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July 28th. Tampa Tournament; Twilight Showdown 5: A Smash to the Past


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
aight heading to pick everyone up... see you guys at the showdown.

tru Col Bol / xYz are taking this.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Kissimmee (Central Florida)
2PM. Be there or be square.
What time are we able to go into the venue for friendlies and junk?? It's 12 right??

oh and we got a tv i think with a cube.

My mom gave me $2 for drinks but why get drinks When I can MM :)

Anyone want to MM me for $1, I'll raise the stakes IF i earn money from any.

Shadow want to be my first MM since you are the only one posting right now???? $1 my main vs yours


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2005
Places you cannot even begin imagine.
Twilight Showdown 5 Doubles Result

1st. Fenrir Renth : $100.00
2nd. Col Bol xYz : $30.00
3rd. Hiroshi Vericz : $15.00
4th. HarriettheGuy OTRU
5th. Luie Bane
6th. Jeff Ryan
7th. Mankosuki Shadow Squall
8th. Monk Slim
9th. Zoro Ray
10th. Esteban Diego
11th. Aqua Zaro

Twilight Showdown 5 Singles Result

1st. Col Bol : $125.00
2nd. Fenrir : $60.00
3rd. Renth : $30.00
4th. Vericz
5th. xYz
6th. Bane
7th. Zaro
8th. Zoro
9th. Cash Money
10th. Tobacculo
11th. Otru
12th. Ray
14th. Lime
15th. Zero
16th. Harriett The Guy
17th. Blue
18th. Freddy
19th. Mewgia
20th. Monk
21st. Hiroshi
22nd. Sonic Dash

Thanks to everyone for coming. This was the biggest Smash tournament I've had so far. None of these tournaments would be possible if it wasn't for you guys. Congrats to the winners. Definitely some amazing stuff. I look forward to seeing everyone again at TS6 August 25th.


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2006
Boston, MA
O: I somehow got ranked higher than last. Oh ya, I got a bye first round, that's why :p

And then second round (the first one I actually played) I was against Fenrir ): I obviously lost.

But it was loads of fun, I'm definitely going to go the TS6.

...and on a side note, I must get some sort of crew together. *goes to pester friends*


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
lol! i always get 5th, like every **** tournament.. **** adrenaline rush wears out.. anyone know how to train your body to make it last longer? lol

Anyway, since noone did any yet..
Shout outs!

Renth - you're sexy, do it in the butt! hopefully you had some fun with our weird personalities
Cash - you're faster keep practicing.
hiroshi - i spent like 10 minutes watching you and i actually learned a lot from you.. thats why i was able to beat you that last match. thanks
luie - take my life! i need you! lets do this! we should practice teams more, that was sick.. i loved the crowd cheering us on lol
monk - making me fear marios and ****.. good games

everyone - do it in the butt! i need some g&w footage for my video! hit me up so we can do some recording.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
@ Col Bol - We had the best Bowser dittos in the universe too bad nobody saw them especially the one on Flat Zone.
@ Fenrir - We ate some cake and ***** some hoes. (By cake i mean taco bell)
@ XYZ - Good stuff as always man.
@ Harriet The Guy - I finally got to play you fun huh?
@ Otru - Your short and us ungodly sandbagging in friendly teams was too funny.
@ Bane, Aqua, and All dem ****** from the other night - Too much fun hope to do it again.
@ Monk - You were the only one who would MM me in Mario dittos.
@ Zaro - I raaaapppppeeeedddd you =)
@ Cash Mooney - Thanks for the ride and the ride to Smash Aid as well, Good **** and you'll get better just get practicing mengz.
@ St. Anger - Great tournament fun stuff and can't wait for the next one so my azz can get more money.

@ All you Crazzy Bitahazz - Too good.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
Hey, I just got home from my adventure. Monk, Jenova (Slim)m and Harrittheguy know what I mean. I will do my shout outs after I get some sleep.


P.S.: I don't want to die this way!


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
**** Colbol is too good.

Wish I coulda made it to this, but I had a job interview!


