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Kirby's Matchup Rankings


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Pit's an easy camper, he can arrow you for a long long long long long long long long long time, and he singlehandedly has the most annoying KO move in the game.
I'll say more when I get my Brawl back.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
Donkey Kong: is in kirby's favor. Dk may have more priority and reach, but it's not enough. Kirby has better zoning with multiple jumps and has quicker attacks and movement. I also find him (for some reason) much easier to steal his power than others. Kirby with DK punch is a major threat against Dk. Kirby can charge it a lot easier. Yeah, it's shorter range, but he can set up for it much better.

Ike: slightly in Kirby favor, mostly even. Yeah, Ike has a lot of slow attacks, but any half decent Ike is only going to use his quick options, and are smart enough not to simply throw out attacks just to be punished. Ike out prioritizes and out ranges kirby bad. And he kills him real early. B/c of all that Kirby will always be forced to play a cautious, defense game. Then of course you win. ^_^. This match just turns into a patience match.

Marth ***** Kirby. He's has the one thing Ike needs; speed. Speed + range = avoiding any kind of punishment from shield. Also Marth controls the air, which is usually Kirby's main advantage. Kirby has no tools for controlling the stage or opponent this time.

MetaKnight: MetaKnight has an advantage, but for the most the match is surprisingly even. it's a confusing experience expecting to get ***** but instead holding your own.

Snake: Snake's advantage. I've only played this match up a few times, and against average players, so i don't know much, but it seem pretty obvious that this an uphill battle. Snake is a tank. A tank that hits back really hard, mind you. And a super high recover with plenty of options that you can do much about. And bombs thats forced you too move and approach towards someone you don't want approach. It's bad. All bad.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Gulf Shores, AL
marth i'd say, is a good, almost even matchup, like mk he has alot of fast attacks, not too strong, though.
kirby has some advantages with these two, his hammer, and sword, and far-reaching side+a.

snake... you got this one wrong i'd say. snake has good aerial, and is best when campy. kirby on the other hand, is great hand-to-hand, one of snake's weak points. snake aerials kinda rival kirby's though, and i'm not saying stay on the ground, if you're skilled, you can possibly beat snakein the air.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
Dr. Peterson, is it possible to write a little summary to post under each individual match-up?
Once I get some free time I might run through all the matchups and assemble a pro's and con's list as I have done before, but currently free time is quite a rarity for me. I also don't want the rankings list to get too cluttered, and poor planning on my part by not claiming a second post at the beginning may leave me with too little room to make a good summary.

I just posted an argument on the main matchup thread for Kirby vs. the space animals. Hopefully it will be listened to.
Right now that thread is a mess, good luck getting heard. However, the OP Ivan has at least acknowledged this thread, making it the official Kirby Matchup Ranking thread; in the next couple updates of his chart I hope to see at least a few of Kirby's matchups changing.

marth i'd say, is a good, almost even matchup, like mk he has alot of fast attacks, not too strong, though.
kirby has some advantages with these two, his hammer, and sword, and far-reaching side+a.

snake... you got this one wrong i'd say. snake has good aerial, and is best when campy. kirby on the other hand, is great hand-to-hand, one of snake's weak points. snake aerials kinda rival kirby's though, and i'm not saying stay on the ground, if you're skilled, you can possibly beat snakein the air.
These two character have been overly discussed in previous posts. It is obvious that Marth and Snake are Kirby's two worst matchups, any reading of previous posts in this thread make that pretty clear. Its almost undebatable at this point and time. Please read through this thread a little more if you are still curious why.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Donkey Kong: is in kirby's favor. Dk may have more priority and reach, but it's not enough. Kirby has better zoning with multiple jumps and has quicker attacks and movement. I also find him (for some reason) much easier to steal his power than others. Kirby with DK punch is a major threat against Dk. Kirby can charge it a lot easier. Yeah, it's shorter range, but he can set up for it much better.

Ike: slightly in Kirby favor, mostly even. Yeah, Ike has a lot of slow attacks, but any half decent Ike is only going to use his quick options, and are smart enough not to simply throw out attacks just to be punished. Ike out prioritizes and out ranges kirby bad. And he kills him real early. B/c of all that Kirby will always be forced to play a cautious, defense game. Then of course you win. ^_^. This match just turns into a patience match.

