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KnightMare Presents: Gametable 6/13


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui - Me and knightmare setup a pretty fair bracket for me, then I heard you went over and changed it trying to give your self a free ride to round 4 basicly. I laughed pretty hard when I saw your changes. You wont make the same mistake next time.
Noob, I always have hard brackets for myself. Go look at some of them on AiB. Just go click one of my 90+ medals. :laugh:

The bracket that was set up was garbage, and I don't need a "free ride" to fourth round. My skill can take me far enough, thank you very much. I won doubles, so I'm obviously good. You may have put me in losers, but I outplaced you and took out ksizzle along the way.

So are we going to do the points system for seeding?
Nah. The singles seeding was almost perfect at this.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
I dont really care if you outplaced me and never said you needed the free ride or that you were bad , but it sure looked like thats the way you were trying to set it up.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I dont really care if you outplaced me and never said you needed the free ride or that you were bad , but it sure looked like thats the way you were trying to set it up.
Nope. I just underrated you. My mistake. I don't rig brackets. Today I fought ONLY both 5th placers, 4th place, and 2nd place. No easy rounds at all. It's fun that way. :)

I think I have a plan to deal with your style next time. You were just too good at keeping yourself safe. You even DIed the first hit of my f-tilt away in order to avoid the second hit almost every time. It's going to be sooo boring to fight you next time, but I'll be ready. :p


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
i basically forfeit to you

from what im hearing my friends, which some dont like you steve, youve been going around saying that story to multiple people. not a joke. no one likes a liar. also when did i say that im mad becuz nj isnt the best?


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
this is a stupid argument. you should have just handled it in person. if it took you a whole day to realize what happened then it obviously wasn't as big a deal as you want people to think.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
I won smash at the shore the next day XD

Knightmare- See why i hate...wait....I'm not supposed to say this....SEE WHY I HATE MUFFINS? XD
I seriously hope you aren't talking about what I said. NJ players aren't the only ones who would be upset about a bracket error.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
I realized that inui is actually a cool guy when he isn't near brackets lol

Fun tournament host another one soon


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Split! 1) Anti ($216) - MK, Snake, DDD - NY, LI - JUICE stop winningz za money...i watns some o that sh** fo myself!!!!!
Split! 1) Snakeee ($216) - ZSS, Zelda/Shiek - NY - JUICE i almost had you round two...:( stop being too good, also, you used sheik/zelda wtf?!

4) Dabuz - Olimar - NY, LI - MONSTARSstop doing so bad...
5) Jash - Toon Link - NY - DEADLY ALLIANCEho...ly...****, intense matches, i loved your little fist clench thing when you edge guarded me round one:laugh:
5) ADHD - Diddy - NJ - JUICEid imagined you would look...a lot different...
7) MeEp! (Atomsk) - DDD, Luigi, Wolf - NJ - ENEMY CONTROLLERdon't judge me cause im wifi
7) Inui - MK, Snake, Ike (Snakeee did lose 1 game in Tourny to Inuis IKE!!!!) LOL - NJ - EC<----needs less johns over $10.00+brackets

9) MikeG - Game&Watch, Wario NY, LI - MONSTARSlol, why were you always behind me when i would turn around ?!?!:confused:
9) Ksizzle - MK, Ice Climbers?? - NJ - JUICEdam*...2 stocked twice...and you get award for best hairstyle at this tournament

25) Alex Strife - Game&Watch - NY - ENEMY CONTROLLERwow, you are probably the friendliest person ive met
25) MrBlaze - Diddy - NY,LInice to actually get to talk to you this time

33) Vanek - DDD, Snake - NY, LIA&W is now bottom tier


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
9) MikeG - Game&Watch, Wario NY, LI - MONSTARS lol, why were you always behind me when i would turn around ?!?!:confused:

Cause im stalking you!!!! No, I just wanna see how to play against olimarz so I can stop losing to you.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Ggs to everyone @ this

Cyber i was sad we had to play like always, but u made it fun ^_^

Snakeee good stuff and im glad u werent mad @ me. we always have really close matches

Anti really close set. i thought i had u for a lil bit there and thanks for telling me i got better. thats actually the first positive thing ive heard about the wario switch so far lol.

Atomsk ggs. great first match not our mains and great last match as our mains. fun playing u . oh and sorry everytime u walked by i was destroying some rhino in dragon quest lmao

Wes: yo u had a rough day today but u will get em @ viridian. ur sonic was wreckin mad ppl in friendlies tho.

