Smash Champion
I never said they were dumb but they don't have the commitment to learn the tech like you said and neither do the people they play with. If no one is using it then they are all on the same level therefore it is irrelevant for casuals.I'm pointing out that the difference is noticeable even to casual gamers. Not everyone a casual plays against is another casual dumbed down as much as you think. There are casual players out there who like playing with tournament rules and even compete among themselves, but don't have the real commitment to go beyond that
Casual Smashers have complained a lot about l canceling. 'Tourneyfag. I play for fun' -my impersonation of 1. Also, they've complained about Melee being broken because of glitches, wavedashing, and l canceling. Have you never heard of that? They complain about other people doing it, to be exact. Enabling them to do the effect of 1 of those things too would be nice for them
What's so bad about enabling noobs to do more? The effect being automatic would have minimal cost on the competitive players and would even benefit them. It's not bad game design like a comeback mechanic
Assuming you're talking about the unlikely situation in which a casual is playing against a competitive player it's pretty obvious the casual is going to complain. They don't put the same time and effort into the game as competitive players do so obviously the compete time player is going to be in an advantageous position. That doesn't mean we should make the game easier to play because casuals do not want to put the effort in to be at the same level as a competitive player without any practice.
I am aware that this doesn't affect the skill ceiling, like I said it affects the skill floor and takes away from the credibility of high level Smash players. You're making the tech itself sound a lot harder than it really is anyways, when it is the easiest of all high level tech. Like you said casuals complain about wavedashing too so what should we accommodate to them also by having an auto-wavedashing button?
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