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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA

Dude, Ngamer be a fellow brony? HELLZ YEAH!

ponies<3 I<3ponies.

You don't have to put yourself down to not offend people. We just do it for each other.
I wouldn't do it if it wasn't my thing ; )

I'm just chilling on gamefaqs and nerding out while listening to exit tunes.


let the hate rain

I know it's early... and you guys won't even be playing this game... but add my psn id/xbl gt : )



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Bolt he gives (us crap) cause we talk about pokemon so yeah >.<

By the way I like you Rob only thing I dislike is what you and Brandon or Dustin do don't take it the wrong way it just that I had a really bad experience and I don't like being around it even smelling it brings back unpleasant memories T.T
Looks like Bolt and I have something in common.

Since Bpow and NOM have been involved in the scene, I've spent too much time "getting food" and not enough playing when I'm in DM, and OOS I'm usually flocked by all the other heads outside going on trips too so we don't get to chat much. Been thinking about this for a while.

Rob, stop being the way you are. I think it's just making you look more assclownish.
I guess being the best brawler in your state makes you that way?
I probably won't do that, just like back when people were on you about being an annoyance, I was usually defending your right to be who you are. But I'll take it easier, soon.

I've said that being the best player in Nebraska is like being the tallest ****** on another thread, and I'll say it here. If you think I have any inflated ego because I'm the best in my state, no, because I'm still not. I haven't beaten Tyser ever, and until I do or numerous opponents of higher quality, I do not feel I have earned that title.

Blank, I find you to be an intelligent person, and enjoyed reading your criticism, but your first portion is a bad argument based on the fact that you responded to me. If you never responded to anything I said, then you could make a case, because you are arguing back to me. If you think you are so mature and wise, then let the immature older man look foolish on the internet and ignore it. You are just feeding the troll.

You are an angry person, and have a hard time dealing with egos, especially looking back into further posts when you attacked Soran. Perhaps you should look into funneling your anger into politics because you do a good job of selective word choice in your quoting, they do that a lot in the political game. Being afraid of people over the internet is a shallow concept in your explanation as I am explaining how I feel about things, and I'm not hiding anything or turning blindly to an angry tone of voice towards them. Both of those are the actions of one driven with fear.

Someone saying "You haven't done anything ever" and me responding with "I did this and that" is a gut response that requires no effort because that's just a silly and false claim, no actual words of anger, yet I am in the blame as he insults me. Perhaps I insult peoples intelligence, that I could apologize for, but you are not necessarily the target audience for my thread. All of the people from Nebraska that you hate are those people. And all of the ignorant people that got enjoyment from the thread. It's supposed to reflect that at this point, we should reward attendance at this point.

Again, you aren't my target audience here, but if you were, what title could I get that you would respect me for? If I suddenly won like 5 tournaments for some random game you like, it wouldn't change who I am, but you would like me more because I could play you in the game you like to play. How superficial is that? And even if you did maintain a hard stance that you wouldn't care, then why would I even bother caring what you think anyway if you dislike me even if I changed to fit your mold.

I am failing to see any validity in your argument here, this is a video game forum and believe it or not, a lot of people are interested in speed runs for games, I was answering a question from a kid from Kansas about it, and I told him to refer to the Mega Man thread, when Tyser went all internet bully and I feel the best way to respond to things is to either make a joke out of it or to actually give my entire honest opinion and write like 10 paragraph long responses.

Using buzz words like superficial and narcissistic are nice, but you are just trying to impress people on an online forum, as are most people, don't call the kettle black. Blank, I don't think you are a jealous hater, a hater, yes, but no, not jealous, unless you had some horrible upbringing I doubt you are jealous of me. Bolt, yeah, it really seems like he is, but you, no.

I call myself trolling on the PR thread and various other posts, such as the Thugz combo videos. I was told that someone didn't like the fact that I made Trent "Urkle" because it just seemed like I was calling him annoying. Thing is, the Jaleel White is the actor that played Urkle and also does the VOICE for SONIC, so if any of your anger is about me dissing on one of your friends, not intentional. I am pompous, but it's because I truly find myself to be hilarious, the PR thread was laughed at by the active melee players, maybe you don't get the jokes because you aren't in on them. Not saying you aren't smart enough, but you just don't want to.

When Thugz and I argue, if you could only see me laugh. I honestly respected your opinion a bit until the last paragraph. If you believe anything I've said on those boards in regards to me playing Thugz to be "overly serious", when I play the game like thrice a month, is twisted logic. Sure, when I'm hanging with Dan I'll be like "OMG, look at this, Lol Iknorite, what a doosh", but you're losing me here. It's not like when I'm out with my other friends I bring up smash/boards, though people usually do ask me how my last tournament went, but that goes with having a caring relationship with friends.

