mind, Ran's and The Good Doctors posts have definitely stood out to me. Ran's posts are usually pretty lengthy, and I do believe that is his style, but there has been some fluff too which is suspicious. The Good Doctor, on the other hand, has provided very little insight into his actions so far, and he has yet to address Dourin's question or Ran's question as to why he listed himself on his own scum list on page #51.

Vote: The Good Doctor

I would like to know more about your feelings about Ran (as you voted him but didn't really explain why) and your answers to the questions posed to you by Ran and Dourin.

Based on the fact that he also posed questions to Joey and The Good Doctor, I agree that his questions are aimed at getting people active and talking.

I think that Dourin has done a lot to stimulate scum-hunting; this and his willingness to ask people questions and learn more about them and their play style does read town to me thus far.
Mhmm. The thing is, the scum can't really say anything hurtful to town because that would be an obv scum tell. Even so, it's two people out of 9. Would you think they would oppose the other 7 when it would come to cop/doc directing?

His post 50 doesn't make me think auto town. I don't get what I'm missing at all ._.

Also unvote

vote: The Good Doctor

I'm not liking the way you're saying things. It seems like you're just following X1. If he turns out to be scum, then the game has basicly become 6v3 instead of 7v2 >_>
I agree, he is following X1, probably because he is an IC and The Good Doctor knows that X1 may be right, and not himself.

@Joey: Just think about intent, it was a very townie thing to do asking the ICs to actually help move the game along, and no offence but I dont believe Dourin to be capable of faking that subtle a tell, especially at a point where no real scumhunting is being done
No, but he asked because he was unsure of what to do. That just seems null, neither town nor scum.

I agree That Dourin isn't capable of such a mind game. I rally over thought it.

My vote was pure random, but the fact is I think you ARE capable of looking very helpful when you are infact scum.

Adding myself to my own list was just to spark entertainment. In hindsight it was a bad idea for me.
Do you know, if you are scum, and you vote me/state i'm scum, you could be either bussing me (why so early in the game), or clearing me as town. Why would scum target their own partner? (IC please explain bussing)

Self hammering as in putting myself on my own list?

Vote Ranmaru
Just bc you seem to not have a problem answering any question, it may seem you are trying to help out, but I cant help to thing you have other plans. What do others think of this?
So you say I should have a problem? What other plans do you think I have?

:|... Thanks I guess?

Self-hammering is voting yourself when you are on L-1 when to end the game early.

As for these questions that are about people's standings on the game: I like to know what people think are the best options, so I can actually tell if they are keeping to their word.

Now for what I think about players in this game...
X1-12 - I'd like to believe he's town, but yeah, you can't have the world.
Top Ranger Skye - ?? I forgot she was in the game. Can you start talking? You've made one post since the game has begun.
The good doctor - I think if I had to shoot one person at this moment, it would be you. I don't like the way you play, and the colours are a bit... useless, to me. Also, putting yourself in the list makes me wonder if you're liable enough >_<.
July - Making a good effort.
-Joey- - Same as above.
Oki - You have a sharp eye, I agree mostly on your view with Ranmaru, but I'm not sure why you are telling everyone that's it's just a vote for pressure and you could easily be convinced to vote someone else. I mean, sharing thoughts is good, but not everything needs to be shared. This takes a lot of pressure of your only weapon.
Ranmaru - You try to look town a lot. I can't say that's a tell, because according to the Theory of Dourin, all newbies want to stay alive and play for as long as possible. Looking town sometimes helps your chances, or decimate them.

vote: Top Ranger Skye

2 questions next;
Question to everyone
-1) What do you think of the 'lynch all lurkers'-policy. It means killing players who post very little (content) on Day 1 or maybe Day 2, so we don't get stuck with them in the more vital parts of the game.
The cost of this is not being able to go for who we think looks scummy on Day 1 (on the other hand, you might catch a lurker scum :p.)