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
monk - making me fear Marios and ****.. good games
good games man we have to get together sometime...backwards logic...I can beat your Falcon and yet I trouble with Gdub MINDGAMES!!!!!!? Those matches were by far the most UpB KOs I have had in my life.

@ Monk - You were the only one who would MM me in Mario dittos.
first off...I saw the bowser dittos..."This is a tournament match!" second, it's all just a learning experience for me, I'm still fairly new to this whole tournament thing...Good games next time though you're going to have to give me advice/lessons I'd gladly pay...not really...but if I had to...maybe
now then shout-outs to people I remember playing
Manko: good team matches as always. double Marios "Lets try this team again...One more time"
ShadowSquall: you're to used to teaming with Manko...He grabbed me and out of nowhere you Stomp me...come on man we were on the same team still good matches
Zaromo: I'm not used to fighting Falcos so next time around...yeah
OTRU: I don't remember too much from that match I do however remember the Fireball KO on FoD...with that match I was learning as I went along..good game I hope I get better sometime soon
Jenova: We'll get together some time keep working on that Falcon man
Harriettheguy: ...I don't want to die like this! you're probably never going to ask Lime for a ride ever again
Hiroshi: good playing some matches against you...hate Shiek and apparently we all had the same idea going to 7-11 afterwards
Now that thats done I have just one thing left to say ..."Beds Beds Beds"...I wonder what they sell there


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
Ahh, I feel very refreshed with some sleep. Now it is time for business.

Anger: Good job, this tournament was very organized. Hopefully next time we can get some friendlies in. Oh, and thanks for the heads up before blowing the air-horn.

Hiroshi: Next time we do another 1 dollar money match, be prepared to be payed with more change. Next time it will be dimes. A tradition has been born. (We are still camping outside of 7-11,... where are you guys?)

Zoro: Was that you that played one matchafter my 1 dollar MM with Hiroshi then left? If so, good game. I hope I diddn't disappoint, I am still learning things.

Jenova: Hey, It was fun man. I think I had more fun getting lost than at the tournament itself. Hopefully we can get together so we all can practice some more.

Harriettheguy: I will understand If you wont want a ride next time. I am blaming us getting lost on I-75 not having any lights. But hey, it only cost you 5 dollars. I hope you had fun and hope to see you again in the future.

xYz: That was a good match. I still cant belive that I missed EVERY SINGLE bomb jump! You probably don't belive I can do it. But I can and will demonstrate the next time we meet.

Aqua: We never fought, but hopefully you had a good birthday.

Bane: Your Game and Watch is amazing. Maybe next time we can get in some G&W dittos.

ShadowSquall: You have a pretty good Ganon. I am sorry I hit you more than our opponents in the team matches, but that Young Link Ganon combo seemed to work.

Mankosuki: Sorry you guys had to leave so soon. The freindlies were really fun. Maybe next time Jenova has a smashfest you can come since its half-way inbetween us.

Anyone I missed: Hope you all had fun, see you hopefully at the next Twilight Showdown!


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
Tru my shout outs!

My krew (Noob Testament)- good **** Col Bol getting 1st in Singles.
and myself and Col Bol (Noob Testicles) for getting 2nd in teams
OTRU- truuuuu you my niggaaaaaa truuuuuuuuu. We all have our ****ty tourneys, but good job getting 4th in teams, your gonna **** in Xtreme-Pay

-Hiroshi, I know your prolly still mad from out 6stock comeback but, **** happens sometimes dude. FL worst team is II good. You guys were beastin in our friendlies. Again, we all have our ****ty tourneys, good **** redeeming yourself from your first lost from Loiue, and Zorak.
Vericz - WHad up GAIII.
Zoro - Man your getting crazy with link, I watch a few of your matches, I'd like to get some friendlies with you.
RAY- RAYYYYYYY good job in some of your matches, and resting me twice in one match, impressive as always
AL- that falcon SON!! it's getting alot better, along with shiek.! we got to get together and play, I wanna show you some MOVES!

