I just agree with that there should be two kinds of tournaments, solves everything. No items and one with items, everyone does their thing and stay out of eachothers way. No matter what you do there is no escaping chance and luck, yes you can minimize it but there is no total escape.
It's known as human error, nerves, or just bad luck. Missing that one punch/kick/attack that could turn an entire match around, items are a more extreme variation where it can be pointed as a cause and proven more easily than saying "If I had hit you there" "it was my nerves" "just bad luck"
But whatever floats your boats, I enjoy chaos in games. And I don't really compete in anything, but I felt I wanted to share my view. Sorry if it offends anyone
True, but johnning ( complaining) about an explosive barrel that fell on your head and lost you an extra 500$ you would have had if you won the set makes a lot more sense to me still than johning about messing up.
I mean its a really viable excuse to complain about a random box falling on your character and exploding and killing him. Sure you could have moved out of the way, but it was CHANCE that you were in that place at the WRONG time, you didnt lose your life because your opponent threw the box, you lost your life because random chance decided it was box-to-the-face time for you.
When YOU screw up your waveshine and airdodge or illusion off the edge (VERY common among fox/falco newbies) then its your fault. You put in the incorrect inputs, and if you insist on johnning about your own gameplay, then you are indeed one hundred perecent scrub.
The difference being you have no control over items, but you have nothing BUT control over your character, and the better you are, the more control, and the more defined your strategy. I beg you newer players who are reading this post, so go check out some of the MLG finals from anaheim or Dallas, or New york, or any of them, check out the videos.
Look at how the players play, and compare it to your game. Unless you're blind, youll note that ken plays much smarter than you probably do, and that he pulls of these amazing mixups and strategies in 1/4 of the time I could possibly do it.
He's constantly mixing up moves, look how he uses the counter, he rarely misses it vs PC, but sometimes hes all out spammming down b, the other time he hits 2-3 counters per stock which wins him the stock. Thats because hes reading PC, hes not just countering at random.
But I digress, items on tournaments would be a good idea for brawl. Its a new game and lots of people want to compete AND do so while playing what the game is ''supposed'' to be, which I guess is 2 minute timed with items on. I could see the rules changing to stock though for serious items tournaments like happened in melee tournaments. No one who creates large tournaments is ignorant enough to assume that the default settings of super smash bros' vs mode is the ''intended'' way for it to be played, or that intentions matter.
Myself, I will be going to the items off ones, if I even go to brawl tournaments. Brawl just doesnt look like a game I want to me more than slightly competitive in, but we'll see.
Melee for life, yo.
I think they could have solved this issue by having items and weapons limiting your movement alot,
Thatd be brilliant. Who the heck moves quickly with a giant hammer anyway?