-2) To whoever reads this, this is both to see wether you skim posts or not, and to see your opinion at this moment. Can everyone post the answer to this:
If you -had to- shoot one person right as you read this, who would it be, and a reason would always be nice.
No, I'm not trying to look town at all. From the beginning I have been trying to get discussion going. Also, you comment on The Good Doctor's Colors, but not mine? I used yellow green and red, he used red and pink. What is wrong with colors?

Well, I wouldn't mind lynching someone who is inactive or posting little to no content. We can't determine a person's alignment if they don't contribute, and they can be scum just laying low until Lylo. That, is too easy of a win. This, I learned from my first game.

I'd also shoot the Good Doctor. He put himself on his list (although this should not be read alone, since it seems silly) and he seems to follow anyone with 'power' on whatever they say.

Although, I wouldn't shoot him so quickly. I'd rather see what else he says so others can be connected to him. Yeah, I don't skim. I read posts over and over again.

Also, I'm more into town winning, then surviving. But, if I were lynched, I'd like for people to make connections to my death.

The Good Doctor would be scum because he knew I was town, and would therefore vote me as his scapegoat. Of course, we'll have to see who he would target next. Also we don't really know, though, since without flips we don't have real info, but The Good Doctor is the only lead for now.

We must also think of the people who he is ignoring/not attacking.

The colors were out of total boredom. I'm sorry if it bugged anyone else.

I'm glad someone else has the same feelings on Ranmaru as I do.
I would not support your lynching idea b/c I think scum would try and be semi active to not
aris suspicion.

I would shoot X1 b/c I frankly think he is in the best position in this game currently as in looking very town and looking trustworthy. If he is indeed scum he's doing a very good job.
The colors are fine. Also, why are you glad someone feels the same way about me? Scum can also be inactive, we don't know that.

The Good Doctor, I definitely like that you are explaining more, and when it comes to Ran I agree that he has been focused on "helping the town" more than just downright scum-hunting.

Dourin, I noticed that you didn't mention the other IC, Nabe, in your list of players. How do you feel about Nabe so far in game?

Top Skye Ranger...please talk, we need to learn more about you and how you feel about what has been going on so far.

On the lynch all lurkers policy, I disagree with lynching someone for inactivity on Day 1, especially considering that the game started near the holidays. However, by Day 2, if someone continues to lurk then that is a major problem, by that point they should have enough information to be involved in the discussions of who is scum and who should be lynched. I think that on Day 1 we need to try and draw lurkers out and get them involved, then Day 2 is make or break for them.

If I had to shoot one person right now it would be The Good Doctor, while he has been making posts with more content but his answers still haven't made me feel easy.

Right, but I was the one who asked for scum pick lists. Later on I was defending myself.

I agree, it is true that most people might have been out due to vaca, but in a regular case, I'd say Lynch All Lurkers, but waiting until d2 seems fine. I just think, the FIRST thing everyone should talk about by d2, is the inactives first.

Also, MOD: Votecount

@Oki: No, roles are randomized, so one or both of the IC's could be town or scum regardless. Also, if one were scum and the other town to help both factions in a newbie, then there would have to be a lynch for the both of them, but, we don't know that.

That is why they post with italics at times. That, is just copypasta that shouldn't be related to their alignment. X1's thoughts about me could be. So be careful. It's easy to think they might be here to help, but they could also be there to manipulate you slightly. X1 is null to me though so I wouldn't know.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
2.) All roles are assigned entirely at random.

Look it up, Dourin. It's in the rules.

2. July - Seems right that my post may have been fluffy (or the scum pick one) but that is the only one. From then on, I was on defense. Seems townish to me.
3. -Joey- At first voted me for only being scummy, and LATER ON gave reasons as to why I am suspicious
4. Top Ranger Skye Need more posts and content. Cmon you can do it. : ]
5. The Good Doctor Repeately voted me, without reason. Seems to be really focused on me, and willing to follow others blindly (X1), but that also shouldn't be his fault, because we must look up to the IC's, but with a grain of salt.
6. Dourin-X - Seems to be asking the right questions and instilling discussion, which is good for town. : ]
7. Oki Hmmm, seems fine. She seems to 'note' my intent of 'telling everyone to appear town by being vocal' when she hasn't noticed me also saying that one being quiet could be just indesicive, and of which could be just null, and not really scummy.
8. X1-12 (IC) - Seems a little too trusting, and even calls Dourin Townie, and everyone agrees. He may be, but not from #50. He may be right about my scum pick thing being useless, but I did it to create discussion. I have no other reads from X1.
9. Nabe (IC) - Null tell. Nabe hasn't post much thoughts or questions or even a vote.

