Just morbidly curious as to your personal lines of discretion, given your predilection towards self-righteous and socially aloof demands of people's values based on a personal standard. Regardless of how eager your intentions towards bettering humanity through principle and pretence may be, your approach is neither altruistic or comedic, so you are left with negative or contradictory contribution for the sake of justifying your actions to your own lack of understanding the feelings behind them and how your course of action changes the results, not the intentions.
If that was too wordy, I'm sure i'll be flabbergasted at whatever it is you WONT say.
Not too wordy, it just seemed like you only used the words for the affect of being wordy, which kinda took their meaning away. Hoping I didn't misunderstand anything here, too.
Going to go with your point being this: You wonder what I don't post in relation to making people angry, because the way I do things seems not really that helpful by nature. Because of this, people don't really respond well, and I am left with people hating me because I can't even understand why I do what I do, or what doing what I do actually does.
In response to this:
Most of what you said seems to be true. However, I do my best to understand people and mold my actions to fit this understanding.
One of the worst things I have to do in life is censor myself. This is why I work as hard as I do. In the end, I would like to have an environment where I don't have to, but I don't know if such a thing is feasible. I will see. Currently, I mostly censor stuff about the topic at hand being something we shouldn't be discussing. (This is just because it comes up a ton.)
I censor objections to others' actions that I can't logically back up. That doesn't even make logical sense, but people are dumb and I am forced to act dumb because of it. It doesn't feel good.
The only discretion I have is what I've learned, but I don't know what to learn. Were I to learn solely from what is responded to positively, I'd have left this thread long ago, never to return. I do my best to interpret what is given to me, but I don't take terribly well to this, so it takes me a long time to get to understand things of this nature.
I attempt to have discretion as to the lack of emotion in my posts(this is most likely where you get the aloof feeling), but this comes out mostly as me trying to incite responses to my posts, none of which works.
I think I got too much of the second half of your post wrong in order to respond to it, so I'll wait for your clarification on that.
My actions seem self-righteous? This is never my intention. I mean, I can kinda see how it would seem that way, but I can't do this from any point of view other than one of a kid who's angry that he is wrong, and as such looks for a way to demean his opponent.
And I can see how that would seem self-righteous, but it is the only logical way I can see to explain how it would seem for someone to defy logic as self-righteousness. I mean, it is not as if I deny my flaws. I have and continue to lose arguments a good percent of the time I engage in them.
In theory, I am less self-righteous than others, because most of the time I admit when I have lost an argument, which I have not seen many others do. I don't know, though.
I wonder why I seem aloof to you. I do my best to integrate myself into this community, and while I cannot talk in discussions that pertain to real life events, I have done my best to talk in what topics I have stake in.
I have been dissuaded from changing the topic to things that interest me and are related to BC Brawl, so I no longer do so.
Honestly I'd agree with you on this one. It was a bad edit. I should have just said I enjoyed PM to start with.
I feel like this messes up the feel of my post, but I respect your post too much to not reply to it.
I read your original post, so no worries about that. Your reasoning is legit, I just find that phrases such as 'that's all there is to it' defy logic in their very nature, and this is very rarely a positive thing.
I find it's mostly used to run away from reason as a small child would run away from a **** stain they make on the floor. (HORRIBLE ANALOGY, BUT I GOT NOTHIN ELSE)