I love how you use a source that is over 10 years old. Wal-Mart will never become a monopoly, because the moment they raise prices again, someone else will come back to compete. MANY of todays modern stores do this, Wal-Mart isn't the only one. Another point that someone brought up before was how bad quality wal-mart's merchandise is. That's why it's so cheap! I have no problem if they want to sell bad quality stuff at a cheap price, but doing something at bad quality for expensive prices is bad.I don't see how you back up any of your points, you just state them. "If they use slave labor, then people will be less likely to buy from them, therefore all all regulations on a company are bad"
Monopolies stifle competition. Once there is no competition, then there is no freedom. A free market needs to be able to stop monopolies from forming. I don't think Wal-Mart is currently a monopoly, but it could get there.
And http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/1999/jun/20/columnists.observerbusiness1 for your request
How is Wal-Mart trying to run local businesses out of business totally bad? Doesn't matter how many mom and pop stores close, there will ALWAYS be competitors to Wal-Mart. In my small 70,000 pop city that I live in, There are MANY retail and grocery stores that are doing very well against Wal-Mart. I find it funny how people have been talking how Wal-Mart is going to become a Monopoly, but it hasn't even come close to it.
I don't know how you can compare Wal-Mart to Microsoft. Two totally different companies. At the time, Computers were still a very small market. It's not like with Shoes, or Bikes, or any generic retail item where there are thousands of these type of companies, compared to the very few that there were during the time of computers. It's like comparing Apples and Oranges