Alright, a topic in which I can contribute to.
[COLLAPSE="A long read on my views on tech skill and brawl"]Tech skill not only increases your punishes but gives you more options to deal and apply in various match ups. Many characters have their own tools that they gain from mastering various techniques while other various things are universal to each character. Using these techniques gives a player a vast array of options and becomes that much harder to read and to hit.
Being able to read a move is one thing, but brawl is a game of pokes as well and tech skill allows you to deal with those pokes. Having tech skill means you can utilize the tools available and being able to use them on reaction and being able to think about the match and not about the inputs. I can't stress this enough, brawl is a mental game and you better be thinking of the match.
Take Meta Knight for example. His nado is a great move for poking shields and getting you into the air. To many players, they will get hit by nado almost every time even if they shield, because they lack the ability to tilt their shield up on reaction, or at all. Tilting your shield up gives you the ability to punish, similarly learning to auto cancel your nados makes them harder to punish. While the ability to pivot grab nado is just another counter in which a read just won't do.
While tech skill can allow you to deal with various approaches, it can also create new ways to approach and give you options. By utilizing a characters movement tools, it makes you harder to punish as well as creating more openings. This is a great example of how tech skill does not only increase the level of your punish but more importantly making you harder to hit. I'll go over some of the major cases.
I'd like to start off with Peach. Peach has a great damage output, long strings, shield pressure, quick moves with almost no lag. Struggles with juggling, projectiles, killing, and is light. Peach's main movement tool is her ability to cancel her jump into a float and use her aerials. Utilizing this Peach gains the ability for extremely safe shield pressure as well as creating more options to retreat/approach with fair. Using her floats she can use any aerial while holding an item, couple this in with the ability to glide toss gives her safe pokes with range to them. The sheer ability to glide toss creates new approaches that she didn't have before. Utilizing her movement tools makes her harder to hit as well as increases the percent done on her punishes. With her large damage output, the risk/reward becomes much higher. She can also interrupt strings and cancel momentum with her nair/jab. Her speed alone and the ability to cancel her aerials into other ones makes getting in or getting a combo that much more difficult, hence why most characters have to zone her out or approach carefully.
Item users have a whole other move set available to them. They are given new out of shield options, approaches, pokes, defensive options, movement techniques, punishes, combos, etc. Item play is just another side of brawl that is sometimes overlooked as it doesn't always come into play, but is important to succeed vs characters with items as well as to succeed with those same characters. I'd like to explain tires but then you would all know my secrets.
Ice Climbers are an interesting character no doubt. I'm sure almost all of you hate the duo at this point but I'm going to explain some of my thought process and what I think is important while playing the character. First off Ice climbers are all about precision. Playing against them or playing as them. As Ice Climbers one hit can mean separation and separation is basically death. A match up of precision means there is going to be a lot of pokes. When every movement counts, ICs can be mentally exhausting, both to play and against. ICs have a lot of options available to them thanks to the movement tool of desyncing. It's a double edged sword as flimsy desyncs will get you separated much more easily than if you're synced and can cost you the match. The risk of desyncing vs any good player is a large one and top ICs tend to avoid it except in niche scenarios. However desyncing with precision and being able to react as opposed to prethought out options adds a layer of depth to their game. Desyncing creates approaches, defensive options, frame traps, pokes, zoning tools, it does everything. The ability to 0 death anyone with one grab combined with the use of desyncs and traps makes the character very scary when used appropriately. I'd also like to talk about chaingrabbing. Where do you go when you can chaingrab every character in the game? Being able to chaingrab consecutively and converting grabs are two different skills. Converting grabs means being able to continue a grab in any awkward scenario and then proceeding to chaingrab them afterwards. Every grab is an important one and can be the difference in a stock or not. Ice Climbers have a very high ceiling for and will reward you for the work you put in. They also require extreme focus and precision. If you can't fully control them and think about what you're opponent is doing ICs won't help you.[/COLLAPSE]