Puffball/Espy no Style: This is a good example of an agressive Sonic that extends the damage off of mistake as much as he can. He is solid in all forms of followups, tech chasing, and edgegaurding tactics to ensure maximum damage off of one error. This hyper aggressive mindset has a tendency to backfire often ( and it has at times) but he still does it every time; clearly the reward is worth the risk. To combat this he has developed his durability to make up for any mistakes that would normally kill a Sonic, meaning that comeback wins are very plausible.
Ground movement is superb and polished, darn near flawless at times. he can run from attacks and still be able to turn back and punish in time. His use of DDP gives him even more ability to do that, and when used multiple times, his sonic looks even faster than average. As for attacking, this sonic in particular loves his F-Smash, and uses it as an all purpose tool, to punish, to bait, and to KO. How is this possible? he complements this with a rigourous display of jab and tilt usage in close range. He isn't looking for grab setups as often as Malcolm or myself, but that's because he loves dtilts as his primary setup. dtilt to dtilt, dtilt to jab(s), and dtilt to uptilt are common occurances in his game, his skill with this part of his game allows him to use FSmash more often in early and mid game because the move is quickly replenished. add that to his normally aggro playstyle, and he barely notices the degeneraion.
His air game, revolves around his Bair, in a similar all-purpose method to the FSmash. and using his speed to set them up. Bair is used more as a spacing tool, but when it connects he follows up well. Until the opponent is caught up in a mistake, he sitcks with Bair. It may be a bit overused though. He uses the other aerials mostly during chases, when its time to KO, and when he edgegaurding. Outside of that his Spin Dash offense seems to be for the purpose of sending them in the air for combos and follow ups, which also supports his Bair usage and balances out the air game.
His edgegame is IMO one of his more polished ponts. I've seen every method of edgegaurding from him, and not only does he do them, he is almost brazen with it, going far off the edge and out of his way to edgegaurd the likes of Metaknight. On the flip side, all forms of DI, momentum cancelling, and other methods of recovery are in his grasp. He can gimp early if you're not careful, but even if the opponent is good, he has the potential to live near the 150%-200% range easily. a very nasty combination indeed.
If there was one weakpoint in his offense, it would be his throws. This Sonic looks for throws often, but is not nearly as diverse as Malcolm and almost exclusively sticks with DThrow. This can be very dangerous, due to the probability of a close tech, leaving him wide open. his tech chase is strong but if his opponent ever consistantly teched Dthrow, it can threaten to shut down a large portion of his game. I recommend spending some time and learning to use UpThrow and Forward throw in the manner similar to Malcolm or Kojin to compensate. If he had already, then he could be the best sonic at racking damage from 1 mistake. (scary..lol you can do it Puffball!)
Style Verdict: Combo/Ground/Edge
Immediate results from observing vids: tilt usage, more aggressive edge tactics