I'm going to vote X1.

Vote: X1-12 He seems to be misguiding others. Not onto me, my earlier posts my have been fluffy. (or, the Scum pick one, everything else is ME) But, everyone agrees with thoughts on Dourin of being town, but from a null tell. How can he know this?

I would also vote The Good Doctor, but I think he has enough votes as it is.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

My bad, forgot to mention:

Lime is Town. Yellow is Null. Red is scummy.

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
Oh thanks, got me there.

Well then it doesn't matter you guys say about how imbalanced it would be if both or one of them would be scum. Take the game as it is, and there's always the possibilty that the IC's are scum, but I don't really think both of them are.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
@Ran, with regards to him saying that my reasoning about his playstyle doesn't make any sense because he didn't use a certain word I said, rather he said a different but very similar word:

Also another thing, if you reserve your thoughts for too long, people might think you are scum trying to "hide your intentions".
This is what I derived your advice being "Be vocal it will make you look like town. Lurkers or quiet ones look scummy" from. Taking another, more innocent sounding quote from that same post and writing a big paragraph to me arguing about semantics is not convincing me.

Also, please, pleeease use @'s and stuff, your gigantic walls of quotes are really unbearable.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010

@Ran regarding his asking about why I thought his playstyle was weird: Nabe asked the same question, which I answered in post #80. Read it.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Ranmaru (3) Oki, X1-12, The Good Doctor
2. July ()
3. -Joey- (1) Nabe,
4. Top Ranger Skye (1) Dourin-X
5. The Good Doctor (2) July, Joey
6. Dourin-X ()
7. Oki ()
8. X1-12 (1) Ranmaru
9. Nabe ()

Not voting: Top Ranger Skye,

With 9 playing, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline is January 9th at 11:59 PM CST ( -6 GMT)


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
9. Nabe (IC) - Null tell. Nabe hasn't post much thoughts or questions or even a vote.
He has posted questions, and also a vote.

Vote: X1-12 He seems to be misguiding others. Not onto me, my earlier posts my have been fluffy. (or, the Scum pick one, everything else is ME) But, everyone agrees with thoughts on Dourin of being town, but from a null tell. How can he know this?
Why is post #50 a null tell? Dourin is "asking the right questions and instilling discussion" via post #50, the thing you are determining he is town because of.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK

Unusual capitalisation on words such as toDay, or toMorrow mean the speaker is referring to Day phases in the game, as opposed to IRL days

No, I'm sure anyone regardless of alignment could ask an IC to post since both factions could be lost, not just town.
On the contrary what do scum gain from moving away from RVS? All it does is confuses town and wastes time. Scum who were just lost would happily sit and watch as town run around in circles.

Do you know, if you are scum, and you vote me/state i'm scum, you could be either bussing me (why so early in the game), or clearing me as town. Why would scum target their own partner? (IC please explain bussing)
Bussing is where a scum player will push a lynch on their partner in order to gain more town cred (credibility) Its not usually something that happens early game because people tend to forget who pushed who's lynch, so the 'town points' they had gained are lost and also because most people only use it to get out of a sticky corner, or to gain what they can from the inveitable death of their scummate - both situations that do not often occur on D1. Its not something that needs to be worried about until someone dies and their flip is revealed (Mod posts their role and alignment)

@Dourin: If the shot ended the Day I would shoot Ranmaru, because its him I beleive that should die toDay, however if it did not result in the Day ending I would shoot either Top Ranger Skye or The Good Doctor because they deadweight and not contributing very much to town


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@TGD: Why are you voting for Ran if it is me you want to shoot? You said you had reasons can you please explain them now.

