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Canada [Jul 26, 2014] B.C. Brawl Monthlies - Back in business, now featuring Smash 64! (Burnaby, BC)


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
I'm gunna pack up my stuff and get ready to move into my new place. that's what my Halloween is going to look like. I'm also subscribed to this thread now so I'll be posting in it pretty regularly. :)

Dawson is such a cool guy. I hope he continues to play, practice, and improve in melee. I love you dude <3



May 26, 2009
Tiphares, B.C., Canada.
Get higher than the fireworks we'll see that night. Last years halloween was too much for my soul; must had out candy with the scariest mask I can find.

Adam, this thread moves faaaaast.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
Violence, given the circumstances, you handled the situation very well, and we all agree on that (at least I think we do).
I don't.

When Rob speaks for the brawl community he does not speak for me.

But then again, you guys barely seem to read most of my posts anyway, so take that as you will.

I didn't think integrity was a thing to be wasted so easily.


Captain L

Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2009
in the same vein, arcansi's opinions rarely (if ever) reflect the opinions of the BC brawl community.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I'm just confused about why nothing was done until after game 3. Was there no wobbling done in the first two games?
I didn't see the first match, or the first half of the second, but I did see Dawson wobble once near the end of game 2.

In Northern Ohio, when I was in college, my friend, a Sheik main, learned to wobble by listening to "Kyle's Mom is a Big Fat *****," which has a bpm that lines up perfectly with the wobbling rhythm.
That's amazing.

I watched the last match of that set, Michael was shielding in spots where he definitely shouldn't have, and as a result, BigD got plenty of grabs. 7 wobbles in total, as far as I could count.
Seven? I counted 2 wobbles in that last match. He did get plenty of grabs in situations where he couldn't set up for a wobble, but knowing how consistent he is with executing these things, I'm sure he didn't get 7 chances to wobble and dropped 5 of them. Am I remembering this wrong, or is my definition of a wobble just wrong? =s



Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
Within BC somewhere
For Halloween I am gonna sit at home and probably have panic attacks.

I saw the word violence somewhere. I don't like violence at all.

I dunno how else to be a part of the conversation without reading walls of text.

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
I am fairly certain I had only gotten 3 wobbles that set. Jake watched the entire set and had gotten the same number as me. I don't see how you could count 7 if you had only seen the last match, as I didn't drop any grabs.

I don't believe any ICs player who wobbles is given free wins, same with ICs in brawl. My view on it is that it isn't broken, it does not make ICs the best character in the game, but that's just my view. Banning something for being "dumb" isn't grounds to ban anything. A rule set isn't made to balance the roster, that was up to Sakurai and his team.

I also don't believe that if you had used a certain rule set in the past that you are obligated to use it for every tourney. We have had many rule set changes in the past in terms of brawl tournaments as the meta game changed and evolved. I'm sure people are against legalizing Poke Floats because it had been legal in the past.

That is my philosophy and you have your own. TOs have to make tough choices all the time and I respect the decision that was made, while I may not necessarily agree with it. I did enjoy the tournament for what it was worth and getting my entry fee back certainly made me a lot happier about what had happened. It was honourable what you did and I can see you sincerely care about the community.

In the future I do intend to enter PM events but not melee. Even if wobbling was legal and nothing was said, I still wouldn't enter. I only entered to see how far I could get by wobbling and be done with it. It isn't based on any certain view of the community, it's just I don't play melee. I had only played the game with people at several fests and had only actually started playing at home after I had learned to wobble 2 weeks prior to the tournament. I actually didn't have a memory card until a week ago. I had stopped when I found out there was (or supposed to be) a brawl tournament that day, and didn't want to hinder myself for that tournament by practicing melee.