Marth ***** Kirby. He's has the one thing Ike needs; speed. Speed + range = avoiding any kind of punishment from shield. Also Marth controls the air, which is usually Kirby's main advantage. Kirby has no tools for controlling the stage or opponent this time.

MetaKnight: MetaKnight has an advantage, but for the most the match is surprisingly even. it's a confusing experience expecting to get ***** but instead holding your own.

Snake: Snake's advantage. I've only played this match up a few times, and against average players, so i don't know much, but it seem pretty obvious that this an uphill battle. Snake is a tank. A tank that hits back really hard, mind you. And a super high recover with plenty of options that you can do much about. And bombs thats forced you too move and approach towards someone you don't want approach. It's bad. All bad.
Ur Ike response, sorry but thats just a no go. Kirby can **** Ike's **** like no other. I played a pro Ike player in tourney and he literally forfeited the round after I 0-death combo'd him the first match. Trust me when i say he was good. (Ike is only so good he's to slow to be competitive)


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
Matchup Updates:

Wario: 50-50
Pit: 45-55
Diddy Kong: 60-40
Zelda: 45-55
Zero Suit Samus: 55-45

These rankings are still pretty rough, more opinions would be appreciated.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
Dr. Peterson, you have to fix the first post, it's 45-55 in DK's favor, not Kirby's.
...What? Are you talking about the first post of the thread? I have 55-45...

In other news, I inquired among the Zelda and ZSS forums about their matchups, though I didn't get a lot of replies. No one argued with me when I purposed that Zelda's matchup was close to neutral but slightly in her favor, justifying my 45-55 ranking. And ZSS mains seem to have trouble with Kirby, as I've read a few things in their forums questioning how to beat him. Their rating, as said earlier, is 60-40, which sounds reasonable to me, but because of some opinions on here I currently have the rating at 55-45. I'm really considering a change though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Yeah, the first post says 55-45 in Kirby's favor. I could never agree with that, I don't see anyway how Kirby could have any advantage over Donkey Kong. I don't think DK has much of an advantage over Kirby though. I think it should be changed to 45-55 in DK's favor.

Oh btw, there's some matchups on the first page I can't really agree with, not trying to start trouble or anything.

Like Falco and Wolf should not be 70-30, it should be 60-40 in Kirby's favor and Fox should be 70-30, 80-20 to me sounds like any Kirby should be able to beat any Fox. Ok, let's start with Falco.

Falco 60:40 - Ok, we all know you can do at least a 40% to him from 0%. You have to remember though, Falco can chain throw you as well, from 0 to 40%. Falco also has very good spacing overall, the only real reason why this is in Kirby's favor is because Falco can't spike Kirby at all really and Falco relies on that for a good KO.

Wolf 60:40 - So yeah, same idea again, Kirby can do at least a 40% combo on Wolf, usually a 50% combo but, for the most part, Wolf will win on the ground. A 70-30 match up to me sounds like if Kirby had priority over everything Wolf has, which is simply not true. Kirby can't really play against Wolf on the ground that well, Kirby has to take it in the air to fight Wolf.

Fox 70:30 - Seriously why does it say 80:20, I know Fox can be easy, but not THAT easy, come on. Fox can kill Kirby at 90% with a simple up smash that barely has any lag to it. An 80:20 match up to me sounds like Fox would have no chance against Kirby no matter how good the Fox is, Fox can have a little chance if he can pull off those up smashes.

K, *ranting mode off*.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
Yeah, the first post says 55-45 in Kirby's favor. I could never agree with that, I don't see anyway how Kirby could have any advantage over Donkey Kong. I don't think DK has much of an advantage over Kirby though. I think it should be changed to 45-55 in DK's favor.

Oh btw, there's some matchups on the first page I can't really agree with, not trying to start trouble or anything.

Like Falco and Wolf should not be 70-30, it should be 60-40 in Kirby's favor and Fox should be 70-30, 80-20 to me sounds like any Kirby should be able to beat any Fox. Ok, let's start with Falco.