@Dourin: Same question but wait for TGD to answer before you do

Top Ranger Skye

Smash Rookie
Dec 16, 2010
Sorry to all players! I haven't posted the past few days due to my schedule being absolutely CHAOTIC. I was in Pittsburgh this past weekend for the NHL Winter Classic, & the hotel that I was staying at had a really screwy WiFi system, so it kept throwing me out.

Once again, I'm sorry!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Lynching lurkers on Day 2 is bad, because this is really when you should start lynching scum. Lynching inactives then who have no connection to anyone or hardly voice their opinions, will not give us any leads and we'll also have 4 dead people (maybe townies, maybe not).
This is also why I want to encourage everyone to voice all their opinions before the end of the Day.
Kk I understand that, and with that said it seems like the best thing to do is just try and get inactive players active so we can hear their opinions and actually get a read on them. I thought about it too much in terms of aimaf, where inactives get killed quickly, but I do see the difference here now.

@ Ran: you posted a lot of stuff, but I mainly want to address your thoughts on The Good Doctor.

About The Good Doctor, I think you are right that he has at times followed X1, but he was also the first one to vote you (although it didn’t count because it wasn’t formatted correctly). That is part of The Good Doctor’s playstyle which makes me uneasy, his quick push for you in the beginning then the "follow along" mentality that has taken place since then with X1. It’s very unorganized and I don’t know if some of his actions are accidental or just plain scummy. I suspect you too Ran, but for very different reasons such as trying to hard to appear town. But, I’m thinking the connections/conversations going on between you and The Good Doctor is very important… perhaps showing a clash between scum and town? I’m thinking this because while I find Ran and The Good Doctor both suspicious, I do not personally think they are scum buddies.

@Oki, I was wondering how you feel about the connection between The Good Doctor and Ran. Do you think they could both be scum?


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
@July: I think it's possible but not probable. Doc voted for Ran and put him at a dangerous L-1 position. Doc is either just fooling around (which is possible), he could be trying to get rid of town members through lynch because he is scum (a possibility, but this is very bold), or he could have been trying to bus, if they were scumteam (which doesn't seem very probable, he'd have to trust all of these new people he hasn't played with at all not to take the hammer). It is still not the thing to be doing.

I'd like to question Doc though, especially if Ran flips town.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Oh thanks, got me there.

Well then it doesn't matter you guys say about how imbalanced it would be if both or one of them would be scum. Take the game as it is, and there's always the possibilty that the IC's are scum, but I don't really think both of them are.
It's fine, I was a bit confused myself. It's because it was under Game Specific, the last section of the rules.

I don't think both of them are, but I'm not going to accept that one would be town and the other scum on purpose, since roles are randomized.

@Ran, with regards to him saying that my reasoning about his playstyle doesn't make any sense because he didn't use a certain word I said, rather he said a different but very similar word:

This is what I derived your advice being "Be vocal it will make you look like town. Lurkers or quiet ones look scummy" from. Taking another, more innocent sounding quote from that same post and writing a big paragraph to me arguing about semantics is not convincing me.

Also, please, pleeease use @'s and stuff, your gigantic walls of quotes are really unbearable.
No, I said Also, plus I had more reasons as to why you were wrong. So you seem to be misconstruing my meaning. I do know vocal is similar to voice, but it seems as though that is what you want my post to be saying. Those, are not my words.

I said "Also" as a possibility. So, same as before, I said either scummy or indecisive. :p I would never base that as a read.

And no, quotes or @'s are fine. Look below the quote with your name in it.

He has posted questions, and also a vote.

Why is post #50 a null tell? Dourin is "asking the right questions and instilling discussion" via post #50, the thing you are determining he is town because of.
Oh ok. Are you defending Nabe?

I have explained why. Re-read my post #126 responding to X1. Basically, you have read wrong. I say Dourin makes good questions and discussion, but I NEVER said #50 seemed townie. I said it was null.

You question me talking about #50, but you don't question Joey, who also said it wasn't townie. Are you only focusing on me? : ]


On the contrary what do scum gain from moving away from RVS? All it does is confuses town and wastes time. Scum who were just lost would happily sit and watch as town run around in circles.
Right, it's not like people ask to stay in RVS. How would noobscum know if they SHOULD stay or move away? Plus, it is up to the IC to help the noobs gradually move anyways.

