Ganondorf: I play against Ganondorf a LOT, and this is a tough match to call.
Kirby can poke Ganondorf pretty safely from the air with Bair and Fair and on the ground with tilts. Ganondorf doesn't really have a lot of horizontal range, but relies on people to come into his range where he deals ridiculous amount of damage and good priority with stuff like Dair and jab. You can sit outside his range and bait with tip Fairs and Bairs without being too unsafe. Just be careful of Dash attack, Wizard's foot (DownB), and the >B grab in between your aerials. If you SH aerial and land everytime, Ganon can sneak in these hits to punish.
Up close, Kirby has some advantage. Kirby crouch goes under Ganon's Dair, Jab, Ftilt, and all his aerials unless you do them right beore you hit the ground, in which case he lags heavily and you can block and punish. Get up in his face with Dtilt, and cause him to whiff his hits, and you can get grabs and Utilts easily. Once you get Ganon in the air you can have your way with him, especially at early %. Utilt combos are hard for him to deal with, just be careful once he gets some room, as he can DownB stall or Dair to trade hits, and you don't want either of those. Fthrow combos work great here too.
Once they start to realize Kirby crouch beats most of Ganon's best moves, you can expect to see a lot of >B grab. Just be careful not to get caught on the ground too much with this. Whiffing a Dtilt/Ftilt or just about anything on the ground will usually get you grabbed. If you're high enough in the air your safe and can punish his whiff with an aerial, unless he does an aerial >B.
Be very careful about the choke, as it's probably Ganon's best weapon vs. Kirby. >B does 9% by itself (drops down to 6% or so with repeated use. From the >B, Ganon has a lot of good, damaging options that can really hurt Kirby. He gets a free jab for free (~8%), if you don't DI the hit he gets free dash attack (which can kill Kirby around 120%), and he can tech chase with Dair (~20%) and another >B (resets the scenario). If you get up wrong from the choke, Ganon can easily put 40% damage on you, which done once or twice puts Kirby at risk for KO.
In dealing with >B you have a few options though. Dair will go right over it, as will Fair or Bair, but Dair has the best damage potential. You can also try dash away Fsmash, but it's a little riskier since Kirby's dash isn't that fast/far. Swallow beats it out, but only if you are quick. You can roll/spotdodge, but Ganon recovers quick enough to punish you after unless you avoid it in the very beginning.
Kirby is light. Above 80-90% Ganon can KO Kirby with a lot of his attacks. His Fair trades hits with most of Kirby's aerials and hits hard. A Ftilt at medium % can be scary too. Dair kills of the top around the early 100%s, and Dash attack untainted kills around 120% IIRC. Once you're at higher % you have to start playing much more defensively. Eating a >B around 80-100% can be death for Kirby. Kirby can get the kill on Ganon too, but Ganon is fairly heavy, and you have to rack up much more damage on him than he has to for Kirby.
Ganon can edgeguard Kirby decently too, reverse Uair can be hard to avoid unless you have most of your jumps left. Jumping out with Fair too, he can get kills at 50-60% and trade hits. Kirby can edgeguard him pretty good too. Your standard Bair edgeguard works well, as well as ledgehogs, Dair, and swallow.
Overall I think it's a pretty close matchup. Kirby can combo and rack damage well, and poke Ganon decently. He also shuts down a lot of Ganon's game, since his usual Dair and jab chains get beat by Kirby crouch. But Ganon only needs to get a few of his hits and combos in to get Kirby to KO %, and then Kirby needs to be on his toes. One >B from Ganon where you get up wrong into a double Dair into aerial can quickly turn the match in his favor. Play it smart and control the pace and spacing in the fight and you can get the upper hand though. I'd say 55-45 Kirby.