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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
yeah, 15th sounds good.

Could somebody help me find that Excellent adventures of Gootecks & Mike Ross video featuring ngamer for the first match?

I can't seem to find it in the thread / :,


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
wake up DP all day brah xD
from Scarlet Phoenix as Ken. For some reason he landed 90% of those wake up DPs o.o`'

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
wake up DP all day brah xD
from Scarlet Phoenix as Ken. For some reason he landed 90% of those wake up DPs o.o`'

Those pump me up for SSFIV so much. I want to get back into that game.
I'm guessing Blank is Guy? or Makoto?

Who is the chick from Alpha that wears the same shoes as Guy? I want her in SF :X

and lol @exposing tramps xDD I don't remember if it was here but someone said at one of the recent EVOs some chick was blowin' dudes for money lool. I guess tramps are prominent at SF competitions
He said "trap." *facepalm*

O lol you edited your post


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
K so I'm up date with Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt pretty funny anime and I should only be missing a couple of episodes from My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute but wheres a good place to watch it Uli cause I just watch them from random sites and what days does it air.

Also can anyone give me a link to that Iron Man anime I can't find any place that has it to watch T.T


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
/ :<

so I'm guessing hentai around these boards is shameless?

all that stuff is weird to me -.- even the real stuff.

The only time I find that kind of stuff (that kind of stuff- loosely) is if the the art is good.
Sort of like this anime discussion we had on the Brainshock thread.
I'm a HUGE critic for art direction and drawing styles. I see a lot of stuff people lay on their AiBs, using them as defaults or just in their profile. the majority is over-exaggerated features. (this is a variable since there are many things that are over-exaggerated. not just female breasts) If proportions are anatomically correct to a good degree than I'll approve. maybe I'll find some good and bad examples for you guys.
I thought you quit.

you should stick to what you say.



Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Yeah, we watched hana yori dango in japanese class.. I did homework instead.
homework yori hanayoridango.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Bolt: Sup man! :)

In other news. Reading other characters boards makes me realize that there are aspects of this game that I flat out don't have to deal with as Diddy Kong. Some match ups are so bad for people that they have whole threads on how to beat one move that one character has. There is a whole thread on how Olimar can stop IC's Blizzard. Recent news seems that Marth's are complaining that MK's are fighting them like GaW, ala the walk towards them dtilting and abusing invinvibility frames on the shuttle loop.

@Greg: A while ago you asked me "How does a defensive/campy player, beat an aggressive player in teams?" I gave you a quick dirty answer. "Run away and back up your team mate. Allow your team mate to fight the 2 on 1 and back him up appropriately." Let me be a little more specific with respect to playing on my team and in general. The name of the game for a campy player is zoning and punishing. Campy players punish, and agro players rush down. Naturally, campy players have the advantage, in 1 on 1, but in teams that isn’t the case. Teams makes that HELLA hard for a campy player because while they are used to just 1 on 1 and the WHOLE map to work with, in teams there is another 2 individuals taking up map space and throwing out moves. To adequately adjust to teams, it requires you to first master zoning and second master punishing. You have to master the proper zone to be in for all situations, you can never be too far away or too close…why?...because while you are playing campy and running your partner is naturally fighting a 2 on 1. If you are too far away, you get to watch your partner get double penetrated and if you are too close you either get hit by your partner or get in your partner's way. The campy player is kinda like the coach. Since he isn’t actively in the game all the time, he gets to view the whole battlefield and do small things that shift the positions of everyone into something most favorable to his team. That is the campy players job first and foremost to be smart and macro-manage the battlefield. You do this by faking attacks, feigning approaches, pretending to retreat, actually retreating, and sometimes by actively going on the offense. It is like being in the battle without being in the battle. Second, once he creates these situations he needs to punish the other team for being in them. This is how campy players punish in teams! Just like when an agro player misses a move and is now in a bad position, the whole other team is in a bad position and it is the campy person’s job to punish them. This is where all that creativity and “making something up partner” comes into play. All in all, think about it like chess, where I'm the queen (both giving out and soaking up damage) and you are the king. You effectively become the most important piece of the team. Some good examples are my little brother, mjg, and Ngamer. My lil brother mastered the zoning aspect. He is almost always at the right place at the right time. Mjg’s tink is great of running away and disrupting the flow of the match with projectiles. Ngamer’s Yoshi fits in here because he has mastered the staying alive aspect. He does a really good job of staying out of danger, and stock tanking. Hope this mini-guide helps.

@BPx: Your guide is next :-P


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
RMA'ed the memory because everything hates me. I only visit my house like once a week.
Also you somehow managed to get my AIM to autoblock you. So my phone was vibrating for like two hours without it telling me anything, super awesome.

On topic I'm not sure if I'll be able to come to this anymore, I have a project due next week for finals that I was supposed to start at the beginning of the semester I...haven't started on.:ohwell:
I'll see I guess.
lol he has a project now, ok mang since this is the only place I can get a hold of you since you seem to be avoiding me. What's the status on the computer? How much of it is done? Have you bought Windows7 for it? I hate to be a **** about it but I need that computer ASAP specially when everyone tells me that computer should have been done 2 weeks or so after I gave you the money. Also I'm going to figure out a date and I'm going to pick up whatever you have done cause last time you told me you had everything done except for Windows7.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Please set it straight now. Who's all going to NE FOR SURE? Sorry, don't mean to sound like a dick.

Edit: Plans have change for car ride. Me and Christian will be going with Brandon now.

Edit 2:
so any approximate date on this?
Its probably gonna be on January 15th would be our next tournament.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
way to go bein a **** greg.

ok so the ride situation is what now? brandon is going up to des moines, and then off to NE? well i def want to come. i think blank backed out.

so brandon, u wanna swing by my place on ur way up to jokers?? eh? eh??


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
@Joker: Doesn't this constitute a double post??? You have been warned.
Se'kou, I have not seen you for far too long. Are you still around in Ames? Crouse said you might have moved south for the winter. If you are, I'm done with finals next Tuesday. We should play games.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Debo: Let's make a deal. You study and knock out your finals Tuesday morning, practice a little Brawl on your own Tuesday night. I'll knock out my final on Wednesday and I meet you at about 1 and we both drive down Joker's spot. I'll play till about 7:30 then I have to start my trip down to Florida. Brandon will probably show up too. We got a deal?
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