I will admit me having a Mega Man PR thread and me #1 is pretty self-serving, but that wasn't really my idea, it was Dans, and it was to parody the old Nebraska Power Rankings because it was Indian given. I don't have the same ideas for my life quest as you do, so if you don't like me, I suppose I could not WALL OF TEXT this thread next time, but you should get your facts straight and actually put thought in your critique of me instead of trying to sound smart.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Just so you guys know what you're getting into in case you actually are interested in this game..

PVP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0T6_84xMPs

CPU Route: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRzeb6KaAZM

They're both gameplays of the same unit. But I love that unit. I even bought the MG 1/100 kit.

and Rob, I'm not hating and that last line was definitely sarcasm. I understand that it may have been hard to detect but.. what can I say..? nugget.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
^What is that game?
awesome mixed with awesomesauce on the awesomerocks whipped with awesome topped with awesome. Once it comes out and I have it I'll do my best to bring a setup for when I go to tournaments. Which is hopefully more often now that I have a job.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
this isn't game related at all but DAMN!

"have some soda." WATCH THIS SHH-*SHOOP*


Cook, idk. I thought you watched them. at least click the second video because the friggin' title is in english!
But it's Gundam Extreme Vs. for arcades currently and porting to the ps3 this december.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Lol, mah bad. I only watched the first one because I had to go to class. Reminds me of the DBZ Budokai games, which I think are fun. This game looks cool, but I wish they had more than 4 Gundams from Gundam Wing. :(

At least they have Heavyarms, but no Sandrock!

I also kinda wish it was OG Gundam Wing, not Endless Waltz...


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
MC Soran; I like this ; D

but seriously. watch that whacky jellyfish. I didn't use audio so I'm not sure how legitimate it is.
I just know I laughed when they poored soda on it. Okay, I was laughing before that. But it's freaking.... gnarlz, dude. Raunchy; even? idk. it turned my stomach a little but it was hilarious by the end.

okay, I confirmed it's fake. But it's HILARIOUS anyway.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Lol, mah bad. I only watched the first one because I had to go to class. Reminds me of the DBZ Budokai games, which I think are fun. This game looks cool, but I wish they had more than 4 Gundams from Gundam Wing. :(

At least they have Heavyarms, but no Sandrock!

I also kinda wish it was OG Gundam Wing, not Endless Waltz...
well, officially, the EW versions of Gundam Wing MS are what they're suppose to be now.
So they excluded the original versions from the game this time around. Even though DWG still uses those old-types... that's just because it's DW.

EDIT: I'm kind of posting like automatic gun-fire. I'll stop. The internet is boring in the morning and I'm about to go to work. *sigh*

BPx and all other ISU goers. Say hi to my friends : D


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
I plan on getting 3SO for... idk. I might wait 'til my xbox is delivered and get it for xbl.
yeah, I'll probably do that. in the mean time I'll practice against nothing on SFAC.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Another reason why Wario is broken >.<


I don't believe it, but it looks like there may be another game to play on the Wii.

Soran... master of communication.
I wonder if he wakes up ready too?

I call BS. That Samus actually approached.

Edit: Can we play Virtual On? Thats on Xbox. :3
Hell yeah, I have this on Saturn, but when I got robbed I never got my twin sticks back :/


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
I don't know why people are so hype about 3S:OE. Its like the game we've had access to for years on our computer except people now want to start playing it lol.

Edit: Can we play Virtual On? Thats on Xbox. :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml2jmZjX9Tc&feature=channel_video_title
Watch with annotations to see whats going on. This youtube also happens to be filled with awesome jp matches. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOBXQLUkaRY&feature=channel_video_title
Not sure, but anything that gets more people to play it is cool with me. I'm garbs at it but I still enjoy playing it. I guess maybe because people don't have to worry about PC issues related to GGPO?

I'll only play Virtual On if someone actually has the excessively priced Twin sticks.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
^Pretty much. The actual GPPO client is horrible now and it also has been not so great for 3S in the first place. Supercade yeah... but laziness and all.

Anyway, my hype for 3S has already died. I can't lose focus with Fighter x Shooter coming in a week.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
Robs: TLDR verison

I am important. I was cool in high school at swimming. And i was published in A EFFING POETRY MAGAZINE FOR MY SPEED RUNS IN MEGAMAN. A POETRY MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!
All I have to say is, omg rob. I've never been soo impressed. A poetry magazine, and high school swimming. Holy b*tt f*cking, how did you ever develop such an impressive resume'?

You have an unrealistic perception of yourself. Its only proven further by the fact you argue back about said perception intently even though its unimportant to other people.

There is pride, and there is narcissism. You say you've been successful at "everything you do." Well seeing how you apply it, I doubt anyone gives a damn. Your "line of thinking" is that whenever you are threatened by internet tough guys like Bolt and Tyser is to talk about your high school swimming days or megaman accomplishments. Brawl is just the most obvious offender because the fact is, you're not doing **** to earn a title worth respect, you're just applying it to yourself by default and flaunting it. Why should we expect anything more from your other accomplishments with that attitude?

See I used to argue this with Soran, but there is less excuse with you because you're older, you actually consider yourself "trolling," and you have tried hard to toss yourself into the gauntlet of shallow competitive video game pride.

