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Kirby General Discussion


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Oh, my bad. Yeah SSB64 Kirby was a beast. He's the only character I bothered learning to play in that game. D-air to grab is too good.

I use wavedashing a lot. I consider myself a moderately technical player. But wavedashing with Kirby is highly situational and mostly used for punishing laggy ground attacks.

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
Oh, you said fire sword and I thought Roy's neutral B (Which is why I was confused). Fire sword form crystal shards is awesome to. (I have ONLY played crystal shards though :(.) But yes N64 Kirby is a little monster (My little monster though :).) I wish Sakuria had the same bias making this game that he had making that game.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
It shouldn't work on AI, what with Utilt being an upward move.

Yes, I understand my crazy moves don't work the same on real people but I'm working on that. I'm mostly doing AI battles to get the hang of different edge guarding cos nobody in their right mind would recover into a charging Fsmash like I'm used to.

When I'm finally ready to take on the world I will play like noone has ever seen before but I am not there yet. Nowhere near. I can 3 (out of 4) stock any AI character on what is meant to be a bad stage for me and beat people who have played this game for years. I can KO an AI fox from 50% and beat my friends with even my worst characters but none of that is enough. Not even close.

I am not a pro and I know it.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Fully charged, sweetspotted USmash is surprisingly strong.

Also, you can kill Fox on FD at 168 if they miss the tech on your downthrow, and you immediately short hop down b.

Its goofy.

Non-stale stone doesn't kill fox til 175 on FD with whatever DI level 6's use.
What a bad move.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Usmash is great if well timed but charged attacks are hard to pull off still due to the huge signposting it gives them.

Stone is usaully pretty awesome as a kill move so it seems odd that it's so bad there. It's a shame that it's such a bad move in every other respect. Killing fox at 168% doesn't seem good in the slightest and nor does FD for Kirby in my opininon.


Smash Master
Nov 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
I just noticed this thread's title from the front page, and felt compelled to add the following to the current topic of discussion (whatever that might be): wat

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Maybe against Zelda, I wouldn't know. It does just fine VS Zelda Kirby (the AI no reversion version) though. I just don't see shadowball doing me any good either, what with it being weak uncharged, predictable when charged, a good way to get it when hitting with the charging hitbox and a rather slow projectile to boot.

Honestly though, I'd use Spit over Copy VS those two every time anyway so it doesn't matter which is technically better.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Ryuu, please please please dont post CPUs as proof of anything. Literally no matter what it is, its worthless.

In actual play Nyaruu's love is 100% useless but Shadow Ball gives you something to force approaches with against M2. In a shadow ball war Kirby is always at the advantage as he's extremely small and can duck under literally any size shadow ball where m2 is a giant target. Forcing m2 to approach makes the match up winnable since if he's teleport spamming to the top platform there's little you can do to stop him. Having shadow ball allows you to get him in close where you have a much better chance because m2 is a terrible character.

Nyaruu's love does nothing.

Triple R

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2009
Hopkins, MN
lol, yeah most projectiles are keepers just to force an approach from the opponent. Not copying shadow ball is just kinda a bad idea. Shadow ball > inhale easily.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Shadow Ball > Inhale?!

Now that just seems insane. Inhale has multiple uses while Shadow Ball is pretty much the slowest projectile there is.

What's wrong with hopping over spammed projectiles with Final Cutter anyway?

I used to be a big fan of the copy moves, trying to use them all as well as possible but now I just don't see the point when I'll likely get the crap beaten out of me if I release a swallowed opponent with copy and can actually be in a good attack position after spit instead.


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
shadow ball > inhale

because you'd only have shadow ball against mewtwo and shadowball is better against mewtwo than inhale

inhale is pretty useless gainst mewtwo, mewtwo never has to recover into it and never has to approach it.

shadow ball forces an approach, which mewtwo just wouldn't bother doing by just teleporting away etc

obv not a great projectile but has it's uses in the matchup


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Ryuu, until you start playing real people and start catching up to the metagame of at least 2004, stop posting anything that's not a question. We don't mind helping you if you want help, but you posting your uneducated opinion with the combination of totally not accepting our advice isn't doing anything but making you look ********.

So seriously, play against real people, or at least preface all your posts with "Please disregard anything I say, because I don't know anything about the current game environment".

You're opinions belong in 2001.

No hate, it just needed to be said. I'm not saying you need to start wavedashing or any of that jazz, just that you need to realize that no one is going to view your opinions as valid.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2006
Riverside, CA
Ryuu, until you start playing real people and start catching up to the metagame of at least 2004, stop posting anything that's not a question. We don't mind helping you if you want help, but you posting your uneducated opinion with the combination of totally not accepting our advice isn't doing anything but making you look ********.

So seriously, play against real people, or at least preface all your posts with "Please disregard anything I say, because I don't know anything about the current game environment".

You're opinions belong in 2001.

No hate, it just needed to be said. I'm not saying you need to start wavedashing or any of that jazz, just that you need to realize that no one is going to view your opinions as valid.
Smashers of 2001 would have reprimanded him as well.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
So seriously, play against real people, or at least preface all your posts with "Please disregard anything I say, because I don't know anything about the current game environment".
Tried it. Didn't help.

I've beaten people who were insanely good back in the day (whatever day that was). Yes, I could do with more real opponents but it's not as if I haven't fought some, just not many and not ones who are partial to tournament style play.

Also, how does L-Cancelling work, not as in how do you do it, I know that, but rather what are the mechanics of it? Is it some kind of air dodge based trick or what?

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
If they're not partial to tournament style play than they are not "insanely good" in the context of the SWF metagame, meaning they are irrelevant to any conversations at hand.