Good job getting 1st in teams. You guys make a sick team.
for those who didn't attend, we lost to this team and had to come back all the way to the finals. There we had to play two sets with these guys.
we 3-0 them first, then we play our 2nd set where we took it all the way to the 5th game. that 1 hour of my life was intense...
Renth that mario is sexy, and thanks for the $5 bucks i owe ya buddy.

Aqua: sorry I had to close that match with you, my teamate was waiting, but impressive luigi, i watch a match you had. NICE! we shall play again one day.
Lime_backwards: one of my krew mate mains link, his name is Hardcore Bo! and he bomb jumps all the time. you were doing it exactly like does it so i dont have one doubt that you can't do it. keep practicing man!
Zorak: those Falcon dittos and G&W matches were alot of fun.
HarriettheGAIII: fun matches, you play all those characters well. we said your name about 50 times yesterday.

Everyone else I forgot : GOOD STUFFF PPL keep playing! Late.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
Tampa, Fl
ShadowSquall: you're to used to teaming with Manko...He grabbed me and out of nowhere you Stomp me...come on man we were on the same team still good matches
Hah sorry about that. You know Manko rarely plays Mario and I have the mindset KILL MARIO when I play against you XD But hey we still won.

Ahh, I feel very refreshed with some sleep. Now it is time for business.

ShadowSquall: You have a pretty good Ganon. I am sorry I hit you more than our opponents in the team matches, but that Young Link Ganon combo seemed to work.
Lol Yeah it was fun. Don't worry about hitting Ganon, he's a good ragdoll. He can just keep taking hits. That's why I don't focus too much on dodging.

I hope we can have some smashfests in the near future. I need to work on my team a little more and my soloing ALOT more.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Kissimmee (Central Florida)
This is one tournament where i cannot tell myself to do better next time (even though I will still be doing better :) ) It was a very fun tourney, everyone was really cool, had lots of matches and even made some MUULAAHHH!
Shout outs GUY!!

vericz-good junk on performing so well this tourney, except in doubles. Keep it up!
hiroshi- my fault guy, I messed up that last game but we will do better next time and you will do better in singles
Zoro-BEST LINK IN THE WORLD!! Don't worry about your losses, you came back pretty good and got a good placing. Zaro and Zoro right next to each other on that list.
Ray-You and chris usually always play each other but he got you this time, Good games your puff be nasty
Al-You drive to the tourney and don't even join??? Next time at least join singles guy, I bet you will do so good since you got better
uuaa- I'll own you now

Noob Test
Colbol- Good junk on first. I was REALLY hoping to send you to losers bracket so you know how it feels to be there :laugh: Our set was VERY close. I'll get you next time
Otru- Friendlies at your next biweekly! You need that falco practice.
xYz- Yo GUY you cool to hang with. Good job in teams, you guys got lucky I messed up, 3 SDs?!! good junk

Tampa GUYS
Saint Anger- Good tourney and very fun. Much better then last time and a lot faster
Aqua- I think I can finally beat luigis now GGs
Zorak-That 1st game in doubles should have been our but oh well, I like to SD as you saw in our last game vs noob testicles. I did 3 time, IN A ROW. GGs in singles, that G&W is crazy but SOOO easy to combo,
Harriet- good junk see you soon

Fun tourney


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
This is one tournament where i cannot tell myself to do better next time (even though I will still be doing better :) ) It was a very fun tourney, everyone was really cool, had lots of matches and even made some MUULAAHHH!
Shout outs GUY!!

vericz-good junk on performing so well this tourney, except in doubles. Keep it up!
hiroshi- my fault guy, I messed up that last game but we will do better next time and you will do better in singles
Zoro-BEST LINK IN THE WORLD!! Don't worry about your losses, you came back pretty good and got a good placing. Zaro and Zoro right next to each other on that list.
Ray-You and chris usually always play each other but he got you this time, Good games your puff be nasty
Al-You drive to the tourney and don't even join??? Next time at least join singles guy, I bet you will do so good since you got better
uuaa- I'll own you now