Falco 60:40 - Ok, we all know you can do at least a 40% to him from 0%. You have to remember though, Falco can chain throw you as well, from 0 to 40%. Falco also has very good spacing overall, the only real reason why this is in Kirby's favor is because Falco can't spike Kirby at all really and Falco relies on that for a good KO.

Wolf 60:40 - So yeah, same idea again, Kirby can do at least a 40% combo on Wolf, usually a 50% combo but, for the most part, Wolf will win on the ground. A 70-30 match up to me sounds like if Kirby had priority over everything Wolf has, which is simply not true. Kirby can't really play against Wolf on the ground that well, Kirby has to take it in the air to fight Wolf.

Fox 70:30 - Seriously why does it say 80:20, I know Fox can be easy, but not THAT easy, come on. Fox can kill Kirby at 90% with a simple up smash that barely has any lag to it. An 80:20 match up to me sounds like Fox would have no chance against Kirby no matter how good the Fox is, Fox can have a little chance if he can pull off those up smashes.

K, *ranting mode off*.
You know, I have questioned those rankings from the beginning, though I never had any concrete facts to refute those who presented the ranks. I did try to get the Fox community offended by the 80-20 matchup, but no one ever replied when I posted it in their matchup thread (I still have the last post made in that thread, talk about an inactive community lol).

To clarify one thing though, Falco cannot chaingrab Kirby. Here's a link to Falco's chaingrab thread: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=164990

I'm going to change the rankings as suggested, unless someone can come up with a good rebuttal.

Edit for DK: I went back and read the DK arguments, and the wording for everyone's arguments is quite vague and I think some people may have forgot that Kirby's rank comes first followed by his opponent, which led me to believe most supported the 55-45 rank instead of 45-55. I do question the 45-55 ranking, but in the spirit of compromise I will immediately change it to 50-50.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
Well I guess you should notify the Falco community of their mistake then ;). Actually, the list of all Chain Grabs in Brawl (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=4222178#post4222178) lists Kirby as vulnerable to Falco's CG. So there's a little info that refutes what I presented.

And did you consider the Spacies bad recoveries and Kirby's good gimping game against them when you suggested the revision on their rankings?

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
Kirby may be somewhat vulnerable to Fox's U-smash, but Kirby can take him out with his own F-smash around the same percent. Same weight, you see (according to t!mmy's Starshot chart). And Kirby can get a small chaingrab on them. F-throw->u-air->F-throw->u-air->u-tilt->b-air , and Kirby can do other combos like that no problem.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Ok, what I'm basically saying is Kirby has an advantage over the space animals, but I don't believe a huge advantage unless it's Fox. (70:30)

And did you consider the Spacies bad recoveries and Kirby's good gimping game against them when you suggested the revision on their rankings?
Yeah, it's probably the easiest to Kirbycide Fox out of the three. He has a pretty slow recovery even though it does reach far, it shouldn't be too hard to swallow him.

Against Falco, he has a very fast forward B to recover with and if you aren't spot on with your inhale, you won't usually pull it off. I could be wrong since I've only fought so many Falcos.

With Wolf, I can never seem to swallow him up when he uses his forward B. I actually have a video where he literally goes right through me when I attempted to swallow him.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
We don't have Jiggs on the list yet.
In the air, Jigglypuff has a slight advantage with overall better moves, but luckily her biggest weapon, W.O.P., is pretty much useless against Kirby who has decent aerial mobility and multiple jumps.
On the turnside, almost everything we try to do with gimping doesn't work too well on Jiggs, as she can easily recover despite having no third jump with upB.
On the ground, Kirby far outclasses Jigglypuff. While we have three reliable finishers against her with Usmash, Fsmash, and the hammer (Dsmash can too at higher %s). We have faster, better tilts with way better range than Jigg's little hands. Feet>hands.
Although we can't pull off our throw combos on her due to her floatiness and great aerial mobility, we can overwhelm her on the ground and then finish her at a fairly low percent because of her extreme light-weight. Rock and Usmash make any Jigg's day bad.
Also, on a minor note, our specials are better than hers by far. UpB gives us a projectile to use against her, who has none. NeutralB is near useless for copying her ability, but can set us up for some good stage spikes.
So somewhere around 65-35 or 70-30 in favor of Kirby?


