Not to go slightly off topic for a minut but do you guys know if dk tropical freeze is worth getting? I mean the snomads will never be the kremlings and k. rool will always be the greatest no matter what haters say but how's the story and gameplay like?
Alright, get ready for a write up by a huge platforming fan. (With DKC2 and DKCR being one of my favorites of all time, only beaten by NSMBU and Wario Land 4 actually.)
Tropical Freeze is more than worth getting. The game is the ultimate 2D platforming package and it makes sure you'll get more than your money's worth. Now since it seems your concerns is regarding the enemies, I'll touch on that first. The snowmads are great, yes, in fact they're probably my favorite platforming enemies. Retro took advantage of the powerful hardware to make sure they're as likable as possible. They have unique animations and expressions that are actually very easy to miss, and there's full of detail surrounding them. Now I hate the word "soul" and "alive", but they're pretty accurate in describing them here. Honestly? The snowmads offer more than the Kremlings did except for
maybe DKC2. (And that's because DKC2 had pretty amazing enemy variety to complement the game and level design, the kremlings themselves aren't to write home about.) I've observed other playing this game and they all seem to smile at the snowmads. And I also guarantee this one thing: They will leave a lasting impression because of the last world.
Now let's get to the important stuff: The game has some of the best level design and difficulty curve in a platformer. Now if you played DKCR, this is expected, but no levels are the same. There's a certain theme to each level (and if a level has a similar theme to a previous one, there's always a new twist added to it). Speedrunning the game will show you why this game's level design is great. There's an amazing sense of cohesion in a level because of Retro's careful platform and enemy placement. Each level has a flow and rhythm for you to get into, as everything has a purpose to complement the level. Aesthetically, the levels are dynamic and exciting.
Speaking of, the game has such an incredible art direction, the best I've seen yet in a platformer. There's not a single asset reuse, and backgrounds are so full of detail despite the low geometry.There's another world out there in the backgrounds, and they're a sight to see. My favorite thing about the art direction is how progressive the levels feel, often you'll find yourself going from the starting point and seeing the progression in the environments reacting to the end point. And that's not all, but there's cohesion to the levels' art. They feel connected and definitely part of the same world, as opposed to Mario where each level is its own toybox.
The music is pretty amazing and diverse. Is it on the same level as DKC2? Yes, but for very different reasons. I do prefer DKC2 myself due to its consistency and style, but Tropical Freeze is NO push over. The OST is huge and varied, and there's so many standouts in the OST. It was actually the first OST of anything that I put on my phone to listen to while jogging and walking. It's gonna be a timeless masterpiece.
Sheesh, I have more to talk about this game since there's just so much to the game than meets the eye, and it's easily on the same level as DKC2 and DKCR and that's a feat. What I wrote is the gist of it anyway.