Noob Test
Colbol- Good junk on first. I was REALLY hoping to send you to losers bracket so you know how it feels to be there :laugh: Our set was VERY close. I'll get you next time
Otru- Friendlies at your next biweekly! You need that falco practice.
xYz- Yo GUY you cool to hang with. Good job in teams, you guys got lucky I messed up, 3 SDs?!! good junk

Tampa GUYS
Saint Anger- Good tourney and very fun. Much better then last time and a lot faster
Aqua- I think I can finally beat luigis now GGs
Zorak-That 1st game in doubles should have been our but oh well, I like to SD as you saw in our last game vs noob testicles. I did 3 time, IN A ROW. GGs in singles, that G&W is crazy but SOOO easy to combo,
Harriet- good junk see you soon

Fun tourney
nice. I had to help my church out with some stuff, so i couldn't come for a good cause. No guilt for once lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
ahhh please call me bane.. i dont even use zorakbane anymore cause everyone calls me zorak and thats lame.. i switched to banedeath when bane is taken... but i didnt wanna lose my start date.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Yeah, so I left my cube at the venue. : /

It's black, has a sticky thing on the back of it with my name and # (darrel wright & 863.603.9774)
it also has my copy of Smash, which has stuff written on it (Fenrir & etc)...so it shouldn't be too hard to spot.

It was set up under the TV across from the bright big screen.

If any of you could keep an eye out for it, I'd greatly appreciate it. Then give me a call or AIM me if you get it. tmeleeguy is my AIM...

kk anyways, shoutouts, because there aren't too many, and I think this tourney deserved it.

Saint: Another good tourney...really ran well this time, with everybody just taking the initiative to play their matches. I was impressed. good stuff.

Renth: oh wow...it was too good teaming with you...too good.

Vericz...I say this without hyperbole...you are one of the BEST anti-Fox falcos out there...I never realized that to the extent I did this time. I mean, it makes sense, but still, your style is so strange...but you just do really well.

Colin: good stuff, bro. good stuff. Had a lot of fun in our matches. I will beat you with my Link though. lol.

XYZ: never really played you before...you realloy impressed me though...

Mewgia: You're Link shows major promise. Keep working on him and his combos and you'll be beastly in no time.

C@sh Moooney: yes, I realized there are 3 O's there, but so many people say money that I thought I'd cancel it out a bit. gg with the mm though


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Hiroshi im sorry things didnt go well this time around your still good as hell man. Watch youll get at LEAST top 8 next gigs.

Vericz i was disapointed in our match man. I wasnt even using full powah i need to play u again. Good jobplacing 4th!

RAY PUFF!!! Thank you for being jiggs seriously otherwise i would still suck vs them.I never want a match against you again. It hurts my soul to play u.


Yar Lime tat was me that u played. Dont let up man i see a sick *** link aura comin from u.

Bane an his moonwalkingness WHATS THE PURPOSE MAN! i dont understand it at all
but ur good and i suck :)

Colbol N XYZ ***** US IN TEAMS
Hiroshi an vericz ***** US IN TEAMS

of all the fuggin teams man...but i cant feel bad at all cuz ur too good.

Fenrir is awesome always will be
Renth i love ****** ganons 2 : )

Otru i finally got to play you man ur 2 good 3 STOCKED! WTF i need revenge

Aqua..i just cant beat that guy i seriously have never experienced utter defeat. I was playing with all my POWAH ....couldnt do it. Maybe i just suckz alot vs luigi. Nah but ur very good

Blue Lol man

overall good tourney see you guys later


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
Lim3, Monk, Slim, Freddy- I'd ride with you guys again as long as you all don't take me to f***ing Hernando County! WTFFFFF!!! I don't want to die like this.

OTRU- We ***** in teams. 16 stocked our first matchup! Thanks for being so patient with me.

Vericz- Great falco dittos

Renth- I didn't even recognize you for like 3 hours! We only had like 5 friendlies, but hell, we got time.

Zaromo- raptor boost> nair>nair>nair>knee. I still have lots of falcon lovin' to give.

XYZ, Bane, Luie- we need a mini-tourny to see who has the best Captain Douglas Jay Falcon. Bane and Luie, you were amazing in teams.