Right now I only want to focus on Brawl, as I personally believe I can do well at a national level. Playing a game that will ultimately lead me to no where won't help that goal. I believed it would be hard me to improve at this point as a player. Jake proved that wrong on Sunday when he showed he stepped up his level and went back and forth with my ICs. (stage dependent tho :p) He showed a new understanding of the MU that pushed me to a level I hadn't had to play at for some time, and I'm certain he felt the same way. Most MKs who play me are caught off guard by the stuff I do, but since Jake plays me all the time he knows most of it. There are counters to what he does but I still need to recognize the appropriate time to use it and be able to use it any point. I'm working to push ICs to their limits and for that I need a mastery of what they can do.

Basically I have motivation to get better and how to get better has just presented itself to me.

I will still enter PM as Dedede is similar enough in brawl where I can play him in brawl and then switch over to PM easily.

TL;DR: I disagree with the decision but I respect it. I don't resent anyone and I'm happy with how things turned out. I won't be entering melee not because of what happened but I really want to focus on brawl. I will still enter PM.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
Today I discovered Kahlua which everyone should buy <3
Kahlua's good w/ milk.

Right now I only want to focus on Brawl, as I personally believe I can do well at a national level. Playing a game that will ultimately lead me to no where won't help that goal
Wait, so you won't enter melee for a reason that would mean, were it true, that you wouldn't enter P:M.

But you're still entering P:M.

You're either lying or not telling the full truth.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012
Wants to play P:M, doesn't want to play Melee. Doesn't need to justify to social *******. <3


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
BC, Canada
I'm gonna go trick or treating for the first and last time since 4 years ago before I get to old and it looks creepy.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
God i'd hate to see what you edit out of your own posts.
In what sense?

Do you think it would be too wordy or something?

Wants to play P:M, doesn't want to play Melee. Doesn't need to justify to social *******. <3
While I'll admit I'm not a social butterfly, I don't appreciate being called a ******.

And while the need to not justify your actions to people is a good thing, justification to logic should be automatic. One's actions shouldn't be obviously logically wrong, and usually aren't. That is what makes such justification usually warranted.

Edited because I realize the guy below me is right. I enjoy PM, all there is to it.
Your first post was good too, though.

This post makes you sound more like a '**** logic i do what I want bro, dumb or not'. (Not saying you are like this. You have decent reasoning, but you still seem to randomly deny logic just because you want too, which is most often inherently immature, and only good when used in dire situations.)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 1, 2012
Just morbidly curious as to your personal lines of discretion, given your predilection towards self-righteous and socially aloof demands of people's values based on a personal standard. Regardless of how eager your intentions towards bettering humanity through principle and pretence may be, your approach is neither altruistic or comedic, so you are left with negative or contradictory contribution for the sake of justifying your actions to your own lack of understanding the feelings behind them and how your course of action changes the results, not the intentions.

If that was too wordy, I'm sure i'll be flabbergasted at whatever it is you WONT say.

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
Honestly I'd agree with you on this one. It was a bad edit. I should have just said I enjoyed PM to start with.

It was my mistake and the reason I enter PM is because I enjoy it and it takes no practice on my end because Dedede is like that.

I don't feel the need to justify things but in this case it was an error on my part and I wanted to clear it up.

My orignal post basically expressed that Dedede is simple and requires no practice and I've won money in PM before. I should have said practice melee, as that is what screws up my brawl ICs.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
Just morbidly curious as to your personal lines of discretion, given your predilection towards self-righteous and socially aloof demands of people's values based on a personal standard. Regardless of how eager your intentions towards bettering humanity through principle and pretence may be, your approach is neither altruistic or comedic, so you are left with negative or contradictory contribution for the sake of justifying your actions to your own lack of understanding the feelings behind them and how your course of action changes the results, not the intentions.

If that was too wordy, I'm sure i'll be flabbergasted at whatever it is you WONT say.
Not too wordy, it just seemed like you only used the words for the affect of being wordy, which kinda took their meaning away. Hoping I didn't misunderstand anything here, too.

Going to go with your point being this: You wonder what I don't post in relation to making people angry, because the way I do things seems not really that helpful by nature. Because of this, people don't really respond well, and I am left with people hating me because I can't even understand why I do what I do, or what doing what I do actually does.

