Basically what I'm saying is you have to make an argument that justifies that the IC's chaingrabs are somehow different then the other characters chain grabs.
Unfortunately your arguments can be
1 Difficulty: A complete and total non-factor and shouldn't be used to argue EVER.
2. That it's the entire characters metagame: Tough ****, you can argue that D3's metagame against DK, mario, etc is to grab and d-throw.
3. That it can be messed up or wiggled out of: If somehow the D3 messes up this applies to that as well.
Basically its impossible to be argued imho.
If you are going to ban the infinites of characters you have to ban the IC's infinite grab to have a consistent rule set.
If you aren't, then you can't ban it.
False, actually. I will admit, you and a few others have valid arguments, however to say that because we can ban the infinite's of characters, we have to ban IC's, is a false statement. I can simply put anything as subjective as this or what chibo is saying, and just flip it. That only takes us back to square one. In a game where we, as a community, validate what is just and unjust, we can easily just say what I stated above and make it true, because we set our own ground rules for it. The same can be said about the versa, however. People can say that what I am saying is wrong, and be right about it also. We made that rule because we felt it was the "just" thing to do, and we followed it. As far as I can see, there is not a person in the NJ community who has ever complained about the rule to be changed, because people are content with it. Why change it when it is causing no problems at all, know what I mean?
Edit: To point something out rally fast, I should ask Alpha as to why he just banned infinite's and not walking chain grabs, but you would prob. get the same answer as I stated. It would most likely be "because this is what we felt was the "just" thing to do.
Stopped reading halfway through lol
1. To say that ICs are meant to CG like that when other characters aren't makes no sense. Did you ask the programmers of the game? ICs are still a very solid character without the CG. There are also CGs in which aren't infinite, so why do ICs need the infinite kind?
2. DDD's CGs doesn't make characters not viable lol. You really think characters like Mario and DK would be "viable" if they didn't get CG'd by him? They get CG'd by ICs, lose massively to MK, etc etc. Fun fact: Fusion doesn't ban the DDD CG, and Will beat Atomsk in bracket there. Go check out Haze vs Ook. As awful of a match it is lol, the grab game is gonna work the same small step or not because of there pretty much always being a wall, and Ook avoided getting grabbed quite a bit, and eventually won.
In a community that lets ICs do whatever infinite they want and have a don't get grabbed mentality, I find it hard-ish to justify the same for DDD when his CG is pretty character specific.
How about comparing it to something more similar? What about Pika's CG on Fox? Kind of makes him "non-viable" wouldn't you say?
Or whatever weird footstool infinites some characters have on others? Zero Suit has a footstool infinite on ROB, why should that be allowed when DDD's are banned?
First, I would like to say that your last statement is valid, but I would also like to point out what Atomsk stated about the match.
People asked for my opinion on why I put that rule as is, and I gave it. I never tried to validate to prove my statement as a fact, but rather just answered what people asked me. If it is a big issue, the NJ community will correct it, but it's not. I hate to dismiss you, since I think you are a iight person and all, but I would actually like to hear why you are going as hard as you are to change something that hardly involves your state, or your personal community. My first guess would be you are just doing it because you feel you are right, which is ok, but you do have to understand I am not rewriting a whole new ruleset, rather just tweaking a thing here and there.
To be honest, I have been nice as to going about some comments you said, personally to me, actually. For reference, you stated that I am doing this for my own personal enjoyment and I know little to nothing about the game in an earlier post. To even say that is a bold statement, since I know a lot about this game. I kind of ignored it earlier, but if I was actually bad, you shouldn't be losing to me in tournament like you did before, and giving the fact you actually ledge camped me makes this more funny. Overall, I am a nice person, just keep personal comments like that to yourself.
to continue, I would like to state something here that I have also stated to shadowlink earlier. I enjoy your input, but right now this is something NJ needs to be dealing with, and rather not OOS people. I understand that you like your ruleset, and your way about doing tournaments, but to be frank this is not about what you want in a tournament in NJ, because you,
you, are not actually apart of NJ. I can be nasty, and just ***** about it, but I'm not going to, since I find myself to be a very nice guy. To be fair, I don't have an answer to your last comment about fox vs pikachu, if it makes you feel any better, but like I said earlier, all I am doing is just answering a question someone has asked to me. He asked why I have made that rule the way it is, and I answered it. I will reiterate again, that this is my personal opinion, and I am not trying to justify how valid it is, but rather standing by it as my own personal opinion. If any NJ people have a issue with it, they can speak now. This is what the thread is for, you know?