Al- Youre the puff right? ggs. Youre the only one that really gave me lots of friendlies.

Col bol- utilit>shine> bair?!!! WITH FOX?!!

AQUA- raptorboost>nair>nair>uair>nair>kneeeeee
glad to see you and your luigi once again before I go to college.

Hiroshi- i was hella nervous playing you. close games.


Saintanger- thanks so much for hosting another successful twilight showdown. It was so organized (thanks to mr. air horn) and we finished so early. Too bad people had to leave so soon...maybe we can sleepover one of these tournaments?

everyone else- great atmosphere! lets get some friendlies!


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2006
Boston, MA
I don't really have any shoutouts since I don't know the "names" of anyone I played except Fenrir. You pwned me ;_; but the matches were really fun. Good job on placing so high, and thanks for the shoutout, I will continue to work on my Link once I get...

...my powerstrip back. I accidentally left a powerstrip at Area 51 (it was still in use when I left anyway) and I need it back before I can play some more since my TV and consoles were hooked up to it. It's a basic, white powerstrip with about 5 or 6 plugs on it. On the bottom there is a strip of masking tape with a name written in black permanent marker on it (I don't really want to post the name on the forums, but the first name written on the tape is in my email/msn addy). If someone has it I would appreciate it if I could have it back, but it might just be at Area 51 still. I'm going to swing by there tomorrow to see if I can pick it up. kthnx

...and also, I cannot forget to thank SaintAnger for setting up this awesome tournament. It was definitely worth the time and money, and then some. :)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2005
On Silent Hill...

Harriettheguy, Lime, phillipe and monk: what can i say about lastnight. HMMMMMMMMM........... that was fun. you learn alot about people when u get lost in the middle of nowhere!!!....in a car tho!!! NO HOMO!!!!!

lime- first off if it wasnt for you i wouldnt have been there so i really appreciate that. your link is really good and its coming along. good times

H-Guy- we had some good singles. next time i play you ill be pretty much focused on one charachter. good fox falco, and falcon

Monk - thanks for practicing with me. your a good coach. your mario is a solid competitor. we had alot of good matches.

phillipe(hopefully i spelled that right)- we only had a few matches but they were good. your pretty good. i dont know why u put yourself down. keep practicing and that samus will be good.

Mankosuki and Shadowsquall - we had alot of fun teams matches. i hope we caan play again soon.

XYZ - we had a few, but they were pretty intense for me. oh yeah im the guy who thinks wee look like each other. (my name is slim incase you didnt know) good doc an falcon. ESP the doc. doc was really fast!!!!!!!

bane- im mad i didnt get to play you. when i saw the name bane i didnt think about your name being short for zorakbane, and then i didnt really recognize you from the myspace pic.
well i saw you play and yoru falcon is really good. same with g&w

SaintAnger - good tournament. it wasnt sloppy. it was fast and had alot of competitive players. im lookin foward to TS6

renth/fenrir - really good teams. its ashame i actually thought my kirby would actually get some stocks off you guys. o well. im looking foward to playing u guys soon.

TEAM Ryan is Bad - well i cant differentiate between the 2 so.........well for the guy who used the jigglypuff..........good puff. nuff said. and the guy who used falco. your pretty good too.

TO the guys we saw leaving at 7 eleven - yall were really good. dude with the long white tee good puff. i peeped game. i saw u whoopin high tiered charachters ***!!!! and the dude wit the dreads, good shiek. we had some intense *** matches. and the rest of yall ill see yall later.

EVERYBODYELSE - ill see you at the next tournament. and check out my thread for my smashfests im hosting.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 8, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
was it just me? or did this tournament lack random newbs to help fill the pot?

saint anger!!! need more random newbs!!! or do random newbs not wanna pay 15? is that the deal? i dont know.. but we need some :-p

next time at the door, when you pay the door fee you should have team and singles sign-ups so people cant escape the rapeage!

jenova? where the hell were you :-p you knew i was goin to this.. you didnt put your name in as jenova in the brackets did you?
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