so here is me problem...
i want to(kinda..) get back into competitive brawl.....and most definitely...start to use pit again...
but for one thing...for over a year and a half now....i have not taken competitive brawl seriously anymore, definitely not been going to offline tournaments anymore for it, and as far as wifi goes....all i've done is basic brawl as c.falcon or some other low tier and goof off.
annnnd after what happened to me at a tournament....I got beat in the last match by a mk...who resorted to planking -_-; he went on to win the tournament, but thats aside the point...that was one thing that seriously sucked alot of the fun i had before compettiively with the game out...
then...later another match....i faced a prick ice climber main who waited purposely till 300% after each cg, before killing me, then started to be a prick about it later on...
after those things that happened i virtually lost all respect for this game competitively, and went to melee.
but lately...i've been wanting to give brawl another chance....and yet i'm wondering if its even worth it now?..i'm so rusty that it'd take me forever to get back to what i used to be at the game...not to mention should i end up facing the same BS i did before with the broken bat of hell, or the broken eskimos, i feel like i'd lose the will again to play the game..
and yet after seeing some videos of some other pit players...they reminded me of why i found him so fun to play as to begin with....before i was completly convinced that camping was his best way to play, before i seriously feared the MK matchup more then snake(don't even fear the snake matchup in the slightest now.) back when i still found to play...basicly back in 08
so ya, in short, i'm confused as to whether its worth my time going back to this game if i know i'll only see alot of the same BS that i dropped it for to begin with. @_@