D1: U repped the tag of the greatest man ever. Melv couldnt bring u much luck, but better luck next time man. Its brawl...stuff happens.

Melvin: Thanks for inspiring D1

Randall: I didnt see any of ur matches today but from the placings it looks like u were playing well. Good stuff man.

All my hofstra heads (HBK, HAZZ, GMONEY THE HONORARY HOFSTRA STUDENT AND RYANK THE HONORARY HOFSTRA STUDENT) great seeing u guys again and thanks brandon for not hittin me up about getting to the tourney lmao.

PD: Get gamma crushed. Just kidding man, but mad fun seeing u always.

CYBERMAN5 AKA CYRAX AKA (Explitive) THE SONIC CHAT: Fun seeing you again. We shoulda played friendlies and I sware we wont play so early in the next tournament lol.

SHADOWLINK84 AKA LEIRON AKA JOHNathan AKA KID OBSESSOR: Goood times. Hilarious that u and reginald were on the computers for the sonic chat @ the tournament. U gotta figure out a way to play better players more frequently and u will be on ur way

CATINTHEHAT AKA REGINALD AKA KNIFEINTHEPANTS AKA KANYEEZY: Hilarious seeing u as usual. U gotta figure out that boy metaknight. U cant beat him until u understand how he works! but other than that i loved seeing the cith comboz and sonic challenges.

MARKO AKA SOULJABOYSBIGGESTFAN AKA K.O. PUNCH MARK: Fun first tournament is fun. U should come to more tourneys so u can get that experience and start tearing it up. U were hilarious as expected and a welcome addition to the sonic chat tourney go-ers.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
i left my powercord for my laptop at the venue i'm so dumb =(

i'll post shoutouts when i got my laptop cord back doom is gonna help me out and get the number from knightmare or something


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
Plainview, NY
i left my powercord for my laptop at the venue i'm so dumb =(

i'll post shoutouts when i got my laptop cord back doom is gonna help me out and get the number from knightmare or something
i have it. the owner came to me with it so i took it for now. i was waiting for someone to say there missing it. how do u wanna get it back??? where u live?


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Give It Back To Him Today So He Can Get Vids Up Tonight :d


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
MARKO AKA SOULJABOYSBIGGESTFAN AKA K.O. PUNCH MARK: Fun first tournament is fun. U should come to more tourneys so u can get that experience and start tearing it up. U were hilarious as expected and a welcome addition to the sonic chat tourney go-ers.
fixed without hesitation.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
Planking the ledge 185 times over.

Anti - Dude. When are you gonna teach me those DK tricks?? Haha good **** as always man.

Snakeee - Good to see you again! **** I forget we had to rematch in our Shiek vs DK matches... Next time then! ;p

NinjaLink - I've seen you at countless tournies but I've still yet to play you. Ever. Lol.

Dabuz - Not sure if you realize this, but your mannerisms... everything about you when you play... make you the funniest smasher to watch ever!!! No lie. Good **** at taking out Atomsk, I envy you... ;p

Jash - I never had the chance to play you at all yet but we all know you are ****. Drove you back to the train station though, hope you made it home safe! haha see you around man.

ADHD - We both know that first match in our MM was probably a fluke, but I'll take it haha, bet you're glad that one wasn't up on live stream or recorded? 3 Stocked!! ;p I knew you were gonna win the MM after that, but I will always go for the diddy experience =)

MeEp! (Atomsk) - First time I ever got to play you in tourney, thanks for not going D3 until you had to ;p And thanks for the comments on my G&W, I still do some pretty stupid things, but when I finally cut that **** out I think I'll be doing better with em. lol

Inui - Best match of the night, MM of your Ganon vs Kirin's Link. Nuff said.

Malcolm - Didn't get to play you this time, def get some friendlies next time, your mind games are always unbelievable =)

MikeG - Not as well as you'd hoped, but you are def hanging with em up there bro. You'll get it one of these days.

Diem - That was my first ever Melee MM. LOL. I'm glad you were rusty otherwise it wouldn't have also been my first Melee MM win ;p

Minty - Amazing *** marth. ****. Kickass friendlies too, too much fun bro we gotta do it again. When you dolphin slashed me into the stage on FD, some guy behind me goes: "OMG did he tech that!?" Too good =)

Problem - What up beassssst. Didn't get to play with you this time around either, I def gotta find you in Nassau and chill with you guys sometime though. PM me or something haha.