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
I can agree with that. The only thing you have to watch out for are rest combos, as those have potential to kill Kirby at lower percents. Jiggs seems to be a case of "anything you can do I can do better."

70-30 or 65-35 sounds good


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2008
We don't have Jiggs on the list yet.
In the air, Jigglypuff has a slight advantage with overall better moves, but luckily her biggest weapon, W.O.P., is pretty much useless against Kirby who has decent aerial mobility and multiple jumps.
On the turnside, almost everything we try to do with gimping doesn't work too well on Jiggs, as she can easily recover despite having no third jump with upB.
On the ground, Kirby far outclasses Jigglypuff. While we have three reliable finishers against her with Usmash, Fsmash, and the hammer (Dsmash can too at higher %s). We have faster, better tilts with way better range than Jigg's little hands. Feet>hands.
Although we can't pull off our throw combos on her due to her floatiness and great aerial mobility, we can overwhelm her on the ground and then finish her at a fairly low percent because of her extreme light-weight. Rock and Usmash make any Jigg's day bad.
Also, on a minor note, our specials are better than hers by far. UpB gives us a projectile to use against her, who has none. NeutralB is near useless for copying her ability, but can set us up for some good stage spikes.
So somewhere around 65-35 or 70-30 in favor of Kirby?
Agreed, except for one thing.

Jigg's ability is nice to steal. It's an easy KO.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
While we are on the subject of Pokemon, let's discuss Pokemon Trainer and his three characters. Blackbelt had an informative post earlier that was lost amid some MK debate.

I'll leave Pikachu, jigglypuff, and Lucario to people more experienced, but I do know alot of the Trainer.

Squirtle: 5-5. Squirtle is one of the few fighters lighter than Kirby, making an easy KO. And Yet Squirlte can go toe to toe with Kirby in the air, and you have to be careful using your UP-B as recovery, as it can leave you wide open for a Watr Gun Gimp.

Charizard: 4-6. Charizard may have slow attacks, but he can run fast, and he's rather mobile in the air (Compared to other power characters) and he is heavy, and hard to gimp, and even his faster moves have enough power to KO Kirby. You'll have to be very defensive in this bout

Ivysaur: 7-3. Kirby can easily get passed all of Ivysaur's projectiles, and easily take advantage of all of the lag Ivysaur suffers from. And Kirby can steal Bullet Seed, which is easily the best move in the Pokemon Trainer arsenal. Just watch out for the Up Smash.

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
Deg: Hold it! "Gimp" doesn't mean "Kirbycide" or "Starspike". You still have d-air spikes, b-air wall of pain, and Stone stage spikes. Pretty easy to pull those off on all three space animals.

PT matchups: Seems about right to me. Wait, one thing about Squirtle. If you just sweetspot the ledge from below, you don't have to worry about Water Gun.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Deg: Hold it! "Gimp" doesn't mean "Kirbycide" or "Starspike". You still have d-air spikes, b-air wall of pain, and Stone stage spikes. Pretty easy to pull those off on all three space animals.

PT matchups: Seems about right to me.
I'm not sure why I read Kirbyciding when I quoted that. Anyways, about gimping...

Fox is probably is the easiest to gimp out of the three as he has the slowest recovery out of the three, more time to react etc.

Falco, has a pretty fast recovery with his forward B. Yeah you could back air his forward B, but I sometimes find that the two attacks collide with each other and nothing happens. Although it may seem like it can be easy to gimp Falco, I don't find it that easy.

Wolf is probably the hardest to gimp out of the three. As I showed in that video, he can sometimes go right through you even if you're doing an aerial. Of course, if he has to use his up B to get back, he's pretty much screwed but I don't see this happening that often. The way I edge guard him is I try to predict where he's going to land with his forward B and hit him there, but it's not always easy to do so.

Oops, forgot to talk about PT.

I agree for the most part, but Charizard? I don't wanna say too much since I haven't had too much experience against too many PTs. I would think Kirby has a little advantage over him. Charizard is a huge target, pretty easy to combo him and Charizard doesn't outspace Kirby by that much. Also if you take Charizard's power your spacing problems are pretty much solved I would think.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
B.C. Canada
I don't see Bowser on there but I have a horrendous time with Kirby, can't Fire Breath him easily and he has an easy time edgeguarding Bowser. It's not an impossible matchup as Bowser's tilts and fair work reasonably well but if Kirby copies me Fire Breath is horrendously effective against Bowser since he's generally better on the ground and it easily stops his approach.