How are you so sure scum wouldn't want to move away from RVS? I still believe anyone can ask that question regardless of alignment.

You asked me a question and answered it yourself.

Also, Joey said something of this:

"X1, I could see town or scum doing that honestly. If we're just throwing random votes around, then couldn't a random scum end up getting lynched on accident? It's better for both sides to progress through the game. Scum can't convince us that we're town if all we're doing is joking around and RVS voting."

What do you think of that?

@ Ran: you posted a lot of stuff, but I mainly want to address your thoughts on The Good Doctor.

About The Good Doctor, I think you are right that he has at times followed X1, but he was also the first one to vote you (although it didn’t count because it wasn’t formatted correctly). That is part of The Good Doctor’s playstyle which makes me uneasy, his quick push for you in the beginning then the "follow along" mentality that has taken place since then with X1. It’s very unorganized and I don’t know if some of his actions are accidental or just plain scummy. I suspect you too Ran, but for very different reasons such as trying to hard to appear town. But, I’m thinking the connections/conversations going on between you and The Good Doctor is very important… perhaps showing a clash between scum and town? I’m thinking this because while I find Ran and The Good Doctor both suspicious, I do not personally think they are scum buddies.
The Good Doctor's first vote seemed to be late stages of RVS. But then, it seems apparent he wants to push for me after voting me many times. But since everyone is suspicious of me, he finds it ok to vote me anyways.

@July: Do you find our (Me and TGD) conversations odd?
@Oki: Ok, so what do you think a vocal person's alignment would be? How about someone that is quiet? So am I wrong about town voicing their opinion? Why do you think #50 is pretty townie, instead of using my own reasons (He has asked more than a posts questions)
@X1: Why not The Good Doctor over me? Am I much scummier than he is?
@The Good Doctor: You say X1 is deceptive, how is he deceptive?

@Everyone: If I flipped scum, who would you connect to me as town and also who would you connect as scum? What if I flipped town, what would you think of my connections?


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
@Joey: Since Ran insists on your opinion on why #50 isn't a town tell, go. Tell us why it isn't.

@Ran: Post 126 is like 5 pages long. It would be half of that without all the quotes, or less. You quote something huge and then you write like a sentence following it. It does not make you look more legitimate. I am not going back and reading it, you can quote the part you are so eager for me to look at if you would like.

I guess what I said could be considered defending Nabe. I was just responding to your post in which you said that Nabe had not posted content and /hadn't even voted/ which was a lie.

While I do think a vocal person is more likely to be town than scum, this isn't always the case. My point about being vocal is that you specifically said that more reserved players seem scummy, and then you went about being as unreserved as possible. This is more assertive and more vocal and more unreserved than I have seen you in any aimafia game we have ever played. It makes me uneasy.

I think #50 is townie because it is him contributing to scumhunting in a way that a goon wouldn't try to, asking the ICs to help us work toward rvs, when he didn't even know how. Scum might not lurk, but they would probably stay reserved in that way.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
@Mod, votecount please.

No votes have been added since the last one.

1. Ranmaru (3) Oki, X1-12, The Good Doctor
2. July ()
3. -Joey- (1) Nabe,
4. Top Ranger Skye (1) Dourin-X
5. The Good Doctor (2) July, Joey
6. Dourin-X ()
7. Oki ()
8. X1-12 (1) Ranmaru
9. Nabe ()

Not voting: Top Ranger Skye,

With 9 playing, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline is January 9th at 11:59 PM CST ( -6 GMT)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Little to no content. I made a mistake on the vote he made. But, Nabe is still very null. He made a post about cops/docs, and asked a few questions.

Oki: Do you have a read on Nabe? What can you say about that?

Also, Aimaf meta is not that reliable here. I think.

Also, remember to answer my question to everyone, Oki. (and everyone else too)


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
@Oki: because it could be either or. I don't see how it could be a scum/town tell because either group could have a person get lynched, and it's better for both sides to get out of RVS.

