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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
LOL tastless is awesome...best SC2 caster ever...^_^

SOOOOO NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought of this first nobody can deny this..O_O
I was into the band before your meme.

qt blank says

Sleepy is the best HNG mate. x3


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
LOL tastless is awesome...best SC2 caster ever...^_^

SOOOOO NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought of this first nobody can deny this..O_O
Agreed he's my favorite caster and actually it was because of him that I really got into SC I mean I was already into it but watching him cast at GomTV was so amusing.

Christian, I can get that convertor for you if you give me the money and I have a pretty much brand new PS2 pad you could use.
That be awesome I think I may do that also I need to win those tourneys at Ames for a free PS3 controller ^.^

I was into the band before your meme.
Again it has nothing to do with them when you come back I'll tell you the story of why we started saying it but till then >.<


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
^That must mean he's not from Iowa then o.0

But anyways has anyone seen the changes they did to the capcom side or marvel for that mater.

All I know is that Wesker it's still going to be used they just rounded down his health to 1m and buff his running special you know that one move I used when I combo in X factor lol.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Wasted chars I tell you >.<

Frank's Lv3 in TvC is now a Lv1 AND only if they are up in the air him taking pictures is actually useful since it upgrades his weapons up to Lv4 he can drink which powers up his camera o.0
RR without Hyper Vyper Beam is just useless sigh I HATE SHORT CHARS :mad: I'm not really impress at first glance but he may just be like day 1 good at least I hope so the only thing I liked about him is his winning quote after beating Chris "That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City ya w@nker!"
<lol really


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Wasted chars I tell you >.<

Frank's Lv3 in TvC is now a Lv1 AND only if they are up in the air him taking pictures is actually useful since it upgrades his weapons up to Lv4 he can drink which powers up his camera o.0
RR without Hyper Vyper Beam is just useless sigh I HATE SHORT CHARS :mad: I'm not really impress at first glance but he may just be like day 1 good at least I hope so the only thing I liked about him is his winning quote after beating Chris "That's for letting them mess up Raccoon City ya w@nker!"
<lol really
I don't think they're wasted, I'd rather have them than Mega Man.

Not sure why people actually expected RR to be anything like Cable, he's a completely different type of character. Not sure how good he'll be but he looks incredibly annoying, which is all I really wanted <3.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Jay: 50% Just guessing and 50% because he looks to be fast character with a solid keep away. It is easier to drop combos on pixies. He has a super low crouch. That underground teleport looks nice, even though I bet he can get hit out of it by the right moves. Clearly he has some interesting traps that facilitate things. So in light of that stuff, I bet he will be a great keep away character. Then on top of that it looks like he has good speed to construct a decent rush down. All in all I bet he is above average in everything, which will make him stand out. But it is only a guess...


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2008
Chesterton, IN and West Lafayette, IN
@Jay: 50% Just guessing and 50% because he looks to be fast character with a solid keep away. It is easier to drop combos on pixies. He has a super low crouch. That underground teleport looks nice, even though I bet he can get hit out of it by the right moves. Clearly he has some interesting traps that facilitate things. So in light of that stuff, I bet he will be a great keep away character. Then on top of that it looks like he has good speed to construct a decent rush down. All in all I bet he is above average in everything, which will make him stand out. But it is only a guess...
That makes sense. I'm always curios to see people's predictions for top tiers :D.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Yes, yes it is >.<

I still love you.

@Jay: 50% Just guessing and 50% because he looks to be fast character with a solid keep away. It is easier to drop combos on pixies. He has a super low crouch. That underground teleport looks nice, even though I bet he can get hit out of it by the right moves. Clearly he has some interesting traps that facilitate things. So in light of that stuff, I bet he will be a great keep away character. Then on top of that it looks like he has good speed to construct a decent rush down. All in all I bet he is above average in everything, which will make him stand out. But it is only a guess...
I don't think he'll be any more busted then Vergil or the new Dorm really. I'm hoping he has his traps as an assist though as that would guarantee synergy in my new team.

That said I'm so hype for him.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
After watching more Rocket Raccoon gameplay I will agree, he is rather busted and I love it.

He seems to have a lot of options though, probably the hardest thing about playing him will be the temptation to use them all.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2010
Des Moines, IA
Hey guys, anyone still wanna go to Revenge? Am I driving myself to St. Louis again? Let me know if you realistically want to go to ohio on the 19th.

also, games thursday?


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Not sure why people actually expected RR to be anything like Cable, he's a completely different type of character.
You are the one to blame for posting that pic of RR doing Hyper Vyper Beam but yeah I didn't expect him to play like Cable but only that he will do his Hyper that's it.

I still love you.
I know.

I'm hoping he has his traps as an assist though as that would guarantee synergy in my new team.
Are you still thinking of using Felicia, Amy and RR then or a different team all together.