In response to this:

Most of what you said seems to be true. However, I do my best to understand people and mold my actions to fit this understanding.

One of the worst things I have to do in life is censor myself. This is why I work as hard as I do. In the end, I would like to have an environment where I don't have to, but I don't know if such a thing is feasible. I will see. Currently, I mostly censor stuff about the topic at hand being something we shouldn't be discussing. (This is just because it comes up a ton.)

I censor objections to others' actions that I can't logically back up. That doesn't even make logical sense, but people are dumb and I am forced to act dumb because of it. It doesn't feel good.

The only discretion I have is what I've learned, but I don't know what to learn. Were I to learn solely from what is responded to positively, I'd have left this thread long ago, never to return. I do my best to interpret what is given to me, but I don't take terribly well to this, so it takes me a long time to get to understand things of this nature.

I attempt to have discretion as to the lack of emotion in my posts(this is most likely where you get the aloof feeling), but this comes out mostly as me trying to incite responses to my posts, none of which works.

I think I got too much of the second half of your post wrong in order to respond to it, so I'll wait for your clarification on that.

My actions seem self-righteous? This is never my intention. I mean, I can kinda see how it would seem that way, but I can't do this from any point of view other than one of a kid who's angry that he is wrong, and as such looks for a way to demean his opponent.

And I can see how that would seem self-righteous, but it is the only logical way I can see to explain how it would seem for someone to defy logic as self-righteousness. I mean, it is not as if I deny my flaws. I have and continue to lose arguments a good percent of the time I engage in them.

In theory, I am less self-righteous than others, because most of the time I admit when I have lost an argument, which I have not seen many others do. I don't know, though.

I wonder why I seem aloof to you. I do my best to integrate myself into this community, and while I cannot talk in discussions that pertain to real life events, I have done my best to talk in what topics I have stake in.

I have been dissuaded from changing the topic to things that interest me and are related to BC Brawl, so I no longer do so.


Honestly I'd agree with you on this one. It was a bad edit. I should have just said I enjoyed PM to start with.
I feel like this messes up the feel of my post, but I respect your post too much to not reply to it.

I read your original post, so no worries about that. Your reasoning is legit, I just find that phrases such as 'that's all there is to it' defy logic in their very nature, and this is very rarely a positive thing.

I find it's mostly used to run away from reason as a small child would run away from a **** stain they make on the floor. (HORRIBLE ANALOGY, BUT I GOT NOTHIN ELSE)


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Omg at Yakal's avatar. It's that creepy guy from Yugioh... I can't believe they put somebody like that in a show for kids, lol.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
you should make a new thread where you argue about stuff, no one wants to see that **** in here

@ arcansi and everyone else who posts paragraph arguments, you should ask yourself what you are really accomplishing by putting your own time into typing out all of that

i used to read everything in this thread despite being from a neighboring region, now i stay very far away from it



Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
you should make a new thread where you argue about stuff, no one wants to see that **** in here

@ arcansi and everyone else who posts paragraph arguments, you should ask yourself what you are really accomplishing by putting your own time into typing out all of that

i used to read everything in this thread despite being from a neighboring region, now i stay very far away from it

For this argument to work we have to assume something which you haven't given.

That being, accomplish in what? In the argument? proving who's right, or moving closer to it.

In the thread? Productive Discussion.



Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
this discussion is far from productive

arcansi, people have argued with you many times about what they think is wrong with you, and that hasn't gone anywhere or lead to anything at all.
IMO this is supposed to be a brawl social chat, there is no reason for it to be productive

it is supposed to be fun, and casual. and you still wonder why people don't like your posts

you could always join the debate club on smashboards if you like arguing so much

after skimming over some of the things that have happened over the last few pages, the arguements seem to be very personal, that type of thing should stay toward private messages

you guys are like a dysfunctional family


Smash Lord
Nov 13, 2011
BC, Canada
Limeee you're not helping. Maybe if you had more Brawl smart you would know not to take the bait from Arcansi. It's too late now.
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