@Ran: You're doing EXACTLY what made you scummy. You're not scum hunting. At all. All you're doing is defending yourself and saying that you're town. Thats all I see in those huge posts up there >_>


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes I am. I voted X1. I made a scum pick list. I defended myself. That is your only reason why I'm scummy? Not because of my fluffiness?

Oh wait, I'm contributing my thoughts, questions, scum picks (I have asked for one from the start too), and a vote. I'm not just defending myself.

So far you only have two suspects: Me, and TGD.

I also have two. Oki seems odd because she insists that I go first, and then TGD.

@Joey: If I flipped scum, who would you connect to me as town and also who would you connect as scum? What if I flipped town, what would you think of my connections?

Plus, I believe Nabe is scumhunting less then I. (I did a scumpick and vote, he only voted

So why haven't you critisize him for it, and only me?

Is it because I may be connected to TGD?


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2010
@Ran: When I've played with Nabe (and I haven't that much, just with some informal games and some quickmoving things like EpicMafia and Aimaf), he tends to take charge a lot when he's scum, moreso than normal. When we play EM he will go out there even and claim to be a town power role, like doctor or tracker (only when it is safeish to do so, I mean, but he still does it). He is very take charge. I think he is hanging back because 1. he is town and 2. he is an IC, and we are the ones that are supposed to do the work.

I think Aimafia past play needs to be taken with a big grain of salt, but I don't think it's irrelevant. Nothing is irrelevant.

All of your posts have been defending yourself, you are not scumhunting at all. I agree with Joey.

If you flip town, I will have trouble figuring out based on voting who possible scum is, because of your play. If a person plays a certain confusing way, and everyone thinks they are one role, it's hard to tell why people voted for them if they flip the other way. At the very most, I'd consider The Good Doctor as possible scum for making you L-1

If you flip scum, I am going to cross off Dourin, Joey, The Good Doctor, and maybe X1 off my possible scum list for now. I am not sure about any of them, but I mean, unless you were super bussing them or TGD was bussing you, I can't see them as suspects. At least, I would put them at the bottom of my list.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
This whole back-and-forth isn't helping much, in my opinion. Ran, you're very dedicated to your own play, and you seem to have some trouble seeing things from another frame of mind. Remember that we can't see into your head; in situations where your motive might be unclear, you're naturally going to fall under suspicion.

Regarding my own play, mainly I've been waiting until X1 was done with his discussion regarding Dourin. You're right in that I haven't been posting much; I've reserved some of what I'd like to say. I often do.

Vote: X1-12 He seems to be misguiding others. Not onto me, my earlier posts my have been fluffy. (or, the Scum pick one, everything else is ME) But, everyone agrees with thoughts on Dourin of being town, but from a null tell. How can he know this?
You say that you suspect X1 of misguiding others, particularly in respect to Dourin's alignment. What would a scum!X1's motive be in doing so? What do you believe Dourin's alignment to be, so far?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@July: Do you find our (Me and TGD) conversations odd?
@Oki: Ok, so what do you think a vocal person's alignment would be? How about someone that is quiet? So am I wrong about town voicing their opinion? Why do you think #50 is pretty townie, instead of using my own reasons (He has asked more than a posts questions)
@X1: Why not The Good Doctor over me? Am I much scummier than he is?
@The Good Doctor: You say X1 is deceptive, how is he deceptive?

@Everyone: If I flipped scum, who would you connect to me as town and also who would you connect as scum? What if I flipped town, what would you think of my connections?
Actually your questions are related to the reason I asked Oki if she thought you and TGD could be scum buddies. From you and The Good Doctor’s interactions, it seems to me that you and TGD are not scum buddies, TGD put you at L-1 at one point and bussing at this point seems unlikely. Since you and TGD are both suspicious, a more viable option is that one of you is scum and the other is town, and that’s the conflict we are seeing between you two.

So Ran, if you would flip scum, I would strongly consider TGD, Oki, and Dourin town, based on their interactions with you. In terms of scum, I might look at the players you haven’t interacted with much since most of the people you have interacted with have been so you could defend yourself against them when they called on you for scummy behavior.