I would say 70/30 in Kirby's favour.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
I agree with what he said about Charizard. I have a competitive friend who uses Charizard mainly out of the 3 chars of PT, and it has to be about equal to Ivysaur in easiness for me. He's huge, so throw combos work brilliantly, edgeguarding is made easy because it's hard to miss, and he's actually fairly easy to gimp. He has some of the worst multiple jumps in the game, and his upB doesn't make up for it. Most of his attacks are fairly laggy, and Kirby can jump in there quickly after a (perfect) shield and punish. Even FoP works on him. Plus, if we have trouble with his Flamethrower or range in general, neutralB is there to save the day again.
IMO, somewhere 65-35 sounds right. Maybe 60-40.

On Bowser...he's got to be one of my easiest match-ups possible. It's like all the good points on fighting Zard and then remove his multiple jumps, glide, and give him a worse vertical recovery. Kirby outprioritizes him in almost every move, and we have a further range projectile with Final Cutter. 70-30 would definitely be right.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
In summary:

Squirtle: 50-50?
Ivysaur: 70-30
Charizard: 60-40
Bowser: 70-30

Also, a previous rating that we may need to reconsider is Link; currently he is rated 80-20, but I think characters like Bowser might be an easier matchup...


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
Well, Link is definitely an easy match-up, as any decent Kirby can have a field day with slow, heavy characters. Maybe 70-30? I know he's easily gimpable and we can make his bad recovery worse than it already is, but he does have good range overall with bombs, boomerang, arrows, and disjointed hitbox on his sword attacks. Range that beats Kirby, and Kirby has to play an offensive, high-risk and high-reward game against him, as we can't sit back while Link throws projectile after projectile at us.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2008
In summary:

Squirtle: 50-50?
Ivysaur: 70-30
Charizard: 60-40
Bowser: 70-30

Also, a previous rating that we may need to reconsider is Link; currently he is rated 80-20, but I think characters like Bowser might be an easier matchup...
I actually put the Charizard matchup in Charizard's favor...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
In summary:

Squirtle: 50-50?
Ivysaur: 70-30
Charizard: 60-40
Bowser: 70-30

Also, a previous rating that we may need to reconsider is Link; currently he is rated 80-20, but I think characters like Bowser might be an easier matchup...
You're probably right about Link, he should probably get lowered down to at least 70-30. Even though he's pretty easy to gimp, he can do decent on the field. His bombs are probably the best thing about him, he doesn't really have to approach that much with his bombs. He does really good damage and his KO power is pretty ok.

I'm not saying Kirby has trouble against Link, but I don't think 80:20 is a reasonable ratio. Probably 70:30 is more fitting.

Also, about Bowser being an easier match up, I don't think it's an easier match up, probably about the same as Link. Although we can combo Bowser like there's no tomorrow, you have to watch out for his Bowsercide, all that work you took comboing him goes down the drain. Yeah you can control Bowser's forward B IF you are at a lower %, but if you aren't quick enough, Bowser will be controlling it off the edge.

So what's our decisions about Charizard? Need reasons! :p


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
B.C. Canada
In summary:

Squirtle: 50-50?
Ivysaur: 70-30
Charizard: 60-40
Bowser: 70-30

Also, a previous rating that we may need to reconsider is Link; currently he is rated 80-20, but I think characters like Bowser might be an easier matchup...
I can't comment on Link vs Kirby, but Bowser isn't incapable of winning. His tilts come out fast with surprising range and shieldfortressing is very fast as well. If he actually hits Kirby he can KO at a very low %. Of course it's unlikely he'll hit Kirby thus the 70/30.

Link seems like a pretty good candidate for worst character in the game along with Falcon.


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
I can't comment on Link vs Kirby, but Bowser isn't incapable of winning. His tilts come out fast with surprising range and shieldfortressing is very fast as well. If he actually hits Kirby he can KO at a very low %. Of course it's unlikely he'll hit Kirby thus the 70/30.