Hey guys, anyone still wanna go to Revenge?
I want too but I'm broke T.T

I hate Air Throws in Marvel. /cuts wrist.
Wait till you play a Magneto or Amy actually don't play Chris G XP

I keep watching vids of Nemesis and he needs help getting in he does have a good assist that help other chars extend their combos which means he's good in either the 1st or 2nd slot but I don't think he's a good 3rd o.0

I'll probably end up using Wesker/Vergil/Taskmaster as my main team but I'll have to experiment a lot with the DMC team and Nemesis.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
With out them up back would be broken :(
Pretty much this, but if there was no air blocking it'd be like marvel 2 all over again and have tons of guaranteed guard breaks considering how most the characters work in this game and the fact that you can whiff cancel.

Air throw is a nice solution but the tech time is still too much imo. 7 Frames to tech a throw is hella lenient considering most people have no reason NOT to go for a throw when they're next to you since it comes out in 1 frame and will sometimes beat out moves and mashing altogether. What they need are moves that flat out bait throw tech forward heavy except you can whiff cancel forward heavy with most characters derp! Thats the main reason I feel they're adding more laggy command normals so as to stop the throw OS's.

Are you still thinking of using Felicia, Amy and RR then or a different team all together.
To be honest I'll probably stick with my same team of Dante/Ammy/Doom. But I will try out a new team of RR/Vergil/Dorm for sure. I'm pretty much interested in all 3 of them the most, and maybe a Phoenix+Ghost Rider team.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
MUAhahahah....I should get paid for this stuff! I fully standby my prediction. I just saw the gameplay vidz and it looks like RR is a balanced character that will be primarily keep away (doing a good job with his traps). Actually Joker, RR is probably going to be played like Cable, just without the AHVB. Cable was keep away until you got bars, then spam when you did. RR will probably do the same, except he won't have a super to abuse. His speed and offense will probably make up for it, however, I think if he had an abusable air super...that would be wrap.

@Blank: Yeah :-D We are now on the same page.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
In regards to the 19th... May or may not make serious bank at Nebkon, but I stand firmly by a strong, confident "..Maybe"


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008

I love this .gif....had to randomly throw this in here. The boards been dull recently. Maybe this .gif will spark some drama or something :-D

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
MUAhahahah....I should get paid for this stuff! I fully standby my prediction. I just saw the gameplay vidz and it looks like RR is a balanced character that will be primarily keep away (doing a good job with his traps). Actually Joker, RR is probably going to be played like Cable, just without the AHVB. Cable was keep away until you got bars, then spam when you did. RR will probably do the same, except he won't have a super to abuse. His speed and offense will probably make up for it, however, I think if he had an abusable air super...that would be wrap.

@Blank: Yeah :-D We are now on the same page.
As soon as I saw him RAH-RAHk-RAHKET SKATE then I fell for him. <3


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
How can you call a wave of Tails dull? Yes, I preferred the drama as well, wait no I didn't. (even if it was entertaining) >_>;;

Today, at the Dubuque weekly I hardly got hit by Haggar (huh???). Why am I so bad?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
The wave of Tails was for like one day and then nothing happened and then talk about Marvel.

Yeah, this thread is dull. But I'd rather intellectual conversation rather then drama (Surprising I know).


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
... well...I was mostly joking... I just so happen to like the movie....I needed an excuse to post the gif :)


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
Have any of you guys seen the movie? It is called "Coming to America" It is a Black-American classic.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Come to Nebraska instead!
I guess if Colin goes which I figure he probably will I mean we have gone to tourneys that are like 6hrs or so away but won't go to one that's 2hrs >.<

MUAhahahah....I should get paid for this stuff! I fully standby my prediction. I just saw the gameplay vidz and it looks like RR is a balanced character that will be primarily keep away (doing a good job with his traps).
Yeah I knew he was going to be a keep away char since I glance a bit of his comics also Seth Killian hinted about his play style at EVO plus since Ultimate was announced they have said they wanted the game to be more keep away I mean Ghost Rider, Phoenix Wright, Doctor Strange, RR and maybe Nemesis do that and they made chars like Chris better at it among others.
RR traps are good but luckily they disappear when he gets hit his machine gun is really punishable if it doesn't hit specially with teleports speaking of teleports his teleport seems kinda op like can you hit him while he's on the ground cause I seen a couple of clips where he's under ground for a pretty good amount of time however even though he's small after you launch him his body stays right in the middle so it looks like he gets combo normally while on the air.
So yeah he's going to be a good keep away but his health is pretty low but has more health then Strider o.0

Today, at the Dubuque weekly I hardly got hit by Haggar (huh???). Why am I so bad?
We do bad in Singles but funny enough we do good in dubs XD

Also I came to realize that I don't have a problem doing double motions with Dante or executing some of his harder combos hell I can even do his Acid Loop now
Are you proud of me yet Blank T.T
but where I drop the combo is pretty much at the start and that is after I Stinger > Bold Cancel > Volcano I pretty much drop the Volcano most of the time or I miss the J.H after Volcano (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) but after that I'm golden unless I REALLY keep it stylish >.0


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
Why does everyone have creepy feminine furry avatars?

Also, games next Tuesday? I get home at like 630ish. I would really like to play against Joker, and get some legit singles/doubles practice in.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
No, see Mike was playing a Haggar team in GF. I won and avoided Haggar easily. So you have it backwards :(. I guess all I have to do is keep crouching and I'll avoid Haggar entirely at least with Storm and Wesker.
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