Falcon... BUMP!!!
OK, I have been watching numerous documentaries all about Wal Mart on TV recently. There was one 2-hour special that was predominantly supportive of Wal Mart; I just finished watching a 2-hour special that mostly opposed to Wal Mart. I had the urge to discuss issue, so, I resurrected this thread from the depths of the debate hall. (It's better than creating a new thread.)
Wal Mart provides bad wages. -- Really? This is why people hate Wal Mart? Last I checked, everyone had the freedom to quit and go find another job. It blows me away to hear people complain: "I worked at Wal Mart for almost 9 years, and my wage was only up to $8.50 an hour." I wanted to ask that person: "Thennnnn why are you still working there? It took you almost a decade to come to this sad realization???" Personally, I am of the opinion that Wal Mart employment is there for high school students and sometimes college students for a little extra money. It's painful to see adults trying to make some sort of career out of this grunt work. I suppose low wages is the punishment for not going to college or at least developing some other marketable skill.
Wal Mart kills off local businesses. -- There are so many sob stories like this, but this is a natural side effect of something we call COMPETITION. Just because a business has been around 40+ years does not somehow entitle it to a continued thriving existence. If Wal Mart can come in and offer superior prices, tough luck. Generally, I question the usefulness of any store that can so quickly be annihilated by Wal Mart. The market would be in a lot of trouble if there were any legislation put in place supportive of the "we were here first" mentality.
Wal Mart obtains government subsidies wherever it lands. -- OK, this is something I really do have a problem with. Numerous city councils have given Wal Mart millions of dollars to come setup shop. Meanwhile, in these same towns, local schools and other organizations are left scratching their heads as to why the city refused to sponsor them for so many years. Wal Mart really ought to pay its own bills. Business comes with a cost; deal with it.
Wal Mart factories in China have poor working conditions. -- This is a serious issue. I'll have to find a source I can cite online somewhere, but one of the documentaries detailed the story of a Wal Mart factory inspection worker. This man uncovered the terrible conditions (including the inhumanely low pay of about $3 per day) in China factories and proceeded to report this to corporate Wal Mart. He was then fired because Wal Mart did not want to deal with the cost of cleaning things up. That is just wrong, Wally World.
I'll add more as I remember them. All in all, Wal Mart has certain issues it needs to deal with, but it is hard to justify "never shopping at Wal Mart" because my purchases somehow support all the unethical behavior that goes on there. I mean, where do you draw the line? Saying my Wal Mart purchases support the poor working conditions in China is like saying I support terrorism by supporting the second amendment.