The fact that you try to play off this argument like haters jealous of you just makes you more of a pompous clown. Even if you were to do anything worth anything to us, your attitude is ****ty and I wouldn't pay it any mind whatsoever. The more serious you make un-serious games the more it feels like you're grasping for straws. If you want to make something serious you take pride in it for the sport, not because you think it makes you look good. All you do is tarnish any respect I have for anything you partake in, and clearly you think that's what you're supposed to be getting. You're superficial and big-headed, and its made worst because of the complete and utter trash you pull to dignify it

Your posts and just about the rest of the trivial Nebraska arguments have pretty much been worthless. All you've been is that guy who plays brawl and holds ego contests with people on the boards, and pretending like hes entertaining stuff. If I didn't quit the game you'd be one of the players I'd be most spiteful of. You and most of the new Nebraska folk. I don't really want to get to know about you, or your accomplishments. You and Thugz argue for literally no reason and take the game too seriously for a game you've probably spent little thought on because you've been busier arguing its social merit. A good player could tell me what the grinds and tests of patience are like, the transparent thought process, the meticulous autopilot they've worked out. A player that makes me disrespect the game is one who judges it on how it can add value to them, because its easier and convenient. Thats basically you, adding merit when convenient and blaming "insecurities" when people try to pull you off your inflated high chair.

MLP season 2 is coming on the 17~
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen blank post. You could not be more right blank. He's a total narcissist.

Robs:TLDR version.

Blank, imma stop you real fast, your talk is intelligent, BUT MINE IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT OF ALL TIME.

Oh and bolt is jealous of me.
Right rob, I'm jealous of your high school swimming achievements, and your countless hours you spent perfecting mega man speed runs.

Cause I know if there is one thing I want people to know me for, it's for high school swimming. And being in the top 5 fastest mega man runs. Not even THE fastest time for mega man, just in the top 5.

That's like me going around and saying to everyday people, "Hey, I can beat you in super smash brothers."

I'm gonna be the bigger man and just drop the argument here. Because I know with Rob's fragile ego, he'll argue this forever. I'll just leave it with a short list.

1. High school was like 8 years ago, move on.
2. No one gives a f*ck about swimming, unless you're michael phelps. And even then, meh.
3. Being published in a poetry magazine, really?
4. Blank made you his b*tch.

I will no longer discuss this topic.

Games next wednesday?


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I am important. I was cool in high school at swimming. And i was published in A EFFING POETRY MAGAZINE FOR MY SPEED RUNS IN MEGAMAN. A POETRY MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!

Blank, imma stop you real fast, your talk is intelligent, BUT MINE IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT OF ALL TIME.

Oh and bolt is jealous of me.

I'm gonna be the bigger man and just drop the argument here? (the I'll continue the convo)
w0flcopter, especially the mega man poetry portion, I take it back, you do know me well. And specifically, I am the fastest Mega Man player in the world, but if we are talking the series, top 5 is fine with me.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
My general strategy for dealing with Rob was to not talk to him until necessary.

Uli made me realize I was about to deviate from that so I stopped myself in my tracks.


Aug 15, 2010
"G-Ames?" Iowa

Games next wednesday?
Yeah, you have a set-up at your place or are we going to go to that aparment over yonder?

Personally I'd go for games in one of the dorm lounge areas so we could find new people and have more space. As far as times, I'd say something like 6:30 so I can eat supper but that may change when I get a job. What dorm you in?

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
There are fighting games sunday at Kevin's. I hear Blake might want to creep. So if that happens then yeah. I'll def wanna go.

Greg has been off in Ames like every other day lately. Must be a hot place to be.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
you guys need to take pictures of blank for me at these events.

i'll pay handsomely

kidding i am poor


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa

Yeah, you have a set-up at your place or are we going to go to that aparment over yonder?

Personally I'd go for games in one of the dorm lounge areas so we could find new people and have more space. As far as times, I'd say something like 6:30 so I can eat supper but that may change when I get a job. What dorm you in?
The dorms are a pain for those of us who live off campus. I can't host at my place, I have no room or non HD tvs.

Also, brandon. Hush your mouth.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2009
Des Moines, IA
There are fighting games sunday at Kevin's. I hear Blake might want to creep. So if that happens then yeah. I'll def wanna go.

Greg has been off in Ames like every other day lately. Must be a hot place to be.
I'll probably be back by Sunday so we can creep over to Kevin's. Just been in the Melee mood lately and coming up to Ames to see friends and play Melee with -BC-.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Was really glad someone else pointed out how big of a walking contradiction Bolt is.

My general strategy for dealing with Rob was to not talk to him until necessary.

Uli made me realize I was about to deviate from that so I stopped myself in my tracks.

seriously though, even mentioning that you "were" going to say something to me is stupid since you said something about me.

Also, brandon. Hush your mouth.
Yeah, how dare you speak out against the great Balt, I would never do that.
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