On the other hand, if you flip town, TGD would remain at the top of my scum list, and I would have to consider Oki’s alignment since she is one of your two scum suspects as well (although I admit Oki seems very town to me right now). In terms of town connections, maybe Nabe and Joey because you haven’t really had extended interactions with them, but it would be hard to determine much more than that.

The Good Doctor

Smash Champion
Oct 7, 2007
If I forget anyone I apologize, alot has happened in this thread since I last posted. I'm using colors depending who I am addressing

@Anyone sketched out about my L-1 vote on Ranmaru
I wasn't aware I made him that close to lynching, and would have never voted if I knew. Taking out a player with little to no information is a bad idea in my opinion

I told everyone who I suspect, X1 and then yourself. What I'm not sure of is if you voted for him just so one of you would look town if the other was lynched... He is suspicious because he seems to not being worried about being suspected. He is also really focusing on our conversation and came to the conclusion one of us

I already explained this, but I also wanted to stir up conversation between you two.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@Nabe: When Ran answers your question about what he thinks Dourin's alignment to be if you said what you thought about Dourin that'd be cool

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
@Dourin: Same question but wait for TGD to answer before you do
Well, I guess it's not really working out if Top Ranger Sky can't even get online.

It's just a pressure vote. Even if it's just one vote, it hopefully gets people talking. This is why I didn't feel like explaining it before. Saying that a vote is "just a pressure vote, I don't really want to kill you", that takes all the pressure of the vote and no one would bother with posting more.

Now I guess it's just not working, and at this rate Top Ranger Skye is bound to get modkilled.

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿

I thought the minimal required posting was 48 hours inbetween posts, but it seems it's 72. At this rate it's too easy to stay on the radar and avoid prods.

I'm keeping my vote on Top Ranger Sky because I want to lynch her (more than TGD), until something changes in her play.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well, all the time on Aimaf I get lynched D1 for lurking, regardless of alignment. Sometimes I lag up, or others are posting really fast and it's hard for me to say things early on.

Now, why would you only connect my town flip by voting, though? Is it because you are afraid you might be on it?

Also, this is only my third game (in the second as we speak) and I am still developing a playstyle, even experimenting what might or might not work.

But, Town can be assertive, and I have observed many strong town players, and they were assertive. I may try to put that into my play. For example, the RPG thing I did earlier, I managed to observe from Acrostic, from my first Newb. Scum pick list, was my mistake.

I wanted to get further along with talk of who you thought might have been scum. You see, it seems X1 wanted to twist my post into a deliberate intention to just do nothing, which wasn't.

Btw, I'm always sincere on Aimaf, even Nabe himself said it.

Also, do you like this way of posting better? I still seem to wot though, sowwy. ;-; Yeah, I post alot because I have so much thoughts (I like to think), at least no quotes for you. : ]

How is this? Can you refer to an example? I don't understand that. Do you mean I shouldn't have made a scumpick list, and think of what others would think of me? If so, I'd refuse, because I would always speak my thoughts. I'm a loud person. I am still trying new things, yet I don't like to be reserved. I want everyone to know what I think, regardless if they'll lynch me or not.

I believe X1 focused on me, either because he thinks I'm REALLY scum for the newb mistake I made, or because he could be scum trying to pin an easy target. Now, as Oki is already evaluating my aimaf meta, I can't really use Meta on X1. So far I guess he does this regardless of alignment. Even so, Meta is useless here.

My read on Dourin is null so far. On this page, so far he talked about Rules (He seemed to read the first part of the rules, and disregarded the rest because he is afraid of wot's, that's how he missed the randomized role rule) and Pressuring TRS. He brought up a good point about Lynching All Lurkers, but why did he bring this up? Others disagree, I'm ok with it. This, is the only read I can get from him. Less so from you, Nabe.

@Question for Nabe,
what are your thoughts on me? On Dourin? On Oki? And on X1?

