Smash Ace
lols i think link is one of the easiest matchups for kirby... recovery is super easy to gimp.. can just starshot him under stage and grab ledge for easy kill.. he is easily comboed.. lol i 3 stocked a link while i was playing friendlies at a tourney in about a minute... just quickly wove through his projectiles and chainthrowed him to the edge knocked him off and gimp 3 times really fasti think links are a pain in the *** because he gots three long ranged projectiles: bomb, arrow, and gale boomerang they spam the hell out of those and its quite annoying especially when they are campy links. with toon link is the same except i find him easier to brawl because hes light weighted so easier ko
just get around the projectiles thats all there is to it...
basically the link player has to be EXTREMELY skilled at keeping away from you or you will completely **** him.
8-2 kirbys favor?
olimar is actually rather easy for kirby... i just have to say though that against the best olimars you just need to just let them approach you... if you keep approaching olimar he will own you... so let him come to you... also no olimar does not win in the air... only way he wins is maybe his uair against your dair but only if he starts his at the same time due to lag of dair.. also olimar is very easy to gimp you should be able to kill him earlier than he can kill you.. not sure what number i would give this though
and guys i have to say most of kirbys matchups are rather even...
i play a bunch of the better snakes( a lot of good snake players in socal... bad ones too lol but they are easy to beat) and theres a certain playstyle where i win 50% of the time the other ones i win more like 70%
kirby is a really versatile character i dont think he has too horrible of matchups against him... sorta seems similar to wario to me in that way
OP: go look at other character threads and see what they say about kirby too.. i believe i saw in ness forums saying that lucas is better to use against kirby and that it was a pain to beat kirby with ness...