Izumi - Double tornado is gay. And you know it. lol

Will - Not too bad, but DK can do better than this.

Zucco - Sick Lucario. I swear you f-smashed me through your partners shield at least twice for the kill in doubles. Too good =D

Allied - Yo doood nice seeing you again, you seem better than the last time we played at APEX. Good **** bro.

Jaden (Vanz) - Beast peach in melee. ****. Last time I got comboed that hard by a Peach was against Alejandro P. rofl

C4?! - Dude your pit was BEASTING in friendlies. Thats all I remember from you, good ****.

Cheez - Double tornado is, again, terribly gay. I gotta play you in friendlies sometime.

Viva - Vivaaaaaa. What a cool tag ;p Had some fun friendlies with you, looking forward to seeing you again =)

Cyber - Its def been a while since we played, but we get enough action in doubles usually right? lolz

Alex Strife - Yo dude imma try to make it to viridian city and bring some peeps too. get at me.

MrBlaze - You have the absolute craziest texture hacks I have ever seen fo realz. rofl

KnightMare - Mad fun tournament bro, only you could have hosted some crazy **** like that at Gametable where EVERYBODY shows up. I mean ****. wtf. lol

ShadowLink84 - Dooood you finally made it to the train station on your own? Congrats bro. And oh yeah, get 2 stocked. XD

Ninja EDD - Funny how I can randomly 3 stock ADHD but I couldn't beat you. I underestimated your Wario on Brinstar. Good stuffz

KirinBlaze - You know you're better than this so I don't have to tell you you'll do better next time =)

CJT - AHHH we never got to MM =/ Next time then??

Xivk - Lol friendlies until the very end. Learn how to play agisnt DK mang =D Nice lucario though.

Hippiedude - Nice mario, fun friendlies, get moar offline DK practice. aka play me more. haha see you around bro.


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
Wow at this. No Sonics in the top 10? Atleast we got one in the top 20 though. GGs guys. Better luck next time. And Marko congrats on your first tourney. Too bad it was a hard one xD Live and Learn Marko a.k.a. Souljaboybiggestfan


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
If you pick olimar vs me in tourny, you will beat me. I literally **** my pants when someone picks that character.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Now you know how ksizzle feels against Diddy lol.

Will where in long island do you live?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
And now to show how welcome NJ is to MD/VA

Wow at this. No Sonics in the top 10? Atleast we got one in the top 20 though. GGs guys. Better luck next time. And Marko congrats on your first tourney. Too bad it was a hard one xD Live and Learn Marko a.k.a. Souljaboybiggestfan
Who da *** are you? sonic sucks. gtfo here


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
**** if you are going to DaPuffSter's tournament can you pick me up?

ill payy moolah.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Inui is very cool. He's one of my favorite people that plays this game.

i basically forfeit to you
To me? :confused:

Why would you have been so upset when you lost if you just gave up? You seemed to try hard in the first game, but the SD ruined it for you, and then you played overly aggressive in the second game due to frustration. That's what I remember.

@"I'm fighting my crewmate!" complaints:


In other fighting game communities (see: real games), if you fight your twin brother you play with every day in round two, nobody complains. After winners round one, it's no johns about who you fight, crewmate, relative, or whatever.

Jash and NinjaLink, who train frequently, had to fight in winners semifinals, and they, namely Jash, actually complained about that. Had I been the host, I would have immediately said "play or I'll DQ you both" instead of actually dealing with such a ridiculous complaint.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Wow at this. No Sonics in the top 10? Atleast we got one in the top 20 though. GGs guys. Better luck next time. And Marko congrats on your first tourney. Too bad it was a hard one xD Live and Learn Marko a.k.a. Souljaboybiggestfan
Malcolm's not playing the character. No surprise (no offense to Sonic's, I know first hand it's not easy, and no one was placing like him ever).


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Hmmm, Inui's claim of playing Melee seriously resulted in him not entering? Interesting...

Good **** Ryan K, I know someday we'll see

1. Ryan K
2. Mango

EDIT: :( at Mango not winning Brawl doubles


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Hmmm, Inui's claim of playing Melee seriously resulted in him not entering? Interesting...
I entered doubles, and my Ganondorf did super well. Me and Vanz did really well against HBK and Hazz. It was all really close and fun.

I didn't do singles since I had no real shot at cash and I don't feel like spending a lot of money anymore now that I'm getting kicked out of my dad's place. I was also really focused on Brawl doubles finals at the time Melee singles was starting and going on.
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