You have a stereotypically n00bish response to the accusation that you arent good at smash which is to say "I've beaten people who were really good" without actually citing examples of WHO those people were and further not understanding that even if you beat the best player in the world in a free for all items on lightning melee match it holds no weight to the current discussions because those who play on SWF play in a very specific fashion. It is never required that you play in the same way we do but if you dont then there's no reason to post here as you're posts will always be irrelevant to conversation.

Once again to reiterate what Bunbun said, if you want to post questions on how to get better thats fine we're not going to ignore you nor be mean but if you dont and continue to insist on playing the way you want, while that's fine, you have no real reason to be posting here as you'll only be a detriment to conversations.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
L canceling was put in on purpose. The theory was for high level AI to be able to halve the lag of their aerials. In order to make it not lolwtfbroken, the player was also given the ability, albeit with the requirement of a timed button press.

It existed more drastically in 64

Triple R

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2009
Hopkins, MN
It got rid of 100% of lag in Smash64

In the old Smash Dojo(the one run BY NINTENDO) for when SSB first came out there was an explanation of how to do it and it was called "Smooth Landings" i believe.
Oh wow this was way before I got into smash lol. Totally skipeed the N64 era and went from my handhelds right into Gamecube sadly.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
You have a stereotypically n00bish response to the accusation that you arent good at smash
I am good at smash, I'm just not great. I know I'm not as good at it as you lot and have said so repeatedly but the instant I try to explain that I have have beaten real people who are skilled at the game, if not in your way, you assume I'm taking offense at being called bad at the game. I am doing no such thing because, compared to this community, I am.

which is to say "I've beaten people who were really good" without actually citing examples of WHO those people were
You wouldn't know them. They were obsessive smashers when the game was new and knew exactly what they what they were doing but they were never tournament players. Minus the lack of wavedashing, shine comboing and their love of items, it looked like they were pretty much the same as any other high level Fox or Falco to me so I'm pretty sure they could have been tournament players if they wanted to but they didn't.

and further not understanding that even if you beat the best player in the world in a free for all items on lightning melee match it holds no weight to the current discussions because those who play on SWF play in a very specific fashion.
Yes, it was with items on but that was at their insistance not mine. I did convince them to play 4 sock, 1 on 1, regular vs matches with a time limit of 8 minutes on FD and other tounament stages though.

In regards to opposing tournament play, these guys were even worse than me. I refuse to abuse the system with wavedashing and was oposed to itemless play at first but now agree it's fairer and I never had a problem with the stage restrictions. They, on the other hand, outright laugh at the idea of Fox mirrors on FD, refuse to play itemless and, when I explained that stages with walk off edges were banned because of chain grabbing, told me Ice Climbers should be banned instead. Hell, they even play on timed vs instead of stocks.

These are skilled players and I would hve liked to play them under proper tournament rules but that was not an option available to me. Instead I simply refused to use the items at my disposal, so I atleast fought them itemless, if not the other way around.

Once again to reiterate what Bunbun said, if you want to post questions on how to get better thats fine
And have someone tell me how to play? No thanks.

but if you dont and continue to insist on playing the way you want, while that's fine, you have no real reason to be posting here as you'll only be a detriment to conversations.
One day I'll take on you lot but I'll do it my way and I'll do it when I'm good. When that happens, we shall see which style of Kirby prevails but until then I guess you're right. We are through.

I'd like to say I've enjoyed my time here but it simply isn't true so instead I shall leave you with this image:



Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
ryuu: considering you asked me if a match i showed you of me vs a uk falco was on lightning mode, i think you have no right to say that your friends looked 'pretty much the same as any other high level fox or falco'.
Heck it wasn't even a high level falco, it wasn't even a technical falco.

Anyway, well you've beaten these 'hardcore' people so you must be pretty legit yourself right, but obv only with your style of playing.

So i put this to you. Next time you're in London, I'll give you a £50 money match. WHATEVER RULES YOU WANT. No limits. I'll even not 'break the game' and not wavedash if you want. I wont even lcancel. I will play with 0 TECHSKILL. I WILL NOT EVEN PLAY MY MAIN The precise amount that you and your friends can achieve. IF you think you and your friends don't look that different from top level play, surely you could dispose of me, someone who barely scrapes the top 5 at UK level, never mind 'top level', especially if he brings his techskill level down to that of what you have decided to play, we're on equal footing, just battling one on one, mind against mind.

IF you don not accept this money match, please do not degrade our community by ever suggesting that you or your friends are 'good at smash'. I have seen you play and that playstyle is barely fit for taking out cpus, nevermind humans. I am 'good' at smash. I am not 'great'. I am REALISTIC and REASONABLE.

/boredom rant

Imma **** you and pillage your village

Dragoon Fighter

Smash Lord
May 23, 2010
Hey, let us try to be kind to are fellow kirby mains :(. He understands he is in for a long haul, you guys do not need to harass him for it :(.


I need help I am having the hardest time power shielding, I know how to (shield at that one frame) but I can not seem to get the timing down 100% (I can only do power shielding 5% of the time and I feel that I need to do it 100% of the time to make up for Kirbys lack of projectiles.) Can someone help give me training tips?


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
bunbun: you don't get crunchies in America!!! oh wow, that thing is the ****

dragoon: hehe was just mega bored last night and being unnecessarily harsh was kinda fun.
Anyways, do some easy powershielding. When you plug your controller into the gamecube, hold the trigger that you usually don't use till just before it clicks. Then, when in a match, crouch under the laser and use that trigger to powershield them back, easy as that.
This can also be done to moves, i've tried sooooo many times to powershield to rest but it's just waay too hard :/
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