Epiphany: Grenades, Bananas, Lasers, Wafts, Tippers, Infinite on every character, 6 Little Friends,
un-DI-able Thunders QACing, chain grabs, turtles, Aura, spawned items, all the projectiles, move empathy, more lasers, EVEN MORE LASERS (and gyros), LASER arrows, random bobomb pulls, a move with a sexual maneuver named after it, shoryuken, MORE LASERS, all the spin mixups, jab cancelling, tilt locks, fair pkt2, type advantages, dragonic reversals, wave bouncing tricks, one hit knock out via grounded footstool, the trump card grab, knee of justice, longest ranged aerial move ever, wall of pains, projectiles that move you, all the lingering hitboxes, and chain chokes are overrated.