48 hours is for NIght time. 72 for DAy. Also Dourin, I don't think people will agree with you. Others have noted that we might be still having some holiday parties, but yet you still try to Lynch an inactive. She said

"Sorry to all players! I haven't posted the past few days due to my schedule being absolutely CHAOTIC. I was in Pittsburgh this past weekend for the NHL Winter Classic, & the hotel that I was staying at had a really screwy WiFi system, so it kept throwing me out."

So, as others have said, why don't you wait until D2 at least. Give her a chance to play.

@Question for Dourin:
Why do you want TRS lynched even when she said she was in Pittsburgh? Are you sure she won't ever post?

@The Good Doctor:
How do you notice I was in L-1 when you were accused of almost hammering me, but before you didn't seem to notice that I was. So, that must mean you have skimmed, and didn't notice the accusations and votes. If you didn't skim, you are lying.

So you think me and X1 might be scum buddies? Ah, good observation. Since the pressure is going my way/your way, he doesn't have to worry about defense, just tunneling. Thing is, I definitely want X1 copped if I get lynched. X1, then Oki, then Nabe. Dourin also, because he keeps his intent hidden purposely. Why them and not you? You seem to be very readable, so there is no need to investigate you.

@Question for The Good Doctor:
Who do you think is scum besides me? Give a 3-pick list of scum, and why.

Unvote: X1
Vote: The Good Doctor

But yes, if I flip town, I'd connect X1, Oki, Joey, and You. Nabe, Dourin, TRS, July would seem town.

If I flipped Scum, then Nabe, Dourin, TRS, July for scum. X1, Oki, Joey, and you for town.

@Joey, where are you with your thoughts? Will you answer my question?

Purpose-Intent List:
X1: Seems to want me to be lynched toDAY instead of TGD.
Oki: Seems to suggest I'm going to flip first, and says there might be something done about TGD.
TGD: Voted me many times and put me to L-1, clear here that he is either wanting me dead, or just eager to vote anyone.
July: Doesn't have much intent, but does find me suspicious, which is logical.
Dourin: Keeps his intent hidden.
Nabe: Has posted little, but states that he was waiting on X1 first.
Joey: I'm not sure about his intent, he voted me early on, without much reason. Just that I was scummy, and declared it later on, when others contributed first. His suspicions are logical, though.
Top Sky Ranger: Where art thou D:


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

... ;-; (I can't believe i'm doing this)

List of contents for last post:

Deep Sky Blue1: Oki

Lime Green: Nabe

Deep Sky Blue2: Dourin

White: The Good Doctor

Yellow: My own connections if I flip town or scum

Red: Question to Joey

Plum: List of intentions from my p.o.v


Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
48 hours is for NIght time. 72 for DAy. Also Dourin, I don't think people will agree with you. Others have noted that we might be still having some holiday parties, but yet you still try to Lynch an inactive. She said

"Sorry to all players! I haven't posted the past few days due to my schedule being absolutely CHAOTIC. I was in Pittsburgh this past weekend for the NHL Winter Classic, & the hotel that I was staying at had a really screwy WiFi system, so it kept throwing me out."

So, as others have said, why don't you wait until D2 at least. Give her a chance to play.

@Question for Dourin:
Why do you want TRS lynched even when she said she was in Pittsburgh? Are you sure she won't ever post?
All I can say is, don't sign up if you know you have stuff coming up and can't post?
And sure, she has a chance the play, she still has 6 days before the Day ends.

Also, I have holidays parties and school coming up, I probably won't post here, except once in 72 hours to avoid prod!


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I forgot to ask:

@Dourin: If you think your plan of voting TRS isn't working fully, why are you still voting her? If she won't be able to see it until d2, then your vote would wasted. (For the time being)

So, I'll also ask you to List 3-scum picks as well. TRS shouldn't be on it, because she is null. (Meaning we don't know if she is town or scum because of little to no content)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

*then your vote would be wasted. .

Correction in underline.

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
Just because you don't post doesn't mean you get a null read.

Less posting = less information = easier for scum to hide = sort of scum read, but I'd rather see her go for not posting *IF SHE KEEPS THIS UP*.

So I'll just keep my vote there and hope others will join me there if it keeps up.
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