Link seems like a pretty good candidate for worst character in the game along with Falcon.
I agree that Link is a weaker character, and that Bowser isn't incapable of winning. The 70-30 matchup suits him well. But that makes the original 80-20 matchup we had on Link questionable, as Link seems just as viable against Kirby with his projectile game as Bowser. So that just led me to think we need to change Link's rating to make it comparable to Bowser's, not that either was a better or worse character.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Ok, so we can pretty much all agree that both Bowser and Link against Kirby is a 70:30 in Kirby's favor.

By the way guys, if anyone ever disagrees with any of the match ups you see on this thread, first search the thread on that match up, see what people had to say, and if you still disagree on it, make a post. Post reasons on why you think the match up ratio is wrong and we'll see what we can agree on. There are a few exceptions though, like Snake has been talked about enough lolz.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2008
You're probably right about Link, he should probably get lowered down to at least 70-30. Even though he's pretty easy to gimp, he can do decent on the field. His bombs are probably the best thing about him, he doesn't really have to approach that much with his bombs. He does really good damage and his KO power is pretty ok.

I'm not saying Kirby has trouble against Link, but I don't think 80:20 is a reasonable ratio. Probably 70:30 is more fitting.

Also, about Bowser being an easier match up, I don't think it's an easier match up, probably about the same as Link. Although we can combo Bowser like there's no tomorrow, you have to watch out for his Bowsercide, all that work you took comboing him goes down the drain. Yeah you can control Bowser's forward B IF you are at a lower %, but if you aren't quick enough, Bowser will be controlling it off the edge.

So what's our decisions about Charizard? Need reasons! :p
well, while Charizard is Laggy on the ground, in the air, he is not so much.

The Fair has alot of range on it, the Bair comes out really fast and powerful, the Uair hurts like hell, the Nair turns his whole body into a hitbox, and His Dair is a spike that actually stays out a long time.

Charizard can ruin any ground based approaches with Flamethrower, and Charizards grab range is ridiculously long, making him a very good shield grabber.

And all of his smashes, his UpB, his ForwardB, and his tilts can kill Kirby at low percentages.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
I don't see where you're getting the 45-55 for Kirby vs. Zamus. I see mostly 40-60s and 35-65s.

I say 35-65, Zamus. The upb is good for combos in the air and is hard to counter with stone. Dsmash is extremely annoying and can get Kirby fairly well near the edge for a bair stage spike. The forward special is extremely good for spacing and is an awesome KO move. I don't see it being so neutral as she isn't too easy to combo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Dsmash is extremely annoying and can get Kirby fairly well near the edge for a bair stage spike.
This really shouldn't be happening to you as Kirby. If you're recovering you should always be high up flying back. Remember you have 5 jumps (6 if you include the first one from the ground)

I don't see it being so neutral as she isn't too easy to combo.
She's actually not that bad to combo, she's very vunerable from underneath so you usually can do some up airs.

If you find yourself being hit by her forward B a lot, it's basically telling you are being too aggressive and you need to change it up. If you find yourself getting hit by forward B's on the ground, take the battle up the air, not above her of course. And I don't think she'll pull off too many forward B's in the air as you should see it coming. Don't let the range on it deceive you either.

For the match up, I think it's pretty neutral, 55:45 in Kirby's favor as this thread suggests. Also check out http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=176928
The ZSS forums find it's 60:40 in Kirby's favor.

As for Charizard, I can't see him doing that well in the air with Kirby's back airs. I won't say anymore because I don't know the match up too well.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2002
South Bend, Indiana
Donkey Kong: is in kirby's favor. Dk may have more priority and reach, but it's not enough. Kirby has better zoning with multiple jumps and has quicker attacks and movement. I also find him (for some reason) much easier to steal his power than others. Kirby with DK punch is a major threat against Dk. Kirby can charge it a lot easier. Yeah, it's shorter range, but he can set up for it much better.

His priority and reach is a big deal. With Bair and Ftilt alone, he can keep Kirby out of attack range. If DK blocks an aerial from Kirby, he can punish everything but Fair. It's very hard to zone someone who outreaches you. If you jump in and try to space and hit him with the tip of your aerials, his Bair will beat yours out everytime. Kirby has a hard time getting close enough to DK to hit him.

Kirby's punch isn't that great. I don't know how much "easier" he can charge it. Again, range is an issue. Kirby's Punch has just about as much range as his Dtilt. In order to connect the punch, he either has to get inside DK's range, which is unlikely, or use it as a counter or sorts, timing the SA frames correctly to beat out an attack from DK, which is doable, but you still run in to range issues here, and a good DK should know how to deal with punch.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Yeah, the first post says 55-45 in Kirby's favor. I could never agree with that, I don't see anyway how Kirby could have any advantage over Donkey Kong. I don't think DK has much of an advantage over Kirby though. I think it should be changed to 45-55 in DK's favor.

Oh btw, there's some matchups on the first page I can't really agree with, not trying to start trouble or anything.

Like Falco and Wolf should not be 70-30, it should be 60-40 in Kirby's favor and Fox should be 70-30, 80-20 to me sounds like any Kirby should be able to beat any Fox. Ok, let's start with Falco.

Falco 60:40 - Ok, we all know you can do at least a 40% to him from 0%. You have to remember though, Falco can chain throw you as well, from 0 to 40%. Falco also has very good spacing overall, the only real reason why this is in Kirby's favor is because Falco can't spike Kirby at all really and Falco relies on that for a good KO.

Wolf 60:40 - So yeah, same idea again, Kirby can do at least a 40% combo on Wolf, usually a 50% combo but, for the most part, Wolf will win on the ground. A 70-30 match up to me sounds like if Kirby had priority over everything Wolf has, which is simply not true. Kirby can't really play against Wolf on the ground that well, Kirby has to take it in the air to fight Wolf.

Fox 70:30 - Seriously why does it say 80:20, I know Fox can be easy, but not THAT easy, come on. Fox can kill Kirby at 90% with a simple up smash that barely has any lag to it. An 80:20 match up to me sounds like Fox would have no chance against Kirby no matter how good the Fox is, Fox can have a little chance if he can pull off those up smashes.

K, *ranting mode off*.
Lol but Fox is that easy to beat. Kirby can down air his up B and his forward B. what does that leave Fox to recover with? nothing


May 16, 2008
Louisville, KY
The way I look at it, rankings can be defined as the following:

  • 100: A player of vastly less skill should easily defeat the most skilled player
  • 90: A player of less skill should easily defeat the most skilled player
  • 80: On similar skill levels, the advantaged character should easily win
  • 70: On similar skill levels, the advantaged character should win, but the disadvantaged has a slight chance of upset due to 1-2 qualities
  • 60: On similar skill levels, the advantaged character should win, but the disadvantaged has a greater chance of upset due to 3-4 qualities
  • 50: On similar skill levels, the match should be very close, and the player with most skill should win

By "easily defeat," I'm thinking an easy 3-stock every time, which sounds major but it is called a "major advantage."

Fox seems to have those 1-2 qualities that can give him the chance of an upset: Kirby's light weight and his killing potential.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2005
67th ave, 101, Glendale AZ
I dont know how Snake is 70-30 in advantage against Kirby. lol. Kirby is one of the very few characters I see countering snake thanks to grab combos and easy hammers after snake Up-B's.

Or maybe I fight way to many snakes and feel way to comfortable against him. Inno.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
I dont know how Snake is 70-30 in advantage against Kirby. lol. Kirby is one of the very few characters I see countering snake thanks to grab combos and easy hammers after snake Up-B's.

Or maybe I fight way to many snakes and feel way to comfortable against him. Inno.
Well the way I see it, a Snake can interrupt combos with grenades, yeah he will hurt himself and you by doing so but all your juggles stop. A good snake will save his up tilt for when you're at 90%. A move with no lag, crazy priority, it even hits in front of his opponent. So we may be able to rack up damage on him, but Snake can Kirby way too quick.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
I dont know how Snake is 70-30 in advantage against Kirby. lol. Kirby is one of the very few characters I see countering snake thanks to grab combos and easy hammers after snake Up-B's.

Or maybe I fight way to many snakes and feel way to comfortable against him. Inno.
Snake can kill us way too easily. Period.
It doesn't help that his Nair does as much as one of our combos.

@Dr. Peterson- You should include that "range" of scores in the OP, it would be very helpful for reference.
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